Carnival Is on Ellis (2024)

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VOL. VII., NO. 416. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1910. TWENTY PAGES. Class Matter, Under Ac of Congreu of March 8, 187. Entered Jan. 19, 1903, at Honolulu, Hawaii, ai 8eon4


Alleged Swindler Is Arrested in Hongkong, Charged With ISLAND Crime There.

Join in Festivities for Christmas Trees for Over Two Thousands MAXl LA, November 30. The Hong- the Opening of the Christ- kong Telegraph, dated November 25, Thousand Five Hundred has the following article therein, eon-ernin- g mas Holidays. the much discussed Alford Fin-la- y Children. Thayer, who left here some time ago for the China coast, leaving his HONOLULU IS JOYOUS SIGHT financial affairs in this city in a rather PARENTS ARE IN HOSPITAL chaotic Condition: "Alford Finlay Thayer, an American, was arrested at noon today on his ar Confetti and Ribbons Utilized rival lrom Manila. He appeared before Immigrants Are Afflicted With J. K. Wood, second police magistrate, by the Mingled Nations this afternoon, charged by A. Davies, Contagious Disease, but manager of the Hongkong Hotel, with for Funmaking. issuing cheques to the total amount of " Kids " Happy. $470.82, on the 23.1 of September last by falsely pretending that he had an ' account with the Hongkong and Shang- - XEW YORK,. December 25. Carnival night in Honolulu! i hai Bank in Manila, where, in fact, he The Surely nowhere else in all the wide has no such account. greatest single Christmas party, prob- of world was there such a cosmopolitan "Inspector llanso was in charge ably ever held, took place last evening the case and the defendant was unrep- outpouring of exuberant joy within the on Ellis Island. So many were the resented. V same area. The spirit of Christinas "The case was remanded till tomor- children, over 2300 of them, that it took Eve, with all its good will, was in evi- row at twelve o'clock so as to enable a score of Christmas trees to go round. ; 3 find the dence, and the throngs which filled the the defendant to bail. In As far as possible there was a ordered defend- tree for meanwhile, his worship each streets, from King to P.eretania and ant to be detained in police custody." nationality. from Alaken to Nuuanu. "particularly, These immigrant children in. i 1 arrived volleyed and thundered with confetti SINGS IN STREET. the harbor from a number of foreign, to hearts' content, each ports and horns their SAN FRANCISCO, December 23. during the past week, those from individual a unit of good humor and Italy being in the lead. Madame Tetrazzini, of the Metropolitan It was discov- 1 fun. ered when the steamers M Opera house singers, who is touring the arrived that a the time being Santa Claus took For to reopening of contagious disease was prevalent among -- H WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS. West preparatory the & back seat. the New York season, sang last night the parents of these little ones, or they s Early in the evening the preparations at the Lotta Fountain, at the junction had been in contact with those who took shape. Hardly had the semitropic of Kearny, Geary and Market streets. were affected. sua dipped below its horizon of blue Twenty thousand persons thronged the ARMED E ONE IN streets and buildings, listening to the Grappling with the danger, the im- sea a blare of trumpets was heard. than famous singer. migration authorities separated the This was a signal that the festivities 1 ! il parents fr,t he children who were ':i: were in order. TOPS 1 TUMID WHITEHOUSE CHRISTMAS. N STYLE j found free of disease and segregated From All Directions. E CHRISTMAS 1 r WATIiXGTOX. December 25 Pres- - i them iu the quarantine hospital on AYaikiki and Moana. from Ka- - From I ident Taft and his family, following Hoggman Island. lihi and Xuuanu, came the roisterers. (Faith Still Remains That Good i the custom now long established by the Hut the hearts of the lonely children Many came on the cars, for the com-- ; i ,1.,i''t' Executives of the United States, Filipinos in Maui Smallpox Camp ; Late Shoppers CrOWded StOreS, were gladdened in pany provided a special service, lasting; Weather will Prevail for the speim v in lamias j;tv quieuy at an unusual manner, While Early the White House. No visitors outside last night, by the visit of Santa Claua an hour later than usual; some came iu and Well Protected From Morning. Ones Began Finale Monday of the intimate friends and relatives and all his brothers, and it will automobiles; from nearer points came of the in be a All Outsiders. Over Again. first family the land will be day to be 5 thousands on foot. All Honolulu, with received. j remembered, not only by the , her titty thousand inhabitant-'- joined j little boys and girls from foreign lands, Hit in the whirlpool of joyousness. The Malihini Christmas Tree was STEAMERS SINK. but by the immigration officials and Along Fort street, between King and (Special to The Advertiser). prepared this year on faith and thee "Hytw" are you, old aiau M. was seemed charitable visitors who took part. Hotel strtets, the xorte. It remains qui'te a store of the same ar- Christmas! Out having something for VALENCIA, Spain, December 24. 'lit at times as though everybody insisted WA1LUKC, December 23. Clifford ticle to keep the weather propitious - upon trying that new bitulithie pave- Charlock, agent of the board of health, the kids? So am I, and off thev go to- Spanish steamer Industria and the tnin'orrow morning until after the last get. her. steamer ment, which, within a marvelously short thinks the diphtheria epidemic is un- French Conseil were both sunk THFSEE MILLIONS time, was spread with a gaudy covering child has filed past Santa Claus and Honolulu was buying mad vesterdav. iu a collision on the Mediterranean Sea der control, as no new eases have de- of confetti and paper ribbons. the last table is stripped of its gifts. There is an old story told of the back uot far from here. Many lives were was a promenade of veloped outside of thuse under espion- bW.ks of Australia, where men usually lost. is supposed that the collision Altogether, it Everything is ready now except for It ARE the Nations. First came the Hawaii-aus- , age of health officers. Hamakuapoko, CO out prospecting in pairs, that if a was caused by a mistake in signals. SUFFERING hoisting the tree in place and the few --nan was seen bv himself he no like a great famiiv of children all nr.ner "fn Ten urn n in.T TCnl-- nro free nf' was i good or of whom seemed to know every other . last things that can not be done until that he had killed his mate. STRIKE AVERTED. one; liai.i.v as larks, the prettv girls -" "'" tomorrow. It was something the same in town yes- THROUGH FAMIN a.s as centers of contagion a powdered with confetti and garlanded j clean iar It has been decided to start things terday, if man walked along the CHICAGO, December 24. The threat- ! many-colore- street without half a dozen parcels with ieis and ribbons. are concerned One new case, that of than ened strike of the locomotive engineers t earlier at first planned, because out Mulihinis from all quarters ot he Kaupa-kalu- a sticking from under his arms and Manuel Perreira, developed at has grown so on lines throughout the country was a j the affair much bigger a green and red painted express wagon NEW YORK, December globe took part in mild way. dignity this week. aeneu louav. wnen a settlement was 23. Advices j the bciieved possible, vanishing as they collected the paper than committee trailing along behind him, then he had provi'lintr for an increase in from China, received here yesterday, t'o o'clock mean 0eted into Armed Guards. that start at ten would something wrong with him. The stores one-thir- d powder. The kamaamas entered wages of ten and per cent. teli a terrible story of famine in Anhui the spirit of the carnival with all the Monday night last five sick Filipinos, a great manv spoiled noon dinners. The were beehives of activity and despite . band will be on hand at nine o'clock, the rain and the slush in the streets. Province. Heavy rains and consequent oldtime energy of experience. in what is designated as the Spanish and a soon thereafter as possible the white was the order of the day among INTERMARRIAGE. floods have ruined the crops, the coun- Oriental Touches. cami) located about one thousand vards thing will uegm. the women fol'r was evidently this try people coloring to leeward of Sugar, It EEXO, December 24. Tokawa, are flocking to the cities and But there was an oriental the the Those w io are starting children off which caused an Knglish malihini to a the were to be small- the streets are lined with the dead. injected into the. occasion Mill, declared cases of to the tree please remember then, that observe, "By jove. old chappie, all Japanese, today married Miss Fred- . Scores varioloid type. The planta- I is stated in messages tnrong of Japanese and Chinesi pox of the the distribution will start shortly after those splashes of white remind one of erick, a white girl. The marriage has the received in national people board of health ncr. of Japanese women, their tion and the nine o'clock. the snow. What excited a great deal of interest." that about 3,000,000 persons are suffer- up t lie in-o- f A costume, were present every wnere, auuiumcer promptly rommed detachment f Kamehameba ing from famine, while ; - Talking of women folk naturally pestilence were as lolly as the lolliest ot an. : mates the camp consisting of sev- cadets, under command of Captain is one CHINESE DEMAND ct:t lik-pinos- , , leads to hobble skirts, and there threatens to still further e re-- devastate the j entv-tiv- Kamaiopili, who a Then there were the Portuguese, lilipinos and iiad tliem helped as volunteer lady in town who hasn't got a great many oth- a more camp located last year, will be on hand to the province. liussians, Hindus and moved to isolated assist them since yesterday. The hob- RECALL OF CONSUL Kula known as camp poli'-- in keeping the crowd back, idea of The government is doing all ers, all in the procession. near the road to ble was very pronounced and so were that it in all direc- 12. guards were fudge Dole will start proceedings by can to And threading their way Armed statiouedj the number of parcels she had with her. The final tug has now occurred be- relieve the distress, but facilities throngs were soldiers mound the place to maintaiu a strict making an ail dress to the children. are inadequate and the ter- tions through the Just across the road a big red automo- tween the Chinese Consul and citi- suffering is i the 'ti from Fort Shatter, Fort linger. Camp ,,Uaran t ne and every known precaution History of the Tree. panting and between it and rible. In the outlying districts, where . con- - bile stood zens of that country who wish to get Leilehua and the Marine jiarracK-- h'Iiikcii t reveiit the spread of the The "Malihini Christmas Tree" was or King relief measures are crude, there is fear- v l rid of him. On boys in kaki were as lfveiy as cncKCts tagion. Manager r . .am win .rdered! on,,1IKlted in !0S bv tourists who ' ,,.,.; Friday night a meet- ful distress and the mortality is great, l,n-.v,- , ,.. ctnr nlii receiving. .! .. - f.MHV- ......!. ing of the United Society was held at although figures and twice as well behaved, 11 " f,,t iouua uiemseiN es, possioiy ior me ur,. parcels..uthe hobble skirt never the will probably never more, than stringed along ,t jur their rooms, and a motion carried iu be fully known. ome might have thought, with barbed wire tti.. tim,N far away 0WI1 homes,' MH.mi t her mind. Altogether gener- work was entPr favor of sending a cable to their min- The National Ped Cross of attention so top around tile camp and the j whb ,m out0llk for a dismal day. A par- - Association. their share the m.t have had cip;bt or nine ister at Washington., asking him to use with a us K headquarters in Washington, ously distributed. nurne.i io hiiimi linstmas tree lor ttie poor was tue ' has eels, one of them being the inevitabl his influence to have the Consul re- l....l.lir 4.1 J .11 i - Naturally no carnival could be a suc- workmen could put up tue letiee. Ji suit of much thinking on their part. express Taking all this into iiiuusauu uonars to i i wanon. called. A cable to ac- vocal were siin-ei- - this effect was Peking for the relief of the sufferers, cess witie .at its quota of iioie, ms the win. S( it W;(S tbut Mr. and Mrs. Jack- consideration she shouldn't be laughed cordingly despatched 1 yesterday after- and it is proposed a otherwise, mostly otherwise U here ith smallpox were rum a oairii oil ()n ,jr and Mrs. J. J. J'.ryan, Miss that fund of $1,. and at. but still-- She noon, and the society is now awaiting ooii.ooi) be raised here by special sub- so suddenly is arrival from Manila and hadi,. , Mr. Cassidv, as un- all the horns cniiv from recent lirvan and negotiated the crossing safely a reply before going any further in the scription to were there l..... nml I'lVP'.l lulls Ot Hcl- - help in the cause of human- a mvsterv. but that they sisted by the Misses Murphy of til she reached the automobile and then matter. ity. (inai-aiitin- Manila i can u ,t be denied. USO ine.e lo.ahh bv officers at ena. Montana, and IJaroness Molcarch, or i he-:e- an prole tooK lima uei. 4 u ; vert I unwonted some ot m. Hongkong and Hon dulu. but on Day...... 1 .... 1 1. CO.1111' othr t'miLfs. nameless, im were hosts Christinas She glance.l arouim aim ,u mu can.v cow bell? l,. COlltaLTioll safelv pa the j in but ai! iie,-- e producers; while tile Mr. Jackson, the moving spirit Assayed to step into the machine.! and are here to spoil boys, tune MITES ORPHAN CHILDREN were favorites. health restrictions the celebration, looked after the holible sK;lt inougni u nuuiu season for us. on the the Popular Shakes. our Christmas gave them horns, patted them teach her a lesson, however, and the Eight on Hand. head, blew horns himself and created - Officials a heavy E. O. Son. early in the even- fall which followed pride was Hail of enthusiasm all along the line, for soon muddy ing, hung out two ropes on which were Doctor Shepherd of the board .... lncdently it was also a TO SEE FLIGHTS AT e the. noise of tTnumber bells. Doctor Sawyer and cl*tTord the park was filled with ...... 'Pi,,, "slmver" in his nice, clean strung of Chinese health the horns and shouts. Mrs. Jackson who came along was supposed Charlock have been superintending the ,...twl....1 shoes hail to step out into the . ... l ,i t ii i ,i r the and Mrs. Bryan looked after the little so Keep i chase that express to give teem a shake and uie work ot isolating aim doll. horrid mud and ,1 girls and to each child gave a i r..r - hut ttie victims, and contacts, ami u the street, and as lie was All jangle : vervl smallpox dolls, horns wagon down the kids will have their merry fly way up to the sky it would not only r,r did Shep- And so laden with candy, t.aTVm.' him. Chilton j jangle out because' the ropes is well for Maui that both Doctor it along behind cheer from the Malihini afford them pleasure, but open ter- - masks, toys, the lower end of the park v i n g a Christmas Tree up a not la However, it was fine fun for Clifford Charlock of the nearly arrested him for not h a new herd and gradually filled. Even after the line tomorrow, and then The Pacific Com- train of thought and set them a time of health were nere ueu on it. ritoria board .. . I. number wondering; that the sight would n- - of children who had received tickets whet Over ea il idewabv flowed two rivers oi.'il no v ca re liiscoverci. o( Things. mercial Advertiser has a treat in store tluI . . , , 1 , Wonderful their imaginations directions, ma... passed by there were many boys and and enhance the Of hnmanirv in opposite board ot heaitu large-size- the little orphans. something confetti, erwist the girls outside who looked with tearful s,.,ii T,;,T,:e. with eyes " It's pleasure of meditation. pelting i .o il other with the acted iffereut V. . tue pieseui ii t! These, for New Year's Day, and so good The Salvation Army t scene. were rmite a of lav. it's takes care of a Around a id around they went, from leven cases in the p'-s- eyes upon the feature ing tnere are e a lollie The keep Ad number of these parentless young Tr ! "a noticed their grief and irrieil in One liailll Advertiser can not it. rung To vtrect. to llettioi sireei. lossiblv a few more may ae t'niist iiort house and Mr. said: you with the other gleetiuly folks. There are some at the Kalihi down King a up Fort again, never contacts. going to Jackson "If stiek and mission free to Moanalua field to see velop among the mind, like to buy a hun all the shop windows they could Settlement, the Susannah Wesley Home ending Meetings. wouldn't I'd smearrd the daring bird men lly. What do the Church Jar-k- pug-nose- s were flattened for Japanese and Korean women and i ' ' ' ' J and Mr. And HI - V I'l l "1 I miitni:!I " .ti dred tickets " but find Flat little then, ' - little ones think of that tor a happy mm-o- n i 1... - rncl es f the .Maui glass behind children, and the Palama soft i: wuu i"-- son answered quickly, Don't think more than ever against the Settlement. I!:uv..'i:i rain, snot esieioa - - it i Wai- i, sights prO- t met in tu wt wonderfulv New Year? The heads of these organizations, and beams, f. q, oil imror! iallv. but i l,a o,be r of Commeivt inbout it. send the kids in." and in 'in II lie " ' adopt... 1 a esol u - . i in,l somo- - little all arranged. Ad any others that harbor orphans, re- Cid little t interrupt the festivities. T,,wn Hall and ir.m.ui.l o'leh received themselves. Other poor It has been The are - morn- - meeting-- . and i candy gave out t, nt and wit- vertiser will secure the and quested to let The Advertiser know as And SO. U!:t 1 an .;irlv hour tin- til)n ,,,rainst luoiie thin.'. The bans of tton.t the doors tickets : i . iff.l ones who iu charge soon as possible how many ng, the f,;j wa'? frM. and furious, aim lihii,. a rings nave v and buckets were brought forward and fully watched the more fortunate those are of the various children - rilv close ! the there are so there will be the Chris. , F'im Carnival ot liono- n the chniciies win von inta the hats of the bovs filled. Th ere taking a wav their presents and institutions in which the bereaved that time to the pro- - so in prep- youngsters make all the arrangements. ?ulu for TO will go upon the record rht r doors as a precaution for was something for evorvone. psuedo Santa Clauses doing are cared for are requested pic-- ; The as one o" t most"succesful and ion of the health ot the tea "Now, Captain Herger. play us aration for this morning. to compile a list of all the little boys three aviators, Capt. Thomas j T 1,1177 every other size girls they look and Baldwin. C. Mars and Tod Sehriver tnresque experienced. "Would Quarantine Wailuku. something lively play the Scout's ttte carts and and that after turn J. . , . way of Ad- will here day j t t Slot Patrol my favorite.'' said Mr. Jack of small machine honked their it in to the aviator editor The be after tomorrow with Round About Chinatown. ot i.ana.D.t - Some of tile restellt son, his he "Call this Christ- vertiser. As soon as the number of their flying machines on the steamer s ,r,iet-erow- and swinging hat, started through the crowd Around f i.'n iro-.v- tiiins-- wen ...1 ,,ver the reports of the undulv ... . off on v selec-shoute- a disgusted hackman. those who arc big enough to trudge Wilhelmina and the exhibition flights r than um,-.- all the i i lards'the band another hve remarked hist r.iiht. iTMnlTnov cases and an be the will in the afternoon of the fol- j uon an i mo oovs aim seen the time when there along can determined tickets start 59 being ,!t! about. King ""'1 Fort on the road at the foot f the' gins 'whv I've i. laced with him. co,t' l.e- m Christmas in this town. will be secured by The Advertiser and lowing Saturday. The flights will be Street corn,;-- . Outside their doors the. to turn back any one going - mountain P.. and tell me over to the heads of the insti- continued three days, taking in Sunday Chinese evident- j Then Judge Sanford Dole and Look there at Fort street turned s'r, t with stolid faces i Maui. Doctor to I,ahain iron) centra Mrs. Dole Whv. gratis. and Monday. lr thinki i. g what fools cot came into the park and von call this Christmas. tutions themselves Shepherd and Clifford Charlock no nor which one of these Occasionally , in-an- greeted the malihinis ami expressed when the whole of that The children who have papa, It doesn't matter these white were. made the wires hot with seen the time h s busy and to them for providing such a with hack', and mamas to tote them around to all the days the children go. This will be left stray b..y a would find j thanks street would be lined with horn board of health orders - dis- - stractions to voung in town seldom get a chance to to suit their convenience. Only The a,v down atid wake them up with matter, so novel treat the folks. Judge now. look at it. nothin Put aiuomo- shows Ixihaina about the uai I to eordard noise, but otherwise, everything J to Dole mounted a table and spoke to the; biles puffin' smells over everybody." see anything out of the ordinary. The Advertiser wants them all take in w Lahainaites changed their minds quiet, ami peaceful. j th j crowd, referring to the generosity of And it was true. During the whole Advertiser conceived the idea that if the show and every care should be tak- (Continued on Pag? Five.) (Continued on Page Five.) (Continued oa Page Five.) (Continued on Page Seven.) the youngsters could watch the aviators en that none of them happen to miss it. r 2 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910.

' I? I . --t y After Christmas B g Chances

Silks and Woolen Goods Tuesday Morning Specials Ready-to-We- ar Garments Stylish NEW SILK MULL, ALL COLORS, AND PRETTY DESIGNS, HEMMED BATH TOWELS 18x40 Woolen Suits in Greys, Brown, and Black. Ladies' and Misses' 50c A YARD. $2.25 per dozen. Cravenette Coats, well tailored and close-fiittin- g, LADIES' WHITE COAT SWEATERS, Woolen Dress Goods, a very nice assortment of plain $9.50 up. colors and novelties. $3.50 each. White Serge Walking Skirts, Handsome Voile Skirts si LADIES' HEMSTITCHED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS $ H Foulards in Dress Patterns, plain and figured; only in Black, Grey, and White, with drop-ski- rt . 95c and one of each. $1.20 per dozen. BOYS' HEMSTITCHED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Get the January Delineator $1.00 and $1.25 a dozen. Butterick Fashion Sheets. Free. See Curtains and Curtain Material MEN'S HEMSTITCHED our special ad. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in the January number. $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per dozen. White Dotted Swiss 6 yards for $1.00 FRINGED WHITE BEDSPREADS Wash Dress Goods Stencilled Scrim in pretty designs, plain center, with Double. bed size and extra weight Printed Sherettes in Xew Spring Patterns stencilled border, etc 25c a yard Regular Price $3.00. Special $1.90 Each. 20c a yard Marquisettes in white and colors Ecru, Cream and White Curtain Scrim, 40 inches wide, 20c 3 yard 25c, 30c, and 35c a yard Scotch Madras, double width, in stripes and figures; suitable for Men's Shirts 25c 3 yard Nottingham Weave Lace Curtains in White and Arabian, Flannelettes in plain colors and stripes...... I2V2C yard up to 3 $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $10.00 per pair Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd. 10c NEW GINGHAMS 10c CORNER FORT AND BERETANIA STREETS.


Rising Sun Oil Company, the cost of W petroleum has been decreased, but it BUDGET is now reported that the Standard de- cided on Saturday to raise the price of its oils. The Tiger brand is increased EAST by twenty-si- x sen; the Chester brand FROMJAR by ten sen; the Victory brand by twelve sen; and the Bat brand (Japa- nese oil) by seventeen sen. The Rising Sun Company, it is expected, will not Portuguese Republic Assumes be able to maintain its present low prices, so that the oil war will be set- All Obligations- - Haircut-- . tled within the year. Exhibition at Tckio. ting in China. Industrial A competitive industrial exhibition! will be held in Tokio next spring at the joint instance of the Tokio Cham-- ' The following budget of news of ber of Commerce, the Tokio Business- men's Guild and other business bodies, Japan and China is culled from the j Mr. Nakano, president of the chamber; Japan Times of January 3, received by of commerce; Mr. Hoshino, president the S. &'. Mongolia: of the Tokio Businessmen's Guild, Mr., The Portuguese Republic, Sugiwara. president of the Tokio Fu We are authorized to announce that Assembly; Mr. S. Hirayaina and others the government of the Portuguese lie- - met at the chamber of commerce on public will maintain all its legal obliga- - Thursday morning and passed a Wiin j exhibition in April next; tions and engagements entered upon by j to hold the the former regime. This resolution at Uyeno Park. The total expenditure: which highly honors the government of is estimated, at 50,000 yen. The Tokio the new republic has been published j prefecture will contribute a subsidy of: the1 by almost all the European newspapers, j 10,000 yen towards the funds for Formosan Aborigines Surrender. enterprise. China. According to an official report from j . Haircutcing in Formosa, 791 guns, and thirty rounds) Some time ago, when II. I, II. Prince of ammunition have been given up to j Tsai Tuo. the head of the Chinese mili- the expedition, by the aborigines of the , tary commission, had returned home Gaogan, Marikowan, Keito and another j from Germany on the close of his in- - tribe. All the aborigines of the Gaogan sjvection tour" the intelligent and en- - tribe surrendered and a provisional lightened prince eagerly advocated the capitulation ceremony was held on Mt. j doing away with the old rational cus- Baron a week ago. Preparations are j tom of wearing the hair in pigtail style, now going on to give up the war mate- - ; which was a way unbecoming io a civ- rial possessed by the aborigines of the i ilized nation, and the cutting of the Amise tribe. j hair after the western custom. The ad- a Yakegatake Volcano Active. J vice of his imperial highness found warm supporter in a person no less ' volcano Yakegatake in Shinano , t The powerful than II. II. the prince regent, - f t was active on "Wednesday morning. The , neigh- who, being of the same opinion with people in Matsumotodaira and to the The the youthful prince, submitted borhood are struck with terror. consideration of the ministers of state volcano is still aetive, and a new crater gov- side. and other mandarins of the Peking has appeared on its southeastern ernment a plan for putting into force Ashes accumulated to the depth of over ordering public to hot the regulations the five inches on the ground of the dispense with the old custom of having springs at the foot of the volcano. queues on their heads, and instead to There is a smell of sulphur in Adznsa follow the more enlightened way yi cut- village, Minami Adzu district. The ting their hair. The proposed innova- River Adznsa grew muddy. tion, however, provoked a strong op- Warships Search for Vessel. position from several elder statesmen It has already been reported that the and ministers of state, says a report. Sambo Maru. which had the graduates An especially strong opposition was of the Awashima Navigation School in raised by II. E. Shih Su, who said that Kagawa prefecture on board was miss- the custom of dressing hair in the pig- ing during the recent violent storm. tail fashion was representative of the Th? naval department has ordered the! national characteristics of China and Suwo. the Mishima and the Mikasa to that the cutting of the queue would be missing steamer in the tantamount to destrtoving the great old search for the , Japan sea. The search so far, however, empire iself. The objection was second-- has been in vain. Supposing that the ed by Mr. Su Tung, who stated thar steamer foundered it is strange that no though the abolition of the old custom dead bodies have as yet been discovered of queue wearing would not necessarily although twenty days have elapsed lead to the decline of the state, yet it the vessel was missing. could by no means contribute to the Tjswi "A since growth of national prosperity. The jdan Raise Petroleum Price. had to be a'bandoneu therefore. Owing to the competition between! Opium Smoking. the Standard Oil Company and the .fo A Peking dispatch dated November 20 says that the National Association fur the Prohibition of Opium Smoking, which has been engaged in an active movement since its inauguration, has recently introduced a proposal, to the New Tzuchengyuan for the prohibition of opium smoking. , As the question has, however, bearings on diplomatic ques-tion- s PUMPS the association has decided to open a movement in diplomatic cireles. Hawaiian SHOUT-VAMP- , Snow Scenes ROUND-TO- E on that ' On Maunakea. A general meeting of the members was LAST. expected to' be held on Sunday when conferences were to take place over the Waiwupu proposals to memorialize the 1 wenty-eigh- t number iwi'f to Itie sons ot uf people in manv boats .with- to make authorities open negotia- bt-u- DID SUICIDE? the JAPANESE START amato ou the daring enterpiise. ered around the ship voy- JONES J tions with the British minister for the to wish bon The steamer Kainan .Main. ,m w i; i age to the explorers. The ship weigh- wrnrld are look-it:- g cancellation of the British-Chines- skipp rs a;) over the ed anchor amid an i'c send-oti- . decision opium treaty and to dispatch a telegram enthusiast with !.(- -; f.r the final FOR QdllTH Pdl T "f ' is "vhicli had inilrrgone and a boat with some Winuifred directly to the British government re- ''"' enthusiastic of the case brought by Mrs. IUII I ULL; impairs i i the lshikawajima shipyard. people on board county cancellation of said UUUlll acco,pa ied the ship .b.ii.-- before the Liverpool questing the the was I vin; in Shinsigawa 11. iv witn tiie as tar as Yokohama. involves treaty. The members have further de- c.uirt. sr.- - an It flag of tlie expedition on the foretop After leaving Shinagawa Hav at ,. a who op-- P-':- the q:.sfi..n whether captain cided to branches in various prov- o" .. siIiH.inutH.g a i ; i the cni'ly in. on the nit., VOKi Hi MA. :l- n waving J!th the Kainan - drown, d he refuses to leave inces. As the association comprises I. .- Mm NoM-mbi- half-pas- becaue liict'.e nt tiii- day. At t Maru arrived ;,t - Yokohama at :4o in -- tie- result many council it day- - his sinking hip does so as members of the state day. being the atiiminted for tin two in the a t'tcriionii Lieutenant tne afternoon, and at a j Tatevama. Awa. i lent' result of thought that- the propositi will give 1 of an no or as the t - :lt V- - m- - departure nf the Ja jiancse Antan-- ex- S!siias. iiiel iiis men went on lnard and lo'r wav to t h owners Ui a in Tatevama vohmtaiv ;, r. tor which rise hot discussion the she was M.t hus-ham- L:( . tne Kaitian Ma; it a ueii.T at ,y t1(. 're-,- ' l The question has aroused edifiou u:;der iitenaul hra-i- elisor Tsugaru are l.ot . oi - 1... Mrs.' '. a:, an-- oravolv out ot ot. Yokohama and was - whose satlcl heartilv 'ma-:e- r the Liverpool keen attention among the British pub- departure was greatly ilelayi'd 1 by' was of nagawa Hay wit h twenty-eigh- t heiv-i- tiie crew of cruiser' - the hv si . . last year i steamer wi.i.di sank owing to a -- I . f. the triticiiity of dt in iig a Hi;- oil boar. her. I'oant ( !utm;i nai-- to wincn Lonttenant 5 it Shrase re- otl orw i ;mi !s except tne cay "i'1!1 't" Lieutenant Shirase and a number of pressmen and friends plied. At Tatevama. those ac- ie. who tain wcr t;.. refii-e- .i fo leave These opened - ' companied have just been dlies, shepherd .r sheep dogs here- and Ins was to accompany the party on board the party left the wi-- h Mrs. ,..!; proceeded to Nijubashi Kainan iii - -- i.ii, :t .j.,wn h"r. afte r entering the T'nited or Ter- - of il.eir ves-e- l as far as Misaki to sec Maru and took their leave of M,;,, " up, and are good fitting and of States early in the morning to take their fare- the ' ' .loiie- - cj ' i,: ,.(nnj.eiisntion i t o !!' incog- which proceeded fr r ies thereof from any foreign them on their way to terra southward.. l. Th owners stylish appearance. well am! ;(, pay ts to the io i.;:s:,n,, try will be subject to quarantine for a i th''r last nita. We wish the party every success. nw t. n:i vlili'ilt hi 'eri od not to exceed two weeks, or until the imperial pia i tors. At noon a tare-wel- l PNEUMONIA PREVENTED. on Its Voyage. g M i ; .!;,,. (e:: t' w9 in be determined whether such dog1; meeting was held on the Starts To laemisos The , act. greatest danger from Hot an a : are infect,., with tapeworm. It i so1 of tiit' reclaimed irround at siiibaiirn The Kainan Maru. manned b the influenza is Mm SiifIP OT'b' red by the department of agricul- - i Count Ohuina. who nas great svmpa-h- y member ..f the Antarctic expedition, be obViaied l,v 7,.".vr Hotel at mum T . . w '.brrhiasbnd w s The IllUIIUiUUlUIUlU This precaution wa found nece- - itli la e e ntei prise i.f the party, which wa hav, ed on Moudav ' Ulll ough Remedy, as it not in- La (Jermany. ws sa ry since ii had been determined by was present and delivered a soeec ii bv afternoon, but could not get out of onlv cures Limited fluenza, but counteracts anv tendency v..;p.,r. enipioved in the the lerartmcnt that such dogs are sub-- i way i.f iiistructioii to the party. A Shinagawa Bay owing to the low tide, burn. d. ot the disease a five other je,-- towards Ves-an-- ,. ..;,!.; while 1051 Fort St. to tapeworm, causing staggers in targe number on 1 12:20 C! For Be-- ol citizens and students event uailv set sail uesdav at Sale .r- all Tl ... , emploves. were J iJ;naon. smith & person-- and were present to Did Iareweil and bon p. i Betore the departure. a great Co., agents for Hawaii. rio THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER. DECEMBER 25. 1911. 3

H?'ii. from So. Amer. ports, Oct. 30. HOXolPU, Am. schr., ar. liana from S. V., Aug. 26. NEXT MAILS. iUONOLULAN. Am. S. S., from Balti- - f Coast, Orient and Colonial. N niiiiv for S. F.. Nov. 2. UlVADKS. Am. N. S., from S. F. WATERFRONX ' for Seattle. Dec. 17. J IKMGAKn. Am. bkt., from Mahukona Mails are due from the following points as for S. F., Dec. S follows: :J. m. u hAiiiEKU'AX, Am. schr., from Sau Francisco--Pe- r Chiyo Maru, Dec. tor Won., kept. 29. G. - ' 1. - - T , AT T 1 i J KAN BAPT1STE, Fr. bk. ar. S. x. 1 (ovoiiiijna i it ifuuj .Maru, i'ee. oi. from Hon.. Sept. 28. Australia Per Makura. Jan. 3. ' JOHN EN A, Am. sp., ar. Del. Break- Victoria Per Moana, Jan. 7. writer, .1 ul v 21. "Mails will depart for the following KATHARINE PARK, Br. S. S., from points as follows: i Hon. for Newcastle. Oct. 6. S:m ramctsoo i'er Touyo Maru, Dec. KJLt IIATTAN, Br. S. S., ar. Newcastle. 31. rr($ from Hon., Nov. 4. lokouania l er (.hiyo Maru, Dec. 26. KIYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon. Vancouver Per Makura, Jan. 3. for So. Am. ports, Sept. 23. Sydney Per Moana, Jan. 7. KOREA. Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama from iiX Hon., Nov. 25. PORT OF HONOLULU, KONA, Am. schr., from S. T. for Hon., .Tnn 7. , KVLEMIIOR, S. S., from Newcastle for ARRIVED. Hon., Dec. 15. Saturday, December 24. LADY ELIZABETH, Nor. bk., from Str. Helene, from Hawaii ports, Bremerhaven for Hon., March 6. a. m. L'AVENIR, Belg. Bp., ar. S. F. from Str. Wailele, from Hawaii ports, 5 Hon., Aug. 12. a. m. ' LUDLOW, Am. schr., ar. Grays Harbor Str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, 7 a. in. 1 . from Hon., Nov. 18. Lighthouse tender Kukui, from " - - - LC R LINE. Am. S. S., from Hon. for cruise, S a. m. S. F., Dec. 20. Schr. Benicia, from Grays Harbor, three days ago the officer was stricken Inter-Islan- d Steamers. ALTCE COOKE, Am. schr., ar. Port M. TURNER, Am. schr.. ar. Aberdeen noon. ' down. Townsend from Hon., Dec. 9. A.-I- L S. S. Virginian, The Kinau arrived from Kauai ports from Pearl Harbor, Oct. 25. from Seattle, Three deaths occurred during the voy-- ; AL.ui.tA, Am. schr., from Everett for MAKURA, Br. S. S., from Svdnev for 4 p. m. a-- across the Pacific: the first that yesterday morning, just one day ahead Hon.. Nov. 16. Hon., Dec. 19. DEPARTED. WITH of a Mrs. Rebecca West, who was of time. She brought in a number of ARIZONAN. Am. S. S., from Hon. for MAKAWELI, Am. bkt., ar. Eureka Br. S. S. Waddon, for Ocean Island, XMA5 GOODS a good-size- d Sabna Dec. 21. seventy two years of age at the time cabin ami deek passengers and Cruz, via Kahului, from Ahukini, Sept. 21. 5 p. ni. ASIA, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from of her demise. The other two deaths freight. Hon., MANILA, Am. schr., from Mukilteo P. M. S. S. Mongolia, Fran- sugar on brand Dee. 17. for San were those of Filipinos, who were com-- i The board lore the for Hilo, Dec. 9. cisco, 5 p. m. Seat-- 1 intr to work on Hawaiian sugar plan-- j of K. A. and K. P. The former planta- ATLAS. Am. sp., ar. S. F. from MAS'UNDA, 3r. S. S., ar. Nanaimo Mongolia Gets Quick Dispatch tations. tion sent along ?40 sacks and the lat- tie. Oct. 21. from Hon., Oct. 17. DUE TODAY. (Jolio. j The Alakea wharf is crowded with ter Rice, chickens, cocoanuts and ANNIE JOHNSON, Am. bk., ar. S. F. MANCHURIA, Am. S. S., from Hon. Str. Mikahala, from Maui and Ha- 1 comprised the- - cargo. 'rorn Hon.. 31 for Coast Waddon Departs , freight from the Mongolia, and it will ri it rest of the Mav for Yokohama, Dec. 20. waii ports, a. m. lie some days till it assumes the look The flagship Manna Ken of the ANDREW WELCH, Am. bk., from Hon. MANSHU MARU, Jap, S. S., ar. Kob PASSENGERS. de-- Inter Island company arrived a few for S. F.. Dec. IS. for Ocean Island. that Harbor Master Captain Tripp i from Hon., May 25, Arrived. lights to see. minutes late from Maui and Hawaii ARDMOUNT, Br. S. S., from Hon. for j MARY E. FOSTER, Am. schr., from thirty-seve- n cabin . Per str. Mauna Kea, from Hilo via ports; she brought ucean isiana, net. j port Gamble for Hon., Dec. 1. . Waddon for Ocean Island. way ports, Dec. 24-- II. Price and wife, passengers and a number of deck trav- jiENIeTA, Am. bk., ar. Hon. from j CIIIECOTT, from MARION Am. sp., y ' cord-woo- T. A. Snively, E. Kempffer, G. A. Goun-d- At three o'clock yesterday afternoon The British steamer "Waddon got elers. Her freight consisted of Grays Harbor, Dec. 24. Hon. for Gaviota, Dec. 9. tur-kev- s American-Hawaiia- n railroad ties, awa, chickens, and wife, Geo. W. Loggie, Miss Cun- the steamer Vir- away half-pas- t yester-- ; BOREALIS, Am. schr., ar. Eureka from MARY WINKELMAN, Am. bk., ar. at four o'clock and sundries. ningham, E. F. Coe and wife, Miss A. ginian, was sighted off Koko Head, and Hilo, Nov. 7. Eureka from Hon., Sept. 20. day afternoon for Ocean Island. The Purser Pete Phillips reports that the BUYO MARU. Jap. S. S., from Hon. I MABEL RICKMERS, Ger. sp., from Bertelmann, J. E Kelly and wife, Mrs. she made pood time to the harbor en- big tramp steamer pulled out from her A. Huddy, ' following sugar is awaiting shipment for South American ports, Nov. 22. Hamburg, for Hon., Oct. 14. Master Soares, E. Schott, she-wa- dock right on time, and the crew did i trance, where boarded by the on the Big Island: Kukuihaele, f"0 C. S. HOLMES, Am. schr., ar. Redondo MEXICAN, Am. S. S., ar. Seattle from Wm. Kelly, J. C. Turner, F. Benny, not seem to relish the proposition much. ! medical officers and the representatives sacks; Honokaa. 3sn0 sacks. The only from Hilo, Sept. 13. Hilo. Nov. 6. Dr. C. L. Stow, T. A. Robinson, Mrs. A Christmas would be more deep-wate- r ashore far vessel in Hilo Harbor at , G. 4 children of the customs service. The ship was CAMANO, Am. schr., ar. Hilo from MELROSE, Am. schr., from Aberdeen J. Serrao, and nurse, Miss preferable to spending the festive day present is the American schooner Port Gamble, Dee. 12. R. Pua, Sheriff Pua and prisoner, O. P. passed quickly and at five o'clock was on high seas. for 1Joil Dc. the which is being .discharged of her CAKKIKR DOVE, Am senr., ar. Grays Soares, E. S. MeKeen. Miss Meheula, fast tied at the Rsiiroad wharf. caryo of lumber. MOANA. Br. S. S., ar. Vancouver from Survey Ships in Port. Harbor from S. F.. Feb. 7. Hon., Dec. 14. Miss M. Kekuewa, E. Bischoff, Wm. The Virginian brought seventy-fiv- e The Mauna Kea also reports that the Yo- Smith and daughter. T. Taylor, The survey ship CHINA, Am. S. S., from Hon. for MONGOLIA, Am. S. S., from Hon. for Jas. bags Explorer arrived oil tanker Santa Rita discharged her Dec. 12. Geo. I. Brown, A. J. Stillman, R. of mail from the mainland ami cargo o;l kohama, g. F.. Dee. 24. J. first-clas- from Oahu ports yesterday afternoon, of fuel at the Rainy City and the s S. Laing, Hirake, K. Matsumoto, Miss L. portion of it was landed sailed direct for San Francisco on Mon- CHIYO MARU, Jap. S.. from S. F. MISSOURIAN, Am. S. S., from Salina bya iauneh and was distributed almost and she will remain in the harbor till for Hon., Dec. 20. Cruz San Diego, Dec. 15. Asoi. Mrs. A. Robbins, F. Koelling, B. holidays. officers day last. for as soon as the ship was docked. The after the The ship's COLLINGHAM, Br. S. S., from Hon MURIEL, Am. S. F. from Ho-noip- B. Park, C. Ahrens. Judge Kingsbury sub- schr., ar. second-clas- s mail was put ashore at the report that the had weather has Chiyo Maru Tomorrow. for Ocean Island, Nov. 23. Nov. 11. and wife, A. Santos. C. Murasky, S. sided, and that the work of charting wharf and was immediately taken to A wireless was received from the COLUMBIAN, Am. S. S.. ar. S. F. from NEVADAN, Am. S". S., ar. S. F". from Masaki. I. Yamamoto, A. Machado, the postorlice where a large crowd of the shallows and deep spots around tht Seattle. Dec. 10. Kahului, Dec. 7. Miss M. McLeod, A. K. Stender and 2 very well. "nivo Maru yesterday, and the news - people was awaiting the sorting of the coat of Oahu is progressing COLUMBIA, Am. schr... ar. Port Town- j NIPPON MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko-- , children. Miss C. Rose, M. McKenzie, papers The Lnka came in on Friday and she was announced that the Japanese liner and pi.reels containing Christmas send from Kahului, Dec. 15. j hama from Hon., Dec. 10. Joe Souza, R. C. Searle and wife. Dr. are now lying elosn will be off port eight to- presents. The Virginian has been allud- and the Explorer about o'clock CONCORD. Am. schr., ar. Bon. from .NOKOMIS. Am. schr., from Taeoma for Casey, F. J. Hare. S. B. Kind, Hang ed ro or.e another at the Ewa side of morrow morning. to as the ".Santa Clans" hoat and iaysan isiana, Aug. d. Islands Dec. 4. Cliack, W. Dickson. is-- the Alakea the title a good one as the freighter wharf. Benicia Arrives. CRESCENT, Am. schr., from Mukilteo; NORMAN MONARCH. Br. S. S., ar. Per str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, brought along a lot of things that are Wilhelmina Wireless. The American bark Benieia arrived for Pearl Harbor, Nov. 26. Eleele from Newcastle, Dec. 16. Dec. 24 II. F. Downing, M. Urada, always associated with the festive Sea- DANMARK, Dan. bk., ar. S. F., from NUUANU", Am. bk., Josselyn, from N. Miss Urada, Paul Isenberg, F. Messrs. Castle S: Cooke have received in the harbor yesterday afternoon and Tarleton, son. Hon. ept. .i. Y. for Hon., Aug. 6. H. I. Schultz, F. Sanborn, S. Spitzer, was She a Rough Trip. a wireless message from the steamer quickly berthed. brings DAVID EVANS, Am. schr., ar. Port j OKANOGAN, Am. schr., ar. Port Town- - E. D. McBryde. Miss Lawrence, M. Wilhelmina and it announces that on cargo of lumber from Grays Harbor, Townsend from Pearl Harbor, Oct.. 19. send from Hon., Nov. 24. Stevenson, R. Bell, Miss E. Akaa, According to the officer of the Vir- , J. Friday evening at eight o'clock the having sailed from that port on No-- DEFENDER, Am. schr., ar. S. F. from OMEGA, Am. echr., ar. Coos Bay from Mrs. J. L. Huddy, J. Lombo, Chan ginian, the voyage just completed was 1.1. de- popular boat was 1244 miles from Ho- veml er The voyage down was Hana. Nov. 12. Hon., Aug. 14. Look. the roughest" of years and at times it nolulu; the weather was fine, and tho void of incident, and some rather rough DUMFRIESSHIRE. Br. sp., ar. Victoria O. M. KELLOGG, Am. schr., from Departed. weather was encountered when within from Hon., Oct. 22. j Eureka for Hon., Nov. 30. was thought that the steamer would eighty passengers on board were all ' P. M. S. S. Mongolia, for San a few days' sail of the Hawaiian group. Per not make this port in time to celebrate well. There are thirty-si- x hundred tons EARL OF CARRICK. Br. S. S., from PHILIPPINE. Am. schr., ar. Redondo Francisco, December 24. Jas. C. Mont- Xmas. In fact, a couple of days ago r.f cargo on board for this port, and Shipping Notes. Newcastle for Hon., Dec. G. from Hilo. Dec. 5. gomery. Miss M. McLeod, Jack Ryan, tons for Hilo. j Am. PROSPER, Am. schr., from Kahului for Captain Green remarked to the chief eight hundred and fifty AYaileh? EDWARD SEWALL, sp., from Hon. Daniel J. Keefe and wife, W. B. The was also an arrival yes- i engineer: Ivoks as if we won't There are "tie hundred and twenty-on- e Newport News for S. F., Nov. 3. Puget Sound, Dec. 21. Hamilton and wife, Allan Hamilton, "It terday morning, and she brought i sacks of mail for Honolulu, and one in Am. S. S.. ar. S. F. from REPEAT, Am. schr., ar. Hon. from Miss Enid Gregr, T. Evans, B. Mar- make the (ort on Christinas Eve: we freight from Hawaii. ENTERPRISE. ' J. thirty-on- e Hilo, Dec. 22. Aberdeen. Dec. 16. B. will have to slow down." Then there hurdred and packages of ' tin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt, Wells Express matter. Five The steamer Helene arrived from Ha- EKSKINE M. PHELPS, Am. sp., ar. R. P. RITHET, Am. bk., from S. F. for Louis Gaume. Mrs. Igo, Mr. and was a break in the bad weather for Faro waii ports J. a automobiles complete the eargo and the yesterday morning and will Hon. from Norfolk, Dec. 6. Hon.. Dec. 10. Mrs. W. M. Billenger, II. S. Gjerdrum, while, and the steamer was sent ahead spend Christmas in port. at her best pace and, as is now known, Wilhelmina seems to be doing well for ESPADA, Am. schr., ar. Grays Harbor j ROBERT LEWERS, Am. schr., from Prince Cupid. Col. W. S. Schuyler, C. managed to make Honolulu in time to this time of the year. The Niihau should arrive early this from Hon., Aug. 9. Taeoma for Hon., Nov. 16. Bolte, D. E. Upton, C. M. Fassofh and morning from Hawaii, where she has ROBERT SEARLES, Am. schr., ar. 8. celebrate the greatest day known all Scramble of Agents. ETHEL ZANE. Am. schr., ar. Redondo' wife, .Miss Kate Fassoth. over the world. loaded cattle for this port. from Hon.. Dec. 6. i F-- from ITil0' July 21- - VESSELS IN PORT. men and oili- - j ROMERA, Er. S. S., ar. Newcastle from The Virginian came into the harbor One hundred and sixty The lighthouse tender Kukui arrived EXPANSION. Am. echr., ar. Astoria (Army and Navy.) - in port i bow on, f course, but when inside, cers, forming the crews of the steam- j yesterday morning, and she will from Tort Townsend. Nov. 18. JIoJ?z .c8' Kukui, V. S. L. H. T., Keriger. spend the rest of the year in har- FALLS OF Am. sp., ROSECRANS, Am. S. S., ar. Monterey turned around and hacked into the ship Vale and the steamship Harvard, ; the CLYDE, from Hon. Thecis, U. S. R. C. from cruise, Dec. 19. bor. for Gaviota. Dee. 2. I fr0m Hon- - P- - 30- - wharf. As she is at present berthed she now on their way to San Francisco, (Merchant Vessels.) is ready to steam straight out for the The friends of Chief Engineer FEARLESS, Am. schr., ar. Grays Har SALEM, Am. schr., ar. Port Townsend form the magnet that is attracting the Parke 24. M. American-Hawaiia- n Aug. 3. from Port Allen, Nov. Erskine Phelps, Am. sp., Norfolk, harbor entrance without the trouble of passenger of the steamer Co- bor from Hilo. har- ardent attention of the lumbian FLAURENCE WARD, Am. schr., for j SANTA MARTA, Am. S. S., ar. Port Dec. 6. backing ami turning all over the agents for the various transcontinental will le glad to hear that he bor.. has fallen heir to a large fortune and Midway from Hon., Dec. 7. San Luis from Hon., Dec. 6. Heliopolis, Br. s.s., Newport News, Dec. railroads having offices in this city, FOOIING SUEY, Am. SANTA RITA, Am. S. S., from Hon. 17. It is probable that a stmt will be Nearly will in the future not have to spend bk., from New says the San Francisco Call. his Hon., S. for Port San Luis. Dec. 15. Repeat, Am. schr., Aberdeen, Dec 16. made to discharge the Virginian's eargo all" time on the ocean. York for Nov. of the two crews will return to their j on morning. FRED E. SANDERS 4m. schr!, from S. C. ALLEN, Am. bk., ar. Fort Bragg Benicia. Am. bk., Gravs Harbor, Dee. Tuesday Eastern homes, and to sell them trans- The oilicers of the Virginian, which arrived in port yesterday afternoon, Taeoma for Hon., Nov. 15. from Hon., Nov.. 7. 24. Mongolia Gets Quick Dispatch. portation will be a considerable boost FRED J. WOOD. Am. schr.. from Hon. SEQUOIA, Am. schr., ar. Grays Har- - Virginian. Am. s.s., Seattle, Dee. 24. agent who so for- - listened with great interest to the story The Mail liner Mongolia got for the passenger is for Gravs Harbor, Dec. 10. bor from Hon., Dec. 10. Pacific to get business. of the pilikia as regarded the Arizonan, tin 'H' i's the and GAMBLE. Am. ar. Port Gamble SELSDON, Br. S. S., from Hon. for Ocean Island, Dec. 24. away for K;ui Francisco last evening Ordinarily, on occasions similar to they were glad to hear that repairs schr.. had Jeer, quickly effected to the very from Hilo. Oct. 4. Puget Sound, Sept. 27. WILHELMINA, Am. S. S., from S. F. and she was very quickly relieved of one in question, the men travel ' the necessary part of the vessel's driving GOLDEN SHORE, Am. schr., from Hon. SIERRA. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from for Hon., Dec. 21. her sixteen hundred tons of cargo for homeward in a body, and if such be the .machinery. for Aberdeen, July 25. Hon., Dec. 20. W. F. BABco*ck, Am. sp., Harris, ar. this A ba- men are discharged from port. fair sized freight of case when the GREYSTOKE CASTLE. Br. S. S., ar. j SPOKANE, Am. schr., from Hilo for Sydney from Hon., June 30. C0 for- steamships, it means tick- j nana, pineapples and sundries went the two MOVEMENTS OF SHIPPING. S. F. from Hon., Sept. 24. Puget Sound. Dec. 9. WM. P. FRYE, Am. sp., ar. Delaware ward on the ship, and the way in which ets sold to Atlantic Coast points. Hence G. W. WATSON. Am. schr.. ar. Gravs ST. RONALD, Br. S. S., from Leith for Breakwater from Kahului, Aug. St. passen- A. F. " the cargo was; handled was gratifying the activity on the part of the COATES, schr., from Grays Har- Harbor, from nilo. Julv 18. Hon., Oct. 30. WM. T. LEWIS, sp., ar. Portland from to ger agent colony in San Francisco. i bor for Hon., Dec. 20. the agents. H. HACKFELD. Ger. bk., from Ham- - S. G. WILDER, Am. bkt., ar. S. F. from Sound, Oct. 24. The Transportation circles are excited to ALASKA N, Am. S. S., ship was brought across from for Salina Cruz burg for Hon., Nov. 24. i Mahukona, Oct. 19. W. S. PORTER, Am. S. S., ar. Gaviota a extent by prospect, from Kahului, Dec. 14. quarantine at seven o'clock yesterday considerable the HAWAII, Am. bk"t., ar. S. F. from Ma- - SIBERIA, Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama from Hon., Nov. 8. morning ill with small- - bets are being laid as to the agent ALLEN Am. bk., from Ludlow and as the man and Port hnkona. Aug. 13. ; from Hon.. Dec. 17. WM. T. LEWIS, sp., from Kahului for pox to for Dee. 8. - had been taken ashore, and the who will win the prize. Contrary oft Hon.. HELENE. Am. schr., from Hon. for ' MARU, Jap. S. S., from Yoko- Sound, Oct. 4. oper- - . M. TE'0 steerage passengers for Honolulu quar- repeated rumors, the company BAXTER. Am. schr., ar. Port Aberdeen, Dec. 1G. ' hama for Hon., Dee. 21. W. R. HUME, Am. schr., from Hon. for is tied Townsend. 8. antined, it was thought that all was ating the Vale anil Harvard not from Mahukona. July HELIOPOLIS, Br. s. S.. ar. j TORSDAL. Nor. S. S., from Hon. for Sound, Dec. 11. line, A LI) EX Hon. from well. up to anv particular railroad but BESSE, Am. bk., from San Newport News, Dee 17. Ocean Island, Oct. 7. W H. MARSTON, ar. Redondo from As on found business comes to Pedro for Dec. 5. the morning wore it was will handle whatever Hon., IIERZOGIX CECIL! E. Ger. sp., ar. TRANSIT, Am. schr., ar. Redondo from Hilo, Nov. 15. W. is Am. 10- that one of the junior engineers. H. it, regardless of the road it routed ALERT, schr., from San Pedro for Hl,n- - 0ct - ZAMBESI, Br. S. S., from Port Allen Bellingham. Svdnev from Hon.. Dec. 7. Hill, was verv ill, and he was at once over. This makes a free field and no Sept. 26. HILOXl'AN, Am. S. S.. from Port Allen i VIRGINIAN, ar. Hon. from Seattle, for Newcastle. Sept. 3. pa-se- n- Am. ' taken to the hospital. It is reported favors, so far as the respective ALBERT. bk. from Port Gamble for S. F.. Dec. 19. ZEALANDIA. Br. S. S., from Hon. for that the trouble is pneumonia, and that geer agents a re .concerned. for Hilo. MARU, Jap. S. S.. ar. WADDON'. Br. S. S.. from Hon. for Sydney, Dec. 10.

Extraordinary Clothing Values BEST NVESTMENT We want to impress upon you that on everv suit you buy in the LEADER you save from $4.00 to $10.00.

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They are the product of the best makers, the materials are excellent, the tailoring faultless, the styles pleasing to the quiet and to the fashionable dressers. It is to the interest of every man to participate in this great clothing event: plain to say, we give good solid, honest value and value sticks out all over our clothing. PRICED FROM $6.50 TO $21.50 WORTH 40 TO 65 PER CENT MORE. Before buying any clothing look at our goods and prices. It will convince you of our great money savers.

Harrison Building, Fort Street, IE LAFD) Opp. Japanese Consulate To OPEN EVENINGS 4 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. SUNDAY ADVERTISER SIDELIGHTS RODERICK O. MATHESON EDITOR THE BYSTANDER A CHRISTMAS HOMILY. : : DECEMBER SUNDAY Even before the days of Julius Caesar hath Christmas been eel h Of course, the man who became famous by being the happy possessor wife who was beyond reproach as all wives are lived before Santa Chaus W8S SEASON born and artificial whiskers for Salvation Armv understudies THE CHRISTMAS " ere invented And perhaps the occasion for the celebration was Bishop Restarick in Hawaiian Church Chronicle. the anniversary 0f cackling of the geese which save Rome, and the celebrated by the roasting 0f fowl instead of cold storage turkeys. And th t The Christmas season is upon us. To many It is but a time of giving and maybe the day was not d nated but boasted of a a receiving presents, a time of eating and drinking and being merry. Thought "Christmas," title, portion of which was the "h"1 lutely incomprehensible word uf the 0'ie to whom all the joy of Christmas is due is with many entirely ab- "ides." And as the centuries rolled along still was sent. With the churchman it surely is just the reverse. The chief thought is Christmas celebrated. Th old Peruvians, prior fu the time wiien i'lzzaro, that this is (lie Birthday of the King; that on Christmas Day, One was born of "with force of arms" con-- e vinced them that the Jonah story was true, and thnt tha ', a woman Who has turned the current of the world's life; Who give3 to i,"ns usca ovens covering acres uf ground, and that a whale was a .children the joyful knowledge of the Christ Child; Who gives to girls and "small" fish, had an Xmat day. on 21st, longest 'and boys the inspiration of a consecrated youth; Who gives tt youth the vision It arrived June the day of the year, the population gathered on a great plain, of the true power of manhood and womanhood; Who, gives to those of middle to welcome with a mighty shout thl rising of sun. The age strength a ad courage to bear the discouragements and disappointments the Indians traversed, in imagination, the Happy Hunting Grounds yearly long beforeBill Penn, which crime to them; Who gives to the aged the blessed hope of life and rest the founder of the Keystone State bought their possessions for less dollars than the Republican and peace, freed from "the burden of the flesh." Is There a Santa Claus? gamblers con--' tributed to the Malihini Christinas Tree. The jov. the merriment, the gifts of Christmas time come to us because When John Baker's twin brother or Do not Tale of Two Teeth Traveled Far. Kamehameha the First, waS an infant in short or no He came. Do not let this be blurred by any custom pleasure. let pantaloons, the Ha- -' waiians celebrated a Christmas. Presents were not given Christmas degenerate into a time when gifts are traded or when gifts are Slush. until the mission- The Beautiful aries introduced the habit amongst the aborigines, Javishe d upon those who need them nut. The true spirit of Christmas is to but there was a vearl celebration. r give to those who need, to carry to hearts and homes less fortunate some touch Union of the "Come Backs." Indeed, you may seareh all of histories of the blessings which have come to us. the in Mark Robinson's library What a holy day Christmas is! Think o it, the Child held in the Blessed and Assyria, a people V who didn't preach, at least once a year, even Virgin's arms is the On,e in Whuse Name and by Whose Power men and women as the host of angels sang, "On earth peace, good will toward men." some shall go forth in all the ages to strive for righteousness in themselves and In of the volumes you might learn that the lesson was in the world. taught with the aid of an axe, but taug'ht it was. Sidelights By His power what evils have been beaten back! What victories have trusts that The Advertiser will this morning teach the lesson not only in well-rounde- d phrase, by been won for the race! What is there that makes life really worth living for but practical suggestion. I saw one of those funny cipher cables a few weeks ago. child, man or woman which has not sprung from Him? What is there which I louked if up in the code and found that it was an appeal to keep Cottrill out and gives hope tu human hearts which does not come from Hi's words and His life? Is there a Santa Claus? That is the question that for the past few days await the arrival of the Delegate in Washington. The first two words were " The Christ Child! The miracle is that the Son of the Blessed Mary sets has been seriously worrying the minds of a great many children,' while the "Blackmail Cottrill-- the last two, save the signature, "Blissfully Cupid." The today as in the past, and will set in the future, the highest ideal of the life answer to it has been the cause of probably more worry to their parents. It economical code bouk says that "blackmail" means "oppose strongly appointment of man, that He gives inspiration and hope to the simple and the learned, to is a question that comes up with eaeh recurring Christmas as children pass from of" and "blissfully" stands for "desirable to await arrival young and old alike. The miTacle is that He is born in human hearts today, the age of frank and implicit belief to that of doubt, and the question faced by of." "On earth peace, good will toward men." Let us determine giving power to become suns of God. Think of the best, the most helpful men thousand.s of parents is whether to dissemble or explain, whether tu attempt to to welcome Cottrill when he comes, remembering in our present charitable mood and women you have ever known, and you think of those who had Christ in force the doubt from their children's minds or take up the allegorical signifi- that he is responsible neither for his descent nor for the fact he their hearts and lives, the inspiration, the hope, the power. cance of good Old St. Nick and reconcile past explanations with new ones. that comes from Ohio. "Or. earth peace, good will toward men." Let Mayor Fern Shall we not in this Christmas time draw nearer to God? Shall we not One mother passed through an interesting experience during the past week and th in- newly-electe- board of supervisors, during the coming week, hold a be anew muved to consecrate ourselves to Him? Shall we not be newly and is now dolefully wondering whether her efforts to increase the joys of her luau, and to agree that necessity for vetoes shall no lunger exist. Let Xigel spired by His birth anew in us, to live and be His brothers and sisters and offspring have only resulted in implanting in his mind the seeds of doubt uf all Jackson's bunch, en tomorrow night, wear pillows for gloves, and exchange do and dare in His Name. things. The thing that brought worry to her Christmas joy was an overheard love taps, is love. thereby setting a splendid example for contestants in the impending fight No! No! It is not law which shall redeem the world. It Love remark : for Brotherhood of political power between, the Governur and the Delegate. Let. us forget the which comes from recognition of the Fatherhood uf God, the "I found out all about this Santa Claus business; now I'm going to find whiskers, hookworms and cost of the Russians, and honestly endeavor to dis- Christ, and the constant work of the Holy Spirit. out about the Jesus business," was what she listened tu in horrified amaze- Us cover some good in them, even though now satisfied that Uur efforts will be May Christmas bring a b'essing to every heart and every home. Let ment. She is worrying now how to explain that all the fanciful Santa Claus hi unavailing; and may the same charitable forgetful mood blot out entirely begin afresh. Let us forgive and be forgiven. Let Christ be born us, the stories of Christmases gone by were not lies intended to deceive. as from our odorous recollection both Korean and Hindu. hope, the vision, the power, which shall send us forth as His Messengers, It is invariably a shock to a mother to find her hopefuls graduating from made known to "On earth peace,-goo- d will toward men." Let us take in the Christmas His Exemplars to mankind. Let us recognize that His Lo,ve, the Santa Claus believing class, just as the transformation from curls to sonship with tree, and watch the finest, grandest sight of the myriad of fine, grand sights men through us, is that which alone can draw men to know, that cropped polls, from knickerbockers to trousers, and from home to college which the Founder of the Universe has provided for His creatures a host of God is to be realised through Jesus Christ. the things that .bring joys to the children and youth brings heart- out all dis- children with their faces aglow with pleasure. doesn't matter much if May a happy Christmas be yours. Let love prevail. Blot aches to the mothers, because her absolute dominium lessens with each stage It it rains, although I do not believe it will, for sunlight, glorious sension. Begin again. Oh, Jesus, Christ Child come to my heart, be born in of progress. sunlight, will still be there. It doesn't matter much if the dolls are cheap, although I do me, the power, the hope, the joy, of glory. But, there In a Santa Claus. The man or the woman or the child who not believe they will be, for the spirit which refonued Old Scrooge and made lives today and has not felt the presence of the genial heart-warme- r the past Tiny Tim happy is still alive, and will render them beautiful. doesn't matter week is the one who does not exist. Santa Claus has been beaming upon It if the tin horns wear out in an hour, although I don't believe they will, for everyone, and if you have not seen him and felt his genial, wholesome pres- Issue in Setting their music will ever be sweeter than any symphony composed by Chopin. Civil War New ence, it is time you went into a corner for some You need a Fred Waldron's oranges may be sour, although I don't believe they will be, New York Herald. pill, or something. but goud old Santa Claus will wave his magic wand, and transform acidity Is there a Santa Claus? In the words of the poet: "You bet there is." To an American onlooker the English political crisis bears a striking re- into honey. The candy may be of the push-car- t quality, although I don't semblance to the one which ended in uur war of secession. believe it will be, but even if it is, the Master will take care that the love In spite of all efforts to befog the issue it is plain that complete separa- It is now nearly two years since the Bystander first gave to an expectant of the youngsters which prompted its giving provides the necessary leaven. tion, not mere local autonomy, is Mr. Redmond's aim. The Redmondites, when world the story of Mayor Fern's and his grandmother 's teeth, and already the A crude homily, but I can not help it, having a boy of my own. the oratorical embroidery is stripped from their arguments, claim the right, story has become an American classic. Every newspaper uf prominence from "On earth peace, goud will toward iiin," just as the Southerners claimed the right, to secede from one political organi- Medicine Hat to Tallahassee, Florida, republished the story in its Sunday sup- zation and form another on a basis of absolute independence. plement, during the early months of the spring, while one or two British JAPS AND JEWELRY. self-defenc- e journals copied scrupulously classifying as That was the very claim which the Northern States in refused it, it "humor." Then the makers My boy and I went into a fashionable jewelry shop the other evening to of touk up, and all weeklies to admit; the very claim which the Northern States contested and defeated in "boiler plate" it the from Maine to Oregon told purchase the cheapest Shrine button we could find as a Christmas present for their readers how Honolulu had a mayor, et cetera. Now, notice, bigger four years of bloody and costly war. Is history about to repeat itself across I the our respective father and husband. While regretting the fact that choice of papers are rehashing it, republication to reach the Atlantic? The outlook is certainly ominous. It would be impolitic for the latest Honolulu with the a husband compelled me to make choice of a button," yet was my master's being Boston Tost. foreigners to dogmatize regarding a matter which concerns only Great Britain story the money well spent. For, to quote a remark which I have heard the gamblers for Next to the story told abuut Claus Spreekels' poker game with King and Ireland. "Don't interfere in family disputes" is excellent counsel who occasionally congregate at my house use, I "passed the buck" up to our five kings aces, either individuals or nations to bear in mind. But in view of the curious Kalakaua, when beat four that concerning the first mayor son and heir, and louked around the room. present day conditions in England, and of Honolulu has traveled farther and been printed oftener than any other parallelism that exists between the And if you really desire to get even on the thirty-thre- e and a third per opinion that ever came out of the Islands. And, coming down to it, haven't we every g those which led up to our civil war it is permissible to express the cent, profit which any haole jeweler would consider it a dis- even by reason to be thankful Mayor Fern has those teeth which gave us su much that every argument which justified the Northern States in opposing that grace not to charge, make your purchase when some Japs are engaged iif war the secessionist policy of the Southern States also justifies England in publicity? similar exploits. Just, for instance, watch him. buy a necktie pin. He nearly combating the secessionist policy of the Redmondites. always brings an advisory committee with him, and the cunvention takes decla- As Lord Dunraven, himself an Irishman, said in the statesmanlike It is to be hoped that every member of the new board of supervisors was lunger to organize, adopt resolutions and adjourn than do even we when Dublin ration which was quoted in the Herald's interesting letter cabled from on the streets last night and that no chuckhole member of the old board was. buying a new dress. The price is first discussed. Then the pin is weighed in on Wednesday: "Even if separation were beneficial to Ireland it is unat- The hope regarding the new men is that they heard sufficient enmment upon the hand. Then it is fifitted in the scarf and the prospective purchaser looks tainable. England, has a right to safeguard herself." There to the unbiased Honolulu business streets to fire eaeh one with the determination to remedy at himself in a mirror to see how much his appearance is improved. Then a of from American is the entire question in a nutshell. The secession Ireland the present disgraceful conditions, while the hope that the old members were caucus is held. After due deliberation a second and a third and a fourth pin of empire as the seces- the United Kingdom means the disintegration the just not around when the general comments were flying is inspired by the Christmas comes up for inspection. Shapes and forms and material all enter into the dis- sion of the South would have meant, if successful, the disintegration uf the idea that nobody's feelings should be hurt. cussion. And when tne decision is finally made, the committee on ways and United States. Whether Sam Dwight sticks and becomes chairman of the Toad committee, means makes a report. But the money is nut paid until careful scrutiny is fierce war en- It also means the beginning in Ireland of a internecine or whether Eben Low lauds the job, let us hope that when Christmas rolls around given to the packing of the ornament. Not until the salesman hunts up his one-hal- f population the Ulster venomed by religions intolerance, for the again there will be less mud and less profanity, with greater comfort to those cotton and puts it in, the bottom of one of those boxes so artfully constructed Catholic to a Protestants refuse absolutely to be ruled by the other half. who had to slop in the mud last night and listen to the profanity at the same that they appear tn contain gems of priceless worth, the duly elected jewel man. Thus fur every reason, political as well as humanitarian, the Redmondite time. Certainly last night's streets gave whatever tourists were around the placed lovingly on its downy couch and then covered with the pasteboard lid, dangers policy vs one which to an American appears fraught with the gravest impression that Honolulu was one jay town. Jim Quinn's Fort street block and the cradle covered with beautiful tissue paper and tied up with a rubber and one which it would be suicidal for England to accept. only emphasized the horror of the rest of it. band and laid on the counter, is liquidation made. The convention adjourns But, let us wipe the mud from our shoes and the memory uf the old super- and everybody is happy. visors from our mind. Better times and cleaner streets are coming. The outfit I saw on the night aforesaid finally decided on an Elks' pin, carefully measuring up the length of the antlers and choosing the one with Small News that Walter G. Smith is 011 the back trail has inspired a lusty idea, the longest. I hope they got their money's worth. I certainly did mine. Talks that of the formation of a "Come Back Club," of which Walter G. is to be In conclusion) it may be noted that the Japs were not kimono clad. m, requested to be first president and patron, with his old college chum, G. P. , s J Thielen, as understudy. Those eligible to join will be the ones who have said Ah OTHERS SEE US. CHINESE CONSUL I wouldn't leave my little wooden hut for yOu-uo- . to Honolulu, worn away the leis of sorrowing their last fond farewells friends Don't rely too much for information concerning Hawaii on what you see IMMIGRATION COMMISSIONER KEEFE I told you so. Just go and and fed to the fish off the bell buoy, gazed long and lingeringly on the them and know and read in our uwn newspapers. You may look at things through size the last bunch of Filipinos arrived. Hurrah fur the Russians! fast-recedin- g of Head, sought out in the busy world, i;p that view Koko their fortunes prejudiced eyes, and conditions which from personal observation you believe decided all there is no place like good, old Hono- TERRITORIAL TREASURER CONKLING The tax office is very much and then finally that after exist, may jn reality be somewhat different. The Apple Putter Garden Island, stands to no lulu, and have winged their way home. These are the ones who have shown interested in the Mahuka site condemnation suits. It win, matter aand the Baldwin Maui News, and the Kennedy-Scot- t Hilo publications, and what the courts decide. the gleeful world that they can "come back." even The Advertiser, and the rest of the great newspapers of the Territory should have a wide membership. The first to join should be Eddie DOCTOR HAND The next Malihhii Tree I hupe to see assisted by a The club do not always adhere strictly to fact. The prayer of Bobby Burns, that we because he struck out on the oriental track and made his "come vain-Yo- corps of Boy Scouts. This year we haven't the uniforms, and without uni- Douthitt, might see ourselves as others see us, is one which we need not make in u rapidly. Andrews swung through a few times across the Pacific forms the boys are only boys. back" Lorrin can get more answers to it than Treasurer Bob Shingle can to a request before he got back into place. J. W. W. Brewster will qualify as a repeater, applications SUPERVISOR MURRAY I can tell you one thing about the new board; for for subordinate offices. - coming back being a habit with him. Another come back is Milverton, who Way named when we vote on something we are going to stick, because we are going to down in Louisiana there is a newspaper published by a felluw traveled abroad between government jobs. Loui-sent- . He news- before we act. How about Low? Oh, something different. knows all about us. Way up in North Dakota there is a think that's W. B. Oleson will be asked to the presence of so many attorneys counteract paper published by a fellow name Peterson. He, too, knows all about us. HON. DR. inJDDY Kauai was satisfied with the business administration club, and Baron will be official reconstructor for the other members. iu the Pete In the little coterie of States formerly owned by Aldrich, Ludge & Co., and in the house last session, and will be satisfied to continue the s:ime organiza- are a few in the class, who might be permitted to There whose principal productions are codfish, high tariff principles and missionaries, tion this session. The majority uf the Oahu members seem to agree with George Henshall is a sample, and it all depends upon whether going pay dues. any newspaper from which we might not learn something about ourselves would us, too. is an exile or an error. Atkinson is another. Between his tu Hilo really Jack be compelled to gu out of business. Staid old Philadelphia ha3 at last learned E. M. CHEATHAM Truly the members of Central Union will be treated .New York lamp-pos- t beguiler. his warpath in Siberia, his mental flights and we on y informing that are the map, and, through its seven-da- late dailies, is to a this Christmas morning; certain piles of lumber lately he may be looked upon a back." "pleasant" surprise other absences, as "come the Quakers who and what we are. Roosevelt's late' possession, New York, per- hauled ot; to vacant lot opposite on the mauka side of Beretania avenue are only a few of the many who have gone away hopefully and the And these mits few suns to set without enlightenment concerning us. the earmarks of being one of Charlie IVazier's artistic street decora-tiUn-- :. more hupoful than ever. Long may they wave! hae all returned Just one gem from the vast mass uf information. Perhaps I shall in the By next Sunday, perhaps, they will be greeted with an artistic endeavor i future take advantage of my prerogative to use scissors, and quote some others. in the shape of a pelican swallowing a Rhino or with the advice to take "Some- DIDN'T KNOW MUCH. This one comes c Middle from the columns of a little on,e-bors- "weaklv" r,f the body's Pale Pills for Pink People." Seriously, the very thought of having a sub- "How do you like your teacher, dear?" little Mary was asked, after her West, whose ledger account unquestionably shows that its limited list of billboard in the same block as the beautiful Central Union is abhorrent. as first day at school. scribers is short in cash and long on farm produce. The paper is, insufar 'I like her real well." said Mary, "but I don't think she knows much, wc are concerned, truthfully called "Courier." Here is the jewel: Mulligan The byes say ye livked poor Casey. Simre. he niver hurt iny fur he just keeps asking questions all the time." In Honolulu, on the Sandwich Islands, has recently been established man 's eelin 's. f calling days. The natives, it said, appear to like the custom. Their Harrigan 's a shnake in the grass. The blackguard referred to me as lie calling cards are queer looking names beir.g printed on to no man livin'. HEREDITY. things, the his ontimperary. and I'll be the contimperary bright scarlet paper. The , division Knicker Whom docs the baby resemble? village is divided into section-- each having one day to itself. On Sunday they resort to a plrce near the The following entry appears in the "Visitors' Book" of a hotel in Bocker Its veil takes after its father's college. sea and make arrangements for social precedence. A correspondent of living here is guod, plain, and substantial. So is the waitress." "The ye editor who recently is much rivalry SUFFICIENT REASON. visited there tells us that there on this question, but that the lay girls unquestionally rank first. live in an age of marvels." is. indeed, wonderful how so many 'Don't you admire the oldtime melodies?" "We "P Surf riding is one of the favorite pastimes of the Many of escape being struck by automobile -- . " Buffalo Express. 'No; I'm a fresh-ai- r fiend." persuB? (Continued on Page Five.) "Oil I m.'-- r .


Ipter Receives More Than ( Continued from Page One). A few of the shops were decorated, Hundred Dollars but only in a half-hearte- sort of man- ur ner, and here and there a few of the children could be for Christmas. seen running round i with balloons, or a stray dog careering through the streets with a tin banging behind him. Chinatown generally took, ,oU5and six el dollars, was no iiiteiest in the proceedings "at all, among - those carjiivally inclined joining tho Jkl-- i "v downtown throngs. f. rpsterdav in celebration of .MM season. ,ras$26O0 which the employes ONLY ELEVEN ARRESTS mechanical apartment had Mtfily week, until the aggre- - Ljied bLgr proportions, an.t yes- - 5, division was inane among ;rtv thrifty workers. .j years ago, when Isaac lesta ; a savings depart- - ,'he started From the police estimates, the crowd , emoloves an.i was tue the. i ...i...w that last nigiit turned out to usher in f tSCIl weeiv employes m ' 1 avail themselves of the op- - the week of good cheer, was about a 9 ...... third worse than the crowd which cele-- : ;.;against their salary or wages. brated the same occasion last year, that jo tW ireasurt'i. iw auiuuuis is say. i Nwited in one of the. banks! to there were eleven arrests up f total drew interest. On the to eleven o'clock, last night, whereas r if rt Christmas the division was there were about nine the year before. - merest being atUled to tne With the exception of several of the is tun trie jsaac Testa dead, hoodlum gangs, t is still eontinued, with Svl with which Honolulu lll ,.totivA-uliic- t tVia lpiris. is con-- : Sfprrc-- Y to affacted, the crowd last night, $ treasurer. sidering its cosmopolitanism, was one of the employes Tins year nave of the best that any police force might optionally thrilty. one man $400 as the aggregate of have had to deal with. Early in the wer evening some members of these gangs lUts. week bv week, while the a None of there will be a Christmas illus- commenced to cut the capers on which powder of vile variety. story n tapered down from $300, these were caught, as they put the trated bv drawings on the blackboard $-- the police had placed their tabu, but the 00 division and quite MARINE j were soon quieted. stuff in the feathers of their "dusters" THE SAMF TO YOU REPORT. those who had saved over $50. or their confetti. The girls from the Kaiularii Home will aeeord-;i- a Three "watches," representing the By By Merchant! ' Exchange, idded to the deposits The first arrest of the evening was APT. also b'ighten things up by choir sing-i- n full strength of the ' P. were i amount deposited, made a 'II. D.," who II. i, , v. on the streets and for the first hour or poor old Kalua. the ancient dame istmas sum for each employe. is periodically lodged behind the bars a - so there was always a blue uniform Here's Merry Christmas, and a oznition of Mr. Correa's serv- drunkenness. This time she varied San Francisco Sailed, December 24, in sight. Chief McDuffie broke his spe- for Happy New Y'ear'also, to all you fel- DIE IN WRECK. S; S. her offense and when she faces the Sierra, for Honolulu. J employes presented him yes- - cial staff up into flying squadrons of plead low workers, fellow contributors to the t court Tuesday morning she will FORT WAYNE, December 24.-- Six ' 2 rith a two and these circulated through the handsome silver shaving public. wants uf the public, to those who toil ' i::: crowd to nab the frisky gentlemen who to a charge of "cussin" in were killed here today in a wreck on; tkankiiifr the members of the Out of the crowd of several thou- and yield the product of handsome might try to play tricks behind the their brains the Pennsylvania Railway ami mnnv uSUr Jjepartment for their only picked out four blue coats. sands, the police and their hands toward keeping others were jOGaIi or Correa drew attention to tne sadly overcome by the use of intoxi- injured. office the tjwited the evening several of the Time busy. STATES WEATHEE BUREAU. 1 department, saving that Early in the of these, made such Father r:S'eopIe more obstreperous gangs were broken cants and three should take notice of good job of that they had to be So here's a Merrv Christmas to fel Lily small sums, saved weekly, up by the chief and gave no more 'a it booked at headquarters under no name. low scribes, they who worry through NEWS ITEMS 18 so a sum trouble for the rest of the night. Sev- FROM Honolulu, Saturday, December 24, 1910. large at tne end oi This lacking item on the police blotter It was an object lesson which eral members of these gangs introduced the day, picking up here and there a will be supplied when they wake up THE COAST rell'be studied and adopted, he a new nuisanee into Christmas eve cele- stray item of news which fits into the FILES ? 5 THKKMO. 5 !T VV1N1 this morning. - g S . ii eheers. brations by blowing around a sneezing several men chronological record of things, day in Chief McDuffie sent down Black smallpox firing firecrackers, one and day out; here's to the men who has caused a number ? 5 sffj whom he caught of deaths near Silvcrton, Oregon. ? s ;o of them being a man of forty who mis- struggle with the product of the day 's i I r g i n SIDELIGHTS of grind for news, and who take it from Dr. took the occasion for the Fourth George Edgar Vincent of Chicago j B i the mechanical setter of type through : July. There Vas, however, very little was elected president of the University e ; t . the press forms to completed 2U.J.8 -- of this until after the crowd thinned the sheet, of Minnesota. WW at ,o Tb 7i 5 RW (Continued from Page 4.) was relax- that the world may know what 's trans- - j out and the police vigilance . " 1901 30 00 ph-ing- The 78 68 .46 ; Eastern Shore iiner General n lo si jNk natives are so expert that they can harpoon a shark from a board. ed when several bunches banged out as to valued at $30,000, was destroyed by 1902 a period to the celebration. Here's my friend the iceman with 29.9s 73 66 70 . 00 70 2 H jplM engaged in the sport they wear nothing but tea leaves, which his cheery call mornings; to the! fire at Mobile, Alabama. mm Several men were booked for investi- o' 1903 'SO. CO 79 62 pji plant in irom 70 .uO 68 2 Nt growing wild the islands, and which a favorite gation under orders from Deputy Rose, bakery boy with his fresh smelling An Italian inventor living in Phila- loaves 1904 29.1,8 76 69 72 re drink, called vkolehow, is manufactured. being released after the festivities were straight from the oven; to the delphia, has patented a to .12 62 8 N 8 milkman who his burial casket :i much spirits were jangles cans in the hold a :S0.14 more interesting, instructive and novel information doth ye ended and their exuberant corpse seated upright on a stool. 1905 75 87 71 .00 63 8 nb 8 calmed sufficiently to trust them on the wee sma' hours of the morning; to the : the "Courier" hand out. Subscribe for a year by sending him a At a 1906 ,30.12 73 63 68 public stre?ts. Several common nui- motorman whose "steady" makes; cost of $2,500,000 the Belgian .07 68 8 18 : bananas or a couple of pineapples and enjoy rhetorical, grammatical pleasure of the long trip from valleys b'iver Sure will be harnessed pro- sances, too free with their duster3 and t9 1607 30 to 81 73 77 .00 74 2 SB 9 Lisophica' dissertations on life in Hawaii. Your fruit will be well spent. confetti, wound up the small batch to town; to the conductor whose little vide electrie power for the city of their IB08 .30.C9 mi. of misdemeanors, with the exception of thoughtful kindnesses to the old and Luxemburg. 75 63 69 .49 8? 7 NE lo '"': i" the decrepit bring them heartfelt PGKY. several all night parties, who kept the A Christmas gift of $25,000 from 1909 j29.98 78 70 74 .05 84 8 B a animated until morning. Mid- thanks; to the toilers in the stores; to stee*ts the students and alumni of Fordham mo 77 87 73 lit to any of the leading cafes of Honolulu after the theater always night saw the end of the crowd and all those who have helped us select some- j30.C6 .02 74 13 SB 11 thing for pa and ma, and University for the use of the gym- ometiiiies it does more, and value received does not appear on the the trimmin '9. brother and vge;so.OO 77 67 72 Ai ',8 sister, and sweetheart, maybe; whu nasium was announced in New Y'ork. Ks jister is by you. You pay, of course, for the Welsh and not paid for have smilingly told us that for her a Phya Maha Xjphab has been appoint-- j H I WM. B. STOCKMAN, w the lobster a la Xewburg, but the part of the feast which causes MALI IN FUND pair of silk hose do, or ed minister of Siam to "Washington inj might for him Section Director. xestion and nightmare, and appeases not the physical but the mental TOPS A THOUSAND a pair of silk hose aLso might do well, place of Phya Akaharaj Yaradhara, the the is trans- - j fgf! is not charged for. list endless, but, anyhow present minister, who has been Here's a Merrv Christmas to of to TIDES, BUN D MOON. J.--l . . " all ferred London. &;JJUrf, 03 Stir 119 cvnuui 1:3 v oin--s s v., twjitu n.- - 1 I (Continued from Page One.) them...... iL . Al , 1 "With throat and wrists gashed with o Efciicus. ' Pressed out it means mere is notmng uoing on mat aay. something! a a 1 the strangers, and he said poeketknife and bullet wound over 0C o mm doth my boy welcome its arrival, because a school report about the Christmas spirit. It was; the heart, the body of Charles W. Gard- lilt be perpetuat-- j a prominent thirty-fiv- e l head "deportment" need not be feared, and U'cause he may stay something he hoped to see TAWNEY SLATED ner, attorney, 531 x iC J Lj a 11 (a linQ ed. concluding he asked years old, was found in the outskirts of ii nn ifa dvu nn.l o o falrii in li tl.frtf.r T.r PVflp it, Vteen In for three; a m. p.m p.m. .u ., , Kise cheers for the good strangers, and the Denver. H 19 5 .50; 2.1 h. II 1.3b 10.-- 8.84 5. Sr5 1 that the beauty sleep plan will not be marred as to the kiddies if f crowd responded. Hurled from his machine as it skid- T !vf FOR CABINET JOB? '20! 8.84! 1.9 7 Si 2.19;U.5J6 35's..5 1C 09 when have to get up the next morning, they I they don't early The mahilinis were assisted by Mr. ded in a stretch of sand and tinned a l W jpitted to stay up late the previous night. Rath of the Palama Mission, Mr. Rider; complete somersault, Lenda Morton 21; J 16; 17 S.fli 2 T3' I6.S3 5.2 11 P5 m m I Mission, Rev. Mr. 41 of 22' : once in a while, after seeing the villain properly and thoroughly of the Kakaako Gray, years old, president the; 8 .Of,. 1 5 10 3. 3 Jl, l.i:i;8.:i6 5..6 ll.rrt St.- - t tribula-fflderl- y Pot wine of Elizabeth's and the Cosmos Steamship Company, was killed! M all of his trials and VA8HIXGTON", December 19. That 1 2 the hero emerge triumphantly lioui Salvation Army folks. near Salinas, California. F 23; 11 Hi 181 S.U ft if, 5.27 holding the sweet heroine in Lis arms, we get thankful and representative Tawney of Minnesota, This Year's Total. Six months in jail or a fine of $500 8 24 6.50 i .. . 4.5f 6.37 5.27 0.43 t chairman of committee on appropri- the same time, aud visit one of the cafe. Mali- - the perfolties provided in a new Such was the beginning of the are the 3 25 0.15 1 it10 4! 5. .6 6 3li b.s; 5 S8 j-- in- l.a7 i here niav much be seen bv one of keen eyesight and an observing hini Christmas Tree; what it will de- - ations, will become secretary of the Los Angeles ordinance for anyone who bucket-sho- or anyone Last quarter of the Moon 23. About one of the tables you may see a party of niei, ostensibly gather-te- r velop info, none can say, but each terior, shortly after his retirement from operates a for Dec. 44 proclaim- - year it has been growing into more congress on March 4 next is the predic- caught patronizing such places. The) The tides at Kahului and Hil oeeur for the of good fellowship, and at intervals noisily -- sake and more a settled thing. This year, tion made today in unusually well in- also extends to any person who; bout one hour earlier Hono- : penalty than at fact. good fellowship is there, p i Listen and watch and deduce. The hi unsolicted subscriptions, the com- formed circles. rents offices for bucket-sho- purposes. lulu. will probably find then? is also a political deal, or the promotion of mittee has received in cash and dona- Mr. Tawney, made his fight, and is Five alienists subjected James J.; Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours deal, or a deal, or a steamship agency deal, or some tions over a thousand dollars. Yester- prepared to retire from public life, but who shot Mayor Gaynor, to 50 minutes slower than Greenwich time, street paving Callagher, U-- ' ; nowpr day $92.50 came in, sixty dollars of his friends are of the opinion that his I A quan- being that of the meridian of 157 de- .1 a . L nf...pcefiil- win' - - Trojan- - - - . nr honor or a mental test of three hours. ! WV X VltTill VII, 111. 11, l I.' ' jf which represents the donations of Chi- services are too valuable to be lost. his grees 30 minutes. The time whistle 1 I tity of serum was taken from spine; 1 it to the eaters. nese friends, in addition to the $120 blows at 1:30 p. m., Speaker Cannon and the old machine to "be examined under the microscope.' which is the sam see purposely too far away from already turned in. The list now stands, l Greenwich 0 hours 0 m a couple in the corner? They are in the house are quietly working to If the expert opinion shows that Cal ts minutes. Sua kave at its close, as follows: and moon are for local time for their conversation overheard. Hut watch them ond then watch that end. lagher is mentally unsound, he will not j Previously acknowledged $906.40 to affirm ol 8TOUP jjhtohimns of society news for announcements of engagements. Should Mr. Tawney today declined be placed on tral. Cash ..." 1.00 or deny the report that he is to succeed Lii'M weir names mentioned in the same paTagmpn yon m,i say 10 i Cash 1.50 Reductions of the prices of meat,' MZTEOXOLOOIOAL XECOHD. I r Secretary Hallinger. Now that the re vegetables, which be-- 1 Hawa'.-'.a- Pineapple Co 10.00 , eggs, poultry and J"!! observant told von so." port of the P.allinger-Pincho- t inves-- ! V''---'- . "I a month ago on New York 'li-- : Cash 20.00 uau about Issued Bonday : You look around, and see a merry party ci merry tourists. Fizz tigating committee has been made. Mr. suddenly been followed Every Morning by tb More Chinese Friends tin. 00 said, to market, have i theirs because thev like it and because they can aflord to buy t. Hallinger is preparing, it is to the old high prices Loeal Office,. U. 8. Weather Bureau. law. He has' bv a reversion of like return to the practise of year. Pork, which Secretary Wood's recruits who visit the thtaters and cafes Total for 1910.. .$1058.90 j that prevailed last ' desired to rid himself of the annoy-- gone up again to THHRM. WIND 1 too, likewise aflord to buy it. led the decline, has 9 K and indeed not a few of them fan uncos that have come with his official and mutton, previous high figures, a -b2 0i thev turn out to be a iollv lot and a go..d-.a- t urvd lot. Dodging ARMED GUARDS duties, but has refused to retire under' is veal ami chickens have followed suit. - . aut-mnb- rs. being compelled flr('- - - a Hand making other people dodge and AND BARBED WIRE Geolo- j will: The Russian expedition under 1 to v: reporters, The report or the committee .' 5 a the of polities, and being veil bv discovered a warm j 3 aftermath uf come up for discussion at the present gist M. Rusnnoff has a ; ngv (a new word) (Continued from Page One.) around Nova 'embla, but t the statue worshiper, and listening to ocean current S lHic.i.y 77 rt6 OtiBH 3 NK j 5 session of congress and the incident. ; - Kara M 19 Si 07 T 6.i 75 S -- AteniBg -- the Constitution about quarantining against Wailuku not rassiili- through the .00 6 E exposition of the habeas corp.i it will be closed when the session ends, SO 1.6 6'- - ': Maui. l,.i.e ansen Mini others sought tor T '0 77 .00 72 8 KB 4 im and central to go W ' 50 C8 00 71 K John Marshall MeKride these and many - : l'ar experiences may leaving the way clear for him is expected that m i 30.14 5 f a current. It T 22 7 j 7 Pickings. such - H0.08 '6 12 Political out of office with the vindication of man- , i m ' J jUare to them positive pleasures, convenience of the ,bscovery the ft i if ( 7 s K Hi s; B 8 The Kepubiicaii executive committee his judges. The ot Siberian 9 i SO 0i: 7 67 .02 74 10 11 tonally, i i iallv determining the ,.,,t., to mouths M j nuv you run across a lot who ore of the county met Thursday morning Several times of late President Taft north, instead will henceforth be 3Q.n7 77 6 66 6 24 6 8 NK jAHierin which is to be coT.i cred, or no less con-- 1 his de-- rivers ft. 3 the Elks' carnival and passed the credentials of candidates has declared to callers ardent ,,t' s,,uth. lit Nova ..'in! bi. ' j" fixing up a lot of shriners. appointment, as district deputy sher- doing something handsome tor 71.6. the program for the entertainmei: for sire of 'Plie New Vork State supreme court 3 hear V ' and iffs. For Lahaina. Chas. K. Makekau, Representative Tawney. Cossip has; mio; Note. Barometer readings are eor-'te- d I at these tables expressions like and "Indian" has returned a verdict for against ' ' C. li. Lindsey, with a place on; for temperature, instruments! l11" and .Tim" ar.d ' ' Thoii.r To the casual, first choice, and the connected his "name Franke and lr. T. Orovcr le :.nd "Sunnv Ma-kawa- Dr Pelro "Fred" incumbent, second choice. For commerce commission and ,,f Joseph's Hos- errors, and local gravity, and reduced d-- the interstate St. tai8 listener a- - cf nr.ecf ed n- - a Knn'tho ia llovdo. sU,e,.,.ns 4 they mean nothing, and sound in the- , o ea level. Average cloudiness W. (. Scott. first choice: with important ivirea:i offices at Far ,.n a .omplaint stated kt j pital ;n I in reality they signify that the month of February and the Floral Edgar Morton. incumbent. second H is known that the au autopsy on the scale from 0 to 10. Direetion of departments. that thev performed wind is average velocity ' il!be epoch liinkir.g in the history r.f Haw:.ii. choice; David Morton, thiid choice; P. President regards Mr. Tawney a: one Aben I'oyd. a victim ot in miles per t marks of 'James 8 ' t.ub , bours ending at p. ra. Velocity of "'ast T to which I have N". Kahokuohina. fourth choice. For Ci... ivolkin-- men in ii.pendi.-itis- without having obtained i time Friday night in the wind i during 9 L. For lii- no less regard for Two nrvailinsr direetion f?rence,, a pair who ordered liana. L. .Iosejh. Moiokai. life and he lias the consent of his family. sns g the wait.-- looked somewhat doubt fully .at hours ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of .loel Xakaleka. his abiiitv than for hi energy. a ud a daughter hrouglil me suit. !? kim-and-eg- order of velocity in per-hour- . they called a sandwich, preface.': by another applications for police Nashville pas- wind is average miles About forty When a. Louisville and WM. B. 'I they called 1 spell the it is nr,t my were presented and were STOCKMAN, i "gin fizz." If Jattr appointments SIX DIE FROM GAS. j selli r trtun out Ot .asume suu. Station Director. dut'-tiv- I qv. what was Sh'MitT Crowe!!, who, the all of mv ( power could vii r.dertand referred to COW near Kirkland the conseipierice 1 24. Six 1 ?; felt, will make appointments KKXTOW ' Hecember hurled to $ave as o pair looked i . overlooking a few committee w r The cow was the - COSTUMES FOR M satisfactory to the public. founil dead in adjoin- j a negro who was - re-;.- ei Never mind the people wore ,,,ie sole. striKing in the dre- thev looked taoie. j matter of second divi- : negro The tax assessor of the inu rooms in a bi.ieinghouse here. It watching the train go by. The THE CARNIVAL fiua aiiv the ' caused doubts, but thev looked .iut in a request to the county ta-.- i a t a lUiddle of watei ' ' sion has sent is believed from as kn i M' ked ,p. " i a de fourt h. a oog 1 torleit. and " disbursing officer to hold up the pay cans. ! their deaths. In fall ne- lie struck Tift. . si.ii' a,ol killed. i -- tin-ha- Orders for costumes for the Carnival ! tro-- r ph ase were t o'Vieers employers who - ot an j x and m:ny of all e.'iintv and w b i ll a No wa- 1 laving the part wnt." and "bo receipts" can now be from, Hawaiian-New- s .,- ordered the in of taxes. by-tat- id it. 10 me ' me Christmas comes on aw ilelin.iuent the l.avnient innocent mi.! killed mi i.v husband informed lid- - BARK FOUNDERS. Co., Ltd., Alex. Young building. , ri.irhr rriven the tax assessor u o this m.. tV,ut ovocincr t' v ;jig lie would leave me Great interest is being taken in the vertr. on tho Laws. j fr section 11. of the Revised WASHINGTON. December 4 The SOMETHING SOULFUL. coming Carnival and the costumes are attend to the of onr tree in f i'd- r to lttend a prize tight, to ay something Norwegian bark pero foiindeia-.- l today, You are going very attractive. a law and the gospel i see taxing Mv remonstrance that t ; "1 t:f i cortest. in a oi'; ('ape llatteras. but tlo-- s.oiifui." ti.eJiam'C. 26 whatever, In vour lovely eyes. ,. I somber as the div had no effect i s;1 ve omseives bv to crew takil T was g..iitg to sav is this, END IN SIGHT. plenty 1 To PERSONALS. I Wlat j; of did - e , liear. quote the oats. . other things of interest spot;. b-- The tiaii.-ee- " Won't you remark . - December 24. The I I of nrn-- 0o'K- it up for yourself. c..;ir a rubber band aroiuid ymr head !IIlirAin'A. I r Derby w Ml return from the PRISONERS' CHRISTMAS. ,'jo'hts. s as f. train ..ur ears not to Associated Dress correspondent predicts Coast on the Wilhelmina. this week. j ; 3 ,!,- -- a 1,e that the revolt against the forces of . Hod was d hort!v before his h bv clergyman. "'My A """''',1 H,f- It Tr Mr. and Mis. O. IT. Chamblin left j President Diaz will l crushed in 5, ' - am the I aod said to l.ini. looking at his gloo- M.untenance. afraid h"ld at the Oahu prison this afternoon . 1 is worth "I yesterday in the Mongolia for the j rt' j esent in nex; month or two. S" The rebels are floes not agree with itu." mainland. j at half past two. Besides the service.) t w :u the sh, nb steadi'v losing ground.

14 sH THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. t - 3 i Rraifk ivitrhoc rj. Ouster Puffs 1

' " jj Sanitary Mair Rolls l"- - ' 111 I i I Anything You Want in JSv I "" Hair v ' honor 'f the Princess ;,u.l her guest , received the second prize of :i silver i ;'V.r JiLzU 'ho bo J SHAMPOOING. HAIR DRESSING so f 'fflHj&r JCfjmS oxjiwto here for six or eight lea strain-- r. .:. r in the afternoon MANICURE. 1 rC'?2' Sf5VL tioaliy veil and is just as handsome Mrs. Snath's gue-t- s f.,r budge were ;,s g jfir CWCo f;,s,';,1;,ti"' ''y''r- - "lany friends Mrs. Ai.liitr Smith. Mrs. Marix, Mrs. 1 m pr I g s2- - '"'' f:i'l'g their way to her home on W'i.Vox. Mi-- . i:;.rii:m. Mrs. Mrs. J - ' Xy!? M Ponsat'obi street to welcome our "Pri n- - !':ivsh , Mr- - Mr. II lleidmrn I back a "fain.

Mi-cd- E. UP1 j nam. Mrs. y, Mrs. Wiliis, Mrs. I Gdnr . . . - (li)inc tin- j The social of past weeK t nildrem's parties have been numer At". Hie. Miss kurheruio Stephens, and J Fort and Beretania Wto ous during M:s-: A. ooper, Streets. Phone 2091, jnipht be suniiiie.l up iu one word, HONOLULU'S CALLING DATS. the last few davs and will ice ami tliey were join I n ma in the earlv part week. "il lie Mrs. Lewerenz. Mrs. Stevens. . 1 "Christinas." Christinas j. reparations of this I n Friday little Clarence Murray, son Airs. Law. .Mrs. Ross Kingsbury, Mrs. Christmas doings have Keen the one Mondays Punahou, College Hills, and Manoa Heights, Makiki. f Doctor and Mrs. Murrav. entertain- w Vs. Mr-- . Johnstone, Miss Cowles, one- topit' of conversation. a idea and Ttte8day8 Waikiki, Kapiolani ed at "Christinas Tree Party" for and Miss Helen (North. 1 , There pen no need of teas, hnieh-eons- Park, Kaimuki and Palolo; about twenty of his little friends. jt jt j4 After nearly an hour's romping on the j ete., to liring people tofjether: the Fort Kuger first and third ' Siat-ter- lawn, the little folks were ushered into aptain and Mrs. .loh'i Rudolph 1l stores have been the meeting plaees, Tuesdays. U. the house where a brilliantly lighted of the Engineer Corps, S. A., Wednesdays Xuuanu, who Hono- and no one eould lie long in town with- Puunui and tree met the admiring gnz of the lit!, were formerly stationed in meeting many friends. Pacific Heights. Above Nuuanu a jolly old lulu, are often heard from at Fort Leav- out bridge, first Wednes- tot; Santa Claus presented and third each child with pretty gifts and cornu- enworth, their present home. They Farly in the week Christmas festivi- days; below, second and fourth; have been stationed at Fort Leaven- J' copias filled with nuts ad sweets from V ties bean, for in order that the chil- Pacific Heights, fourth-Thursda- ys neighborhood the well-lade- n branches of the tree. worth iu the of four J dren might attend the trees of all their The Plains. After admiring the tree to their hearts' years, and are expecting their new i little friends some of them were held Fridays Town and hotels; Fort content, and partaking of light refresh- orders to arrive almost any day. Cap- - j is Thursday. Shafter, first and second Fri- ments, a happy crowd of ones tain and Mrs. Slattery were both so Here hot water service for as early as little in Honolulu, days. went home to wait for another con- popular while that their The faet that Christmas was on a j Saturday! Kalihi; Kamehameh fidently expected appearance of the many friends have been hoping that Sunday pushed many of the dinners might to Ho- - your home such as you've Schools, third and fourth Satur- patron saint of Christmas-tide- . their orders bring them forward to Saturday night, and there days of month. I'olnlu again. Miss Bradley of VisaJia j was scarcely a home in town but had has been visiting Mrs. Slattery at Fort never dreamed of before. The it Among the many Christmas Eve din- Leavenworth for the past two or three some sort of celebration Christmas Eve. ners, one of the most elaborate was months, She is an exceedingly pretty The festivities will be prolonged dur- Colonel- - Wheeler was the largest affair that given by Mr. and Mrs. Case Peer- girl, and has beeh verv popular. Both ing the coming week, for some dinners of the week, as well as one of the pret- ing. They always entertain in a de- she and Mrs. Slatterv are sisters of and trees have been postponed until tiest balls ever given on Oahu. Colonel lightful way, and yesterday evening Mrs. E. M. Watson of Honolulu. was in was no for Wheeler assisted receiving his exception. Nothing was lacking jt jt jt Monday. The feature of Monday guests by Mrs. Foster, Mrs. MeClure, to give the true Christmas spirit to the Mali-Lin- The members of the Service Bridge the greatest number will be the i Mrs. Holbrook and General Schuyler. evening, be- the decorations especially Club were Wednesday af- Water-Heat- er in morning, aad The post hall was lighted, ing entertained Gas Christmas tree the brilliantly worthy of notice. Most of the ternoon by Mrs. Moor N. at- Automatic and the decorations were very much ad- Falls the the sight of children of so many na- favors were ordered direct from New Young Hotei. As usual a very pleas- mired; the general's silver star was A I) tionalities participating in the celebra- York and were entirely new here. ant was spent at game, is "always on the job" ready any minute, day or suspended from the ceiling by graceful jolly good time was spent by Mr. and afternoon the tion of Christ's Nativity is one that streamers of green, flags and emblems the rubbers being unusually exciting, Mrs. Peering 's friends as is always the and the scores high. The first prize night, to heat water steaming hot and send it rushing can be seen in few places besides Ho- were hung from the sides ami festooned case in their hospitable home, where of a b: a-- s vase was won by Mrs. Marix, nolulu. Judging by former years, it from the center. The dancing began the spirit of informality Teigns. to any faucet you may open. There is no delay no about nine o'clock, the cotillion lead- and the second prize was a tall brass seems to give candle-stick- almost as much pleasure ers being Lieutenant (uekemeyer and gas to light The Ruud awakens at the turn of a The members the club present were to the distributors of the gifts and the Mrs. Sturges. Some of the figures were On Fr;day afternoon Mrs. I?oy Smith of faucet lights its own gas heats instantaneously ' onlookers as to the children themselves, very intricate and graceful, especially was hostess for four tables of bridge Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Putnam. Mrs. Estes, and this doing for others is certainly a Mrs. Manx. Mrs. Rov Smith. Mrs. Rob- coils-exting- uishes the Japanese one, where gaily colored at her home on Lnnalilo street. Appio-priat- e water flowing through its copper close to Christmas-tide- . Mrs. Mrs. ftting the parasols weie given as favors. In an- gieens and reds were used in the ards. Sheedv, Chnpman. Mrs. .ft j Jt jt other figure Italian confetti was tised decorations, and gave a festive Christ- Ramsey, Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Falls. itself automatically when The ball and cotillion given on Thurs- J to good effect. The favors were all mas appearance to the rooms. Mrs. Chap- Jt Jt jt you close the The supply of hot day evening at Sehofield Uarracks in -. faucet very pretty, many of them being Christ- man and Mrs. Wilcox were the hoidtrs M- and Mrs. Patterson. Miss Church j lonor of Brigadier-Cenera- l Schuyler by mas knickkaacks. Hefreshments were of the highest scores; Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Prentice were the compliment- - j water is inexhaustible economical. Call served at half after ten and dancing Chi- was awarded the first prize of a ed guests at a nance on r nuay even- "self-operatin- g." was resumed later. Several large din- nese centerpiece embroidered v ith the ing at th" home of Mrs. Fanny Eove in and see this wonderful device ner parties were given early in the typical bine dragon, while Mrs. Wilcox on Keualo street: The house was at- - evening for a number of townspeople. Attaches to the gas and water The guests included Brigadier-Genera- l pipes in your cellar. Schuyler, Governor and Mrs. Frear, IB Miss Frances IHIlingham, Major and GAS CO., LTD. ' Lfl , HONOLULU L L Mrs. Timberlake, Major and Mrs. Wins-low- Captain and Mrs. Falls. Captain Alakea and Beretania Sts. Phone 2322 and Mrs. Cowles and I.liss Cowles. Cap- tain and Mrs. Walcutt. Captain and of Mrs. Marix, Major and Mrs. Neville. Captain and Mrs. Sturges, Captain and Mrs. Orton, Major and Mrs. Foster, Captain and Mrs. Holbrook, Captain tractive with its palms and ferns and taken apartments at the Ihmiiai and Mrs. Ifaight, Captain and Mrs. open doors giving it the tropical look Hotel and will be town residents fd Ladies' Faulkner, Captain and Mrs. Morse, Ma- which so appeals to the eyes of stran- several months. jor and Mrs. De Witt. Captain and Mrs. gers. The music was furnished by' a jZ tf Scales, Captain and Mrs. Cap- MeClure quintet club and was especially good. Miss Enid Gregg, who is th konrf tain and Mrs. Koester, Captain and Mrs. Among Mrs. Love's guets. besides the Robards, guest of Mrs. Dunning at Fort fehaftei Lieutenant and Mrs. Dockery, guests of honor weie the Misses is exceedingly popular and is bein. Muslin Lientenat and Mrs. Barton, Doctor and Blanche Soper, Florence Hoffman. Con-sta?ic- e much One delightful Mrs. Van entertained. en Agnew, Lieutenant and Mrs. Resta'ick. Fanny iloogs. Helen was spent the course ol w Witmia, Mrs." in Lieutenant and Kodnev, Girvin, Alice Cooper, Jessie Kennedy, week at an informal hot) eiveniatll Lieutenant and Mrs. Morrison, Lieu- Muriel llowatt, Marjorie Peterson. post Shatter, at wl Mrs. hall at Fort tenant and Parker. Lieutenant and Helen North. Ruth and Martha a number of the officers of the jre Underwear Mrs. Hanson, Doctor and Mrs. Morse, Belle MeC-orristou- Mvra with their wives and a few tews Lieutenant and Mrs. Christy, Captain Angus. .Jean Angus, Ida Kopke, Sara people were present. . and Mrs. Cnekrane, Judge and Mrs. Lucas. Yiolet McKee, Aileen McCarthy. Wednesday afternoon, from fic Ballon, On Sidnev Mr. Hart, Miss Hart, Messrs. Bruce Cartwright Jr., Clarence Dunning entertained at to Miss to six, Mrs. Todd, Mrs. Goodale, Mis Kath- Watei maun, Doctor Hedeniann. Freder- for Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Em arine Goodale, Miss Katharine Stephens. ick Lowrey, Allison Jordan, Robert Cretrcr mid Allen Hamilton, and dl Miss OPENED Damon. Colonel and Mrs. Payson, D. Me 'orrisf on. Gerald Ir- the ""afternoon many people called. T JUST Captain and Mrs. Wallace, Lieutenant win. Jack-- Gait, Young. George Jack afternoon whs mmlfi much mOre . and Mrs. Stewart, Doctor and Mrs. Ed- Warren, Bert Clarke, P. Larsen, Stew- able hv the evcellent gincine of Mil wards, Lieutenant Baird. Lieutenant art Johnson. Austin Jones. Sherwood I' VI '( '....nor nnd Afi!S GretTZ. and advanced Doak, Lieutenant Croniger. Major Hart, Lowrey. Frank and Cyril Hoog. Sam Charles Wilder poured tea and toff The new Lieutenant Ely. Lieutenant Rockwell. Wnlker. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and and Mrs. Hamilton and Miss uregtj i Lieutenant Millikin, Captain Hume, Mrs W. H. Hoogs and a number of receiving, d Mrs. Dunning in i Captain Hall, Lieutenant Quekemeyer, others. styles now being shown Sheridan, S8 tt $ Captain Forsythe, Lieutenant Jt Jt jt a Lieutenant Rothwell and a number of About twenty of the service ladies The social intimations of the others. met at the home of Mrs. Payson on mtmue a i. nnsimas uiuuj, , this Moml-i- and AlTS. JW in department are jt jt Green street last Monday afternoon to eveninsr by Mr. was a passen- discuss the enlarging Princess Kawanatiakoa possibility of the Tli a cniesfcs wfll W M ger on now existing Service Bridge Club so as of special interest. the Manchuria on Monday. She McCandless, mi. is here to spend the holidays with her to include the new eople who have and Mrs. James S. Mrs'. it Tt..i,. T.;titin!tni . children. Accompanying her is Mrs. recently heen here. Formerly liarrv ne oouiii, HugK stationed Dr. and Mrs. m Kate Voorheis Henry, a sieiety woman the vat a TimiNul nnti nf nlv tltron Mrs. Sheedv. of San Francisco, who has a charming tables, but if the club is enlarged, about ! M.i,,,Iu'5! an personality, and is sure to be a great five or six tables wiil be necessary if ' ni-al- l favorite here as well as in her own the bridge lovers of the army and - pae navy in Honolulu are to be included. Mr. Mrs. Gibson have SACHS DRY GOODS CO. citv. PRINCESS KAWANANAKOA and dauebted Many affairs are being planned, and Jt i the .rement of their several dinners have already been given in the character of Cleopatra. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. powling have Muriel to Rav B Rietow of this ail


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THE DREAM OF A Flowers and Evergreen for Christmas Honolulu Street Scene.


Surprise Visit From Santa Claus and the Night Watcher's Christmas Gift.

'' iet7"per$onals. By J. M. Giles. The rters room iu The A dyer-fo- r T sor office was deserted excent1 the f; vesterdav ? 1 man on the night watch, There wan . rolia " th' mainland. Hi nothin' - F.-r- t doin' in the otlice and gradu- direct to Riiey, Kansas. aily tne eyes of the lonely watcher ar- - 3 frs. Selden Kingsbury drooped lower and lower. The riearly-tinishe- d week from Maui. They 1 rDT the cigar fell out his hand and Z Hnmdulu for about two lutein dropped on to the floor, guests ,r .ir. ana --Mrs. it smoldered 91. the tor a space and then went out. This as J! his luck to bo alone while every Jt one else wore was enoyin hunself his ssd Mr?. F. A. Christmas passengers. They present the welcome sound Manehuria of the foreman's voice a number ot relatives announcing that bv the last form had gono to press." i. m' the strainer pulled in. The oilicf clock ticket on silently in the 8: - i I; tr tit and from oc- of the Keveniit the street came the j..Tif. Sheedv casional bray of a horn. Outside the aTvice has - i : l window there was the sudden rush uf ast Turner. no .une.. air and a md Mrs. S form like a great bird was .m.! Lieutenant ; . :.. u...... II, ...... silhouetted against the skv. ' nlilKe luen iii.ii.r- .;i delight of their many 'Ilul'oa there. is any one in?" came ll Fiathto the a cheery "sere. voice from th.. darkness, sleepily the newspaperman 42 Jt v k rubbed his r tired eyes and up I, W. L. Hopper ami lifting the window, !l and Mrs. poked his head out. 1 .raring daughter nave returned jumping he exclaim- a" glorious trip of several "Great snakes." Hd'er ed, as he caught sight of the machine f .pent in the easter Ma outside. ali right." answered same l i .1 ,..1 ! r; i ed "It's the Beatrice v."".".--- " ei - - cheery voice. I only looked in S- Princess KawanauaKoa ami to see how you were I uu Ma- - before went j 1 liter JiatuiuMR the Br . . . T I !..!.. ' along on my travels again. I'm Santa fiJMt'K so nemo ui u. --Ml...lius l'i,n,. young Clans, you know," followed as a sort V a ladies vnin uttendin.' . o afterthought. :jtle boarding seiiooi on me of Instantly the mind (if the newspaper- for several m'onths. man woke to activity. "Come on in- side." he aid. "Here take this chair Mid Mxs. I!. F. Diilingham are j and make yourself comfortable. ' ' srekomed back by numerous j There was a quickened chug i and friends. They are most chugging a ot the machine as it swung up along- is: astie about their trip abroad. T side the window and then entered the might interest you. as it was from a you, but have other places to go to some littl. souvenir of the occasion to! spent many mouths iu traveling i fi I niii-- 1 well-know- form of Santa Claus. bodv nf iteotile rliii town who are and t oil'. Merry Christmas!" idav with. CHRISTMAS DOINGS ;itseeiDg. responsible for the Malihini Tree which j And in another moment the genial old Talking about souvenirs brings up t& 0 Ihvssed in white furs from head to foot he presented a will be opened up tomorrow morning. tVli.w was out of sight. the subject of automobile horns. Why! strange appearance in - Ipxander Lindsav and little 1 L1C Ml 111 Wl'Mt lilt- (lidl Lying beside him the reporter noticed it does not seem tin semitropical clime, but as he af- - Uld l.n c, very clear, but AT YOUNG HOTEL :er are ext.eetel home about the , 1 1 i;,e 1 a small undle. tcru-ar- ,,ti tmi,i,f tlna v, ... . anyway it must be taken for granted! of a hng visit ' tor the little iiluren in Cee! good of old fel-- ; January, after - - unfortunate that's the that the subject, is now lie ...... ui; h, in.- iu in.- an ucu I,,nnliilii to discussed.) mainland. whose people were not well low. he thought, as he took it up to Will, an automobile horn has always1; & & rnsning mrougn it at a great rate. enough off to afford presents, had sub- o"en now Mr. began the' sounded previously, as not only the "And Claus.'' scribed towards a monster tree, and th e of ' sad Mrs. W. R. Castle and "That's last the proofs, but most arrogant thing on Visitors Get Together and Give reporter. should be glad if you will 1 d earth, but Miss were "I asking me to e sr. re ai have the goods still want another column to till up s?!, Beatrice Castle, me how you also the most fiendish. .lust as the pa-- i - tell are finding things this delivered in time. ThU is the sort of with," broke in a gruff voice at his interning passengers on the Mau- tient and timid lover has raked upi the Children Real Good a Christina, and also what sort of a trip order that always pleases me. . as it ar, and the leepv eves opened to find k They have , had sideiuiia enough courage to girl he; -vo'i have had this vear. shows that love am! sympathy are not he foreman standing alongside him. ask the if iDtinir triends and relatives in i Lively Time. Well." replied Claus. "on the; quite so dead in this .,1.1 world as they might hold her hand while the train whole. I think I may say through- are imagi n"d e. goes by and just as he has done so. too,: iri.t-'.- f lad Mrs. Castle's sou in Boston that hi EVERY ONE WAS IN : I T there is a weird and i . ,i ...... 1 v..c out the world have found things good; "Some of the letters received from unearthly sound! rtbre-iking- . him has given sig-- i evervwhero. It is more with matters! here were very lien One of behind an auto the A grown-u- p met CHRISTMAS STYLE ' ' lot of children Santa American, though, that you will want! them 1 have with me; it reads as tol-rn- e nal. b'oa l hog coming. Clear the! 5,0. Wilder returned on the 1 Claus in the lounging room of the to deal, so 1 confine tol,OWS: 'I'ere m'ster Santa claus, am way." l;ria - will mvsolf after seventh months tour- 1 ,Vd Young evening, where they them. Throughout the whole "of litt,, V'1'1' h:,ve novtr a dollyi Automobile horns were being discuss- Hotel last in -- th!? Mrs. yiiner ana I (Continued iiarope. nuif T'.,i?e,1 Srnt.. T hnrn on In.ilH "IV lit in.l w nnn h like from Page One.) ed last evening and the stage had been capered about, showed thevr ecstasy 3J to f,i,l not return Honolulu ior one- - I asked miimina if she thought of l4ie day' there was a reached when it was suggested now ct eased .rosin'r:ty. Everything continual stream' that: when they received a gift from the iaonths. leing with vou would n e one she tle-s- grown and I reli you it took me a con- that and of machines up and down this there might be something worse. It! hands of and had the merriest j me she so as she Santa, siderable time arranging fixing up told didn't think was newly paved street, and just at the! was not possible to imagine such a' Jt and l.i of a merry Christmas eve. They Jt too poor to u v one from vou. I'lease , - kind 1 hi time of these interesting and history-- tiling then, but later ,, presents for over oj,. ndred one I and i i ,e sad -- lirainerd Smith expect Willi one with ooldy lia:r and were the guests of the Young and - making remarks, both sides of I'p and down King street there were ..... i.- .t,i..i, Hack there in my workshops,,,, j. 1 the, ",', on me nuuu ke saw in a shop window.' growu-up- s iawaHif2 Honolulu auir.i. 1 a good work-- : t street were absolutely lined with alii about forty thousand devils marching, Moana hotels, and although .ara tlVOTltV-. - however. nave staff of j won'-- ft.j von who ;;i:.H.i l'MU i.Vlt. V'. .inillfirv...... the little "ill was. of around! is i ny cars "puiVin smells" each of whom armed with a horn the were children once more. TVint- - l,n-i- l.enll frolll men. ami ymtting in overtime we I they just but I can sav this much, that wrote i - managed indiscriminately. Inside they were likej dimensions and noise of which it is Ihey did a iot of peeking, these ' i? If? !iit many months, and will be just it." to the organizer and she is to get that a department Dolls, can-- describe." there is not a grown during da and early ir friends, "And round about Honolulu, Mr. dolly from the tree store. drums, ' to as tips, the the welcomed by their tomorrow." see r.t Claus. How did you find matters dies, wagons, great wreaths of flowers! word in the English language long part of the evening, just to the -i houi c here?" "But you don't deliver all the goods ' Vil- ShafSBft "Much, better than I expected. The yourself, do you. Mr. am. evryt h'r.'.g else that is associated enough. Christmas tree, with i.s myriad of tiny ?-- M. Harding, of Mrs. Claus?" sister : h VuSetide season" were piled! electric globes, glimmer. 'iig, blue, white, Sun-Kaua- town has gone ahead with I bring "ve" on i. wonderful "Why, no; only round those Tz- aterhouse returned hi .Th. red and green among the laden branches u ,eVl-hnu- rapidity and everybody about seems to for the little children. When thev grow n2 from where she way or have money. I suppose vou know how older thev stay awake at nights and "This must be a busy time for the! of the tree, which came all the the frozen slopes of the Sierras i in I work my business and find out try to catch me, so I have had to make stores," thought The Advertiser man.' BUSINESS LOCALS. from Jot four weeks. just; up as exactly what each little bov anil girl other arrangements. The way I work "1 will just dodge round and ask some to be set in the midst of tropical ;i setting as could be found anywhere he ifc' IT.ft in the different towns want. Xo? Why, things now is like this: he wite hears of them. Tia WitTelrti TTaniiltnn who open iu world. They peeked tVi see if towi'i her husband say tiiat he would very from The he be- - The Metropolitan Market will be the Vea then, I will explain it to you. The first "I'm Advertiser." I - the guests of Major and a , ., ...... nTiiil fon n clock- Tondnv mnrninff Santa had a lot of Christmas things - thing I have to find out is what each tmich like certain thing, but he does gan, and that is all he did do. " j inning at Fort Shafter for sev- "Loti1""" Mrs. for them. tm ftf ';ek, passengers person wants and inorder to please as not think that he can afford it. This no time to talk to anvbodv." snapped) Poha and other preserves at were departing worries her so she in a case makes a But whether l hey peeked or not, I at Mongolia. many of them as possible have made sets to work and out the salesman. " My busy day. " Kearns. Six neat I a Santa was theie with a load of good .ss r, - writes me lettpr straight off. asking store! pretty present. 471 Beretania. arrangements with the postal authori- and this was so evii lent' at everv things, and maiihinis the me what think the thing will cost. I in-- tmse from i. was that, no nots from volcano. A George a to all to my home that visited further Fern tree the ; Waterhouse was pas ties deliver letters I mainland, many of them" thousands of y let her know as soon as can, and also I the Mont lis before lt'S were made. good opportunity to get nice pots for 's Kinau trom Kauai, where factories. Christmas she goes a .III miies away t:om their own firesides, ; eni4 tell her that if to certain ! your ferns. 471 Beretania street. 'been visiting Mrs. Wilcox. great bags of mail come pouring in far away 1 nun the b'.isom of their fam- of Mf. - shop she will find what she is looking Telling Contrasts. i .4 w- made, M and are handed over to my sorters. for. The shopman is also instructed, The Marmon, the best ear ever ilies, far away from the cold, glisten- 1 r .. . Tl , I . . -- . . , .. Christ ma and Prosperity strolled t Kach town is sorted out and, then the goes j is to be seen at the agency, Koyal Ha ing snow and ice covered mainland, had I1' and when she into the store and th rough the streets together, At oeea- - stationed at Mare Island, and orders are sent on down to the fac- waiian Garage, Hotel and Richards bt. a real .me; . v Christmas and forgot ask to be shown a present for a gentle- sional corners gaunt stricken Poverty 'Tfe" in Honolulu will be pleas-lg- tories. As there are a great many man, he oro, luces that they were not at their homes. MJs the very thing she pushed his uglv face out for a moment,! fhat both of them are well things which you might call stock, such you are, is Maiihinis mostly, but with here and If wants. 'Here ma'am: this was no place him and In TRANSPORT SERVICE. Jjbripy. as dolls, trumpets and the hundred and rxactly what you are looking So but it for there a sprinkling of kamaainas, these for.' great is of one things that go towards making the it is. but she is afraid of the price. beat it. So the prosperity Buffalo, ar. S. F. from Hon., Dec. 16. strangers in our midst had the'iT owa ,o T. J. O'Hrivc and wife of course much is the town that it may be safely - ar Seattle from Hon., Dec. 10. hristmas, their own Santa Claus ia Jol-iioag- juvenile heart glad, these are 'How it?' she asks in trepida- Man- - afternoon, when! 13. is. passengers on the cu'v to handle. tion. 'So much.' he replies, having re- that by Monday Logan, from Hon. for Manila. Dee. his gaudy red and white costume, and ence 1ito Yokohama. "Besides this, we have some very ceived his instructions from me, and 'tie presents from the malihini tree have Sheridan, from Manila for Hon. and S. received presents just as they have at be W jC be jt !ar'e special orders coming in. One, the bargain is completed. I could tell been distributed, there will not a, Dec. 15. home, far, far away. Christmas they Mr. Cameron, visit- - will S. Dec. fi. afe from Kauai, is which ! have just delivered tonight vou lots of t'dugs that miuht interest single child in the town but have Sherman, from Hon. for F., found was just as merry in Honolulu, here in Honolulu over t he away out in the middle of the Pacific, where the balmy trade winds drive the son ai . . cold away and leave only gentle Kate Voorhies Henry is the zephyrs. 'i Princess Kawananakoa on Christmas in Bethlehem Out on the streets carnival held nounc street. forth and the noisy blare of hums and vS aiscbtlft. V t the cracklv rattle of claptraps came up u s citarJ Mr?. Walter Maefarlane arc to the roof garden, and in t lie dstanee "j C n r 1 ba.-- bv hosts of ad the trail of the fiery skyrocket could v mends, after t lit- - i r prolonged be seen: the stars glittered brightly the Coast. tiiiiu an almost c ear ikv. Could it be Christina.' Yes, for there was Santa 4 Mrs. Robert V.. Pond left on ...... Claus. and the Jittering, spangled "'ay i boat for Kauai, w here thev i 'hristmas t roe. a m everybody was ) 14 Christmas with Mrs. Pond's merry. The r.dii i ng music of a Ha- and f:,t her. Mr. ind Mrs. (juiniet inie now and atmr., who arr;- - - Wii- . he.-r- tig e en tin se maiihinis who now '1 to visit 'ht .i. i ' hen igiif-- for tlieir own dear or e- - far. far a . ; v. s;tiita ('lau w: s ab! assiste iu s m Msii't t;ik bv Mrs. 'Inn ch " J FROM PAR JAPAN. 9 m 0 T joyous s . THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY. the sou 5 matiki-- U0 PWTMJ The edit'-ri.i- and tiiednnical -- '' t;ri 4 stalls of The Advertiser take On - 1 Chris- ciir da 's re-- t each year, usually A OhiM ... 8 1 in day. That day fall- f Man is ing Miij.liiv this y.-ar- with .fH!LTP i!p'i n; MM, the o..i..r.l hoi idav to Iv ob.-er-v- KID, n Mo . The Adv, rtiser wi 'so Test on Mnn- - '', j ;t ' V r 5& 4 if I) will b" !! isne js. . - r next Tuesday JH EVAKGKI.iSCH LUTHER-- , 42 GEMEIXDK HONOLULU. ' e 9 gfha.ton JORDAN'S PIANO CONTEST. " Tor:u. v. 1 sr 4 den I N'ai-h:,,. ' ar --

s, - 5 ajahrgsc-t.- ... CAHD 01 THAN?; 3. - t Of : resver-- ,- & . i i i 'r i.Sift'-'.-- ! Ifkste Mi DM 8 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910

render damut ie harmony .ini-!T- , fol- lowing by dialogue and concluding with :i new series of fancy dance, n iortion of which will be acrobatic. The latter bar, part of their stunt oeen the an Ueiephone 2660) f he week. The Great Snook will this week com- eet, Next to mence Lis series of magic, in which jel Tonag J lie is an adept, presenting some mystify- ing features, lie will be by By Special Reqw Miss Cleopatra Dunn. Edna Randall RETURN ENGAGE will sing new songs adapted to her beautiful mezzo-sopran- voice, and the orchestra will have an entire change of OHRXSTS program. Interspersed with the regular program will be the latest moving pic- Extraordinary Bill tures. During Limited Sew,, COUNTY PRISONERS TO GEORGE B. HOW ARn Yvn BE GUESTS AT LUAU "the nr, Probably one of the most appreciated Wednesday and Thai,. functions of the Christmas Day will be "PATTi rw x m.Tx" the luau at the Oahu Prison this after- noon for the prisoners of the county. Friday, Jailer Asch has made provision for SATURDAY iffirS. a luau which will be thorough in all its "SHERLOCK HOmS, appointment's, and there will be plenty for every man and woman in the insti- New tution, and for a number of people, Year's Day and kiaI who are interested in prison work, who "HELLO, BILLo, t have been invited to attend. In addi- tion to luau a Box the there will be program Office Now Open. so that the entertainment will be com- Prices 25c, plete. ! 35c m To this loan the board of supervisors rec'-utl- voted $100. Bijou Theatre BAND CONCERT TODAY. (Management of 4 S Tf Sao Xubey) The Hawaiian bind will give a con- cert in the eapitol grounds this after- Two Entrances; noon at three o'clock as follows: Hotel Street, opp. 5 Beth. The Old Hundred. Pauahi, near Fori Grand March Christmas Berger Overture Poet anil Peasant Suppe Honolulu's Largest, 8a(J CHICAGO CUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS, 1910. Intermezzo Fairyland (new)... Hesse and Selection Tannhatiser Wagner Playhouse Hawaiian Songs.. Ar. by Berger HOLDING PRESENTS PEARLS AND Selection Vocal Gems Adams s WRENS PLAY TENNIS AMID Turkish Idvil aril Angelina (new).. THREE SHOWS TONIGHtl Byng begins at 6:30 Slarj. Finale Christmas Dreams (new).... PLAY A DMW GAME UP THEIR SLEEVES WILL RACE TODAY RAIN AND SUNSHINE Williams High-Clas- Alohl Oe. s Vaudeville I The Star Spangled Banner. LATEST MOTION PICTDEl Musical Comedy Goal Five Generous Scrappers in Inter- of! Mac-Serie- Each Side Scores of Seven Boats' Enter for First Dispose of Two Sets in s Alumni Team Only change of Christmas Greet- of Four Events for donald Tournament, and Will THE SAVOY HUHGES' ORCHESTRA! Hotel, opp. BetheL Show Up. ings Will Be Winners. Bolte Trophy. Reach Finals Tomorrow. Largest Motion Picture Theater in City. A FIFTY-CEN- T (Management of E. J. Love.) SHOW .... for .... The Fort Shafter soccer team and the The scrappers will celebrate their The only sensation on the sport cal- Drenched and dried alternately by SPECIAL CHANGE OF 10c and Christmas tomorrow night at Asahi ! alleged High School Alumni eleven the endar for today is the Pearl and Sea copious showers and absorbing sunshine PROGRAM MONDAY POSITIVELY NO HIGHB. Theater, where will an inter- Mn-dona- Last Appearance of the came out even ia their practise match there be AVren race in Honolulu Harbor. The the ld coterie of recqueters change of presents roped yesterday. Each side scored a goal in within the boats will start over the course from welted away with a mixed, array of enclosure, and each one hftnd WILSON SISTERS the first half and there was nothing will try to the Myrtle boathouse at one o'clock their set cheering them on from ! his to the other first, demonstrating Asahi Thcalfl doing thereafter. Kiddo Chillingworth this afternorn. There are seven entries the sole lines and the net results, yes- Still the Favorite Dancing Duo. twenty-eigh- t that it is better to be the giver calculated that the whole than so far for the first race of the series terday afternoon, were two matches of the receiver. Joe MeGurn was wander- Maunakea Street between Hotel men who signed up for the High School of four for the Max Bolte trophy, which the tennis tournament disposed of. Miss ing around the street McPhee" Pauahi. team to play in the Hawaiian Associa- yesterday with is a knife this time instead of a cup, Woodford and Mr. Edmunds allowed Senator something up his sleeve he is hold- Rollicking Comedy, tion Football League series would turn that to make the interest more keen. Miss (juinau and Mr. Jamieson a handi- Farce ing in reserve for Mr. Jim Hoao, and he .... by .... out yesterday for the practise match at The next race of the series will be cap of Malan-Magrat- DECEMBEE 26 fifteen joints and beat them h Comedy Company. said he wasn't going to put it in his Fort Shafter, but one figured the sailed tomorrow, and the other two will the best two out of three sets. A card of clever boxers. stocking, either. Jimmie is others would be there and their pres- not going hapen next Sunday and Monday. There The latter, however, were very hard to be outdone in generosity, YOUNG GANS vs. SAEC0NI ence would not be needed. either. hasn't been much doing for qite a to subdue, but they yielded gracefully GEORGE STANLEY He's got two lovely lumps, when 6 Rounds 6 In consequence, only half a team that while on the wave, and the skippers of after two struggles in one of which they're doubled up look Ballads and Illustrated Songs showed up and they had to muster in as though they the Honolulu Yacht Club are BAUERSOCK, Leilehua, vs. FlfJ might be full of ginger. craving they were victories. The first one they of a few soldiers to complete their eleven. for a glimmer of limelight. bore up of Camp Very. Joe seems to be the favorite in the to deuce and finally succumbed Stage S ti. Then they View Never Obstructed During Soares, Frendo, May, Anderson and Ben betting, and there is a good deal of Friday of the Myrtle Boat Club will mustered all their ag- Entire Preforrnance. 8 Rounds 8 talk nhout the five-roun- Not sail gressiveness and Avon out 3 0, but the Kolokia were the only regular Highs j limit. his Elizabeth, Luther Hough, will Every Stage Whisper Heard. that the fight will only long, strain was too much when it came to Windup between to put in an appearance. Four soldiers I last that sail his Pearl, Max Bolte will be in it but Hoao will have to do the third and Woodford and Edmunds Francisco, that it inside with his Ivy and Arthur Myhre will go POPULAR JOE McGURN, of Saa deserted and joined the enemy's ranks! of five to 1 e the winner. The question walked awav with it 6 3. PRICES after the trophy in his Viking. George Changed. JIM HOAO, of Honolulu. and Melnerny.and Barnhart volunteer-- j is, "Has he got the punch?" He is Crozier has entered his wren Roaring Miss Sheffield, Mr. Healy, Miss Gait Never ed to serve one enlistment. Later on there with the speed, they all admit, Gimlet, the Dancing Sally will be navi- and Mr. Simpson were the second quar- 12 Good Rounds 12 ' and MeGurn tet to form the central Bill Rice showed up. relieving one of it takes about five rounds gated by E. J. Stone, "and Campbell attraction of to get thoroughly activities and the Sheffield com- Empire Theater limbered up for Crozier will break into the breeze in Healy 50 : General Admission, Wl the soldiers. There was not much team aetion. The theory on which MrGurn the Galloping Mary. bination won two straight sets "bv the ! Hotel St.. cpp. Savoy. got score 6- -3; Reserved Seats til work with this miscellaneous bunch, has the backing is his ability for The course is to be from the Myrtle of (52. MLs Gait ana (Management J. T. Scully.) but Rice and Frendo hooked up for taking punishment. It takes a 'beating Boat Club out to the spar, then to a Mr. Simpson were favored with fifteen Ringside H to get him going, it is claimed, and off points at the start of each several series of combination passes. J stake boat Waikiki. down to the match, but MATINEES EVERY Time called 8:15 sharp. unless Hoao can administer an overdose bell, leaving this to starboard, then up misfortune overcame their advantage. MONDAY. ErosHotd The soldier team was the first to of it before he Healy Seats at Fitzpatrick tires himself out. Joe to stake boat and down to spar, then was pretty sprightly for one j WEDNESDAY and score. for- will come ven- Union. Private Smith, one of the back at him with a to the finish line off the Mvrtle Boat of his size and kept Simpson hopping SATURDAY. wards, made, a sensational dasi half th geance. Hub. around lively. Miss Sheffield averaged Of course, Hoao could play himself In up length of the field and toed the sphere j running out of the channel the better than Miss Gait in all around through tor a tally. Shortly out in five rounds if MeGurn could yachts are to keep between the piles, play, but Miss Galt'had an overhand after this . Gladstone Sisters Fullback Yeager of the Fort Shafter stand the onslaught, but he might turn but when coming up the channel they serve that' defied her opponents to block on the high gear for and then may cut out posts Miss . x team fouled and Frendo landed a goal three rest tlte if a trade wind it. Sheffield applied an u cut Hit of the Week ! Great up for two. Then when Joe cuts loose is blowing. a blow- for the Highs on a penalty kick. In If southerly wind is stroke that was elas,y to look at and Dramatic Harmony Singing Dialogue ! Jim might ive an ing, or a the second Rice and Kolokia each exhibition in fancy westerly, the yachts will keep baffling. New Fancy Dancing ! half a ; dancing for while to see how McGinn in the channel bounds There shot and missed. Then Frendo made coming up the are seven tennis yet 1o take Special Acrobatic Feature ! a ana works out. He's pretty cute at side- harbor, but may cut out the buoys in the field before the winners will oegin goal kick, tiiat went shy Kice stepping American got another try, but all four chances and ducking his nut, anil he beating out. In rounding a stake, the to play off in the elimination process, Si gets his a THE GREAT went wild goal. back up in such way that overlap rule must be observed. A boat but the tournament will proceed at SNOOK. of the Joe might have to get hook may (Formerly of Sergeant Strauss was star per- the to carry all the sail she likes, but can nine o'clock this morning ami thev ex Kolb and Dill) the reach him. no more Assisted by CLEOPATRA former on the Shaffer eleven. Several carry than four men. pect to reach the final bv tomorrow. DUNN, MeGurn s fights with Marine Coll ! charged up and In Mystifying Magic fouls were to the soldiers De Mello were a couple of farces, and while the Highs were only penalized WHAT THE PRESS AGENTS SAY good talent, and Kuhev is after the the go he had with Me 'ollough, the best. General Admission 25 Cents once. Sergeant Miles was goal tender soldier claims, whs won in the clinches. EDNA RANDALL. soldier team. The fullbacks High-Clas- for the It is asserted that Mac has never been Novelty Theater. Senator McPhee at Savoy. Operatic Mezzo Soprano ia i were Privates Fulton and Yeager. Lieu- up against Selections. anything here to extend him, This popular musiv hall is outdoing Another celebrity has tenant Bowen, Sergeant Strauss and and the Honolulu fans don't know what been engaged Corporal Spicer played halfbacks. The itself when it comes to packed houses. by the Savoy he can do in a case of have to. theater management to New Pri- Van-Barkle- Orchestra Under the Direction of forwards were Sergeant Mef'all, There will be no fighting in the The company arc certain- appear this coming week at that pop- vates- Fov, Smith. Herrick and Collins. HARRY WEIL. clinches tomorrow night, and Hoao is ly making good. They tire presenting ular theater, commencing Alondav EVER SB not likely t stand up in the corner and GREATEST SHOW old one-ac- t farces and making a suc- night and remaining on let the other fellow do He until Wednes- POPULAR PRICES BALL TEAMS WOULD it. can fight cess a whirlwind battle, and he was clever out of every one they present. day night. IN HONOLULU. COME FOR EXPENSES in defensive work when he staid with Master Jimmie, their sou, i,s playing 'Senator Md'hee" js the celebrity, MeCollough to the finish. He put up a the blackface comedy roles, and is a well-know- Irish statesman who is fight en- defensive throughout his last even funnier than many of his older a comedian of the Art counter, and if he can combine the two first rank and has Theater brethren in the profession in his parts. been induced to torive tlm ' Vlilwaukees and Boston Nationals tomorrow night in right proportions, if the chances are that Hoar will win or The company, as a special Xmas at j national legislature to appear in a short got the decision; which is two to one traction, will present the funny farce. engagement at the Savoy. This is a 26 Want to Visit Honolulu for farce comedy. "Irish Change December i that MeGurn will land a knockout, says "The Whole Da mm Family." with to the last climax, of Program Closes and in this James Magrath will essay the talent. dimmie in the darky role. Wise and Mondays, Wednesdays red-ho- the role. is and Fridays. Milton, those t Honolulu favor- title This a rollicking laughable skit, ami Feature KNOCKER CLUB ites, also have something big up their although Magrath Films: REMEMBERED does not appear in blackface, he is sleeves, and will be doi'ng something SHEPHERDESS. Tt may he thar the Milwaukee base- dust about a year ago yesterdav saw every minute. e.piallv as clever in Trish eha raetoriza-- j Hons .as in darky roles. Dot Kavmond. MONDAY ball team ot the American Association, the formation of the Knockers' Club The Bijou Theater. NAPOLEON AND THE PRINCESS Nellie Howard "and Will Mahin will OF and possibly the Boston Nationals, in Honolulu. A great number the j HATFELD. vf There will be a complete change in complete the cast, a clever quartet in will visit Honolulu next spring for a members left during the current year, , a clever sketch. the program at the Bijou tomorrow-night- but quite a lot still remain, in the A.s the Wilson Sisters leave POPULAR PRICES ! o at 2:30. six weeks exhibition series. Billy which for the Islands. These received a pleasant sur- begins the last three on Tuesday o ! j Hotigs said yesterday he knew they .Orient on the Cliiyo Maru, NEW ORCHESTRA prise yesterday when each of them re- - j nights of the engagement of the jurea-en- t they will finish their Honolulu engage-- i would come it' they were ' guaranteed eeivea a present from their president, vaudeville company. On Thursday nient at the Savoy tomorrow night, their expenses from San Francisco to Miss ((Mieenie : Fairweather, in the night the new company, which arrives when they make a special appearance. the Islands and back to the Coast. shape of a hammer, which is em- the These clever dancers have been favor-- i at Holister H When Hoos was in Chicago early blem of the club. by the Willielmina, will appear hi a ites at the Savoy. The Best Seat Reserved Seats in the .Joe I prevent year he met O 'Brieu, number of stunts new to Honolulu. George Stan lev will sing two ballads. the president of the Milwaukee club, j expenses vut of it, and if the sports The afterpiece on Momlav night will one betng tin illustrated song. A new 10 Store. and the famous umpire, Hank O'Dea, here would guarantee this he would have every member of the present series of ;lms will ho shown, cents and he sai.i and a yesterday that these two fetch his team along. company in the cast. It will be musi- special program of orchestra music ha S'ltrgested it. lie had also heard from ; ! With thvrty players the visitors could cal from start to finish, and Mr. Kip- J been arranged bv Professor THEATRE t Anderson. the H'nstoii u. I.e and they had j up even- - j ling will sing one NOVELTY make two teams that would be of his favorite melo- ( Entire Change at Empire. Psirk otlVreii to come to Honolulu for their iy matched, and the local teams might dies. The act is Hay Mrs. Theater "The Despite the great sprhi practise if they were given a; fret a few object lessons. Shune of the Dollar," and one that caused 'a sen- success of the new ! guarantee of their expenses. j local talent could be worked in on one ! sation on the mainland, part rl v in com pan v tit the Ktepire la-- t week, and O'Brien. Hoogs explained, wanted to 'of ! the !a- -t piay-in- I fa.-- t Beginning Monday. these teams, Hoogs suggested, or Fast. season. Timse now in t'o of that t':o filad- - December 19. take a trip around the v,.rld. and he! p'av the other two in a triangular se- - ,at the Bijou are pat r.cularly sT.,,,e si-t"- WILSON AND MORRIS. C0-- their amazing VAN-BARKLE- I, j propose. to iMu ;o-.,- ty phtyeis as far lies. litted for trie parts assigned th.m. and baric dance. Manager Scully will i Australia's Greatest Tumblers, THE as Honidiilu. Hi ,.),,.,,,,. to He is no ' w:is plav figured it would cost about six there doubt in the mind of Stage ;e an en'ir.- change of program 1e- - Will Present doy.-- Coa.-- t fioi,) San! . LOWEli tie Seattle to thousand dollars to turn the trick, and Director Hughes as to thete-:;;-- The jiaiiiu g to'norrv.v afrerno..n. when ; "FUN IN A CHINESE LAUNDRY' MARGAEET f"r;ii,ci.sco ti Bi.poi there with fu;et league Teams:' taking the returns fioni the continues to !,e popular r s;,e..i:,l I Singer. with matinee for children, Ering Your Elues EaUad then to ti e t and Have Them coine tor about six series as a criterion, IIooos thought the and the music has ;.. do , g Tit Thnr-da- v tnu 'h tinui' when the Washed JIMMIE YA& i promoters ought with it. i Out of Your System. MASTER to break even, and Manager Kubey has ;!i ranged i .is.ia n id week ''ha nge :s made. ,d ! THE Here he a '!' a v...;.( leave the it would a i'oi.-r- . M;i'i.-fge- MEDOROS the publicity these for book'ng agent o., nt:d j gie the titiiM.tii that there j In players and cent ,, f, o- Another Novel Act. 'ime round the Islands throughout the Cnl'tcl the ability of the to , v, n.a'i-- , e d iv- - States artists i::nj pcr'oa". at at Mie R A 'NTH A T world While t he TP Milton Beer I'itv bovs wieibl woitld net inestimable benefit. him will be thoroughly befoie M.. i i & tested !.-- Wednesday will Draw More Wise return via the -. s Sand Pictures. southern route, playing the steamer sails. With the increased S .'l-dri'- when the prb-o- wjii be! n short -- cries in l.os Angeles. THE SISTERS MELNOTTE and O'Brien! The Christmas shopper and her allow- number of vaudeville houses jn ifoiio- ten nad fifteen cents, j 11 oog 1 In New Songs and Dances, told that he would onlv want ance are soon parted. ibt, there seems n'o trouble "o get Tomorrow the Ciadstone PIC children will MOTION PICTURES. LATEST MOTION UK SECOND SECTION H PAGES 9 TO 12. 15 PAGES 9 TO 12. B Be xxxxim)


11 -- .wr T r 1 1 I II III-,- ! IllJf Mmm4 M! 12 N COMAE U SI BSS "tier- - COMMERCIAL REVI EWCEB v 'X3 1j Business and Finance The Sugar Market T. ft RICE INDUSTRY. IHB Hutchinson Sugar Company, $420.00. FILIPINO LABOR AT HOME. The above new factories will be in. 1.-- (. - S. . (.., ..).)). 0(1. then.- is a organ-ize- operation year. That necessity for i Capt. .1. J. Buiclifield, one of the next Hawaiian 1'ineapplo Company. 'Iv effort on the part of the Chinese jiioneer American Phil- The beet sugar crop of Michigan is $4tS1.00. planters in the which, rice growers of Hawaii to properly estimated at 133.000 short tons, McBryde Sugar Company, $276.23. ippine Islands, is one of the leading places that State to the front again. IS pad e ami market their crops, Is the Mutual Telephone Company, $412.50. planters of Davao and one of the most It is reported that the Pepeekeo ft! finriftion of Fred L. Waldron. one- - of Oahu Sugar Company, $2S. 132.50. an ' successful ones. Eleven years ago, on Sugar Company will reduce its dividend the largest exporters of rice in Honol- Olaa Sugar Company. $97.50. Hawaiian Agriciilt iral being mustered out of the Thirty-firs- t next year from one dollar a share a He believes Company. a ulu. that if the right $2532.00. United States Volunteers at Davao, he month to sixty cents share per month. This reduction will start Jan- method was used in doing these things Pahang. pd., $4000.00. saw the great agricultural possibilities with the aL- - imi-.- ..nnl.l .miilvr uary payments. ei iunirn of lonf Pioneer Mill Company. $3207.50. of the country and started in the hemp O. K. & L. Jey.ji fifty cents a sack more than they can Co.. $39o0.00. and cattle business ..there. Waialua Agricultural Company, ftt bow obtain. NOTICE. !ki- $S50.00. Captain Burchfield is probably the u Among the Japanese in this Territory Oil, FIELD DRILLERS only American in the islands who has Hawaiian rice is not help: popular and most QUARANTINE TAX. Working the rotary at the plant of the Lake Yivw No. 2, Southern seen cocoanut trees of his own plant- The regular annual meeting of the California. stockholders of the California of this staple is imported for them from ing grow to resi- Feed At a meeting of importers held at the maturity. During his Company. Ltd., will be com- Japan. Bat on the Coast held at the Hawaiian Baldwin National Hank at Kahului, be planted during January along the dence at Davao, he has planted fifty pany 's office, Queen street, on Thurs- rice, the small grained variety, is in streets m Palolo Hill and Ocean View. day", hi'! j BEAUTIFUL PALDLO IS thousand cocoanut trees, and the December 29, 1910, at 10 a. m, Safti demand and brings good price. So far, Monday last, says the Maui News, it first What has been done by the company now Honolulu, December 24, 1910. lowever, there nas no was voted to reimjiose the tax on all j in of these are beginning to bear H.:i:;f Vi been etlort Kaimuki during the passing year L. C. KING, jmong tln growers here fruit. He has also set out .120,000 r to make the importations from the mainland. j will be repeated in the Palolo Hill sec- hemp 416 Secretary. fie best of it, and what they lose is made RAPIDLY DEVELOPING plants. U The quarantine --fund was established j tion during next year. The many splen- up by the middlemen on the Coast, Noe-au- , "The great queestion in our part of in October, 11R'4, by H. P. Baldwin, did avenues Claudine, Mongolia, o. ir mostly in San Francisco. Lurline. Wilhelmina, Rise and many the country is the labor question," HILO RAILROAD COMPANY. Those conversant with the industry representing the Maui Agricultural ; others will be opened and macadam- said Captain Burchfield to a Cableuews here are convinced that when local representative recently, "and let me the rTPd j Kaimuki Land Company Almost ized. Sites for schools and churches growers ami millers can get together. rurilutarVni; LdSS, say in this connection that unless Chi- have been selected on choice lots over- ANNUAL MEETING. carefully grade the product of the pad resenting the Waiiuku Plantation audi Ready to Fine looking the ocean. nese immigration is sanctioned "by the dv and su-- 1 Place Lots 110 fields and then market it under the inunirters at Waiiuku; the is mov- government, American can hope to The Kaimuki Land Company ' : ;$ of the Kahului Railroad attain complete success in the agricul- The annual meeting of the stockhold- a. ,.i approved modern methods, then the rice perintendent on the Market. ing in the right direction, and as its , line in Islands. ers of the Hilo Railroad Company has industry of Hawaii will take its place Company. filfill- - tural the Philippine If among'the was imposed to provide plans gradually mature in their the United ever expects to reap been called bv the president for Thurs- M profit making ventures of The tax a' States j:4- -: - . ment will be developed a select day, this rich country. tuna winch wouia oe instantly avau- there any benefit from the rich agricultural December 29, A. D. 1910, and will any (residential section in the Palolo dis- - be held at the office of the company, Tlie fact cooperation able for the purpose of combating The Kiu-jtlil- ,t resources of the islands, it can only that for the lalulo Hill section of the th;lt MiU become famous through- - 404 Stangenwald building, best interests of all concerned will epidemic of contagious disease which be done with the help of the Chinese in Honolulu, muki district, that is being rapidly de-lo- the world for its refinement and at 3:30 p. m. on that date. W i ; mean an increase in profits of one-hal- f might be introduced into the port from coolie. veloped bv the Kaimuki Land Com-- ! magnificence. The stock books will be closed to eent a pound, approximately, means abroad. t "We never can Iiwpe that the Phil- transfers from December 22d to Decem- "for The tax was collected at the rate of pany, Ltd., is already receiving at-- ! ippine will be anything but a thit it is well worth while those the Islands ber 29th, both dates inclusive. interested to get together and do some- - ten cents per ton on all imports into teution of investors and homeseekers. burden on the government under the HE LET iHjrt Kahului, exclusive of lum- - , have A. W. VAN VALKENBURG, thing practical. the of was the intention of the company REALTY TRANSACTIONS present labor conditions. I i .... Secretary. ber, ana dv tne handled Philippine labor for eleven coal nitrates, ivauunu Honolulu, December 22, 1910. FINANCIAL REVIEW. Railroad Company, which is responsible to begin placing the beautiful Sections' years and it is my firm conviction that SS5.5 Dec 24, 25, 27, 23 fc U for the amount. A, B and C on the market the first of! the Filipino will not do for agricultural f For a week investors :md stock hold- - The tax covered importations by the year, but owing to the demand forj F.ntered of Record December 24. 1910. work. In the first place, it takes him tt will be permitted a breathing spell steamers and sailing vessels from awav from town, with its co*ckpits, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB parcels of land, instead of bonbons, K (Joo to Yang Chew UNITED TER- in which to absorb the financial news mainland ports, but. not importations Ellen Kim bailes. and fiestas. He w-i- work in STATES FOR THE iotel from Island ports. to give as Christmas presents several! Kiam A L town for less money than he can earn RITORY OF HAWAII. of the past week and begin to realize i: 1 Yang Chew iiff The imposition of tins tax ceased fine iots had to be sold for this pur-- Tong Lock Co to on a plantation and not live half as that however the indications are Consent THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, wi ri'tv that on March 13. 1008, and at that time pose, which has practically opened thei Kiam well. In the second place, the Filipino Plaintiff, vs. AMERICAN SUGAB this obi world is about ready to come j E dimming and wf to m the total amount of the quarantine property for sale. Parker does not like to work at stripping COMPANY, De- to an with as M Bright D LIMITED, et al., end the uncertainty to fund had reached the sum of $5252.08. The company is building a large and! John hea p, which is one of our principal fendants. the future price of Migar, it still re- two portions: lava-roc- gate at.j Eli;:a K Bright and hsb to Pioneer ' ' This sum was divided into beautiful entrance M products. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED mains a fact that every day in the On portion was deposited in the First 'the end of the Waialae carline leading1 Mill Co Ltd Legros to Hus- - Sugar Notes. STATES, GREETING: jear more people use more sugar and of Waiiuku. the second .uaumae avenne. is Ernest E Frank on National Bank into in avenue is .' M will tace A In 1911 there will be a beet sugar keep on getting the habit, in the-- Baldwin National Bank of Ka- being constructed by a gang of thirty-me- r AMERICAN SUGAR COMPAJSY, Mid-Pacifi- c Institute, by Atty, to factory in operation at Fallon. Nevada, igj Among the sugar stocks the feature hului. savings deposits drawing inter- on a six pier cent grade and will! LIMITED, a corporation organized and ffijv be-e- Notice one Anaheim, California, and another of the week has Oahu Sugar Com- four per cent, per annum. a Notice at existing under and by virtue of th9 est at ascend distance of fifteen hundred A C Mi in Colorado one at pany, and Wednesday 5lo shares were sum at the present time where, K Tarao to Sinjo at Huntington, and laws of the Territory of Hawaii; THE The total feet, it will continue across! Waiiuku Market and Land Co Ltd and at Monte Vista. MFrili' disposed of in seven lots at 25. 'this available to be instantly drawn upon is avenue. Easton another TERRITORY OF HAWAII; CHARLES Howard Hill as Mongolia From to County of Maui L R. jtock has held steady at this iigure ."S32.19, inclusive of accrued interest this hill the view is uninterrupted and BISHOP; WILLIAM O. SMITH, John de Mello Jr to Volcano Sta- at $15 per yr. B 343, p 74. Dated Nov SAMUEL M. DAMON, E. FAXON how start to liuisii and there are io to December 31, 1910. grand in three directions. Wilhelmina Mi bles and Transport Co Ltd 0 29. 1910. BISHOP, ALBERT F. JUDD and AL- indications of weakness, Pioneer has The trustees of the quarantine fund Rise will be an auto-eoastin- boulevard SCO ,T. N. Julii.n R Yates to Volcano Stables Wm Robertson to "Martha F Fleming, FRED W. CARTER, trustees under the irone ui again to 175, recovering consist, at the present time of extending road! 1 'i-- Ar from the Waialae ) o t t.i - S Williams, chairman; H. illOl ililtlJ'0'l Jt'l... r T; int in 10 a land. Kuiaha Gulch. 11a- will and of the estate of H EUNICE f from a decline to 170. While this nermncent straight up the mountain for a mile W M and wt to Chas Jv P Baldwin, il. B. Penhallow. D. C. j Kalaiwaa makualoa. .Maui; l.o. 1; ,;.i.j. p o40. P. BISHOP, deceased; OTTO SAM- reaction is encouraging this stock has j and a half and attain an elevation of D B. Pen Mauire Dated Nov 29. 1910. UEL MEYER, HENRY RUDOLPH not reaeh(-v- heights, Lindsay and C. D. Lufkin. H. j If vet former but a little over one thousand feet. This W M Kalaiwaa and wt to Chas K MEYER, WILLIAM CHARLES MEY- Urn i nr. inlii.-itiot- i is cause hallow is secretary. OS tut that there magnificent boulevard will have a grade Maguire D ER, THEODOR THOMAS MEYER, for As the nionev at present available is UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST. unloading in a hurry. of about ten per cent, and the novelty Antonio Fernandez Jr to M'aui Dry ALBERT ALEXANDER MEYER, tt R..r.,.rt- - f ni in flip centers of being used to combat the diphtheria plan will be (ioods and (Jrocery Co Ltd L sn'ar reimposition if the tax of the company's that List of letters remaining uncalled for II E N R Y PENDERGAST MEYEK, .the mainland show somewhat, of a epidemic, the autoists can drive up any of the other Edna K Akau to Mercv K Akau.. D is for the purpose of keeping the fund in the general delivery for the week EMMA A. KAHINU. HANNAH J. Il weakness, due to a number of cause; winding avenues, such as Sierra and Kahalepouli Shaw and bsb to Annie HITCHco*ck and BERTHA A. MEY- up to the $."000 mark. D ene factor, undoubtedly, beiug the re- Lurline. and go coasting down Wilhel- Farden ending December 24, 1910: ER, heirs at law of R. W. MEYEE, Kalei and hsb to Martha ports regarding the immense beet sugar mina Rise. And it is to this effect that Kealoha or- - name is ON IViTSSION BENT. D Abbie, Miss Lewis, Mrs. liana whose full and true unknown, crops of Kiirope and the States. An- "The Rise" as it will become fami- - Fleming ence Lyon. Mrs Maude deceased; KALAMA D. MEYER, wid- and L Kirkpatriek to Trent Trust Co other factor is that the Cuban sugar L. Kirkpatriclv, the enterprising , Jiarlv called will be constructed as M.eDougal, W P ow of R: W. MElrER, whos? full and Ltd D Adams. Miss Cecelia crop is now being marketed, and until suec0s?ful real estate man, will leave, nearly erfect as possible Anderson. C A McDonald, P true name is unknown, deceased; OTTO S I) Hele-L- a wf to Hilo Rail- this finds its place in the order of and R D S. MEYER, ELIZA D. MUTCH, WIL- in the Chiyo Maru next Tuesday for road Co D Athev, M'cMahona. Miss things prices are inclined to fluctuate, Palolo Hill the coming chic residential Berger, Metha LIAM C. MEYER. HENRY R. MEYER, Manila on a very important business L Kirkpatriek to Bishop iV. Co.. .A M J with a resultant weakness in depend- paradise of suburban Honolulu. Many Emma Martinson, N THEODORE T. MEYER, ALBERT A. deal for mainland parties He will be Baker.Miss J ant stock 'OL I lie l ll'Mtt MllllUlULl 1V13 lll.AL Cill-.l- ' Blai'sdell. C M MacAlister, Mrs MEY'ER, EMMA A. KAHINU, HAN- the Phi Iminnos about three month. i J During the week the sales on the in . between Maumae avenue and The Rise Recorded DecemPer 14, 1910. Brolan, F Y W NAH J. HITCHco*ck and BERTHA I lie men behind Mr. KirkpatrieK. s local Excfange approximated Claudine and Mongolia avenues ( Brown, Marion, Miss Alice A. MEYER, heirs law of HENRY Stock are wealthy easterners, one of and iiun Yin Kr, to W W Ahana Co, M; J tt 810,000' more than the week before, yet mission have been spoken for, and they will Campbell, Wm Morses, Miss Annie P. MEYER, deceased; OTTO S. MEY- tl.em bavin f recently toured the Phil-- j 15 loo a of Kill 104s, Kuakini St Kxtu in spite of the greater volume of busi- very shortly become dotted with many and I'unchbowl St. Honolulu. Oahu; Cliristman. Miss B ER, ELIZABETH LI HUE. LUCILE ipoines. s f j a homes. The view-i- Caroline Moldenh'ouse, Mrs NIUMALU, ESTHER KALIHI, CARO- tess the price show material tendency under-- j beautiful bungalow $050. P. 344, p 72. Dated Dec 12, 1910. " The details of the work to be T ANNIE . to advance. is probable that of such a superb character from H Clark. Frank (2) Henrv LINE PUKOO. KArAPALA, In fact it Honolulu man are re-- : Kalamau Kahulanui (widow) to it taken by the Cornelison, Sergt Mound." S F CLARA KILAUEA, ELS A HTLO, MA- H will be some time before the same may these magnificent heights that people John Ahu et al, 1); half int in por est 1 securi-entf- c served for the present, but it bej j kel in prices for the gilt-edge- are buying to build and not to hold as of Isaac J. Ahu. dee'd; $25. B 335, L W Opet, Josef RION MAKENA. DAVID PUULOA, it involves land and other! WA-HIAW- A, ties again. stated that investment. p 341. Dated Dec 13, 1910. Oolguhoun. A Oahu Feed Store ALBERT PUNAHOU, ROBERT will be seen quite a large extent. Trent mere property to Although the Kaimuki Land Com- ( has S Martin and wf to John F David, Mrs Miriam Peter, F ALEXANDER LANAI, Trust Company. Ltd.. will make the Wm Phillip. K GEORGE KEWALO, HENRY KAMA-LO- , ; 1 The salis bv davs were: pany has made such a wonderful change Coll, urn, Tr, I) and A M; int in R P Duckworth. J collections, meanwhile, for Mr. Sergt Mar- WALTER II AWE A and Monday, $2050.00. in the landscape of its charming out- 3o91, KuJ 947. Honouliuli. Kwa, Oahu; Dunn. Read. Lloyd PHILLIP W Roberts, Ru- - LAHAINA, unknown owners and claim- 1 i. Tuesday. .2752..r0. lying properties, it is little as compared mtge Lydia C Allen and hsb on half tin Miss sur-pa-sin- R W (2) ants: Wednesday. $20.011.2.". to what it is going to do. The int in lot, 5, blk 1. Pearl Citv,' Ewa. Everett. berta ASSOCIATION. Wm Seh 1111 You are hereby tc Thursday,". MERCHANTS' beauty and residential advan- Oahu; half int in R P 3091, Kul 947. Galbraith, tenhlans.Alvin directed appear!7.50. P 335, Garson, Nell Shreve, Sergt Leo and answer the Petition in an action en- SEC Friday, .f04o3.5o. A special meeting of the Merchant tages of Palolo Hill, the elevation of Honouliuli, Kwa. Oahu; $000. p 341. Dec 13. 1910. George, E M titled as above, brought against you in Saturday. Association will be held next Wednes-jth- e land abovt the sea. the dehghttul Dated s?.'..25. Dowsett Co to Hawaiian Dredg- Gildersleeve, Fred Solomon, Miss Rose the District Court of the United States, Total gales the week. $07,(11: dav afternoon at three o'clock in the and healthful oualitv of the climate, Ltd for ing Co Ltd. D; 1 43-10- a of 153, W Spencer, Miss in and for the Territory of Hawaii, eg for week, " association's headquarters, rooms 45 the pure and invigorating breeze trom dul ' previous Iwilei. Honolulu, Oahu; filling of prem- Goucher, John Carrie within twenty days from and after serv- 0127.:'75. and 46, Young building. The important Manual ta Bay and all the natural ice a "... ises to three ft. depth. B 335. p 343. Gray, David Spero. Mr upon you of certified copy of Plain- By meeting will be of well being desired by the Mi-Hi- e stocks: business before the the sources Dated May IS, 1910. Green. Chas. Stair. Beck-wit- h tiff's Petition herein, together with a Ewa home-seeke- warrants the expenditure Plantation Company. $1073.75. consideration of the Me'rossou bills Bondholders of Dowsett Co Ltd. by Grigsby. Jet certified copy of this Summons. Hawaiian (. & S. Co.. $U'05.oo. now lending in congress. It is prob- of large sums to make it Honolulu's Tr. to Hawaiian Dredging Co Ltd, Par Grant, Ed Templeton. Corp And you are hereby notified that home-land- . Hawaiian Sugar Company. .0s00.00. able that there will bi some decisive magnificent And this the Rel; 1 43-10- a of Kul 153. Iwilei. Ho- Greene. W W .Tubal E unless you appear and answer as above 26 Honokaa Sugar Company, $150o.oo. action taken and all members of the company is proceeding to do. nolulu, Oahu; rilling of premises to Grace. Jack Turner. Sergt Tay- required, the said plaintiff will take Hod. P.. & M. Co.. $?,S2.5'. association are exxpected to be there. Several thousand ironwood trees will three tr depth. B 335, p 344. Dated Hair Specialty Co lor E judgment of condemnation of the lands May Is, l9io, Henriques, Mrs Lil- Vera. J P described in the Petition herein and for FOREST RESERVES, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. K L Hutchinson to O Shutoku. D; lian Warren. Chas B any other relief demanded in the Peti- 15, Hiligins, O Submitted to the AnnualMeeting of the H. S. P. A. lot blk 12. Kaimuki Tract. Hono- John Winterses. Mrs tion. lulu, Oahu; $350. U 335. p 345. Dated Haltz, Albert L Marv WITNESS THE HONORABLE SAN-FOR- (Corrected to June 30, 1010) Nov 29, 191o. Huddv. Joe Wilson. D J B. DOLE, Judge of said District K II Dimond to Joseph R Amorin. Hunt, Miss Agnes Young. Sergt Frank Court, this eighth day of September, in Rel; por R Ps 4402 and 1795, Atiwaio-limu- . Please ask for advertised letters. the year of our Lord one thousand nine Honolulu, Oahu; $o0. p, 34, p hundred and ten and of the independ- 74. JOSEPH 0. PRATT. Dated Dec 13. 1910. Postmaster. ence of the United States the one hun- Sam Kamoku et al to Joseph R Amo- dred and thirty-fifth- . rin. D; 17,0fl 950 ' sq ft of Kuls and TRY THIS FOR INFLUENZA. (Sgd.) A. E. MURPHY, 11.215. Fort St Kxtn. Honolulu. Oahu: (Seal.) Clerk. $25 and life annuity of $10 per mo. The peculiar properties of Chambe- "No. 64. DISTRICT COURT OP B 335. p 340. Dated' Dec 14, 1910. rlain's Cough Remedy have been thor- THE U. S. for the Territory of Hawaii. Date of Proclamation James L Holt and wf to Bank of Ha- oughly tested during epidemics of in- Xo. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Name. District Island Acres. Acres. Acres. Proclamation. Signed by. waii Ltd. M; por R P 2492. Ap 1; 4375, fluenza, and when it was taken in time vs. AMERICAN SUGAR COMPANY, i l 913-i.01i- ) 195. and Ap 4. bldgs. rents, we have not heard of a single case of al. ROB- Kaipapau . Koolauloa . . . Oahu 013 'Nov. P, 1904 G . R. Carter P's.'. etc. LIMITED, et SUMMONS. 2 Kaiih't, & J . 10.333 2,007 4 etc, Honolulu, Oahu; $0000. P Benson, Smith Co., agents for Ha ERT W. BRECKONS, Hamakua Pali. . .Hamakua . . .Hawaii Dec. 100 Plaintiff's - S Hilo - 544. p 75. Dated Dec 14, 1910. waii. ' ' .Hilo . Hawaii llo.oo.) 0o,223 40,777 .luly 2t. 10o.- A . L. C. A tkinson 1 4 42.!)i0 1 Paio'o Hili Tract. Section A. bv Koolau. Maui . Koolau and Haaiakualoa . Maui 3'.2: 2,73r A ii g. 21, 10o5 RE 5 lO-lo- i i Owner. Plan; 34 a of Kuls 10.01:3 i Halelea. . . Kauai 37.5oO riie.!' 25.5 1 o Aug. 21. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1 . Halelea o 51 and 55!tP. Maunakea. Lea hi and Six- Territory of Hawaii, City of Hono- I KeaHa . o::". 7.3 2.550 Mar ;i, .Puna .Kauai teenth and Seventeenth Aves. Wai- i 23,3!,'. and lulu. ss. twa . Kwa. Wa ia nae an:'. Waiaiaa. . lahu Mar. U. IVt'H'i alae Rd. Honuanl'a Honolulu, Oahu. File No 44. I. A. E. MURPHY. Clerk of the Dis- Kona . .Hawaii 005 005 April 4. ll'otl . Dated iv . 19M. trict Court of the United . 50.01 s G.232 Aug. 1 "tot", K'. States of Ka . Kau .Hawaii Palo,,, mi Se.-tio- P.. by ' 5 o Tract. America, in and for the Territory and o., 'aianaekal . . a!iu 3.1 P7 Sept. 1;0(V I . Wai.iiiae Owner. ia n. 0 a of Kuls 10.013 District of Hawaii, do hereby certify ua;ua lei . .Oahu :..74?. 3.743 Nov. loo.; A . Waiana" and 32. Maumae, Mongolia the foregoing cor- l; Jfnn, 1 to be a full, true and " . .Man; 13.707 Nov. pen', liana t25 l.o5s and S, Ave and Waialae Rd. rect copy of the original 55 ) TO.sOO .1 Summons in PalYkor,'? . Kauai 00.5 41.050 ane A. A , . a Pali and Kona !9o7 L. '. ins. Honoinlu. r.;,l, File Xo 45. Dated the ease of THE UNITED STATES st .Maui 4 1.4 to April W Nov . Mani.'.. . hamuli a. Kaanapan. Waiiuku, li'.P'5 lids F. Fr ar lo,,. OF AMERICA vs. t AMERICAN SUGAR a'-- . : ;;a . . Maui l.s3 April peis Saai P lona ind wf et al to Kekui-!- 18 . j'"ko l:e COMPANY, LIMITED, et al., as the aiaha Hawaii 1 o:l P.t3 April 21. 19oS wai K iaau (w). b,t 21. blk . Kona same remains of record and on file in auna .Hawaii OO.fiOil 00,0i'o Tune 19o 4. ,., Honoli hi. Oahu; $900. 38 Ken . . . . . ia 't. the office of the Clerk of said Court. aiho Maui S4 74 o p 349. p;,ted Aug 9. 1910. n ia spring Ha ma k uapoko June 19o!t IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hav Lihue i .1 u n p 1 lowaue Kiiahiwinul and wf et al to 2'. Koina .Puna and Kona K'aua 2S.2'! 12.045 10.315 !'!! hereunto set my hand affixed Elizabeth K and the loioaa . Kauai 5.67') 3.015 2.055 Manuwai, D: int in R Ps 21 . Ko dan June 1909 seal of said District Court, this 20th S05 O.I am R P 0204 and 'ipnkea . . Oahu S05 May lo. 1910 :r! 3:i. dav of October, A. D. 1910. 22 Kooiauioa 1 Hauola 07s. Ap and 2. Ka li 11 i, Honolulu. Hawaii June 13. 1910 E. A. Moft-Sinit- i (Seal.) A. E. . Hamakua Oahu; $50o. P. MURFHY, ahoolawe Aug. 335. 351. Dated Oct .County of Maui. 2.2G0 2?.26rt 1910 W. F. Frear 17. 1910. Clerk of United States District Court, Territory of Hawaii. Mrs Rebeka Keawe to L; 2 Total to 574,396 336,312 133,584 Asiu. a By A. A. DEA9, August 23, 1910 land, Kalahiki, S Kona, Hawaii; 12 vrs : : 1125 Penury Pier 1 r 10 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. THOMAS A. EDISON DEFENDS Peace on Earth-Wh- ere Races Meet POLYNESIAN ENCAMPMENT NO. 1, HIS VIEWS ON HEREAFTER Ey S. Sheba. L O. O. F. 0H Meets every first nd third Friday of STOCKS, BONDS Fel-iOw- AND che month, t 7:30 p. m., in Odd s' REAL Now that tlf local Y M. '. . has with their presence at various social Hall, Fort Street. Visiting broth- eieve-eonsu- x n in-- extended to "'ii!' l the ions. ers eordially invited to attend. I believe that tliis ooliey is x t n U'1 To most any other J. A. LYLE, C. P. between the Aiiii'rii'an oosiuiiiiir.ty ai.ii ESTATE in it- - L. L. LA PIERRE, Scribe. people, and it has not. spite .f t!i" .lapanese will do a lot of jom.l v:il:tnn :i l m , the expected crow. Is of the i"t ion lVeiintT. goi.l SSCELSIOR LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F I , ; . -- , o cook-- lias kdrivers and oq-Jtai!- aii'l lead to a Wtter inline un.Krt:i 7:30 I which siioul.! lie the hasis e! a! Meets every Tuesday evening it venders swarming at its door fur luuti tret-t- . - t'- n Odd Fellows' Hall. Fort Visit i -e help! 'ul lies.- and in tu :i 1 mi il t a in-- : i kew the societv belles ng brothers tordinily invited to sttead tr.r". and vi:ieli sh.i.ild ln far reai-hi- C. N O. of Pasadena would i:ot Lave had anv ; K. LIOPPES. in its ciiiisei;ueiii-es- .uid i that .1 a ;i ne-- e L. L. LA PIERRE. See'y. I ;oie;s iniTTUi arms this (:!! l.e easilv :i ri :i n s'e.l liii.imj' m REALTY -- acred wai-!.- -. even if thev had shown s iieill circle ,if ,ri.nt!..i,u..i r.. .t.,, ;ti,.! AUCTIONEER of iuvi- - i LODGE NO. S, I. O. O. F the accepting the and thus u'-tti- o.ther. Hawaii mavl '1AEMONT - tat. mi oi aslurn. sii.m- to T J. . ivl;.t . ... ,.....,. Moeta verr Mondav evenioic, at 7:30 well know too that the V. plish in way of assiniiiatioi! and aoial-'i- Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street j M. is i'. A. 'inr a place for everybody, c;a mat ion. sia,t-i,..- K"..rr.r itriBltv tnvit.d tt! I ....1.5 and it would c a task to enroll many Io not say that we are of two dif ttend. j.lapainse naiiH-- for its tiieinhershi p, ferent races and civilizations. Japai HUGH E. McCOY, N G. .1 tne association wiMu-i- t so rti'ii it; is the only nation in Kast to- E. R. HENDRY, See 'y. No, 857 are our cadets it is the far Kaahumanu St, awaiv that ''awfullv wiioie-he- rti-dl- ' day That lias taken t;n ha.'i t r for taem to iropose to 1, the A nyfio Sn xon ideas, or, if vn'i pre-- 1 PACIFIC REBEKAH LODGE NO. Aiii"r "ii'N for a dance even iileas.j I. O. O. F. whi n they know not how to toss up fer to call them so. American And is if and down in waltz and two-step- . lememlicr that Idood not t he Meets every eeeond and fourth Thurs - if J Y only tie between kindred spirits. There! Jay, at 7:30 p. m., Odd Fellows' Hall, Iff &r& t 1y. If the . M. ('. A. had opened wide j its door to Mr. Mori in the first in- are friends who stick closer than 'lsitin Rebekah are eordially invited stance, things would have run much brothels. o attend. inoie smoothly, without any fuss from Vie n we exchange the jrivnnys of MARION FAUTH, N. O. within or without. Had the Pasadena goodwill at the beiunin of a new, ALICE NICHOLSON, Sec'y. ' ' ' sol'! v women accepted the aoii.i- - year, we aim to come still closei ral s invitation, the lOiild have en eacli other with a hic'n purpose of LIVE BRANCH REBEKAH LODGE RUGS joyed the ball all to themselves, and coin in-- ; the beacon light of peace to; NO. 2, I. O. 0. F. io t..esr heart's content, as lloi.i.lidii j n'm-d- tiie course of our mother coun- - every Thursday Meets first and third The large consignment of oni'sts of our consul did here at the tiies wi.ich have n and always: t 7:30 v. m.. in Odd Fellows' Hall Vouill' ii lino' the souadron's visit, and should be the bes- - of friend- - Ci.tHntr Rh.fcfca ita nrH?tW inr-it.n- thev mi"!it have indeed insisted on a :o attend. Oriental Rugs, that we lately re- lepeiitiou upon the homebound trip of MARGARET SIMONTON, N. G. 'the ships. They have unfortunately SALLIE L. WILLIAMS, manifested what we EPISCOPAL SERVICES Sey. call "kuwazu ceived, we will on mono tast-- , have sale for oja;" ("dislike without OCEANIC LODGE NO. S71. F. A. M. ino'"), and lost much more pleasure WIZARD EDISON. whicii was theirs. TO BE HELDITDDAY Meets on the last Monday of each ' 1 en a : about two more weeks, Who declares liis belief that ath Nowadavs i. op!e invent some beaut - month, at Mason: Temple, at 7:30 p when . are in 3 j tnl nightmare and frighten themselves, Visiting brethren eordially .,1 NEW YORK. TWeinber 17. Thomas , ssions from our environment. We newspapers Services in the episcopal '''ted at attend. 2 iiiiir and trv to add to the hor churches of, they will be positively A. Edison, the inventor, who recently Uet nothing from within. ror to gather in more nickeis. the city on Christmas J. A. PALMER W. M. returned 1 I., s I l!0,-- lay: ..,.!. ' 1.I,t,l tllilllTl For instance, .Japan sends W. H. GOETZ, See y. was attacked bv the Rev. 'harles F. ' '', abroad an St. Andrew's Cathedral. I never hive created anvthinj;. I get order for a dreadnought, and there is to Aked and by Henry Frank and others inll,r(si,)Ils tVom t),e ur)iVerse at large current a rumor of war throughout flu Emma above Horetania. Communion LEAH3 CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. 8. San Francisco. a- :,t " - ti,e Kev- - for what they called his "atheistic and work Them out, but I am only a length and breadth of the America n , 'rv,"','s F. Savior Meets every third Monday of each i - 1 "rticiatmg. assisted views." has replied to their criticisms, plate on a record or a receiving appar- continent; when the United States con-- by the Rev. L. wonth, at 7:30 p. m., in the Masojiic This will. gress Kroll. Celebration of the Holy - is the finest assortment "That's it." he said. "I'm an athe- - "1" what you discusses the coast defenses there! Kuchar- Temple. Visiting sisters and brothers j "No. do not believe a man s mind is a corresj.on.iing scars tn .Japan. 1I ' anon Ault othciating ist now, am I? These people who call tre cordially invited at attend. jve aftor him ,fis wor. iv(s aftP1. Tlu Honolulu Y. M. C. A. mess and j Hawaiian service at 9:1.1. special music' NELLIE J. STEPHENS, W. M. me do not even read what I a ever exhibited in Honolulu. to account hjm. but his work is material thing. the Pasadena disgraceful hodirenod"e it tins service includes an antl i em ADELAIDE .M. WEBSTER, 8ec y have said. I am not an atheist, never! "The Colden Rule is all that is brought out some unpleasant feeling, "Shout and Glad Tidings," bv Hawlev I j needed. m dead five hours every which, however, was of short duration: and the have been, and never said I was. j Communion service mv Mer CEI ALOHA CHAPTEE NO. S, O. E. 8. Among them is Saruk but the scare of the dreadnought and becke. The liev. L. Kroll will idtieiate a at oeneve in a supreme intelligence. I ' Meets Masonic Temple every I shall live onlv in the phonograph and the " npre,,aredness is a big niaht and preach. Cathedral Sunday school at the T as to whether you j T mare, Saturday of each month, 7:30 have grave doubts tickers ami storage batteries. shall and the hobgoblin of it stays at 10 a. m. Hawaiian Sunday school at longer to" p. m. Visiting sisters and brothers are $3000, down to a Karabagh at aud I and all the other folks of this not be playing a harp or boiling in oil and seems more frightful our at 10:30. Choral matins and a celebra- I haunting any one. 1 shall be dead. dim imaginations. ordiallv invited to attend. earth are going to be loused from our "r tion of the Holy Communion at 11 a. TV. o-ri- .i MARGARET E. M. LISIIMAN, M. rUT I am in, ' jiu.h uu graves to go to some beautiful, shining willing in iaie j uj;if. m. This sermon 011 "The Christmas chances with all these people worried says our proverb, but if the people of MARY F. COLSON, Sec'y. $15. : " Story" will be preached j by the Bishop place up aloft. :ieir Tittle who the East and West could come into to death al out souls of Honolulu. The misic under the do not see it, and can not under- ree abusive letters that fill up closer touch and bring about a better OOTJKT CAM0E8 NO. 8110, A. O. F. "I write . direction of Mr. Hugo Ilerzer. includes: It is a pleasure for us to show ... , Rtnnd and neither do these ministers mv mail bags and worry my ClerKS. understanding, then there should be no Meets every second and Tnes-ia- y it room Te Deum fourth I 11 mv for any more nightmares and hob- Stainer. of fashionable churches. They do not j take chance. iii of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in San goblins. Comniunioit service g Selbv. intonio Hall, Vineyard street. Visit-n- you Rugs. say what they think. Often they do A poet si nils. "The East is East and Anthem, "X ow Y hen .Jesus Was brothers cordially invited at attend. these.. not even think. It is all business with the West is West, and never the two Born" Stevenson. N. K. HOOPII, C. R. -- T shall We the.m. i meet." can let poets sing as The soloists will be Mrs. W. W. Low, H. PEREIEA, F. S. they please in their vain fantasy; but Mrs. C. B. Cooper and Reynold McGrew. Ready to Take Chances. let the men who have ilie brains and At 7::3 p. 111. the service will be whol- CAMOE8 CTXCLE NO. 240, C. O. F. i inclination to promote the true happi- "They tell me I am heading straight IS DECIDED UPDN ly choral. Doctor Snively of Chicago Thurs-ia- ness of all human beings aspire to bring Meets every second and fourth JAS. F. MORGAN. hell. Mavbe I am. But I'll take will be the preacher. of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in San for ' the two hemispheres into closer touch, my chances with the fashionable min- - for the peace and prosperity of all man- St. element's. Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Visiting 857 Kaahumanu St -- j are to at- ister, and if there s a spot as kind. We of Hawaii, who commingle (Episcopal). Corner Makiki and omnanions cordially invited heaven bet i g t first yes, ; Cunard Line Will Have Vessel here in peace and amity, should aspire Wilder (.'anon tend. i'ii tere streets Kev. Usborne. MRS. H. H. WILLIAMS, C. C. even before Dr. Aked. to make this Paradise of the Pacific a rector. Holy Communion at 7 a. 111. is a of what these 885 Feet in Length, With LOUIS A. PEE3Y, F. 8. "Xow. here sample connecting link between the East and Morning prayer and sermon at 11 W.P. FVLLER&C0S rich and fashionable and dignified the West, to promote the best of. feel- o "clock. The evening service at 7:30 A reporter Speed of 23 Knots. ing DOTJET LUNALILO NO. 8600, A. O. F. ministers will do. poor between our mother countries. p. m. is choral. All seats are free. PREPARED y PVRE came to me one day for an intervi ?v. For when the world was blissful at Punahou cars pass the door. Meets every first and third Wednes-ta- a ellow and writes well, perfect peace, a cry was raised here. evenings of each month, 7:30 p. He is clever f St. at but he is handicapped by having had At first it was low and feeble, but later Elizabeth's. n", in Pythias Hall, eorner Fort and PAINT LONDON, December Io. Announce- - off in an egaement in it grew- and resounded across the Pa- (Episcopal). King, corner Pua lane. streets. Visiting his leg shot unard Jeretania brothers which he was a war corresponneni. ment has been made by the cific. It was about Japanese sides in The Kev. W. E. Potwine, rector. Holv ordiallv invited. "T crave him an interview because Steamship Companv that is has decided Oa hit's canefields, and sampans in Ho- - Communion, 10 a. 111., and morning F. J. ROBELLO, C. R. his paper wanted it and because I to u,j1i a ton steamship. The tio.r.iii s haihor tor the purpose ot land- prayer at 11 a. 111. Korean service at JA9. K. KAULIA, P. C, F. 8. - ing wanted to help him. A certain clergv- vt,(1 , Japanese armies on Hawaii's shores. l':30 p. in. Evening prayer at 7:3'.'. 1 1 These man made some comments on wha . cries were kept up until Hawaii St. Peter's. HONOLULU AERIE 140. F. O. E. th- - man ; Lloyd s. call for a vessel Sto feet in got large appropriations had said in the interview, and from the fed on ; 9-- (Episcopal). Chinese. Emm;, street. Meets second y,n hA acen tiia nsked him to let turn length and with a breath of j feet b era government for fortifications ami i. Communion at 7 a. 1.1. Dr. A. . L. and fourth Wednesday same suo.i-e- armaments. Some bogieman was need- interview him on the jnclle Morning and! evening of each month do yon that man or ed to scare coneress and the neorde of Trew, oflicinting. prayer Now what think Messrs. Swan, Hunter & Wigham A t 7:30 o'clock, in Pythian Hall, corner ...I tr.i cii.l- - ' Vps. I will the mainland, and an innocent plantn- - communion tit Jl a. m., fhe Kev. Richardson, of Wallsend-on-Tyne- , and f 1.. was L. Hall having charge of the service. Beretania and Fort streets. Visiting be willing to give you my opinio... bnt .mil i.nnin caneu a .lapanese mil- brothers to itary spy and suspicion was a Evensong tit 7 p. 1.1. Evening prayer are invited attend. T shall evnect to be paid $2(0. ' Tliere Messrs. John Brown k Co., of Clyde cast noon W. sampan Mult and engaged for an honest Japanese at S p. m. with sermon R. BILEY, W. P. is a Christian churchman for you. bank, who were the builders or the tor WM. C. M'COY, Sec'y. purpose of trade. j Sc Mary's. Golden Rule Best Religion. .Mauretania and the Lusitaniu, respect- A line of an old Japanese 1poem runs onlv religion nee b-- in h s the cost, which is Episcopal).' M01I11I1. Mindttv school OAHU LODGE NO. 1, EL of P. "The ively, are estimating finis: "Omoslun. no harusame va hana . ': , Golden Rule. If ' !,t S' :'' "'- - an'1 'V?,11UH u' at S Meets every and world is the' evryopf expected to approximate nearly $10,-ll- i no chiruno hodo f ure. -- w hich trans- - lrst third Friday at il practiced there would be n more info ,'' '"' :30 o'clock, Pythian Hall, corner Bere- it m i. 11)0 lated English is somewhat like the COVERS s. Tt Holy Tnmty MlSS10n- - broth-i- trouble or poverty or iinh.ippne following: "O merry rain of a Spring tania and Fort streets. Visiting t propositi i.i and The dimensions of tin- - proposed i... n norfeetlv.V. - - - . Timet ical eordially invited to attend. r ' morn. 'ome thou just so that cherry (Episcopal). Japanese. LEWERS & COOKE, fe- - most us to 1 - lid not be hard if Vtsst will exceed the length of the blossoms be not scattered" Mevrv ft avenue. Sunday school. 10 a. in. Morn- WM. JONES, C. C. a n:or encour- 12'A O. K. of R. S. follow if we got lit. Mauretania oy feet, her breadth wont mm evd at first to scare the oeonle. ing prayer 11 a. 111. HEINE, k agement from our ne:ghbors. And thise by 7 feet ti inches and tonnage ty " . Limited 1 thousands of miles awav across the TTTT. to keep it shonll b" ford nun All other point, who refused Is. tons. records iu sea, but it is doing its mischief now william Mckinley lodge no. 8, King St. the police. Yes, sir; I'd put tonnage eclipsed. 177 S. to bv ! of and size will be K. of P. let-- and may in course of time scatter aw pverv one in jail who won: 1) uuio vessel will Meetings ti. the have an advant the blossoms blooming out of the flow- Fraternal Meets every second and fourth Satur. neighbor as he wo. ill have ms age on his the White Star Olympic of bed Japanese-America- lay evening at 7:30 o'cloek, in Pythian him. of friendship.- neighbor do unto oOih.i tons ami will exceed by 1000 tons imagine HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1. I. O. E. M. Hall, corner Beretania and streets. organ-ze- on im- a conflict between Japan Fort "This world is the Hamburg-America- steamship now eets every first and Visiting brothers eordially GOOD SMOKES i and America which God forbid! invited to practical lines. No one bappv. Mot building in the Vulcan Yard at .Stettin. third Thursday of each tttend. BROS. if Some people have Though actual warfare mav not disturb yS. FITZPATRICK of us are miserable. As regards length the plans are more mon th, in K. of P. Hall, H. A. TAYLOR, C. C. Lave not Hawaii's sunny shores, yet Japanese too much power, and others conseiw titis e, but give a margin of 3 comer Fort and Beretania E. A. JACOBSON, K. R. S. - two will not stay here should a crisis be Fort below King: - a chance to earn enough have feet 0 inches over that of the White streets. Y'isiting brothers i reached. will a's it growng better They depart for home Union. m-- a dav. But star vessel. cordially invited to attend. HONOLULU Hotel near -- 1 leaving behind teeming fields HARBOR NO. 54, A. A. slowly, as all great things houl grew. Speed has not been overlooked and the which TODD, C. - E. V. of R. 1 tilh-r- of M. M. P. e will, without tlu- and workers, Fiftv years ao vo.i coin hive the proposed vessel will steam twenty-thre- A. L. EAKIN, Sachem. places. Then, v on Sun- started a soeb-t- for the prv-'- bn of knots on a draught of thirty four turn to desert the wealth Meets the lrst . to children or ant-mis- is men f todav will lose eervthing thev O. day evening of each eruelTv feet, which three knots faster than HONOLULU LODGE 618, B. P. E. 1 v .... A few mnntti of 7 n m i V f have laimhe-- a? the Olympic. She will be propelled by hae and the poor will be poorer, for will meet in their hall, mM ( Odd Fellows' Hall. 'All before that, thev w turbines opoiating quadruple screws, business will be demoralize. and Work King street, near Fort, 11 I ., Peered teaching mo-- t of the th.ngs il; abandoned. And the money the Terri rojourning brethren are at and resemble the Cunard livers ill every Friday evening. -- in pu.u.c Washington ordially invited to attend. to tfceir that are taught to, lay the t !.:! si,., will ,,,,. I'm 1.11. .U ...i.l'W got tfo!l through the Visiting brothers are desire at this time to extend 1m,J-'"- -- - By order Worthy President. schools. pole masts. Her doubl bottom will be " bqii-s and am pa its cordially invited to at- an V5L CAPT. W. C. BRUITX, patrons and friends in Honolulu " Nt rs were few and ttnnd so arranged that she will be able to wiil be lost an hundredfold and a thou- now mo cars FRANK C. POOR, Secy. hearty go1 r.n .'.ear. Kverv night in curry oil lu-- should the company at sandfold. We have sown the wind, and JAS.' D. DOUGHERTY, throughout the Islands boats yon cat. see we no R. and the fcrrv any tune dee'le upon that method. shaii whirl E. wishes for hundreds of laboring men reading news- Needless to say tile Vessel wiil he penny wis and pound foolish would w GFO T. KLTTEOEL. Scy. THEODORE EOOSEVELT CAMP waking up to their i ' NO. 1, S. V. papers an,l learning, ii't-- ii u o-- ;i scale. Sue will 'I"' ve pbitig,. ourselves into tin W. CHRISTMAS voters. A MERRY own power as free ctiens and iiave a -- ttige for theatti-a- l pu rposes. ; o: Meets every second and To Make World Happy. Acciiiiimodiitioii will be provided fori T on iy way tor us t sa e o'.r-- WZ furtn Saturday of each month and 3il in V ,. but lioO ll'-- t cla-- s I'S, 71 second - eiv s t now. at " a cur tT.l. The world. ;bl be pilssellgi t" tuiti uan, curlier A ILPPY NEW YEAB. 'i1 i is- Bethel vill not be anarchy that will i ami gi thini (las ;t total et the ro iiza; ion of i tiste i. High and Hotel streets, at ; ,,t i 7:30 p. m. patron?9 i.lish it. but ednctit ion. I't tbem bund of he crew. j Mot; ha- - assigtie-- to Hawaii, which For your liberal holiday j : i n- By Com- and teach the ts f a j I'omoter of ti h order of the Camp f lets of school houses we thankful, and trust to be and insist tir.iv I brot Ipt!c-.o- mander, are people how to use the ballot RETURNED TRAVELER ersti Grade as in upon them putting up the right men. and be the tru. uect ng link of o J. K. BROWN, vored with the snir.c in future do , ; -- Adjutant. i "'TMigion.' 'hereafter,' what TAKFS A RRinF 'M .th, bevolld the etl. past. 1 do the Co - ministers know about it that d Hawaii as :i iiaett: Lenses i n.,t? 1 wonder ,.v many "t taem have i of the hi -- t and We-- t in the HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE D N a W. A:, - seen Tie- thing are bein done at llil.n. ill' 'iie I'aciti:- so that He tuig CLUB. s FITTED TO YOUR KODAK I h r wl e thev wa a rriv-- rdav to M issi r t in assim ila ' b m Meets every second and fourth Fri- th.. Hockete men tie' CAMERA. days (J i iti i OR in the month at 8 o,t oV le.i- out it coal storage fer A kane M - It! Sj.UIl- thoughts and u a !g"i mat ion ol o'clock, in an-- 11 w ' sl W' on tigain ,; fn.-- looms and 12, Alexander Young a i ek and hen the from outs- enable you I) 1 1 These Lenses will Building. J 4h(.i ktti's and iaais ;iV feel-- a ral is alive v Wl'ne-- s til, leieticy 'f th-- .l.'i I to pictures under conditions JAS. H. FIDDES, Chief. !i:ng limb? A r a ve show a ksn take I.l.iiii-- like anv other m. 'i po their - Street. I b- - not impossible. JAS. C. MeGILL, King -i eve iinpl the tin is INTERESTING TO MOTHERS HOW o w a v :'d e are trying of light otherwise Secy. i- w t t- far aeti 'icy win anie ' CURE COUGHS AND COLDS. o i - them W lie lie e !' V pit a man tu c. sior.ige i or six T it 'on of dapato-s- We will gladly explain the 3AMIEN COUNCIL NO. 563. Y. M. I. 1911 The-- a'-'- - i 'i is one s w ti e a a wa vs i ti- .,-- :, w,i-- him up i high-grad- ths or so i I i: i is. m:i - Tr- many advantages of a Meets ever? second and fourth Wed-eda- y t ait-- harg.- h from the hospital rests ti). r of young children, -i DESK dis. tie .s ii i,;),.v :ia- lens. at 7:30 o'clock p. m., in St. DIARIES AND W . th.- day i i.itve aud kick;i:g. other ita s to treat their cnghs t Uiuis College Alumni Hall (Dreier a put. key !:' tt out and 1 5all), Union 'oo o war o:l' a threatened street. Visiting members CALENDARS. heart into . oh! storage and re alwavs welcome. leg and I w- d an f- - jo.s your a wa k. Todav that mb.-rlai- F. D. b them theri i v Oiigtl Honolulu CREEDON, Pregident. at once for do-- Pi a i , y0t:r order ' is g uroun the laboratory. . H. P. O rrna'T s ber.efiV-i.!- rta n A i' 'SULLIVAN So.rotar 11 h tu revst If. is ha. 'a i hwt-.- Diary. saw be given tis i..d ap office nd :i')d h. fe. K and fine. Photo Supply Co. j ( . j V ottgh so as ii-.- are THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Brains Like Records. Keep it at hand j t h '!1 :!1 t ; The Honolulu branch art.'c i. ni "Everything Photographic." cf thit soeietv LTD. "Everything is material. We have ff taut t M.anv mothers iiiitti - n lie itl meets in the Kilohana Art League NEWS CO, im- Fcrt, below Hotel. HAWAIIAN no thoughts. They are simply do Mi, aud it saves them much uneasi- tnay j.rove !ve; ( litiiil to 1j building on Miller street, ground floor, pressions that we get from outside. ness yor s,,"0 by all dealers, Benson, our American j every Wednesday evening BUILDING. respect bv at 7:30. ALEX. YOUNG 'il Our brains are like records that take Smit'a & Co.. Ltd., sgents for Hawaii. friends who have often honored us, 7isitors are eordially welcomed. THE SUNDAY ADVERTISES. DECEMBER 23. 1910. 11 President's Manuscript Messages i Make a Priceless Volume ur Stc THE In Office of Secretary to United States Senate Is ?5 COMBINES THE USEFUL AND THE ORNAMENTAL 1 preserved Bock Worth More Than Its Weight YOU CANNOT GO WRONG IN BUYING HERE. in Gold for Its Historical Associations. Oriemi

ret.iry .ioeurnents . a he:" Goods e wan a script of S SAYEOUSA l.uuia - .H-- rs: h to tne senate id. ; ::e.t wb lv .iy to order as ."tr.iceneemeat of Japanese Emporium. WE SHOW u M ,i r.. ';7. This maiiu- - n ; r u - .!::: . r. NUUANU ABOVE i:3 vo'uf. the adjourn :r.eiit STREET HOTEL j.Ulte.e. preserwd by a nr in t:.e Are the Best that can be found in Japan. t: si.-- t The ntatives to y irYi 1 .i message age of ' ' an act i i ion ex-- i yashin.zt- for the intercourse be- -' : tes and foreign

v.i- - a. r Art - is .' ve King M.i- - i's:on. ;:':;!. 15 i T 1 to tin !!ifsajt of ud- Hawaii is represented in this japaneseBazar 1 i:r."rt.ine, of the .!; : A. W 1 have induced us establishment to a greater ex- i rem:iTh.a - with : d Fort Street Near Convent oaten- - V.. eonsidor this tent than elsewhere. There are Ji.U-iiTial. then nr- - ? not t De.iara- T:. age is writt-- n in a ; many articles to suit your fancy. with -- rat letirf-kley- . A' v.-ar- Houe of arttr.en it-- tig., the writ.::,; ' The avail-sho- jdaced in a g.ass similar pro- - GIRREY'S LTD. fade, and i: w:i by Tlouse of Represent- te-- l safe the ise. kept i an tight ative since tiiat date. on rare occasions. - ad exposed only A;i i,- menage from An- Fort Street belcw Hotel i rime a'o. however, n was drew w Declaration Jackson prese i ved in this historic n"iced that the ink in the t;oji fir-- -- sow is the t tnt to the Senate. vas becoming raj.idly illegible, and It is dated "Washington. December 2?. Q e w.m ie wnt'.r.jr can oniy address, d simply "To the lirnV-u'.t- and with the aid of a " e 10 fat Senate. Tt subrr. the .r.arnes and Put on your list of new resolu- t jagnifvinc tlas. It is thought that nominations of his and adds Cabinet tions for 1911 a determination to - 3:5 obliteration is due partly to the foil, .wing: r of the drink 'Vr.t inn,res'aoa was taken the I of making nominate K.g.'r P. Taney, "Esq.. jiail writing for the purpose to . of M.iryhmd. be "hief Justice of the f3t-- enr.-.;- some 01 tne mK was an.i Supreme Vurt of the Pr.ited States in and many of in the process. At - .ecesearilv absorbed :ia-.- of Mar-hal- l, deceased, rate." original can John and the Declaration Philip P: Barbour. Esq., Virginia, to a light, and of Vread r.ow only in certain be Associate .Tntiee of the court Duffy's Apple Juice them. ;i said w;'i soon le faded away anie in 1 la.-- of Oabri-- 1 Duval, resigned." A fine substitute for Champagne. ' fir-- - Lincoln message to : p. Ti;e - manu- President t 1 Hi nr ea?- with tae Carbonted and sparkling and non-alcohol- ic. reside!ituil messace in the sen- - the Senate is as follow: nominate William II. Seward, of :e "secretary "s otiice. Tee handwriting "I New Y. rk. to be of of PINTS S2.25 a dozen Store ,.!,wr in.l lecih'e now a it was State liny w men who the I'i.ited State. faei: jer.ned by the famous j QUARTS S4.25 a dozen are 'oust since passed from earth. "ABRAHAM TJNVOLX. Washing-- . n. nT.) March. i Fort, above King Street. Th" and paper " 161. V- iireu:::erts v.esag- which thii-- were written The other of Lincoln these state papers ' 1 ha .e b' n i.reerved in the original are Tfre rapidiy worn out Vy Benson, Smith S Co., Ltd. I u hn-e- . oi-mti- those nominating Salmon P. of. Kstant tuiitsctr-f- f over, wi.en Sn-- ! IcCook took steps to preserve them. h'o. to be 'h:.-- of the weii done, and, barring : rea e Court, to sue.-e.--- Roger P.. Tanev Fort and Hotel Streets. was , icident. the paaes of the book and of Man-land- an IP.igh Macfullough. ; - o Sfi-retar- aid r:' wii: le ivi a- - u,d a state f TridiriTia. of th Tr-as-:r- v in of W. P.' ! iJ! ; ir,'L,,rv:iri.:!i a hv.i.drr tir? hence ' M a!:..-- . READ ADVERTISER to.lay. of THE in book is the T": f Andrew Johnson '! origin- t f t The initial messaire the firt f . :m of anv importance sent to the sen-.t- e al rro :iges fre tliove jn ivhir-- he nom-- : bv President Washington. On two f:at--- - John P'gelow "o bo Minister to Y. M. C. A. eeasions previous to writing this mes-a- e and Lb utenar.t Oeneral T'lysse he had. in person, met the senate .. Orart to be Central of the army of 3 executive session, but since August the United States. The latter message l 17v rberp i nn record of anv Presi- - is the rl.r dared "The Executive Man-'ior.- '' havinir doi;e so, althomrh authority Tt was sent to the Senate July iier.t stich a course i given by ru'.e 36 .". iM't. senate. This rule is worded as Orant's fir- - message is dated simple The . :ohows : " Washmg-on- T. ' . March o. 'V!i..p tiio Prpiiident of the United and "nbniits the- following list of nom- abates shall meet the senate in the sen-Mit- e inations : Mens' - Young chamler for the consideration of "E'i'o- B. Washe,yn. of Tllino's. t --xecutive buines, he shall have a se it be Secretary of State: Alexander T. nthc right of the presiding officer. '' Stewart, of N-- w Yor':. to be Secretary The firt rrif-'atr-e of importance from ,.f the Treaeurv. Ad..ltdi E. Rorie. of Christian Association President (i.'orge Washington to the Penr'-vlvania- , to ",- Seorotarv of the roar.-e- . J.-.h- t" - eii'dte - on unruled Xavv:" . Marv- IMlDdPac51FuC ifsiTiici J. rewell. of . - . aper, ;i; a heay. plain handwrit-ec- ' io.-- rai: E. R. j and ri-i- .'ii ;. Va.r.;!i::.iS." It ij... M to be Attorney j Wishes you a t'!s: and Jae. h r. "ot. of Ohio, to j . ' "'Jenth-nuT- the S.. nate: The "are of h, - teri.-T- j Presid-r- - ti of t!o. I'nite'1 Stat.- will - tee or I -- .a-o inminste1 j r char:ib.-- G.-r,r- Merry SM tne ei.a:. in the er,.!t w T. a., t of j Christmas 5 hiilf-j-a-- t d).-- - - ! it ieeri to advise Phil'-- H. Slier- j IM gr itd 4 'ith t;a-'- on the t'-rn- i f the treaty L t!,':' ' r o in p'a ? - e 'i ic ii' ',iat-- with the .ii:thern In- Exquisite Articles: a az ham. to to TOOLED LEATHER ' "New- - York. Augast 1. 17:'." j. cre- CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Wa si; i ri 's s nd to trie meie ORDER YOUR FEBRUARY NUMBER NOW ft "G"nt:ca..'-- i ,.f the submits a Aror:r V.epa'r.f '.s-.-- . Arts and Craft, shop 'Ks l: f.f nor.:!nati'ifiS f at' - : !sod for I;' 1 To- - raoe Ti a t i on to Young Building. (Out January 15) mh..r of tl,- - Sr.:r-!i,- e 'onrt. as fn'.--.- : "ne frb-- out bT J, hi .lav. if New York. 'iiief rf ho. e of Frederick I i .I..'h Kutiedj.-- . . a:, n South T. Fr- N. w 'o he - Carol.;,:, ; .1 :.!. s Wilson, of P. r.nyl- Woodlawn Cn-hin- ' "ania ; Wdiia-- of r- -- 1 - J LOTS AT IF Ttarri-oT- i. of Marv- " T.f ag' As- - I a I, 1 J ,.f Vir.' a'a. i is Bavar !, of Valley 1 r Manoa fehrit- - .":. ,0, Mar. a Ti'ot v of to o tiii aad as i CHAS. S. DESKY j See Oliver ENwor-- h for "he first ai A copy of uter- c the o r e -- 1 i n g nn 1 - & dire--:o- Co. 1 r: e . Ad. the Asahi i?e a; 'osod. H. MA.TSUTO. (POSTAGE 8 CENTS) , ho o-o- coro ; in it 1; o- OS- - or. S Uo t tiin'i-.- . The - T' bat hoieg In ing. Paper Hangerfl ... ! Telephone 1420 - - 208 Eeretania St. ra'c .T. ..f Mas-- a hu- p't .Mn, ' o he K ' g I'r;i-- ia .in"--: ADAMS. , SOME Y FROM t a Mr-- GREETINGS A of 17:'7." AR 'I'r 0 FOE ALL PURPOSES. OLD FAR EAST FRIENDS - - At Any ar t- AMERICAHAWAIIAN- PAPER Newsdealer or Through The Advertiser Office. t.K:A f,' Too t.'.r -- - !g- - - i' AND SUPPLY CO., LTD. in A 1 I a, Ih POSTAGE FREE J. Audit Company -- h.'r. -

h-- r ' " i".e- - of Hawaii 4 e - M SUBSCRIBE NOW ; V......

.- P. 0. Box 646. 924 Bethel St THOROUGH Telephone 2035. AND RECEIVE FIRST NUMBER a '- r ; Mi 1' F'i.p,;. f (A limited supply of January number reserved for regular subscribers) Conducts all classes of Audits

; The : - FAMOUS EVERYWHERE. and Investigations, and furnishes 'frna'e - Reports on all kinds of fmancia Ar, p - - J T'T.i , work. ?ed - , Suggestions given for simph "Ada-,- . tying or systematizing offics ;o:..e:. : Tis 'nate Job (. arv ol ;ts for ilawali. I work. All business confidential.'! 'I at- - .


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY TIMETABLE. HALSTEAD & CO. Williamson 1 & Buttolph Mi:);! Direct Serrlce to San Francisco. The favorite S. S. SIERRA, 10,000 tons displacement, sailing; from Hono- 44 Brokers BROKERS s December 14. Stock a4 lulu it! First-clas- s single to San Franeisco, $5; round trip, $110. Direct service WATERHOUSE TRUST" connecting with U. S. 8. Co. serviee to New from San Franeisco to Tahiti 921 FORT STREET Zealand O. BREWER & CO., LTD., General Agenta. Stocks. Bonds AND CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- N ROYAL MAIL LINE. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE 1 FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. roa VANCOUVEK. REAL ESTATE FOR LEASE Honolulu. Sntur.biv. 1 oet'inh,T -- 1. MOAN A JANUABY T MAKTHtA JANUARY 3 Real 31 Estate MAKURA FEBRUARY II ZEALANDIA JANUARY NAM S OF STOCK: aia Bi.l ii-- Members s Will call at Fanning Island. Honolulu Stoek Bond-Er,.,,- Mercantile. and , Agents. MAKA0 BEACH LOTS, K00LAUL0A, 0AHU. O. Brewer to Oo $2.200,001 SIC! S3 THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., General Sugar, v. MERCHANT 2(! STwr Ewa !.000,00 27' P. O. Bo, 53S. Iinw. Asrriculiural. . 1.200 001 IOC i. u TelephL We offer these desirable beach lots situate on the wind- Sag Co 2,312.75?; 2 l41 AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Haw Coi a Haw Sugar Co.... 3,GOo,OJ( i il tionomu 750.00C 10; U5 every sixth day. ' i FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepe, ward side of Oahu for lease for a twenty (20) year term Uoaokaa 2.000,0tX h M li Freight received at all time at the company 'a wharf, Forty-ftra- t Street, Haiku I,5i)0,u0 10. '12,. 15J A. J. gouth Brooklyn. Hntchinson Sugar CAMPBELL Plantation Co . . - 2.500, 00 if. FROM 8EATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DISJECT: at a moderate rental. Kahuitu; it.' 23 a Surar Co . . eoo.uot 100 S. P. MEXICAN, to sail December 5o0.0ct kg: S. S. MISSOURI AX, to sail January 9 Lots are 100x300. McBryde Bug Co Lid S,W0.0(H.i a 4 Oaliu Sugar Co.... 2,! 5ii! Fur further particulars apply to Onoiuea l.cuo-o- 32 Hi 5,000.001 2C 3H! 79 II. HACKFELD fc CO, TD.. Agents, Honolulu. This property can be reached by rail. Olaa Sugar Oo Ltd.. MERCHANT ST. -- General Freight Agent. Olowalu lMj.OGii lot r.sF, Sug Go 5,0Xt,OX 5C 17 k 20 Member " N ' - Paauhau Plan Honolulu Stock Ex Pacific ft,C00 IOC'. . . KAISHA. iaia . 2,250.000! 100 12 j 150 change. PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. AND T0Y0 KISEN fepeekeo ...... 750,OUti 10C; ..... rioneer . 2,750,0O( loci; IS) Represented on the Boar, Steamers of the abeve companies will call at Honolulu and leave tMs port FOR SALE Waialua Arri Oo... 4,500,000! lot! Wailuku S.OOO.000! 10C1150 by Joseph on or about the dates mentioned below: Waimanalo 262.000: 1 to Andrade. 125.000 139 FOB THE ORIENT. 1 FOB AN FRANCISCO. Waiwea Sugar Kill. 27 TENYO MARU DECEMBER 31 MincelJar.eoua CHTYO MARU DECEMBER A bargain in Makiki District for $3250. luter-lslan- S N Oo. 2.250,0O0j JANUARY 7 loo 107h;ii2h ASIA JANUARY 3 KOREA Haw Klectric Co. . . . 7.W.0OL 101 beyond MARU JANUARY 21 H R T & L Co Pfd ... fXo schedule at hand " this date.) NIPPON 1.15O.0OI. Inri ill SIBERIA JANUARY 28 H K T & L Co Com . The Mutual Tel Co 25C 000 h 14 Waterhouse Co. CI I IN A FEBRUARY 5 Co OB L 4,000,000 IOC 125 Hilo B R Oo Pfd.. 13;) CO., LTD., 14.840 2l IS hi 17 H H. HACKFELD Afents. Hilo R R Co Com . . 2.800,000 2l Honolulu Brewing k 7 it 9 Malting Oo Ltd.. 400.000 19 Haw Pineapple Co.. 500,000j 30 MATS0N NAVIGATION COMPANY'S SCHEDULE, 1910. IITanione Olok Rub 32 Manufacturers' "WATERHOUSE TRUST" On (Paid UDI . Agents ... 141.20T Tanjong Olok Rub Oo 37K 43 Between San Francisco and Honolulu. . . Direct Service iAss W p c roi B7.210 Rubber CORNERF Pahane Rub Oo Factors fPaid nil) 184,320 Arrive from San Francisco. Sail for San Francisco. 19 V, 4 tPahang Rub Co Wilhelmina December 27 Wilhelmina January (Ass 20 fOeFH).. IM3K COMMISSION Lurline January 11 Lurline January Bond! AGENTS January 24 Wilhelmina February 1 Amt. Out Wilhelmina Haw Ter 4 p e (Fir standlatii JUDD BUTLDINQ. January 27 Honolulan February 4 Claims) Honolulan 238 0JC Haw Ter 4 d c (RefudiBK 1905). 800, ojo! :x: a The S. S. HYADES of this line sails from Seattle for Honolulu direct Sunday Advertiser Haw Ter 44 pc... 1,000,000 fl j Haw Ter 4 P c 1,000,006; uiassiTiea Mavertisep.: 24. - on or about December at Postoffice Honolulu, Haw Ter 3 V. PC- 1.044,000 Entered the in Cal Beet Sag A Re- 1 H. T., as second-clas- s matter. THE Oo CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu. fining 6pe... 800.0001 100 FOR SALL Hamakua Ditch DL4.MOXDS and jewelry bouehtl Published Every Sunday Morning (upper ditch) S t. 200.000 mU Oo Haw Irrigation u. vno, iort Hi By the 6a Fully Pd..t.. 00,0C'j 102 Haw Com ft Sugar SEOOXD-HAX- HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD., Wireless paper-cuttin- g CRUSHED ROCK AND ROCK SAND. Co 5 p e i,240,00C macibi Von Holt Block, 65 South King St Hilo R R 6a (Issue l,or printers' nse. office is now in the Telephone of 1901) Hilo R R Co Ref STEVEXS-DUBYE- fire-sette- r Hustace-Pec- k Sc Kxtn Con 6s . . . tourk, company, Ltd. Building on Adams Lane." When 800.0C01 96 ear, 63 QUEEN STREET. PHONE 2285 Honokaa Sue Co 6 pc 600,000 llflH Al condition. "Stevens," At 1 Hon RTLiCo6pc 820 1C- CTa mniwV, rn v wrn wuV ) T7 OT fA fill TlSrt flf thft CltV. Classified Advertisem*nts; 000. 5- Etl" you want to send a message call Kanai Uy Co .... 500,000 !00 mates given on all kinds of rqtd work and jading. Reasonable prieea. Kohala Ditch Co 6s. 500,000: lan MoBrrde SneCofis. .oocooo! iuuu shares Teu:plor Ranch oil, 20e i! FOR RENT. up 1574 and a boy will call at Mntnal TpI 6s 205,000; 101 taken at once. Stocks," this O R ft Tj Co 5 n e iooVs oi. - ...! CRESSATY'S furnished cottages; Wai- your office or home for it. tOahu SnenrPnSpf flto,r.oo: to) kila Beach; bathing and boating. Olsa Sn? Co 6 t C. 2.5l'0,0oO; 92 Pacific St,s Mid .Mandolins, Guitars On Sundays the office is open Cn i uA s .... 500.0OC r. Violins at prices in LEAVE IT TO I Pioneer Mill 1.250.000! lower than an? Coin' rtl,.-,.-. . 1 1 e IT. A LARGE, centrally located store, oft from eight to ten in the morning. TsiaTnd' A?C-in- 1.243,50C; ;ioo uiuci aUjie iu nonoiuiu. vJarlo. January 15. Address 1'. O. Box 343, 8851 SS55 2S.125 on $100 paid. Redeemable RUNABOUT; perfect condition; cheap at 103 at maturity. B270 aharea treaa CENTRALLY located; a furnished iu, gas lamps, I'rest-o-ut- e tank: room; 175 Beretania, cor. Union St. Session Sales. Address "Kunabout," care Adv OJ S831 Cs, 20 & tiser. JOS. S. MARTIN $1000 Olaa 93; Hon. B. M. Co., .19.125. Importing Tailor. BRACELETS, EMBROIDERY. Between Boards. Combs and Brooches: SEE THAT GOES RIGHT. High-cla- ss English Woolens. lect designs: best quality; and verj WE'LL 5 I.-I- . S. C. & l ALL kinds of embroidery, hand work, N. Co., 110; 10 Haw. low prices. Carlo. 8S51 Madeira. 11 IJ" Union, near S Co., 33.25; 00 Haw. S-- .r. 34; 12 from Styles " '., - Exclusive Hotel.- 8849 58 Merchant St. flaw. Agr. Co., 211; H0 Pahanst. 20; BEAUTIFUL necklace and lockets; $1000 Hilo 19ol 6s, 9:.."i; 30 Mutual low prices; all girods guaranteed. CITY CO. 13.75; 5 Co., TRANSFER AUTO REPAIRS. Tel. Co., Oahu si:g. 25.25; Carlo. 8851 5 Olaa, 4. & automobile experts Classified PRICE JORDAN, Advertisem*nts Notice. ABOUT a thousand gold rings; no d- jAs. Phone 1281 and engineers. Square Deal Garage, of the Pepeekeo Sugar uplicates; less h. love. 8839 The directors than factory prieet Queen and Alakea. Tel. 3421. ; WANTED. Company this date votd ro reduce the . Carlo. ' S551 dividend of that corpjiarioa from 1 ANYTHING of value bought for cash - monthly - (5UC. A. B1DINGER offers lots a lu- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Carlo. 1117 Fort street. 8738 per share on tiir tu to at jer share, commencing in January, gain in his Kaimuki block. AddwM J. A. COMBS, 103 Stangenwald Bldg. P. O. Box 9S. 8S3C . 1911. and continuing uatn tanner 3449. Notaiy pul.-iic- A COMPETENT Til. stenographer and type notice. 1 A FEW prieei writer. AppJyin the lorin of a type-- Holiday Vacation. diamonds at bargain WORKING PARTNER. written letter, Lewers & Cooke, Ltd Carlo. , ;. 8851 SS55 No session or the exhanie will be YOUNG man, with $5000 and seven held after December 24, I'.'IO. until De- CANARIES. No Worry years' good business training in Is- cember 31, 1910. GERMAN singing canaries; full AMATEUR talent at once. Apply at ti lands, desires position where capital 84 Vineyard St. 41C ABOUT BILLS OF LADING and services would meet with fair Bijou Theater box ofliee. SS54 return. "G.," Advertiser office. SEVEN-SEATE- Peerless autonwbito, 8854 WHITE woman to eotk for lunch room. model ahwit OR HOUSE MANIFESTS Albert F. Afong 27; excellent condition; CUSTOM Apply 1. O. Box 514. 8S53 new; $3300. P. E. R. Strauch, Waity 832 FORT STREET. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Bldg.; tel. 1445. 8844 YOU HAVE US DO YOUR A FIRST-CLAS- carpenter, IF SHIPPING. helpS State JAPANESE male and female wages expected. Address P, O. Box STOCK AND BOND BROKER ABOUT 300 sample watches; very family or store. 900 Alakea, near 144. 8852 cheap.' Carlo. 8SS1 King. 415 Member Honolulu Stoek ani Bona BEAUTIFUL in Manoa, vtoto JAPANESE cooks, waiters, yardboys, STORAGE batteries to recharge and re- home magnetos motor- Exchange. in the most desirable section of tk Union Pacific Transfer Company etc. G. Hiraoka, 208 Beretania, near! build; coils and and onhigl i second-han- d valley; house practically new, Emma. Phone 1420. 415 cycles repaired; bargains motorcycles. Berger Electric Works. and cry ground, and convenient w w, mosquito-proo- f roomi, dtt cooks, waiters, yardboys, Tel. 2914. 8844 Classified Advertisem*nts car line; 3"s JAPANESE trie lights, enameled bath and itatioij King Street next to Alex. Young Bldg, Phone 1874. etc. T. Ishibashi, Kinau St. Phone 3428. 8840 BOYS to learn the ,je;velrv trade. H. ary washstand, gas heaterj enr. Culman, Fort and Hotel.' 8816 SITUATIONS WANTED. quarters and chicken yard; beautiful and mouBtaU EN O LIS II 33, unobstructed marine MAN, aged perfect knowl- view. particular!, address PROFESSIONAL CARDS. edge of imports, export-- ship- For "Jj MEN'S CLOTHING. and P. Box 208. ping; speaks Japanese. Address "Im- noa," 0. MEN'S clothing on credit; $1.00 ft Buff; KILO HAN O HIGH SCHOOL. ports," this office. . 416 SURVEYOR S transit; Buff & week; suits given at once. T. Levy v Address nrac-tieall- new: reads 20". CORNER Miller and Beretania Sts., j Outfitting, Sachs Bldg, Fort St. BY Russian; work as blai 8851 high school ksmith; good 1". O. Box 150. Art League Bldg.; regular tradesman. Applv Box 543. arith-- ! Honolulu. WOOD work; bookkeeping, commercial FURNISHED ROOMS. 8854 COAL and metic and English classes by special! TAILOR.

j new- - arrangement; school begins Jan. d, THE NEW alla.MjIU.n large, A-- weaves in suiting B The hest quality of fuel delivered in large or small lots. YOUNG man. l bookkeener. all round LATEST diagonal 1911. Kate Zimmerman, B. S.. gradu y lurnislied rooms, Corner Union ntlice man, with for men, made in accordant Teaming. Traction Engine Hauling. Principal. 414 several years sales ate Kansas State College, and Hotel Sts. experience, wants position; highest dictates of fashion toyonr ? 8S54 salary to bldg- - commensurate with ability. Address der. J. E. Rocha. rm. 35, Young MOSQUITO-PROOF- , hot and cold r HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAYING CO., LTD. X. Y. Z. care Advertiser. $852 CHIROPODIST bath; central; 84 Vineyard near Nuuanu. 8841 LOST. Queen Street, opposite Kaahumanu. Telephone 2281. DR. BIRCH, expert chiropodist; office TRAINED NURSE desires the care of BOX containing gold spectacles, 10 a. m. to an, invalid it 64 Young Building; hours agents! in her own home, where er notify phone 2!'36. I'rT 5 p. m. 8S39 every ctmfort can be given. Address , 11 "hvaA noatb CHARLES H. HUSTACE, selling agent "Nurse," this office. 8345 DARK Jersey Dun ran. Palmer-Singe- r cars; Horsey 's Hfv W. E. Wall tna BEAUTY CULTURE. old. Finder 8855 MRS. DRINK WATER Masseuse; spe patches; special attention ROOM AND BOARD. get reward. given to repairing automobiles and cial face massage, manicure, etc. lb LARGE to i motorcycles. South near King St. mosquito proof room; hot and Finder return Beretania; tel. 3276. 413 cold water; and AUTO rear cushion Phone 2174. 8803 lanai bathroom; with office and receive board; private 136(5 this 8854 in this form have much VOCAL. entrance. Applv ward. as class King St. 8855 HUGO HERZEE, Teaeher of aingiBf, OFFICES FOR RENT. CARDS Bldg, St., oppoaite Love Fort Conveni - NICELY furnished rooms w ;th board. offl- - engraved and tucked away ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING- for its return to Advertiser e 1366 King St. AUDITING ACCOUNTANT. Honolulu's only fire proof 8S54 415 WILLIAM MONTROSE GRAHAM, building; rent includes electric light, in an expensive 310 Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 1567. hot and cold water, and janitor ser "THE LELAND," 627 Beretania Ave. FOUND. Mosquito-proo- f 8809 vice. Apply the von Hamm-Youn- g lanai rooms, with or without ON R.ipi Transit car. Co., Ltd. board; everything modern; ' r- - case. '; pa of speciaei", - leather We ritza o- VETEBINAIAN S. moderate prices; central location. Advertiser ' ' Phone 1308. e.vegla- - Apply DR. L. E. CASE, offiee Lewis Btablea "THE STANGENWALD Only fire Mrs. H. Dinklage, prop. 41b make these to order I 'oTttL Company I Phone 2141: residence phone 1113 proof office building in city. tire, "Call for proqglj " CAfim 'S (JOTT A G E S. Waikiki AUTOMOP.TI.E I .Mi' ('rill. in various sizes for DRESSMAKING. Beach; bathing and boating. 8651 at Ui.ion KRUSE & LUX. Fashionable THE HAU SHOPPERS. making, 1212 Fort St., Sachs TREE on the Beach at is "VVaikiki first-clas- s calling or business purposes. The price apartments and MRS. SFLMA sriTOEXFELD. ing. board. 2199 lines, soup Kalia road, end of Low- tero ,1 Shopper in all ers road. ti and lv;!h ntomers T VT very reasonable. FURNISHED COTTAGES. 10 $ ndnre solicited. jj mn--fji- i) cottajip First-clas- s . RNISHEP THE MACDOXALD apart- Fraii'-isi'O- Cal. of two rooins: bathr iinn, hot and cold ments with board; special rates for with board. Ai'i'lv 13(16 Kine table botrrd. 1402 wati'r: Punahou St.:7 1 S rect. 854 1113. 8901 WAY & SONS FOR children; good, healthv location; STEIN GAZETTE - LTD, AUTOMOBILES. HAWAIIAN CO., best of care. "F. this offiee. AND OTHER PIAu. air n i num. J.," 1 I U M 88 13 PIANO CI. made to order :i k by Mat-- f THAYER - t;i. i i- 'i 65 S. King Street tns, Alakea Sr. worlc at I'ApY NOOK. 1040 Beretania; tel. M Hotel Street. an ::i (Jo. an. 1175 1333. Newly furnished apartments, TTTXTKO OtJ. kea Sr. mosquito proof, at reasonable rates r1 g (Features Sectaoo Pages 1 to 8 A. set.

HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1910. This Day of Peace a Great War Anniversary Albert P. Taylor half a century ago Just j change of station was even greater when Charlestonians wore celebrating throughout the country at large than at Christmas? iile at dinner with "Peace j Charleston. It flashed the gleam of on earth, good will to men" sentiments i arms and men saw suddenly what be on the lip but the air rife with rebel- - fore they had only imagined. lion, a Federal army ofiieer left the city In the North the occupation of Sum. of Charleston. South Carolina, where he iter was regarded as the most prudent guest had dined as the of friends, 'and dignified course that could have friends for the last time for many been taken. It touched national honor vears, and returned to Fort Moultrie, and awoke the national pride. Where-- : across the harbor. t ever patriotism was superior to local nine o'clock the following night At prejudices and class interest Major An-- ; an order was sent quietly to the gar- derson became the hero of the hour, rison of only sixty-tw- effective fight- - j On December 28 the Charlestoniana ing men to prepare for marching. They seized the custom house and the post quietly obeyed and were drawn up with- office and on the thirtieth the arsenal. in the fortress and there and raised the state flag upon them and awaited the orders of their commandant ent an armed force to occupy Moultrie Major Kobert Anderson, United States ' and Pinclyiey, where the few soldiers Army, occupying them were overpowered. The Another order came to pack furniture j President having refused to withdraw ENTS ll and prepare it for shipment; and soon i the federal soldiers from Charleston, on the garrison was working like a hive of the 29th of December, Secretary of War bees. Cannon were spiked, gun car- Floyd resigned Jiis office. or otherwise destroyed; nages burned Half Century Ago. the magazines opened and much of their FORT SUMTER, CHARLESTON HARBOR, THE OCCUPATION OF WHICH JUST FIFTY YEARS AGO TOMORROW NIGHT, WAS THE FIRST t ... ments contents destroyed by water, and by And so is recorded the first act of the DiC IDED ACT IN THE CIVIL WAR. j an-- I midnight the garrison had embarked in great Civil War, whose half century niversary is now just at hand. Hawaii small schooners and row boats and was story of how he begged Major Anderson immediately. When the fleet arrived reenforced, and Sumter was "in empty them loaded, as they thought, with beds, 'git, Bona silently conveyed across the harbor to had a part in the great conflict for she 'ort S. to let him fire on the rebel batteries. off Charleston the bombardment was fortress which they might seiie and furniture, trunks and other luggage of H empty fort- ' Fort Sumter, theretofore an "Xot yet. be patient,' 'was the re- - well under way. To attempt to land control in a single night." The next the kind. About nine o clock in the , ,. , ,. , fV!.' ' rney acnievea national rame. uenerai maciinell ress, located upon an islet in the center sponse. When the shells began to fall troops and stores under this withering dav the Ordinance of Secession w; s evening the men were put under march- - ' , .... , 416 of the harbor. The boats made f re- - thick about the steamer, he again asked fire would have been madness. The onlv passed. Major Anderson immediately ing orders, with knapsacks packed. No, - General Hartwell, now chief lustice and am- t of 4 r touringff quent trips bringing supplies permission to retaliate, but met with ves-e- l of sufficient strength to cope with laid his plans to defend the fortress. On one seemed to know the reason for the i . Hawaii, was not of Hawaii then, but deserted fortress. th(1 - ns," Ad-f- o munition from the ?;uue res,ponse When he saw the the batteries was the Pawnee which the 24th December he wrote a pri- movement. The little . garrison was;. , , , u . xr - iif nas tuiimri ui tLilt w,-i-ni-uii- xao- All was done silently; the oars were Sj,nnters flv frotn the bovv where the had not arrived. Sadly the sailors vate letter in which he set forth the paraded, inspected and then embarked i or- - muffled and the commands ot tne pneinv giel haj struck, he cried, ;ive up the attempt and cruised up and t'recarious circ*mstances in which to j on the boats which headed for Sumter. . 20c , . il. iff! ...... Ms often referred to m "The Bovs" of Ccers whispered, no tidings .... . were that surey. we can return down the freewav bevond the harbor was placed: with a garrison of onlv the scnooners had taken all thev could , ., his office. li that!" . I L" 61. The Confederate cruisers ranged movement under - shouJd be told of the ,nt tj,e answer was: " Ue patient." entrance awaiting the end of the un- sixty effective men, in an indifferent carrv on such short notice, but enough j . , four-scor- e - way. When the "Star of the West." confes- equal conflict. work, the walls of which were only for men to support and de- i . tars andfj whalers and merchantmen and many or Before daylight all was completed, sing failure, turned and fled from the When, finally, after a heroic defense fourteen feet high, within one hundred fend themselves for a long time. Not. i in anyH rising sun fell 'the crews were brought here for release a rl o f I and when the rays of the of several days Major Anderson and his vards of sand hills which commin lei a keg of powder or a cartridge was left &, floating from . 'and at least one vessel bearing the Ha- - upon the Stars and Stripes iittle band, worn with constant vigil- the position and afforded . covers for in the magazine; the flagstaff was cut, .. - . ' iTranan floor ttqj humpil hi' thu nrirsrflPf the flagstaff of Sumter, the people of ance and labor, destitute of provisions sharpshooters, he confessed that " if at- town. n; cheapVl the Shenandoah. Charleston turned their eyes from and exposed to a constant fire within, tacked in force "by any one but a simple- The dawn saw Manor Anderson safely . ue taukji aris- - 4 3 starry flag to the clouds of smoke agreed to the ton, is established with his command n' Sum- - j Auver- - fe capitulate, United States there scarce a possibility of our fjQ FISH J com- - j SS39 r ing from Fortress Moultrie, and ot earner Baltic of the Fort Sumter holding out long enough for our friends ter, secure trom immediate attack. He 1 prehended that war had begun. took him on board and bore to come to our succour." saw the responsibility he had assumed, CAN NOT BE HURT ehes; se-- f agents Newspaper correspondents and him safelv to New York. The main General Scott saw, too, that the fort- - and fully appreciated the delicacy am! mil very government, and he ' ST. LOUIS, Missouri, November 28. of the Federal purpos.' of the expedition had failed, j re could not hold nit tweiry-f.ri- importance of the irust committed to - That no fish were on the ark with Southern leaders, rushed for the tele- it is true, but the government had made hours. Meanwhile volunteer troops be him. Perhaps, had he foreseen all that ' Father Noah." and therefore the graph wires, and the news soon sped lts first decisive move and public sym- - j pan to pour into Charleston and there occurred in the next thref months hp is not an the posx- - iranteed over the country that Sumter was oc- jat'iy and confidence were excited. was much in regard to seiz- might have remained at Moultrie. The anlinab " b-- Mortimer associate cupied. step he took proved tioa taken v Lvi H The Commander. ing all the forts in the harbor. As to of more importance The South 's Reply. i attorney, today in : no du- - M all this Major Anderson was k?pt well to the permanent safety of the country 0lt' I Major Robert Anderson of the artil- ,1,e C3Se f Louis Kram' a PeJdIer- - ac" price. j The South Carolinians at once began informed. Nevertheless h's duty was than any other he could have deter-- I lery graduated from West Point with cused of cruelt-- to at all points bear- mined upon. v annals. I 5 to build earthworks 'SS''.,'-S- ' clear, not only from the general nature 'hi honor in . and he had not only The case - was dismissed over the - j on fort" and began preparations He marked the occupation of the new bar- ing the of his duty to the government, but from 1 . t a I - -- i. t MH. served with with distinc- ' ' Anderson gallantry but post a Mi-jo- ' proresr 01 juage winiam Address to drive Anderson out. rm'ii instructions given him by the secretary with religious ceremony. ii il in Florida, in the - 8336 - promptly telegraphed to Washington, tion and afterward Anderson determined to raise the flag Jetterson Follard, who argued tne dic- of war. They were sent verbally : , . ; Mexican war, having been severely i a nusn. as an animaii unaa t' prices. I I for supplies and reinforcements arid ex MAJOR ROERT ANDERSON. through Adjutant-Genera- l Butler, whose himself, so at noon of December 27, all ; l"'"y wounded in the attack on Molino del that t was an anin,al in ever-- sense of 8351 I I pressed his determination of staying as under his command were assembled v harbor written memorandum was afterwards , t Major Anderson turned and Rev. He was the author of the text ; j 15 I he govern- .... r woiu long as walls stood. made publ; memor-- I ",c "e the walked away, According to this o.. uaiaiL.l!,nr .unjm nuurisuu O U-- .11 A! Y,, curtly saying there was book of the United. States army on ar- - no on rnei,. ment was dilatory, but finally concluded andmn Major Anderson was with the halyards in his hand, knelt at "tn- lIlere nstl il ton no need to fire then, but to save the instructed - il tillery service, and yet so absorbed had - ark' said Levi, I retuse to prose- 410 to reenforee the fort and to that end "carefully to avoid any act would its foot, and the officers and men. im- "and II load the necessity was coming. em- that cas"e-- for that Americans been in the arts and eut" this " N secured the steamer "Star of the needlessly provoke aggression," and on pressed with the solemnity of the oc- - omobiJe, of home-reverenti- The ployments of peace, so regardless ! Kram to and began the work of pro- First Bombardment. casion, needed no orders to assume a was allwfJ 8 ; almost ? a West" that reason, not, without necessity, to real military merit, except in a very-fe- rhe was charged with visioning her for the voyage. It was The first naval operation of the war take up any position which could be position as the chaplain IAler eminent cases, that out of the pro- vt,rtlsing Ash by displaying a live S344 f decided should carry no guns. was the expedition fitted out to relieve hos- forth in the midst and offered that she construed into the assumption of a ' 44 fessional circle of the army Major An- ono from a strin 011 llis cart tha its That would look too much like war and Fort Sumter. In itself this expedition tile attitude; the order con- up a prayer. After he bad finished, and Mki' very "s "but," i; j derson name was rarely heard. But, floI'I'ing ght attract the eyes of pros-die- d accordingly, on January S. this help- was but an insignificant affair, ending tinues, "you are to hold possession of the earnest Amen from manly lips had 8S51 wherever it was known, it was spoken l'ective purchasers. less vessel set out to the aid of the be in failure, but as the first warlike the forts in the harbor, and if attacked, away in the hollow casemates, the as that of a man of bravery, sagacity situat leaguered garrison of Fort Sumter. action on the part of the United States extremity. The smallntss of your foreo commander hauled up the flag, the baud iti and unblemished honor. Upon all these WOMEN'S CLUBS ARE i - of th rl The news was once telegraphed to government it attracted the greatest will saluted it with "Hail Columbia" and on high at not permit vou, perhaps, to occupy - points Major Anderson was now about Con- attention throughout the nation. In ! cheers broke from all present, SUPERIOR t to tho Charleston, and the gunners of the more than one of the three forts, but forth and TO MAN'S to be tested. A native of one slave j is, elee- - federate batteries shotted their guns preparing the vessels for sea, great care an attack on, or attempt to posses- it happened that they were cheers also ami connected by marriage with take station- - appearance of the was taken to keep the destination state, sion of defiance, for just then it happened' NEW YORK. December 10. Women's 1 and awaited the of either of them, will be regarded irvants' the people of another, it was hoped on .clubs are superior to men 's clubs, steamer. She hove into sight on the secret, so that no warning should reach as an act of hostility, and you may then that a boat sent from Charleston to thinks eautiful he his trust I)r- - of January, the Confederates, who were lying in one side that might betray bring up exact conditions about Moult- - Charles F. Aked, pastor of the ountaia morning of the twelfth might put your command into either of them and feared on the other that he j Fifth Avenue Baptist church, S "Al-40- 7 and when within range was notified, their batteries about Sumter, awaking which you may deem most proper to in- rie and Sumter approached the latter i at least resign it? But hopes and fears and saw the national A man's club is for personal ease, . J by a hot across her bows, that the first offensive action of the United crease its power of resistance." fortress standard alike proved vain. Thonghtless of the grood she was expected to stop. This States authorities to begin shelling the rise. j cooking and good 'company, " he c Buff; H regardless of tie A Christmas Day. world and posterity, - wom-nounce- d Add res eignal being disregarded the firing be- fortress. In their rage the Charlestonians de- sa''l ' sermon today. "Tho fj a of family and friendship, he kept ''hristmas Day dawned upon Major An-!en'- " SS51 1 1 gan in earnest, and the shot fell thick While the squadron was fitting out it the President and Major clubs of this country, s0 striking single eve upon present duty, sought Anderson under these circ*mstances and a feature in our national life, or- about tho ship which kept jduekily onwas generally supposed that it was in- derson as a provoker of civil warfare. are responsi- ganized for work. It may be for edu- - only to absolve himself of the bound by those instructions. It may not ker course. But it was useless to per- tended to carry troops and munitions Declared it War. cation or propaganda, suiting bility which had been laid ujMin him, be supposed he was in a festive mood, or charitv. or sist. One shot struck the steamer near of war to Fort Pickens in Pensuoola Secretary of War Floyd immediately philanthropy. e with so won undying honors which ever but he- - Con- and accepted an invitation to a " ' hey have not always lived u: to rour or- - the bow, others whizzed through her harbor which was invested by the annouced in a cabinet session that ' the! f fall to faith and firmness shown on ''hris-tmn- dinner in Charleston. Had T!e-;-r a i proiessions, which ,g bldg. rigging, and finally her captain saw a federates. When the fleet finally sailed, i solemn pledges of the government had peculiarity great occasions. j ni entertainers known the determina they share with churches, hut at least M tug putting out from the land towing a each commander carried sealed orders, been violated by Major Anderson," and secession excitement in tion gentle, guest, he they have in view something more lie he When the of their placid j schooner crowded with armed men to upon opening which found was in as formal'y demanded permission to than a comfortable chair and a well - South Carolina, and particularly would probably never have been al- Find- ? Cut off the Star's retreat. lie gave the bound for Charleston harbor. Xot with- withdraw the garrison from the harbor cooked chop. 416 )l Charleston, had reached its height, but lowed to leave the city: certainly he command "Hard ii'ort", the ship's standing all this secrecy, the destina- of Charleston, as the only alternative "Churches are generally 'manned' days before the State Convention would have been prevent'-- ! from re- by women. There is not a church ' lead swung round arid she steamed tion of the fleet was telegraphed to the ten by which to vindicate the honor of the months i aim-sel- f in existence today which would be in & , had taken a final step, he busied turning to his post. They parted as ill and away leaving the garrison to its fate. Confederates almost as so..n as the last government and prevent civil war. existence but for the love and yearnings - S in strengthening the defenses of friends for the last time that night. 8835 An old gunner who stood by a case- vessel dropped past Sandy Hook, and The effect of Major Anderson's of a woman's Sumter to the The on hart." mate file encircling Fort Moultrie and Fort Charlestonians went with their to f-.- of Furt S imter with the lanyard the from the batteries :urn best ot his ability and with the small war preparations and awaited their own hie re- - ,' of a shotted gnu jrl his hand, tells the about the doomed fort began almost SS54 s force under his command. That f)rce time for effecting their purposes. all told cons;sfed of nine officers, lint their plans and fancies were dis- reward men (artillerists), fifteen musicians pelled when thev saw the flag of the gee. and thirty laborers, of the total orly Union floating from the flagstaff of sixt v-- h ree .eing ombatants, one ot F "t Sumter on the morning of Decem i t i the ol'iccis eing an urg in. i ber 27. and saw instead of the flag over ! - H; Mo- I J 'Moultrie a eioud of smoke and soon the Anderson's Desperate Position. of 1 air : lookouts announce. that Major Andtr-- office. , t't, r Pecember 1 1 no one was al- hi had evacuated Moultrie and taken X s Moul! io unless he in tt,.,i l i - -- f,-- of Sumter. The news caused n r-" gar-- s Zfj II o W II SOMIC Oil.' of tii.' ' 1- - 1CM8.. operty f S a to gre..t eveiteinent in Charleston. The ill.' e VM SS54 - ti pr..,..l!;:i - r Kvm's Si es. ;l.A- ti;( !!!!! ves baffled a f"w duvs m l: M-- organiza- for a n tied. Fort Sumter commanded I 1:ar!..-- t tio:. on li i:i t 'n i, - tran. e to the harbor and stool wit; d term ma t ; sentinel over for , t'li:rli'tn. u 1, W 'V , F rr-e- l ne. of ouit M A:-:- had kept h"- - secret well Pii Ma , r .ui.! and do;in1 his work thoroughly. During Mi'"'- - i:i t :h im the .1 v owing t tiri-tm- as tae wives - ' i r;:i lit il , said tie' oers aiign; and children of the fort were sent away -- . sv- - i.k a", v fears whicl might l:5w from 'ie fort on the plea that, as an - in ('harles- - had o! account ot attack might be made upon it, their re- - - ton Harbor, beeau-- e a conversat iou witli entry j niuai was necessary. Three small of major Anderson's command into fort sumter the President (Buchanan) had con- schooners were hired and the few in- THE NIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS, 1860. vinced him that Moultrie could i.ot be Island saw FOKT MOULTRIE. If. habitants of Sullivan's THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. 4 2 1


New shipment just received by your grocer.

India Relish Mince Meat

onds. carrying full touring equipment RAGING RECORD OF I and four passenger?. The same day, Tomato Ketchup t the first time J had ever even sat in the car, 1 drove a big racer around the TRIED RECIPES same two-mil- e track in 1 minute 45 . Under the same conditions I .ill drove still another racer the two miles i in 1 minute "l2 seconds. Pineapple Cream. J "After making these various racing Pickles, sweet and sour; Malt Vinegar; Mrs. Cuneo Challenges Men records without accident to myself or Juice cue can pineapple and one cup Cider others, alter driving through the 1903 sugar heated till sugar is dissolved; one-hal- f nd Glidden- tour with a perfect score Drivers to Show a Better box Plymouth, Pock gelatine dis- which all in the motor world know is Vinegar; White Pickling Vinegar; One. ono of the most difficult, if not the solved in one-hal- f cup cold water, add most difficult, of automobile acquire- one-hal- f run boiling water; mix all to- ments I would very much like to chal- gether and strain through cloth; when lenge any man driver today to show a t ool mix in one pint whipped cream and Apple Butter; Red Kidney Beans "Many people have asked me how letter record in d driving, pineaf.ple chunks cut small or shredded; few-da- turn into mold to harden in - from the easy touring contests and set cold I happened to enter tin- automobile place to to the beach racing, motordrome con- - till ready serve. racing game," Mrs. writes New i Joan tests, lull climbs, road racing, one-mil- Orange Marmalade. ton Cuneo in Country Life in America,' then half-mil- e rt track, and ending ' V"ash seven good-size- d nave oranges, "and what satisfaction could have with the Glidden tour." cut off and discard the ends, cut up Horse resulted from risking my life in such whole in very thin, irregular slices, hav- Radish a manner just for the love of driving ing rind in small pieces; juice three a car. My answer has always been that lemons; let stand over night in four Mrs. Champ Clark, quarts cold water; in morning boil Pearl Onions I felt that if anything seemed worth. briskly about three hours, till a straw doing I always wanted .to do it to the pierces rind easily, then add ten pounds very best of my ability. Power in Society sugar and jell as soon as possible to keep light colored; cooking too long Baked Beans "Looking over my racing records I; makes it bitter. ! the present minority find that each event under the vary-- If leader in the Orange Cake.

the previous one and each cup and each of Missouri, succeeds in his ambition to j medal and trophy meant one step higher h Jru!tr e2s; vks bta111 tl,e - al mithr in the automobile racing world. Mkership when the sixty- beaten separately, teaspoonful soda. ALL THE PAMOUS s congress j ant teaspoonful cream "57" "During the summer of 3 905 I had convenes, congressional tartar; stir and driven mv car through the! society will have for the first time in '.u"er su?ar t a add yolks, entered then whites, dissolve soda Glidden tour and in September a chal-- , many years a Southern woman tfj t'lLt-leng- at its ,.ream tarta'r iuto flour e came to me through the news-- . Lcad. flavor ,yith orMge. bake twQ or th; Mrs. Clark, who, before her marriage, "are rans show what I co-il- do m handhnf a; it was Mlss Genevieve Bennett, already is ruling iwo grated, large, sour ar- - car at speed on the beach. ples, juice and grated rind one orange, : a was beipg paint-- power in capital city social life. She well-beate- "My ear in the shop one cup sugar, one n egg; McChesney Co. ed and overhauled, but out she came! "as been coming to Washington for the cook five1 to ten minutes: fill warm. Coffee and was shipped by express to Atlan- - iast sixteen years, ever since her hus-ti- c Frosting One cup band confectioner's City, and competing with four men: became his district's represent sugar, moistened with very little cream; gasolene ears came in second tive, and she is looked to by the lam-i- n I ' flavor with orange extract; frost while the one mile race, being timed 1 iJit-- s of the newly elected members for warm. , minute 18 2-- 5 seconds. I was proud guidance in " otiicial social " matters, Roxbury Cake. During debates in congress mv first record, but not satisfied, lj important One-quarte- r of cup of butter, one-hal- f --Mrs, knew if I had a faster car I could do' Clark invariably occupies a seat cup of granulated sugar, n the members' gallery, and when her yolks of two SUGAR a 1006 model, andj AND so ordered eggs, one-hal- f COFFEE better, one teaspoonful soda," cup in- - j husband succeeded John Sharp Williams before the bodv was put on. being of molasses, one-hal- f cup of sour milk, a" on me noor vited to give an exhibition at the leauer oi ine .uemoerais one and one-ha- lt of flour sifted the house, she made daily to 0Jf Dutchess county fair at Poughkeepsie, visits Uy(, one.half raisi one.half O watch the proceedings, bhe is a charter , September 29, 1905. I drove my new e of Kn lish waDUt one teasPoonf.d The World's Visible Supply of these two articles on October 1st last was as fol ex-- 1 iber ot the congressional club and chassis up there, and had my first raf of Hnnamon. one.half tea g c o lows: O a leading part in the management a mitnM?ir. Whites perience at track racing. - littIe MU the of the "It was a case of love at first sight. 3 aflalrs fr she understands, par- es beaten stiff Bake in mle ting G SUGAR. COFFEE. o 1 ha nientarj procedure and the way clubs and mv love for track driving increas-- Frost with white or chof.olate frosting 16,647,000 tons conduct ed J 14,756,120 bags ed each time I drove around one. There j sb2,"Id and p,ace a nut in each cake. At Easter O ... , oiling system on xU,u.c Tln;e or on any other holidav, frost the A year ago stood: o was trouble with the congressional people is conversantogwith it car, and my mile exhibition in 1 eaites wnn a wnite irosting. Then cut o the political issues ot the past and present a lonjj, 14,891,187 1-- 5 a dis- thin slice of citron to represent tons 16,505,795 bags minute 22 seconds was keen second- On our drive home and has devoted herself to the a stem of a flower. The leaves are 3 appointment to me. ing her public career, as Increase in sugar: Decrease of trouble was found of husband's made of shorter and wider pieces of o in coffee: o the cause the well as to her children, of whom she we were arrested for citron. The flower is half of a candie.L and remedied and has two living, Bennett and Genevieve. cherry, z 1,755,813 tons 1,749,675 bags A gold medal was presnt-e- d and is meant to represent a speeding. Two older children died in infancy. tulip blossom. to me for driving at Ponghkeepsie. These are very prettv Mrs. Clark was sent by the Presby- and attractive in the white frosting. o "November , 1905, I drove my car terian Church of Missouri as a delegate O in a mile race on Point Breeze Fried Bananas, three to the world's missionary conference c We publish these figures to show their similarity. Sugar has increased, and the o track at Philadelphia, winning a silver which met in Edinburgh last summer. reel bananas and cut in halves, cross- n cap from three other contestants, time Her daughter accompanied her, and wise; roll in flour and fry in deep hot o price has declined. Coffee has decreased, and the price is higher. 4 minutes 8 seconds which was good later they attended the Passion Play fat. Set on end and pour a hot lemon o horse-powe- And time for an 18 r car in those at Oberammergau. They returned to sauce round them. then again sugar and coffee go together. Has it occurred to you that a most o riavs. their home in Bowling Green, Missouri, acceptable Christmas 1906, was invited to o present to send to friends at home would be a few pounds of Ha- "In Anril. I a short time ago and will come to again, and drove a mile . o Atlantic City Washin gton at the end of this month. waii's Old Crop Coffee f Let us prepare you a can. Something real nice. o exhibition in 1 minute lo seconds, ana Chicago Evening Post. made a world's record for middleweight f o 3-- sec- Dress- 1 minute 23 New gasolene cars, in FOR LEISURE HOURS. McCHESNEY COFFEE CO. onds, for which I received a gold and diamond medal. The joy of slipping into a comfort 16 MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU. the Eockland county fair, Or- COFFEE ROASTERS. "At able, and at the same time good-loo- angeburg. New York, in September, by all well-dresse- d 1900 I drove an exhibition mile on the ing, negligee is appreciated half-mil- e track in 1 minute 31 seconds, women. This season we can be which was a record for tht track, and more comfortable and more attractive making Ktill stands I believe. This added an- - than ever, for fashion has deigned to other oM and diamond medal to my t throw over madam 's shoulders veritable collection. dreams ot loveliness. "Tn the spring of 190" T drove in a How do you like the idea of a panne McChesney Coffee Co. ki- hundred-mil- e race at the Bennings velvet lounging robe? Made with track in Washington, and came in third, mono sleeves that reach to the elbow 2 hour3 23 minutes. and topped off broad shawl collars Parlors being timed with "Touring contests then kept me busy this stvle is undoubtedly beautiful. The until the New Orleans Mardi Gras cele- simple trimming of a large button at! bration, when there were three days of the side is the touch ot an artist. automobile racing on the track there, Brocaded silk negligees, with large v Kebmarv 21. 22 an 1 23. 1909. Com- uireetoire revers cut in one with the If You peting with Kalph de Palnia, George bodice and turned back from the front are looking for something Uobertson. Louis Straus, Kobert Bur-ma- over chemisettes of colored net, are gor- Mrs. S. A. Correa will open new Jimmie L'yal and others, T beat, geous, vet can be developed along the the last three named in every event I same lines in less expensive fabrics. Dressmaking Parlors at 1541 suitable for a gentleman, THE NEW drove in, and George KoberWm in all Crepe challies, soft silk and figured cot- YEAR but one. De Palnia 's specially built ton goods and cashmere are the mate- Fort Street, near School, on you can do no better than track racer was too fast for my car. rials most used. Trimmings of cord, Can be made but I had good cause to be very proud net, satin and velvet give distinction to look over our large and of my record down there. to the negligees of the moment. Your January 2d. Mrs. Correa is well the three-da- meet a. one-mil- e own individuality, departs from "I'uTing that of event in 1 minute second went the pattern just enough to give a per- known throughout the city for varied stock to my credit; a silver cup for five miles sonal touch, is always good. Black, by More Cheerful in 5 minutes . another silver the way, is seen to a great extent in her excellent work and refers, cup for five miles in 5 minutes 9 2-- lounging robes and in traveling negli- If second-- , a gold horn for ten miles in gees. The practical, serviceable and in- there's much-covete- with to fol- 10 minutes S second, and the d conspicuous elements are too important their permission, the cold trophy for the national for you to disregard, while the urgent Scarf Pins amateur championship presented by need ot one ot these garments can not lowing ladies who have been cus- Klaw & hrlar.oer for five miles 5 be too strongly emphasized. minutes 8 seconds. tomers of hers in the past: PA "Tins amateur championship was ' PAST HELP. KA competed for gain at New Orleans this They are perfect beauties (dock vear, but my record still stands. Tn the The man with the old under his MRS. E. R. STACKABLE on show- fifty-mil- e race at N Orleans I came arm laid it dowu the jeweler's just out from the Eastern in second to JV Painui. Mv time was case. "1 wish yu M see what is the MRS. HERMAN FOCKE In the House. f2 minutes 4'1 sec s. which broke the matter with this," he said. factories. They are at a world's leeord at that time. "The jeweler removed the dial, MRS. GEO. RODIEK Tim!). ;uve a screwed his eyeglass into place, and ;'! "In July. one and MRS. ALONZO GARTLEY comparatively small cost. five mile exhibition ; t the Jamaica insjM'cti'd the works of the ancient track. In October, l'.n '. I lowered the timepiece. MRS. COR WIN P. REES At Your Grocers one p.nd five mile records in exhibition "Nothing is the matter with it at- the county fair at Ta nbury, Con- now: its sufferings are over.'' MRS. S. W. DUNNING necticut. was two days how do 1 owe It l.rer that "Well, much you?" 1). De Pal ma met with his accident en- asked the man. MRS. W. BALDWIN deavoring to lower my time there. "Nothing," answered the jeweler. in A, R. Vieira Go, "I had made record time practise "This isn't a professional treatment. J. & Fred L. Waldron on the Fort George. Fort I. re nnd Tiiis is a coroner's inquest." Mrs. Correa will also make a Wilkesbarre hill climbs and for the Briarcliffe and Long Island Derhv road NO specialty of Madeira Embroidery Jewelers AGENT racs, but was nor allowed to compete, CAUSE FOE WORRY. because, unfortunately, T am a woman! Painter (to h's servant) Now carry Work; finished pieces of various "After driving from New York to this picture to the exhibition trallerv. 113 HOTEL STREET Honolulu Soap Works Atlanta without even a punelure to . But be careful, for the paint is not 1 r i break the monotony of the trip, I drove oiite dry yet." kinds always in stock and orders my car around the new Atlanta Motor - I Scrvant-O- h, that's all right. I'll Sv'KS drorc. two miles, in 1 minute 56 sec-- 1 put on an old coat." promptly attended to.

Hi! 1



Hi To Editor, who is too educational to Ioc Cook was last to N. Pole this Santa what would be best beautiful gift for believe m the Tariff or other childhood Claus expJaned this noisy condition of childhood to get." Alcohol Arctiek climate, always filled with dis- - "Also these Union children sav one superstitions. ' 1M.J putos and boystrous Eskimos. So Hon. more objection," I negotiate. " They .Dear Mr. Sir: Doc say to lion. Claus, 'Come with me report that Hon. Santa Claus would be impossible Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic When me k NogL was sitting, of re- to the quietest spot on earth!' And' to be in 100.000,000 hous.'s doll-fac- - in one annual evening. How could he? " r, and alterative, free from alcohol. cently, in our financial offices, utith floor Hon. Claus packed up entire tory and move to Cook - This from me. I is a A Pawnbrokers' Trust Bldg., who should Dr. Headquar- What "tonic"? medicine p shall spoil my laugh- there come to door but loud rap-ra- of "I whisker by i ;ters" ter," ignite Hon. that imparts strength or tone; a neat business-lik- e appearance. "Where? To Etah, Alaska!" this: Santa Claus. '"It are easy for me to 100,000.000 medicine that builds up, gives "Gome inwards!" holla me & Nogi from me. be places in To him. fame evening just like it naturally Wicfiman power. with ditto voice. "No. Brooklyn." This from dS & Co. acknowledge no vigor and What is an Hon. Door i?r inwards, and what we Me and Nogi stand gast at t,his phe- - would be. You remember Magic Key H "alterativ e"? Amedicine that see! Small kidlv bov of 9 year age and nomenal. what Ninas Fairy gave me?" memorize the event." alters or changes unhealthy ac- tall eyebrows peculiar to Harvard ar "When Doc Cook was here in the! "I superiors in the art of fine copper rive in. us midst of floral decorations he tell me "Well, this Key enables me to be to healthy He looks to with Blueiean anywheres tion action. Ayer's V". Debs expression. about this Santa Claus movement, and with gifts wherever the h Xmas Pass Sarsaparilla does all this with- re vou Togo & Noi, Japanese de he give me name and address of that Word is said." could be Pass plate engraving and steel die cutting. out stimulation. Ask your doc- tectives.'" urge this childish intelli great philanthropist." "What this Word?" I He hand me card filled with mysteri- relegate. y tor if a family medicine, gence. "Love, " like "1 are. is collapse from me. ous street and number, including Brook- explain Hon. Santa Claus. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is not vastly "Mv card, please take it," snuggest lyn. "Hon. Edison, with all his phono better without alcohol than him. I "I came prepared to find the N. graphs, never invented a discovery like Our engravers are men of many iPole, " I snagger. to find an ad-- j that." I devote. with I accept this slight pasteboard which "But 1 it proclaim following information: dress in Brooklyn " "Hon. Edison, with all his phono- "To an explorer nothing is impo- graphs, never discovered the Human years experience in their trade and each J. WILLIE BROWN I i PRESIDENT ssible," say King of Denmark, querling Soul " nudge Hon. ilr. Claus with wire-- j Ayer's Sarsaparilla INTERNATIONAL CHILDHOOD his mustache to show that our inter- less eye-win- shall I tell them Anti-Bunc- ANTI-BUNC- ASSOCIATION view was deceased. "What order receives the careful ( hildren when T return back to civill- - attention it by Or. J. C. Ayer & me great By soonest possible boat me & Nogi frwirtd Co., Lowe!!, Mast., U. S. A. "O hum!" This from with require. wisdom of face. "What can I detect was in Brooklyn, trying to catch an es- zation?" I for you, Hon. Mr. Child?" caping trolley. In Artick climate it is i "Tell them Santa Claus is a Fairy j Story. and therefore scientifically merits. say-s- o curio in- bleak nothing but ice. In Brooklyn "Hon. Togo," this True," say him. wha't QUARTER fant, "you are doubtlessly aware that climate it is bleaker nothing but "Because folks SIZES ; are too Christmas are about to approach an- houses. After six weeks continuous scientific to believe in Fairies am t enough to know what Science AT nually again?" searching, wandering armlessly from (ffi Wichman baby-buggie- really have cognuisance of the s to rude jungles of rubber means." $ Co. cary a stock of "I taken So be- reply me. plantage, of suddenly on a neglected we retreat back knowing that REGAL SHOE STORE fact," is bright for Xmas-chim- "Christmas," continue this Willie side street we met a mysterious ware- fore e that Childhood Strike child, regularly the smiling date house 2 times larger than new Pennsyl- would be broken to vulgar fractions. fine correspondence paper, wedding "are Hoping you are the same M of ring-bel- l and joy occasion. But no vania R. I?. Station. In tiny letters over door we notice sign yours trul v, more. Formerly kisseltoe vine hung on HASHIMURA" happy chandelier while Christmas trees TOGO. and visiting card stock which is always Shaw & Seville was winking shyly with hundred candle S. CLAUS. jmwer of rapture. To-da- y this could General Joy Furni-b- hed ate NEW MONUMENT WORKS not be." Wholesale. up-to-d- as regards form, etc. .! M "Why should not be?" I require Sunday Church King St., near Alakea nervely. "This have very criminal appear- say Hon. Willie, 1 Phone 3085 P. O. Box 491 "Because thus," ance." I snagger, hiding behind Nogt, Services "all children of the World are becom- who was deposited under a barrel. Special is given the ing too educational to believe nursery Long enjoyed by us. df attention to waits Catholic Services. Honolulu: Cathe- stories what has been poked at them, Prettv soonly pink limousine ottomo-bil- e Mr. and Mrs. dral Our Lady of Peace; 6 and 7 a. m. for 1000 years. They now realize that come bumbling up and short, fatly of seals, dies, their parents are short and ugly people gent of old age whiskers emerge out- low masses with holy communion; cutting stamps, etc., etc. v Hashimoto who fill Christmas with deceptive ex- firstly we thought he was Portuguese sermon; 9 a. m.t children's ward. At mass MASSEURS pression. Who believes in Faries any Hon. And. Carnegie because of his free with singing and English sermon; more? Nobody but Maud Adams. Who library smile, but when he removed off 10:30 a. m., high solemn mass with native sermon: 52 p: m.. sodality meet- Rheumatism, believes in Fairyland? Nobody, except his fur-ski- n cap, we observed what was. 1 Bruises, the press agent at Coney Island. And It. was Hon. Santa Claus in American ing and benediction of the blessed and other so no. We have gradually dishcovered clothing! iaerament; 7 p. m., Portuguese sermon Ailments that our Parents has been soothing us With calesthenic hearts we step for- and benediction of the blessed sacra- Quickly with nntruths like Republican politi- wards. ment. During the week the masses at Believed. cians. Too long have we noticed sneek-in- g "Hon. Santa Claus, I believe," is 6 and 7 a. m. First Friday of the Telephone 2637 and sly movement from our Parents smart remark I make. month, 7 p. m., benediction of the bles-e- d at time of December. Too long we "T agree with you." snuggest him, sacrament. H. F. WICHMAN CO., LTD. truth-speeche- Waikiki Augustine 8 178 BRETANIA AVE. NEAR EMMA have asked them for j making laugh with face Saint on the only to receive side-steppin- g replies. Wre "We have pursued you from N.i. to beach; 9 a. m., mass with" singing and m flam-fiimme- g ; have been d and bum-hu- and return for purpose of In- English sermon. Denmark Kalihi-waen- a ged too long. Togo we do not believe forming you some very serious informa- Saint Jotn the Bap- Leading Beceived by the steamer tist; 8:30 a. m., high mass with Jewelers. last that Santa Claus is any such person!" tion T yellup. sermon. i the latest lingerie gowns and "You do not believe in Santa Claus? ' ' inwards to my laberatory." Kalihi-uk- a Our Lady of the Mount; i tailored suits. Also "Come 7 a. shirtwaists I snagger for shocks. "Who, then he report nervely. We do so, thank m., (first Sunday of the month); 9 and scarafs. r 1. m., (other mass with sing- could be that grey-whicke- philanthro- you. Sundays), ing MRS. F. pist who goes around sneerkretiv giving O what sight we seen with' eyes! and sermon. S. ZEAVE away presents to poor people?" Imagine all department stores of United Moanalua Saint Joseph; 7 a. m., 67-6- high mass Boom 8, Young Bldg. "Maybe it is the President of the States and Pennslyvania enrolled into with sermon. Pennsylvania Railroad," contuse Hon. one! Imagine this magniferous store Oahu Prison 1 p. m., Catholic ser- Child." "This is now the Age of Doubt. entirely overwhelmed with toyish gifts vice. m We lo not believe' in nothing what we of every description! Imagine sufficient St. Andrew's Cathedral Emma sr formerly did Because we have airships to" carry a Suffragette election, if above Beretania. Celebratioin of the KAIMUKI dolls Holy 7 we think that Angels must 'be run by could vote and was intelligent Communion, a. m. Hawaiian they service at 9:15; Sunday school at 10 Lowest Prices. gasolene also. Ah no! Santa Claus is enough to want to. Imagine sufficient li merelv another deception like the to from Brooklyn o'clock; Hawaiian Sunday school at jumping;jacks leap at Tariff." to Cairo, if combined in one excited 10:30 o'clock a. m., morning service L. Deep breathing by me & Nogi. 60,000,000.000 of at 11 o'clock; evening services at 7:30. KIRKPATRICK jump. Imagine tons Weekday ft "Hon. Togo," say J. Willie Brown, candy canes all sorted in umbrella racks services: Thursday, Holy des-pertl- 7 Children of the World are y and blue Communion at a. m., Friday evening Next the Bulletin. "The and being painted red. white prayer o'clock. determined. Either there is a by baby angels employed for this de- at 7:45 Cathedral Santa Claus or there isn't. there imagine something clergy: The Et. Rev. Henry B. Ees-taric- k, FOR If licious art. And Bishop of Honolulu; Rev. GOOD INVESTMENTS isn 't, there will be a general strike more please. Imagine all them joyful the declared all children on December in packages Canon Ault, the Rev. Leopold Kroll. by of Xmas being tid suitable St. Clement Church (Episcopal) in REAL ESTATE 2o. Our motto: No Santa Clau", no assorted children in America. China. for Corner Makiki street and Wilder ave- Christmas. If this Santa Claus do not Arabia, Germany, Ireland and Peru ' nue. Rev. Canon U9borne, rector. On apply exist, T must order grand walk-ou- t for and who was doing this delicious work? 'Christmas morning. 30.000,000 babied Sundays Holy Communion at 7 a. m., 1910 70o0 brown fairies laboring seriously except MAG00N BROS. must leave cribs. 100,000,000 expression! first Sunday of "the month. their with department store Morning and sermon, 11 j abandon homes, heavy prayer o'clock; Room 1 Magoon schoolchildren their "We are expecting extremely evening song, 7:30 o'clock. The service Buildinf. j destroy all Christmas trees and run Christmas this annual year," say Santa is choral. All seats free. Punahou cars away ito Reno. Nev., whor* they will be Hans. "High cost of living has never Christmas DRINK pass the doors. come aivorcea irom tneir rarenis. arrived to the Santa Claus business." St. Elizabeth's Church (Episcopal) m if I find Claus before studio i "But Santa He led us to the large brunette King corner Pua lane. Potwine, 7 and Dec. 2."?" This from me. where seventy-fiv- e magicians were May's Old Kona Coffee home, accept 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. "Then we shall Tcturn laboring working making inventions. Central Union Church Beretania lib our presents and forgive our Parents One was inventing Teddy Bears what corner BEST IN THE MARKET. This discovering of Richards. Scudder; Bible for what thev haven't done." could talk; another was school, a. m., morning service and MT. from Hon. J. Willie Brown. while yet several Nlclnerny, BENRY new picture puzzles; sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. MAY & CO. Phone 1271 So me & Nogi depart away for see more was working with chemestry to - -- in- Christian Endeavor at 6:30 o'clock; Limited who is difficult to - this Saint more manufacture the perfume what comes evening service at 7:30 o'clock, ser- 4- ANCHOR SALOON terview- than Hon. Roosevelt after elec- with Ch istmas trees. Forty little angels mon by the minister. tion dav. were stirring large pot with silver First Methodist Episcopal Church Fort and Merchant Sts. PUREST AND BEST j spoons. JNow ana occasionally nicy Corner of Miller street and Beretania 1 4 f Wh-r- go look for " e must we to w, drop in candy, golden bells, holly avenue. Kev. E. Elmer Smith, pastor. LIQUORS Santa Clau ; require .Nogi pulling on berrv. sweet music, etc., and cPtera. Parsonage. No. 1020, Beretania avenue Artick overslippers. Some tiem Hon. Pot would boil upward opposite McKinley High School. Tele- of D- ' pi might "The King irk making cooking sound to resemble three phone No. .'J53. Sunday school, 9:45 Corner Nuuanu King snuggest. is The friend laughs. and Streets know. " I "H trillion childhood a. "ii.; morning service, 11 Ep-wort- h mvth")- - o'clock; of Artick travellers and oiluv "What could it be they are manu- League. 0:30 p. m.; evening ser- logical characters." facturing?" I require with voice. vice. 7:.'io o'clock. Tourists and strang- King believe i'i i n i a Scandinavia "Do this "Jov," response Hon. Clans with ers iu thi' city especially welcomed at Belting C!ais?" require Nogi baffably. rdmokly whisker. all ? services. "He believe in everything." slit- Me & Nogi upward, remember- German Lutheran Church Beretania ter, pulling on bare skin over. "at r.nd ing our detective employment. avenue, near Punchbowl. Felmy; 9:45, o!h"r N. Pole clothes. "Mr. riaus." we report grnblv, "we Sunday school; service, 11; evening So we part off, and was in are hre on deliciouslv disagreeable service Sunday of each ' ' the last month HONOLULU Reval Pnl.'i.H. Copenhagen business. t 7:30. F-E- IRON WORKS CO e "We wish to see King, please," ' ' Umpossible ' ' say him with smilings, K&walahao Church King and . Davis 8c Co. me A' Nogi to Hon II. 11 Boy, "What should you require?" OIFIFDCIES LOTS AT Parker, 11 a. m. and 7:30 who, was a Duke. "All Children of the World has p. rn. MERCHANDISE BROKERS vi'Vi ' Name if nnv?" he n b nrit formed a Union and threatens a strike, Kaumakapili Church Lono. 11 a. m. FOR A. BLOM tocracy. unless Santa Claus is pusitivelv proved and 7:30 p. m. "Togo Sc Nogi. .Tapane lerectives." ' to be what folks say he is." Portuguese Evangelical Church Mil- Nuuanu and Merchant Streets we collapse in unicorn. 'How shoeky!" snagger TTon. Claus. ler above Beretania. Soares; 11 a. DRY With immediate quikneis we v-- Children believe in'Sinta Claus m. GOODS - "Don't and 7:30 p. m. slwwn into Court Room vhe-,- ITon. no more?" Reorganized Church of Latter Day RENT LOCOMOBILE Fort SLOpposite Catholic Church sat pi ay ng pianola wh:!i rcidii.g "Some of them lias, the r deceptive Saints King near Kapiolani. Waller, "Life and Travels of Baron M'Hi . suspicions," T snuggest. service morning and evening. t ' BOSTON THE ' "Well, well." he amuse, "what is Saventh Day Adventists Sabbath "The Best Built Car in America" EAGLE toe-tives- . "Please, we .ire Japanese b Wo'ld coming to? First Insurgents say morning. Sabbath school at 10; morn- AND " we explain to this great M.m. thev dn n"t believe in the ronstitiition, ing SCIIUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD. TELEPHONE 2575. worship at 11; Oahu Prison meet- j removing our chivalrous derbies. then Harvard Professor say Chris. Co- ing at 3 p. Sunday evening CLEANING, in. service JUDD DYEING and "T, believe yon in advance. Vou are lumbus was else And now at 7 :30: preaching by the pastor. Victor Records for from America?" Chnldren uprise up and decry that San- Chinese Church Fort Street. Praie BUILDINGS PRESSING WORKS. admit sav Nogi. is merely a vacuum. WTiv NOVEMBER ( i "We it," ta flans service, 7:30 p. m. special music, sev- "Americans should make very fine should they have this sinful sup-rst- i- eral i J PORT AND KUKUI STREETS. addresses. Rent includes lights, elevator and deei'ti lie reproach. "When thev nor ? First Church of Christ, Scientist. Bergstrom Music Co., e" T go after n tiling th ;wa vs tin.l it. i r "Ree.i ise-en.- response, "modern Fraternity hall, Odd Fellows' building, janitor service. Large, comfort- thev don't find it, they say they do. m erica-chil- d .iv that Santa Clans can- 11 a. m. able and centrally which make very amusing reading, not come down chimneys, because mod- Salvation Army 10:30 a. m. and 6 located. Limited. What are von here to detect, please?" ern flat i made of s'eanrpipe arrange- and 8 p. m. "Mr. Santa flan ?, resiling at N. ment. ' Seamen's Chapel Alakea street, 11 ! 1 1911 TOTS TOTS Pole." "Ah-ho!- snicked S. Clan", "chim- a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Holy Commun- "He is no longi there exclaim neys is r.o longer useful to me in this ion on fourth Sunday at 8:30 a. m. OAT 8c MOSSMAN Games, REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT - Books and a freil Kin-- ' age of Scientific fixtures. Recently a Rev. Wm. II- e now Wtek Of I:,g, of Dermark. Canon Ault, chaplain. a fne stock of 1911 Toys, now on sale. ' ; Xi longer is ? ' ' grct. " Wherf Xmas fairv gave me- a beautiful Ooldv The Salvation Army Hall Corner how- DIARIES WALL, 1HCHOLS CO.. LTD. Kev which ad';ir me to any flat, King street and Nuuanu avenue, up- T 'Call and see thorn and make a date "So manv xtlrer - iisneorcrmg ever ventilated. Bv this lry can en- stairs. Corps' officers. Adjt. Minnie T. the N. Pole of la'ilv." sav Hon. King, ter bv front door nr come I4" telephone. Bryant, in charge, Lieut. Edna V. Wil-mor- C. L. HOPKINS "that he can no longer enjoy peaceable Wh it next objection have I hey got?" assistant; Major John Willis, Gallon, Neil & Company, Ltd de.-r- II 1 Systemaiizur. to run his toy business that Toys can't arrive divisional officer. Sunday meetings 3k quietness there "Thev i ,1 . Notary gifts good Mr. n are in the 9 m., III Public. and invent new Xmas for from f'lan lev hall: Knee' drill a. junior 'ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS 4$eB ' :.t Marriage Licenses. childhood. When he invent now dolls & Dept. Stores.'' company meeting, 10 a. m., holiness U 11 ill iwaiian Interpreter and Translator wagons he must have peac. How can "I smile! "pop forth him jovly. "T meeting a. m., young people's legion tin, Second and South Sts., Kakaako. n m. get this with rival explorers fighting leave them tovs in Dept. Stores merely 6:15 p. m.. salvation meetings, led bv 19 Boilers Judiciary 9 lie retubed with charcoal o bUr. Hours a. iron or 4 t. m. over who got there first? When Hon. as samples so that Parents can look-se- e Major Willis, 7:50 p. m. 923 Fort Street steel tubes. General ship work. 11 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. CONCRETE FACTS FOR HONOLULU REGARDING BITULITHIC PAVEMENT, AND WHAT FORT STREET SHOWS



- t : ' - ; JJ


one-hal- f million square yards, equal to in the use of this material for d tary, H. G. Dillingham, Bitulithic, once a theory in Hono much chance for improvement, com-mnce- d come well mixed the is of the Dilling-ha- material carted thirty-fe- t 422. miles of roadways, had paving purposes. " company, which has heavy inter-est- s j in wagons to a which has a solid to experiment the place of operation. Con-citie- lulu, but now name along lines of his one and sixty-si- x The local and s in Here it is spread while hot and is thor- been" laid in hundred Bitulithic Paving the Oahu railroad, the Hilo basis as far as Fort street is concerned, own, aiming to produce a - pavement of the States and Canada, erete Company, which has established railroad, oughly rolled with a twelve-to- n three-whe- United the Hawaiian Dredging Com- 111 Iwilei the. has been demonstrated by the city and that would have greater durability than road roller. The heavy roller is including cities in the region of extreme its plant adjoining great pany, and many other enterprises. The province Al containing cable county of Honolulu as an element which asphalt, provide a foothold for horses lound to 'ne much more, efficient than cold, as at Edmonton, of tanks extra for the Hawaiian Dredging Company has' the ten-to- n - Northwest Canada, and Glace Commercial Pacific Cable Company, is may in time do its part toward making equal to macadam, and at the same time the ordinary five to two-whe- el , b'rta'- contract for dredging Pearl Harbor flsrOH ti,0 t iw. Bav. Nova Scotia, and in the feouth at composed of the tollowmg officers, all the Pearl Harbor naval station, dry-- Honolulu the city beautiful which maintain the relative or general smooth- iw ,ii; ' is to compress to de- - E1 Paso. Texas, and at Atlanta, Georgia, prominent in the business world of the dock, and Honolulu harbor. planned it ness of an asphalt pavement over- the material the Charles. Mnlford Robinson and h induced sired two-inc- thickness and to make This widespread success has Hawaiian Islands: ., should be. come the necessity of muddy or dusty the surface as dense as possible. limitations and consequent litigations,' President. .losepn A. unman; vice-- I - READ THE "i Fort street, which decades ago was condition of macadam and provide a Perfect Roadway. which are further evidences, if such president, Joseph P. Cooke, of Alexan- ADVERTISER. Tie X- .- Tiioriti; eon- - trpasnrcr. -- - ; - ihi f liof Rnlriwinr Tnhn Water- a leading from the unde- - pavement that, while having the density- Ana.ll ' the mere: trail That bitulithic forms the wrfect i e a iov,n,ii, t. Tci,i-;r- , . WORLD'S NEWS DAILY ! veloped'sbore near Honolulu Harbor up of solid stone, would at the same time roadway is emphatically stated in the) : to other trails, which opened into the have great elasticity- reports of the city engineers of many venues x ase i pavement! larger trail extending up the Xuuanu Previous to this time, all tar maca- of the most important cities of the! Enemies of the bitulithic United States and Canada. j have used St. Louis as an example Valley and across the Pali to Windward dam surfaces were formed of successive The city off engineer of Rochester, Xew York, ex- - where the pavement has been a failure,' Oahu; Fort street, which later on layers of stone, graded from a coarse amined pavements and recommended despite many reports of city officials to seemed to Income the accepted center layer at the bottom to a finer layer them. The engineer of Cambridge, the contrary. In some instances where! of Honolulu's business activity and at the surface. With this stone was Massachusetts, reported that in other photographs were shown of bad streetsj OOLTQ9! D0VB , was lined with a few one-story- heavily mixed either: before or after laying,. built, structures a greater o .Jess., proportion of some A WEEK ON COLD TURKEY. V during the early days of the monarchy; form of tar binder, the tar being used Fort street, which during the later days to bind together the stone and fine GET SOME OF OUR ' C , j of the monarchy reached the develop- mineral grains, which in . themselves ment of the mule tram line to the most had no firmness to sustain traffic. I EXCELLENT ISLAND BEEF FROM PARKER'S. modern electric trolley line; Fort street, Mr. Warren believed that the mineral I ' i QUALITY SUPERB. whieh is now lined by imposing build- aggregate should have a stability of its ings, where the bulk of the shopping own. regardless of the binder used, and trade is conducted; this Fort street has that the only function of the binder street-pavin- g The had the beginnings of a sh'o'sld"bp,the filling of voids in order Metropolitan Meat Market system, which in two weeks has demon- to exclude moisture, and to cement the strated that if the remainder of that particles of aggregate. After nine HEILBRON AND LOUIS, PROPS. were - street and the adjacent streets months of laboratory work he intro : Telephone 1814 . . . , v similarly treated with bitulithic paving, duced to the world an entirely new J Honolulu's business section,; at least, form of pavement construction, founded , would be absolutely modernized. on principles so simple that no one had Jt took years do convince any of the ever before;,tliotiiit of applying them governing bodies that a permanent to the building ofpdvements. The new pavement pavement was necessary any of the was jjinted and given the for name "Bitulithie,'" coined from the streets. Politics played an important Latin word "BitOBie,n'r (bitumen) and - THE MIXING PLAJkT. part the street development, for mac- j Lithos " pavement ; in " (stone), the being j H ffli adamized streets would wear out,' and . made; of a combination of bitumen and LnghtairDg Oiultfnlts 0IU - this enabled those in charge of the j 3 comply for its manufac- fture (wasWformed with Fred J. Warren .... streets to repair them. This made pay- as president. : Fruits and Flowers reproduced in tiny electric lamps make ' rolls, ami the electorate, which chose Validity of' tire Warren Patents to use the pick and shovel, found a ural " It iwas-nat- to expect that the charming decorations for the means of continuing their income. On new company would be obliged to fight fair days these macadamized streets are n.A i excellent, but when the wind blows they of its patents and such has proven to be the case. Christmas Tree are the terror of housewives and store- The Barber Asphalt Paving Company lb Lights 21 Lights keepers, for dust will fly. j On rainy of Xew York City in several instances days they draw the anathemas of col- submitted bids in competition with the j LARGE FRUITS AND FLOWERS $9.00 $12.50 lective Honolulu, for muddier streets Warren Brothers Company, offering to could not have been devised. construct a pavement similar to bitu- - SMALL FRUITS AND NUTS lithie at a lowr cost. Municipalities j $7.75 $11.00 One block on Fort street has been which contracted for such work with paved. It represents only 1338 square the asphalt concern were promptly sued .COLORED LAMPS $7.00 $10.00 yards a pitifully small area when com-- j by the Warren Brothers Company for pared to what is need and what other infringement of the bitulithic patents, cities have laid down. the New York Company in each ease guaranteeing to stand the expense of In li01 seven cities had 16,400 square defending any suit whieh might be yards; the following year thirtv-thre- e brought as a result of its receiving a The contract. WHERE BITULITHIC PAVING MATERIAL IS PREPARED. Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. 1 The final disposal of the cases was 1009. Owos-ho- , made in May, The city of cities the pavement had worn well labeled Michigan, one of cities in which and, and "Bitulithic failures." the the no repair ng had been found necessary.! streets were really asphalt, and many the t Paving Company Barber In lintj the city engineer of London, alleged photographs were faked. The constructed pavement and against Ontario, which suit was brought by Warren reported that a bitulithic! Municipal Journal and Engineer of stre-e- was in .1902 had! New York, li, 19.10, Brothers1 Company,' applied to the Uni- laid there and for Julv contained never a a ted Supreme Court for a writ had cent expended on it for statement from Pueblo, Colorado, as States repairs and was as good of certiorari. This was refused on May then as when follows: laid. in 54, 1909, which had the effect of con- "While Pueblo recently James J. A dinner of delicacies a firming the decision of the United Similar reports came from the city Jennings, engineer of construction for put up W ' ft States Circuit of Appeals of the Sixth engineers of Pawtucket, 1J. I.; Bir- - the city of St. Louis, upon learning that District in favor of Warren Brothers I mingham, Ala.; St. Louis, where the bitulithic paving is to be laid in the W Cnrnmnr Tiv- - tliU ,WU nn thren f,f i toUowing memorandum was fined ov new Court street and Grand avenue little better than one will get them follow-wer- e the bitulithic patent claims in dispute j the city government: "The (bitulithic) paving district, gave out the affirmed and this ends the Htiga- - pavement has been laid to a very eon-lin- statement with reference to the tion in regard to these patents. siderable extent on Old Telford founda manner in which bitulithic pavinj. nas Methods of Construction. tions. The result so far has been satia been received St .Louis: 'To sum at home on Christmas will be j with in of the factory in every way. The pavement up our experience bitulithic The method of construction long in St. Louis in pavement was shown in the past two gives every indication of life.'; general, and particular. comes is street paving we weeks when an expert of the Warren Another similar report from we find it the best served Haleiwa will j as good for driving as at Today. It people laid the first 'bitulithic material. Springfield, Mass. have, equally 1901 in j teaming, a t, The foundation soil was rolled by a It was first used in Paw for heavy has handsome steam roller and over this was laid a K. I., where it was laid on al pearanee and is less noisy than other layer of heavy broken rook and again twelve per cent grade on Harvey pavements, and horses will not slip upon be an event for those who revel in rolled and then smeared over with boil- street. Puring the same year sample it in any kind of weather.' The bitu-area- s were built in seven cities, aggre lithie paving which has leen laid in A. ing bitumen. JOS. GILMAN, After the base has been prepared it gating about one mile- of thirty feet Pueblo during the past five or six years good President Bitulithic Paving and Con- i covered by the wearing surface, width. The success was immediate, and has recently been examined and found things to eat to think over. certify-s- o crete Company. which consists- of a two-inc- h layer of the use increased each succeeding year.! to be in good condition, thus T 19U7 experience of other cities j ho best stone that can be obtained, that at the close of six and ling to the cities had 400, S3! equare yards; in 1903 properly graded in size from two and f.-t- ,. ;; h.,! ,n l,!in ,1m, U,., th'itia Halt inches in aiameter uow n xo an impalpable powder. In H"'" sixtv-tw- cities had amount. the material is heated and dried in 1.(576.433 equare yards, and for four rotary drums and then screened in Still here and doing the best city months of the present yvar the record rotary screens until it is graded into; Framing in the was L83t).9 yards. six or more sixes. Careful laboratory! 'tests are made to determine just what j What Is Bitulithic? proportions of the different sizes will N - Framing uuanu, below Hotel. The WaTren Brothers, seven in num- give the densest mixture with the small- Pacific Picture Co., ber, have been engaged for twenty est percentage of voids. These proportions are mixed together of refining as- years in th business mechanically at a temperature of about manufacturing bituminous ce l TOM SHARP, The phalt, -- F., giving a combination having Painter Signs of all kinds. ment and laving aspnait pavemenr. about ten per cent, voids. While the Thev were thus familiar with both the "'one is in xne mixer a suiuciem Elite Building Decorating, " - Scenic Work, j tin- of heated bituminous cement Sharp Signs and the advantages of the forms defects f poat pf Phone 1697 Etc. of bituminous surface then in use. Fred fjij the voids an(1 eave a small surplus. Graining, Paper Hanging, J. Warren, believing that there was After the stone and cement have be- - THE il SUNDAY ADVERTISES, DECEMEEE 25. l?l

EASTERN PACIFIC LANDS, For Sale i Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. w By r. W. Christian. -- on K'lTig street ; t with all onveruences; lot A Review. 5450.00 Mr. Christian 4 AjledrooE hrae on KalaJcaua are- - r CI fcardWiXd iocr; beautiful interior i and row ;.;a: if a - csaed to sefle Puce r.xe i I: ar.ves witn :4i to ya acr. with, rw&-bedroo- enscre r. i give xv: garage, etc.. ;z. Siasoa. !S WO H J. s exte"-'- t es. h; : '" wt. . I J10.KX"; property for. .$5000.00 ' ' "Eete .iit-- now i Caroilre Inlands. OUT TOT n h' CS3!f tt :TS : r Tr.; i boat tt-- agv T ,4 l vear and esorr.e siliening to the Mst-- 1 Sf0J : QuesaE, enfouraced' 1t the favc-:abl- re it'll stork, j, Ed is fcW.ut half a we j,b,.u:i see to tliii volume, he ha& fortuaate- - tie appailina fues deeres-- e and tie rati V ly t-- j BISHOP TRI GO, ftr a? a aecosd. moving steadily rr-- re the i;f.r:naL We As with The Caroline Islands,' saould ee tie wise and m regula- 1,1 lauiti ana im .Maroaesas rs tions of rn onary eL:;rc-- law, Which Limited , . a."Rtgn these Hawsiians and TJaMinr. Sr! - tions and adventure,. whileVe wa oc-'- ' vf! 'tui.l2y to com- ' u'-e,t- sa feii-:ror-oe- - P'i ' ?1 Packard is Bethel Street enpied tie task f eath- JT service part i - - ctivz aistenal icr a ora:.aratire vix-a- v.,...? BIU of ices which it i, ho;d VTJU every Packard car

wliltii x- itJeBas a:t Erow ul,aB vaiiey. of a re-- vroi" PPtn the of the tariy Pviynesaars. laT. ixto a"ho- -n Ask man - wiJac-raess.- the ALBUMS It for th.e that Mr. Chris- " who owns one tiki) I'tJi2t SO ifh time in Polynesia. Pronsj.ted Vv :s ti. earresr lesire io a - and haviri: markable gift for Isb- smeL orate the i nr;atnrai - eoi i:tior.s in FOE- : insaiTf's sr.d taxiaj: a dee and kiadiv These beazt'fa! islands, Mr. Christian iEteret in t res. It found an ";;: Swdressei a If.t? letter r,r th5 Post Cards , avocation well suited to his tastes. if't to M. Failures, the j.resideE of The book opens with an introduction 'te French republic, copies of whie.h. , br Martin Luther Koase, Feiiow of the u acanowjediraieEt. are fritted in Rim Negatives Victoria Institute, which is followed. te book, and is striving to prepare the i is order, bv the author's preface, and for tbe reopening of ihe Maronesa? J evangelir-a- l a detailed aecotjEt of the oeeurrences J.S:aGd? to work bv Kawa- - it Photographs at the British aEnexation of the Cook 3!a missionaries. JUr- - ! (Herrey) Islands in 3900 prepared bv , hristian was a friend and fol- - i " A large and varied Lord Ranfurlv. then Governor of New 'enson m tne Jatter's deep stock of H e Tor tne o!ynesiaEs PACKARD 1' Zealand, from hi. i and desire for Albums. a5so Then commerces Mr. Christian's nar- - a warl31 Jul Prices. All St vies. ratire, the first three haptens of which JfL";5n"J Bat admarer of oar own are driven to and Moorea & Ab excellent id?a for a holiday Tahiti of the wo'rk in i Alaroviesas MOTOR CARS Islands and twelve more ig Islands present ociety to the in this tWt fc. p j Marquesas Islands, illustrated with t'hih praises, red sixtr-fon-r j fall pace views, portraits The Volume is fittinglv dedicated 1911 and maps. E. to . . Trepear of Xew' Zealand, who iooioio Ptiois soppiyco. , a 'Two appendices gixmg valuable has devoted his life to the studv of the amotint of information on the eth- - Polynesian race, and with whom Mr iiology, philology biology "Eferyttisg and of the Christian has had the honor to bea- - PhoioTsphie" bouict' asi vz t'iTiie:af. asa an Mf.;aiea in his below" t ".'Fort, HoteL J. T. G. S. The narrative ;s bright and engross t ' inir. the incidents numerous od well . I told, and the descriptions of scenery i very vivid. Acd that Caristmas dinner ion Washir.iii$ Island "eontrihnted bv Do You the natives and eaten by the Alsatian . ttc - traaer. the orsican .- i French rendarm and the Enclish Hamm-Youn- g traveler (Christian)! As a fitting cli- - Want More The Co., Ltd rt f,T to the feasts was served a reai English plum pudding (canned in icai. On this dinner cocrse the ?end- - Money AGENTS ! artne eommented: "Ah. ma foil Yon ' EncVeesh make me lauch. Yon eat the flesh of the beef, and not cook him For the next Christmas shopping? Eyes cfxfM? at all. Yon make the larze pud- - Examined, Open a Savings d r.z at Xoe-l-h- wake von mnch pain Aeconnt and ' in the storr.aeh next dav. Xom de make regular deposits and when Glasses Supplied bet ze padding smell srood. Bi nir! - I will do as ze Englishman do. To- nest Christinas comes yon vriH 114 dav I will eat good, tomorrow I will iave a goodly sum A. N. I kaver pain iitj; stcmach. Mais e 'est wherewith to Sanford regara ecu inter sei;r. i snaii uini me bay the Christmas presents. OLD W. Boston Banding - Fort Street la caiete! ' Jas. Pratt nv.t so gay. Over May & Co. But the book is always Th following tkftthetie account of a KONA COFFEE i For rative wife's devotion to a worthless REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Her 1 rrnaway sailor is a resume of Mr. I McCHESNET COFFEE CO, Exquisite Perfumes c (Christian's storv. The sailor deserted,; Bank of Hawaii, Ltd 16 Merchant St. T' I jhis vessel at Hanamann. Hivaoa. and An Eastman Kodak 131 f f LOANS NEGOTIATED j ...... - . - - mar1 .v tx j ' Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000 found as ideal wile zn the person or A Fountain Pen willing To j Contractors and Builders. Tahia. one who was cook and slave for him while he fed on tnej Perambulatros Hair Brush Irdr-dvEO- City rnraStare, "Wan Paper, Painting. fat of the land. t take longj Auction Co. VTTfirs tia tn tire of! Comb and Mirror If i 1I6 Xsnaaa Ave. tkiiT onniitin fur he would do no w Only $6.25, in Wicker $5.50 and 125 Merchant St. wors.. of set kind. Manv times the It's t)e Germ of Dandruff new father-in-la- quoted., the Marque-- . HOTEL that labor, low as $3.00. the an pTOverb: '"He that will not ills Hair. neither shall he eat." bnf in vain. 5lOurAv. ' I'lnaiiy. wnen joou a scarce, lSie STEWART See our window display ! MW1CUU 6 UANUHU MLLtRllage council met in session to grapple For Him PKiil the Germ. ith the problem. "Rats are beeom-- : SAN FRANCISCO Gillette Razor a rnisance and we will abate Geary Street, abore Union Sqoate k-- Sold by all Druggists. I was the of tu UT y Jan opposte Hotd St. Fraocia (Gold or Silver) Nest day the wite was sent oit oi Europetn Plan $1 .60 a day op j the valley' on an errand, and the men American Plan S3.00 a day op Thermos Bottles V i ,,f .h. villa re proceeded to tirepare a Coyne Furniture Co., I" Steel and brick structure, urnish-ng- s (Gun Metal. Copper) f large underground ov-- in view of the f '' n a cost S200.OIO. High Calendars i iinif.r s house. lie. iea class 3A Camera ! f strolled over to be ready for participa hotel at moderate rates. Omnibus" X-m- Exquisite . JOHN NEILL j tion "What's he enquired. meets all trains and steamers (Post Card Size) i Calendars Hold I ig he come by and I ,.1'lentv fxd. Big Hotel Stewart now-- ENGINEEE. day Souvenirs. a recogr.ized as A bv," was the ret After ion: ! Fountain Pen Hawaii & Hawaiian Island headquarters. 135 Merchant Streets wait; he got up t j go, grumbling out Machinery Eepaired. Sonth Seaa ' an-- : Cable address, A. B. C. "Where's the pig when he was "Trawets" fcip and General Blaeksmithing. Carlo Co blow of a club Code. Reservations Tocrg swered by a crust ing made through Gasoline Engines. Eld. bin iileless. j Trent which felled ' Trust Co., Fort Street, For Rent his devote i wife returned, her When . Honolulu. C. BREWER & COMPANY, lliSfER 1,llfl was her white man. i LTD. 01 first .enenirr f'.r To a Hone ro the tieat'.'i said one. "lie; responsible tenant, a eompltlj i furnished house diniBg-room- i will return sot:n. therefore sit down of parlor, kitchen, large veranda, four bedroom said &s ther. Long after her f Save and eat," AGENTS FOE THE ana Dam on the horrible ; Apartments, Cuisine and Service j second floor; electrit light Money meal she waited, until ete a word she? c. i i fioyal Insurance Co., of Liverpool. Ensr- - ' lar?e grounds; servants quarters. storv came ut. Without u:L..t etc. Oriental cuietly nrose and :it'd away in tbej land. Goods us i PEATT, THE LAND r fife ftr eleanirg your . continues, London Assurance MAN. aar-i.- i in io hrtian PLEAS ANTON Corporation. NrX toward fuaJown, a parij HOTEL Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., BAZAAR NIPPON Fif) cl WiK'i.inien came u;xa aa "1 i "Wilder At, and Pnaahoa. of London. I soul, had! King near Bethel. per valiev; Tahia gentle who v Caledonian Insurance Co. Ha-- I pa-e- d ah ne on the spirit path to lis. puis The Upper Rhine Insurance Co., Ltd., . U! waii seeking her broken idol. With ai u (Marine). ; slip-noor- -- t ;'a-;e- burk txvittd round: Scottish Union & National Insurance . ,fce wa hanging lifebss in L jfj'5 extorts in renovat ajJ her E' ck Send c Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. ' fe l tie tep vf a ;ox ilm postal anr clothing. So k t- r t1 narrative. But the t fftf we will gi-w- I) book, xx :. ie er.te iirirg, was not The GrabowsKy Truck paientlv written but to bow you a priei I end Dresses The ur.fortv.r.rite :;tion of the south- - on window k 1 a- - 1 i1 2 and 3 Tons. 45 H. Kails Is a-- 'i' 'ilx'nesj3Ti Mr. Christian cleaning mnc P. if w no?e HONOLULU fc A'-- them. Tie (r POWEE WAGON CO., The L WORE CUAEANTEED. janitor work Star Dyeing and Cleaning Shop s.av wt ,i exp.a:n tie res! otijeet ot t in approro iurg the AGENTS. author j 221 e Phone 2166. Beretama Avenue near n If ' ' r uture retor-r-- amongst those j 875 South near King St Alakea. Tnr.AiwA ; Telephone 11S2. - 1 whom France se:o:- to rule in tnose 1 For -- j Rent .'ii.-- re:r-- ::l . tar er:ng the heavy HONOLULU HONOLULU SCRAP IRON CO. MAKAI SIIE OF STREET opposite Convent, responsib .l;Ues of ih should 2i'2 er t'Cition. No or? w-.t- light "and r..;ii::. to j C. connection with the place across the Expert Window Claaning Co. H. BROWN, Manager, A new, mosqnito-proo- f cottage, oi ';- -e ti.e-- e ; -- from street. otr ianiers their Haiekauw.ia ear l;ne at Kairnuki; larga yard; ! LS I of drink and ! Between Brewery and Lumber Yard. Street. and NOVELTIES loin oj irri. tr'iEg Highest Price Paid for Old Brass, Scrap per month. hal-ts- iM;h has so terribly 417 Queen Street. cious Iron and all Metals. FRESH FLOWERS i "hen; f.-- est harl work or FOH r.nfitte Dealer in Second hand Maehinerv. i t t .i ' r"i :. ..t any ort. arid Tel. 1642. p. O. Box 547. CHEISTMAS GITIKO iise tre:r v.: '. emie.'ivor. with Shippers Take Notice ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS a kind firn fit-e- . to tight against ( AT Lowest prices. Wagon, ; and to put jowe the evils which Fort and Hoti ftre-ets-. Visitors to U F W I I threaten the scanty remnant of the Freight for Southern California and Rubber Goods welcome garden, pooIV W Kalihi, to Com- - k. at:on x'rt ring, and should Eastern Points will be received for ship- next Thomas Pineapple ' pany. Oknbo Garden, telephone 2790. i take .r standi r. t he side of right, ment by the Bark Alden Besse, leaving GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. armed, with tr.e sanetion of the state here December 27th for Los Angeles R. H. PEASE Quarter en-- r President Sizes and ampler powers of discretion to direct. 66 fj courage honest labc. and innocent Connections made with the Salt Lake, Market Street, Yamatoya This 1 do confidently recreation. wek. SaDta Fe and Southern Pacific lines. San Francisco, Cel., U. S. A. affirm, could e a . y lished by C9Tresror,denee solicited. ALL KINDS OF SHIKTS AND GAL ' SHOE STORE settling a certain number of native pas CRESCENT WHAEF & WAREHOUSE READ THE ADVERTISER, .from Hawaii and Karotonga in the CO., O. Box PAJAMAS MADE TO ORDER '3 ASTJ tors Care P. 610. Honolulu. BETHEL STEEETS' outlying settlements and valleys, where 8S43 WORLD'S NEWS DAILY 1250 Fort Street, just above Orpheum

4 f THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 25, 1910. World's Campaign Against Bubonic Plague New York Times THANKING YOU

the plague. was noted the dark purple blotches, 'While men the worM over are ( It that rats thus giving the orus and arsenic mixed with lard, were ill. t'lo, but while the panic-striek-- i disease its historic name. cheese and sugar tallang of things history and spread on and wishing you that make en people killed the rodents, they never Venezuelan Outbreak. stale bread. The nests of rats a German tariff reprisals ami Chinese boy- suspected them as the real cause of the The circ*mstances were reached by chop, ing out walls disease. of the outbreak in cotts, crises in the Near East and riots Kuland are almost paralleled by those and floors and demolishing piles of ; From to nine- in , ru- the fourteenth the reappearance lumber and debris. Tne nests were wars of yesterday and the of the of the plague iu teenth centuries "Black Death" Venezuela. In both the focus of infec- swept up and burned. A little over a mors of wars tomorrow they 'have all : was always epidemic MERRY CHRISTMAS somewhere. Here tion seems to have been in single year later, on May 27, 19w. the in- l)ut overlooked the insidious advance is a summarized list of the visitations; a house. In South America it was a fected rats were all dead at a cost of f a different sort of an assailant, slow- IGfio London was ravaged almost as dwelling in the parish of Santa Rosalie. 139.943.63. ' ly girdling the earth in an historic prog- Florence had been. De Foe, in his ac- Here. also, there had been several The plague disappeared from San Francisco. and prosperous ress. This is the buboriie plague, the count of it. tells of the 10.000 deaths deaths before the health authorities But this did not end the jin a week, already mentioned. He says, realized that the disease was bubonic campaign. The city is being "rat "Black Death,'' by long odds the worst ' in a at- too, that the townspeople poisoned the plague. . proofed" manner never before enemy, in point of fatalities, that the ailing rats. When they did learn it they hastened tempted by a municipality. human family has ever faced. j 1720 The "Black Death" traveled to the dwelling. A wake over soma of NEW YEAR It is not strange that the progress of from Syria to Marseilles and killed SG,-- i the victims was under way. The oceu- - the plague should be overlooked for the 000 persons. pants were at once quarantined. Twen- THE TRUTH ALWAYS. j 1743 Messina suffered ty people found themselves prisoners in moment. The disease started from from another " When you are in doubt tell j visitation of the plague. the house with a police guard at every China to girdle the world in 1804 be- 1770 "Black Death" reappeared in door. Sonie of the prisoners got away tha truth." It was an experi- fore the Kusso-.lapanes- e war. So slow Moscow and killed 80.00ft and made ovi r the roofs. Twelve cases developed enced old diplomat who said thi? re its invasions that fourteen years j fresh inroads in the Balkans, Greece in the house with six deaths. ;o a beginner in the work. It i developed were required for its advance from and Ttalv. This has conditions of near may pass in some things, but 1S3 The plague broke out in Con- panic. The markets are vacated, say China to Italy. stantinople and cost 80,000 lives. reports. Schools, colleges and theaters rot in business. Fraud and de- SILVA'S TOGGERY Widespread Range. 1815 It again appeared in the same are closed. All drinking places and ception are often profitable ho city and killed 110,000 persons. 'clubs must end their day's business at Lately, though, the reports have long as concealed; yet detection 1783 to 1844 Egypt was recognized 9 o'clock in the evening. The priests is certain sooner or later; then Elks' building King into s street forced themselves more and more as a plague foer-- and twenty-on- e are being restricted to or mass a day. epi- comes the smash-u- p and t!:3 notice. Glance at the latest of these demics occurred there during period. The American charge d'affaires. Mr. this punishment. The best and pafe t reports for instance. In 1799 "Black Death" killed 2O0O Whitehouse. has induced the Venez- Phone 1751 men in the army uelan authorities to report to him regar- way is to tfcll the all tl;j On August 20 last a few lines sent French in Egypt and truth Syria. ding the sanitary conditions in Caracas, friend:, Guayaquil, Ecuador, told of ten time. Thus you make from 187S Another plague epidemic oc- j The Gomez government is said to be I country that stick by you, and a reputa- new cases reported in that curred in Russia. doing wonders to prevent a further tion that is always worth twen- during the first two weeks of that The Present visitation. spread of the disease. It needs money i to kill the rats, but funds are not forth-- i ty shillings to the pound every- month. Early in September the plague The present visitation killed 180,000 persons coming. where your goods are offered fcr appeared in Suffolk, England, with in Canton and 12,000 in Hong- Although the plague is also believed kong in 1894. Two years sale. We are able modestly to four deaths in one household within a later it j to spread chiefly in ships and by the reached Bombay and spread through affirm, that it is on this basis few day3. About ten days ago a report sea. the Venezuelan epidemic is said India. The number! of deaths in that that the world-wid- e popularity of ZT. cases j to be in the cities of the interior and & from Lisbon told of nine there, country swept upward from 1704 In Ltd. j Nail Son, has not reached any the seaports, 0. of which forced the officers of the United 189(i to 1,022,000 in 1904, then dropped WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION to The new epidemic, then, is apparently States warship Des Moines to stop the 332,000 in 1906 as the Indian com- a fresh outbreak of previous inroads of rests. The people hare discov- crew. mission carried on a campaign against shore leave of the j the disease. ered that this medicine is exact- Side by side with this report was an- the fleas and rats. In 1907 the number j On ly what it is said to be, and other telling of extraordinary precau- of deaths in India reached 1,204,194. the Coast. j Cali-jforni- a, al- tions against the plague in San Fran-tisco- , For the first ei-g- months of 1908 This parallels the experience of that it does what we have where outbreaks had already 116,996 died of the plague. and gives a peculiar significance ways declared it will do. Its na- been suppressed in 1900 and 1907. Last From India the "Black Death" j to the part that the rat plays in such ture also has been frankly made week a report from England told of spread to Australia, Hawaii, and Japan. epidemics. The plague appeared in is San Francisco in 1900, and known. It palatable as honey the whole country being alarmed over It was discovered in Portugal, Italy, became and contains all the curative the situation in Suffolk and another Austria, and England, where early epidemic amongst the 14,000 people from Caracas. Venezuela, described an warnings and prompt repressive meas- 'Jiving in Chinatown. properties of pure Cod Liver outbreak there Tf greater virulence ure kept it down. The disease was It took eighteen months of work to Oil, extracted by us from fresh than ever of twelve cases and six carried from Bombay to Marseilles in a confine it to that quarter and wipe it cod livers, combined with the Chi-- bundle jaste-boar- d out. all 121 persons, mostly i deaths in a single house and of heroic of rags consigned to a In Compound Syrup cf Ilypophos-phite- s factory. nese, were stricken and only eight re-- j preventive measures like those being It has been carried of taken in England and California. across the Atlantic, Argentina, Para- covered. Then San Francisco was and the Extracts Malt 17 Wild combi- War is Child's Play. guay, and Brazil, menacing the islands wrecked by earthquake and fire. Rats and Cherry. A of the Spanish Main were widely scattered, as the city was nation of excellence In all of these reports the number nearer the United supreme Enterprise Meat Choppers States. Tn all, fiftv-tw- o being rebuilt, and found refuges in of is small, you say! Therein countries have and medicinal merit. Nothing fatalities been reached by temporary dwellings, debris and build-- j lies the point of the story. War seems the present visitation. has been so successful in Ane- beside invasions Journeys by Ships. ing materials. SAME AS CUT. like child's plav the In May, 1907, the plague reappeared mia, c'jfula, Bronchitis, Influ- ef the "Black Death" in the past. The As a general thing the "Black and, as is apparently the case in Ven-- j enza, JLoss of Flesh, Wasting once killed 10,000 per- Death" journeys In- "Black Death" by ships and its ezuela, had an origin could be Diseases, Coughs Colds, The Most Reliable Meat and Food Chopper Made, sons in London in a single week. Dur- vasions are from the sea. The situa- that and and one person in every tion in Suffolk is traced to the previous epidemic. This Dr. Austin I). Irvine, of Canada, 2 sizes; $2.50, $3.50. ing this invasion typical. The disease was confined a victim. Com- is supposed to time it not to Chinatown, have in cases Ave in Europe became have been carried to al-- sayi: "I used it inroads of plague and England bv rats in a but developed at different times in I We also carry a complete line of both Universal and pare the the grain vessel from most every part of the city. where cod liver oil was indica- the disasters: Tn the historical j Odessa. A child in earthquake the village of There were 166 cases and 77 deaths, ted but conld not be taken by Busswin Meat Choppers. Lisbon earthquake of 1531 30,000 per- Preston died in September last. Its ; almost pll white people, many in fol- sons were in upheaval j mother and and a of the patient, and the results killed; another father neighbor, who ' good surroundings and with very few t the same place in 175o 60,000 persons i had nursed the little one, all succumbed lowing were very gratifying." It i Chinese among those afflicted. This were engulfed by the sea; but 20,000 j within a few days. cannot deceive or disappoint yon, j aroused the people of San Francisco HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. persons died of bubonic plasjue in China j The disease was not diagnosed then. is. to action. A health committee effective from the first dore in 194 and 1,022.000 succumbed in Pu it was considered so dangerous citizens' Second Floor. j of twenty-fiv- e members was appointed and comes to the rescue of those Take Elevator. India in 1904. j that eleven neighbors were isolated In , by the mayor to work with the health who have received no benefit Flea and a Rat. j a hospital, and there have been nr cases since. boards of the city, state and federal from any other treatment. I Modern science got a grip on the Then the health author-- ' governments. They spent eighteen ities began to notice rats, hares, represents the of . "Black Death" when it learned the that months in a campaign againist fleas and progrcr. i and rabbits were dying. life stories of a flea and a rat. It was At once the rats and in educating the people to the Sold bv oil t. Ave?vw!sr maladv was known to be "Black enly a few years ago that the doctors Death." dangers around them. learned that these vermin caused and ! Traps j Tt was, too, the plague in one Rat and Poison. spread the plague. The new preventa- of its ' i malignant spent $15,000 rat tive is to destroy them. forms. The disease appears The committee for 0AHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THE SCHURMANN INSTITUTE i went The way the plague is fought nowa- in three different ways. One is made traps and poisons. Over $12,000 evident by a swelling for brushes. and cireu-- , days is suggested by the present ts of the lymphatic rat Bulletins glands, developing tumors. lars were distributed to the number of on small animals in Suffolk. painful The Outward. or Official notices are posted warning ; mortality with this sort is seventy-fiv- e 700,000 teaching people to watch for ' them, every one not to eat hares or rabbits per cent. A second form is pneumonia, the rats and fleas and destroy For Waianae. V aiaiua, Kahuku and are invading the body through the lungs i Rats were hunted down and poisoned Way Stations 9:lo a. m., 3:20 p. m. NATURE CURE AND OSTEOPATHY killed in the district. Landowners Wag burying all these animals, shot on their land respiratory organs. It is this which bv 400 inspectors and workmen. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way: has ons dis- estates. Pheasants, partiidges, and appeared in England. The third and cans were used to sprinkle mauuiis t t a. in., y : id a. in j Combining OSTEOPATHY, Electro-Thenp- crouse are refused even as srifts by a enters the blood and the body literally infectants wherever diseased rodents ii:oj a. ni., :io p. m., p. m., Chiropractic, j Tn n rots away in a few days. all vere found. Millions of pieces of 1 1 1 : 1 Thermotherapy, panie-stricke- countryside. The official of the 5:15 p. m.. $!:30 p. m., 5 p. m. Hydrotherapy, Dietetics, Etc., Etc. notices call on the public to assist in forms hemorrhages under the skin cause rat poison were made of phosph For Wahiawa and Leilehua "10:20 a. ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS WITH' COMPETENT MASSBtJB the destruction of rats, adding that the m., 5:15 p. m., J9:30 p. m., til: 15 p. m. AND MASSEUSE IN ATTENDANCE. must not touched bodies be with the Inward. Treatment of the Eyes OSTEOPATHICALLY ana fitting of naked hand. - Airships- a glasses. A small armv of professional rat Declared Useless Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Waia-lu- satchers from all parts of England has and Waianae 8:30 a. m., 5:31 been engaged to kill the rodents. Vil- p. m. DR. r. SCHURMANN Arrive Honolulu lagers and farmers are exterminating for from Ewa Mill and 167-17- Attacks on War Vessels OFFICE 9 1 Beretaaia Ave., cor. Telephonr 1733. the rats with trims, traps, and poison. Pearl City 7:45 a. m., 8:36 a. m'., Union St. HOURS 8 to 12 A. Everv day hundreds are found dead, 11:02 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. in., M. 2 to 8 P. M. and thousands are beinji killed. the 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. record being (ilt.oor exterminated with- Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa and in a week. The work will not be ended Would Be Targets for Sharpshooters and Leliehua 9:15 a. m., tl:40 p. m., 5:30 until there is pot a rat left in Suffolk. p. m., tl0:10 p. m. Secret Newly Learned. The Haleiwa Limited, a two-hou- r Charges of Big Guns' That Will Scatter train (only first-clas- s Tn story of the tickets honored), this "Black Death" leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:30 the novelty of the scientific discoveries 0 precedence Over the Sky Like Bird a. tn.; returning arrives in Honolulu at regarding the plague take Shot. 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops only at in point of interest. Tt is only within Pearl City the" last few years that the scientists and Waianae outward and And Now have identified the bubonic bacillus, Waianae, Waipahu and Fearl City in- to its source, and safeguarded Aeroplanes as destroyers of battle- rises to meet the offensive; armor ward. traced it the Dailv. Sunday. For the New Year's with its xankind against ir. ships will never be much cf a success, thickens as the power of the projectile tLxeept :Sundav enly. Dinner wn increases.' G. P. DENISOX, F. C. SMITH, The bacillus found by Yersin of asserts Frederick Palmer, the war cor- 'tie Pasteur Institute during a plague "The battleship is a princess. She Superintendent. G. P. A. respondent, in the November Hamp- t'pid'-mi- in Tlonirknnsr in 1904. It was would never cruise unattended in time D not until five years ago in an investi-srato- n ton's Magazine. of war unless isolated and making a KOOLAU RAILWAY TIMETABLE by the Indian Plague Commis- "Is it possible, Mr. Palmer asks race to join her sisterhood, such as the E sion that the seeret of "Black Death" Oregon made- around South America in P "that an aerial David by tossing a pill DAILY, EXCEPT epidemic was learned. Is.S'S. A circle of SATURDAY. If best can destroy twenty thousand tons of cruisers and torpedo SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS you want this Pie to be the very The discoveries mav be summarized destroyers protect her from the assas- D'-at- Leave Kahana for Punaltiu, thus; "Black " is primarily a enginery, jins and armor which form a sin's knife of charge of guncotlon Haunla. Laie, Kahuku and disease among rats. Mankind is the our symbol of offensive and defensive from a make it of torpedo boat. Way Stations at 12:00 M. secondary victim. This disease is power? If so, international relations "Air crafts must also get past thi spread bv Tleas. wi'h which rats are Arrive Kahuku at 1:00 P.M. consist of stripes of chaos. armed retinue. An aeroplane can be Returning: nsnallv infested. The bacillus of the seen approaching from a considerable bubonic gne is a verv perishable the practice we have to go by Leave Kahuku for Laie. Hau- Heinz Meat ;': "All distance. In this case, an Mince eegefahu- :i'is!H. depending instantly nla. Puiialu i. Kahana and i.r for its w:is that of the Harvard aviation meet. aeroplane is located by the men on WHICH YOUR 'if-- om lod-'"e"- in Mvin-- animal tissue, Way Stations at... 1:45P.M. GROCER SELLS a my board a its object is ft is so small "''" bacilli ran There dam battleship was placed battleship known. Arrive Kahana at :15P. M. thi It inns' sail through the around c3 irnV( in'ft f'" :77:r. f n flea. in the field. The dummy bombs used rings the bull's eye to its objective. SATURDAY, SUNDAY T'.v s.M';h ' i" - tli at th: re is v. to plaster of Paris shells filled with lias . lily AND HOLIDAYS an average !' t'niii twenty-fiv- to "A trained aviator scout flour and weighing six and fi to see with powerful glasses. He may Arrive Kahuku at Hiirtv A":!- - !! th" 1'm: of i'v.rv lva'tliy 11:58A.M. ' A P.M." (1 . ounces. shot from anything less be able to accomplish his a ra' nn.l ..rht v ,) ailing on. than purpose at 2:15 heigh' . f i i f .r This rntvu'v that evo'-- rat can oarrv :m of a hundred feet did not .".'' feet. In order to strike Leave Kahuna Punaluu, 1,1 a with a Hauma. Laie, Kahuku frrvr 1:2." " to ihh'i phine l.avilll. count. OrahameAVhite, Brookins. .T..m-stoiie- , battleship projectile, he !imt and , fi h,-- tnii-e- siitiir- Irirl it when exactlv over a given point, Wav Stations at 11:00 A.M. Ti;' to Curtiss and Willard were the con-fetant- ,1 a - ..Ik Ml ft' a ' lie wili bo going at sj. which will 1:30 P.M.- Brookins won by a small per. bias Hau-ula- . KADMIUKf Plague in Histcrv. take ')' of a dreadnought Leave Kahuku for Laie. At au altitude bet ween one in five -- eeon ,!s. ile must be a hunir.'d Punaluu. Kahana and Thi re r. !.'' loss tlinn fit'?-,- . a'.' to and feet high t ma-t- s Way Stations at 12:35 P. M. v c;.i hundred and two hundred feet nearly cloir the yipied by sharpshooter. At an ai-ti- 3: n0 P. M. t?i. opn-;r'.-- ! hit fit'tfPntn eery bomb the target, which to y.)d ' i" of three feet he w f'or.neetions are made at Kahuku i' ; i '( i ; r . tin1 f.nir The Home District the eye was about si,., i aviator's the bo a target e rry 's T.lh'. w the . R. .v L. t'o.'s !:!." a. m. ii .v;i- - for marine ih .'of nth rv. n' tliis thlt ' of a street 's width between two e:ty t tiro which .il trait; f rem llonoln! i. and the 2:20 p. fin h vrA( rapid r: loaded w tn-ges aerial m. train, which arv e in the eitv T7:i' ?!t Vtt'i- '"! in f'liina !n blocks as seen from the twelfth or :if iv th for at t.'-- game ha rges r like biro T'?'i Tv Fin-..- ki'l.-.- l V to'-r.t- storv of a skysc ra .er. The tiat Buy a ,1. .T. 1" iWI.iXG. L POT.l.lSTE!;. Lot from :r'v ?4 pr ccnT t).'.v-- was thrilling for the j. who ;. i.f '..i.Vitf.rt of fh ;' At .s v G. P. & I". A !'., va -- ' 1: i.'t'.i'i erislK'1 had come to see the show. an t n eno;i n. . - M ,f .vil :f war? Our naval of!;. ess do tmt I'm' hot. At WE HAVE GIFTS FOR Ka ;. .,r VI. think so. imuki Land Co., Ltd. ':: :).- wiirl Tiv CHRISTMAS. SOMETHING NEW "What do you think v." w.-ul- be it.!!-- .: t ir n more doing o:ne living n, while wa of th. Ji'io- of ACiFIC PICTURE FRAME 1 i CO. for H. itii'-ti'ii'i-. rysng to spill dynamite down oar I'm !!. ?)ot Fort and King Sts. oi'i-i- v an.! fio-- v they ask: 'Taking t b. w :: s ;e .h ;,. I.r--:- . k ti'. e iv l.!:niU'.I fns son on deck! Kerne mber the defensive NTUUANU BELOW HOTEL STREET .1

- : i ' - I' ' "C Z - - - f sucking PigsII i

I , -- - -- f "V . , - "s. V


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t1 King Chowfa of Siam Has 4? HUDSON Across the United States By an Exile from Hawaii. Golden Opportunity Before tiii

4 "Going East had always been to me It was all so green and such a luxuriant Chowfa Maha Yajiravudh. This is mentally growth just a long train ride. It is everywheie. But do vou know the name which despite ins anything uiat the minute I got into 4i not possible to tell you how very big the real but harmonious tone, it is confidently East, as it is called. 1 had a dreadful the United States seems to now hav- - ine attack of homesickness. I longed to expected, will, before many years have '1 tug once crossed it. in tins day ot tour- - ne home, under some eocoanut tree in passed over the head of its youthful ry and wonderful speed one gets in tho tiie comfortable loose dress of our owner, be known ;il! over the world ih untr.v and especially to see brown habit of judging distances by the num- - that of one of the old world's most pro- . races and to hear the Hawaiian tongue, ber of days cer- - i tin-ne- w HUDSON consumed in making a A things h.R,Ie seemed to mo aln gressive rulers. It the name of 1 tain point Being an unsophisticated and improvable and the "land where King of Siam who recently, midst Sandwich Islander, five days seemed to mv fathers died" attracted me not' at great acclaim and rejoicing, ascended me quite a short time and the distance all. For a short time I actually hated ROADSTER covered must be necessarily small. In! ,t: the trains, the hurrv the'senrrv. the throne of his late father, the good those rive days we crossed more land the sea of white faces, the everlasting King Chulalongkorn. than it ever was taking-something-to- e THE MOST WIDELY COPIED CAE IN possible for me to going somewhere, There are verv few. if anv, person-realiz- in the past. - AMERICA. It seined as if we all of it seemed so use- laiti in roval c"ircles more interesting Pm ' must certainly strike the sea coast less and such a lot of trouble for noth- - . a 4.t . mi ..i j - . than this newlv tnroneo monarch. Surely and strongly the Hudson Roadster ouuuu iniee ua y s across. However, 1 mg. Jiappny i recovered, hut I can know now what that map in the! ot yet say I like it in the East, has won its way into the heart of the com- geographies marked United States After Philadelphia. Atlantic Citv. means. I had Unrn That certainty is a product of eiviliza- - j 5j mercial world by pure merit as a standard small as far as partiv in the land of his birth, it is a Denver before and looked forward to'1'00. th? ltinS boardwalk and its inces-- i . . . - surprising fact that King K. howf a car. the stops after that citv. Perhaps vou",,4.sallt stream of walkers anu the inevit- - is. Not so light as to be unstable nor so large do not remember that we made this abl? rolled chairs. T should call it The endowed with traits that mark him as, trip in May. Well, or tm (lran'i Parade. We watch-- J wholly different from the men who as to be nnwieldly. after Denver we went to St! Louis, and as this is all 'f'1 tnem' at the mos fashionable hours ruleil Si.1m before him. This despite! I No small car is smoother, more reliable or ancient history to you will simply ! 1 th? f e to bathe on the sand. J our so, try to give vou my impressions of tlie-- " more refined owners tell us and they'll . most wilhng of Eastern monarchs to. places. St. Louis. I should certainly i t"!' There were but few V I i tell you so. l:het ns t)4 hnttof t t,.,,. . " swimmers perhaps it 's not tashionaoie '"'"i" ""r' 1" to - 1 1 how The new king, whose coronation dur i been in. Whv people wear clothes in swu"- can te1 "ou. '1lsaT?: T ! ing the early part of November was in that citv during the summer months I Pointed was in the physiques of all Li men and women T saw bathing marked by a tremendously joyful season can not'imatrine. Thev are entirely m-- i th?e in 1 ,at b- - at Bangkok, the national capital, is M Associated necessary. During two days we M1!ts " know aTn ft Garage, Ltd the of the American type a finished diploma:. He is not only a were 1 took more baths Peat adnnrer there and drank e is a iieauiv ami iiuiift. cue tt-iafi- diplomat but he trained soldier. J.i i more ice water than I had ever done ui pi son in this countrv well-buil- t but T He is an author as well, and has writ- before in short space of time. 1 ' that was doomed to disappointment on that ten books on hU native land that have From St. Louis to Chicago waj a beaeh. Perhaps was because they i been well received, pleasant change it because it was raining and were not filled j King Chowfa is master of several were just parading KING CHOWFA OF in the latter place. Chicago I liked; swimming T really good plays. He is an amateur SIAM. with the real spirit that MMMaaa t aaiMHM - the people all seemed to be having a found them unbeautiful. To want to actor of distinguished and recognized even nice time though there were srn to the seashore and to be doomed i ability. imisning shoulders with the crowds on every street and in every to a month in Atlantic City would be Since a youngster the new king has ine worol has given, him tt.. shop. The control the Chicago police a terrible punishment," but T acknowl- - shown a great liking for literature and ly .fitted for the task x&folSi has over the thousands of people and C(1,,e it is not the fault of nature but has read the bes' efforts of British, vehicles that crowd the streets was a Gf the people themselves. American, French, German, and Siamese King Chowfa rules over approximate hapa-haol- e Jy 10,000.000 marvel to me the used to! T, i nnn 5f one authors. persons. Of thesi ' Ym vrt ' a leisurely Hawaiian policeman. With . tVl 'nncrh"rm. cet. King Chowfa has just passed his are in Siam uroner. .' wnnl.l ' all this admiration I must confess to ai1(-e- York mad. as all its inhabitants twenty-nint- h birthday. He has had The first reform that it is ieliewl tningss j a one younur kint? will M positive dislike to those awful j eem t0 be, but in June, when the heat Tni's far remarkable career for the lm.i,. tne stops for- - young , or the education ,of tht mnUM 4l a:J eievatefl trains. never for one instant, it is a .o . e Buujri-ia- After three or four days in Chicago orn pace. pase do not think me un-w- u nen stiu a young man nis rarner, ,t journeyed on to Washington. Was . build-- I King Chulakmgkorn, dissatisfied with With the exception of a few appreciative of the wonderful -i . - - ; eW .r- . r i a- , rv a 4 1. - : . . . i . i . disappointed in Washington! No, be-- j ings, the subway, the elevated roads 'lie )iiKri nil ir les jor oucaiiou ouert-- " "c- caiiuui; eaucailon Is nailJ cause I do not think that I had ever: and all the things that go to make New bv his fatherland decided to send him ly in the hands of the priests the HnJ thought very much about it. The funny j York, but apprec iating is not always to England and placed him under the , going to the temples for instrattioJl between streets with the low houses on either ; liking. A ride in the subway in .June tutorship ot I'rotessor msn momrjson. the ages of eight and thirtml meth- side where darkies did business in a is a foretaste of the inferno. I felt Later he studied British military ine iacninff is most inadequate an very dilatory way, amused me for it like some kind of a bug or worm that ods at Sandhurst and subsequently elementary. By the precepts of fti was" so much more like a lazv tropical burrows into the gTound when I first passed a creditable examination "and Buddha no money is accepted, bat thi pupils town of the wide-- : rode in the subway. It seems to me was admitted to Oxford university are obliged to dig in the "twm.Ii than the capital gardens, awake, strenuous American people. Of the only difference between living in a where he graduated with honors. do other labor or make pres c 13 111 So pleased was the old king with his ents to the priests instead. Girls i course we took a sightseeing automo-- ! ' V cor- - they are bile and had all the residences of every straight home, or even round a eldest son's success that he caused ten not taught by. their brother r to. get to that place you oa 1 home of Prince Chowfa 's stepbrothers to be at home receive no education. Made from whole Hawaiian United States senator and every for-- : ?S on an English was of Pineapples and the best re- be- - th? sent to Eton to receive It the educational facilities eign consul pointed out to us. but tide I I ...-.- 4.,. . J? 4 : ..... fined cane sugar. vou burrow underground and education. i ne it uw tween you and me the houses looked inni hi yiiuiu oi mat th?n Mrth a hUe A less than five years ago King j pressed Chowfa most tim very stupid from the outside The, onthe little vine at th AT ALL SODA FOUNTAIN'S AND STORES fhen n)n somf sairs an1 catcl Chowfa created quite a stir in literary of his visit here. He was heard to aak White House and grounds looked niost'a train flvinff through the air, and after circles of France when he published an j the statement more than once' that hi ARCTIC SODA comfortable. I have no doubt the only. sanil WATER WORKS a ,.prtaindistanee vou get off the train. interesting volume tellinar in ouaint but j country one day should enjov th way to enjoy Washington is to be ; HONOU&iU DISTRIBUTORS in,waik ,jown a ong flight of stairs, and caminff stvle the mysterious and advantages if he lived. foreign j ; the social affairs of the various von are fortunate another little walk curious folk lore of his native land.) Onp thing King Churfa. it is 1m Syrup for use on hot cakes, waffles, etc. that Pinectar diplomats. on ground will get you home. I j ii A delicious flavoring for punches the About the same time several of his lieved. will never meddle in and that and ice creams. j Then we went to Pittsburg, the city wonder if after all that' you can tell productions were staged at i snbiects. Ad AT ALL GROCERS dramatic the religious view of his j peo- - - of furnaces and steel mills. Pittsburg what I am driving at. It is this Buda Pesth and attracted much atten- i miration for absolute religious freedoi - is not pretty, no one could expect it to i j,e do exactly the same thing every- tion rrnt solelv because the vounrr mon- - is one of the lesson? he learned PINECTAR SALES CO., LTD. ; te, but at nignt wnen tne nres irom where; eat, sleep. worK ami nave a h his eb, cation in that citv America. At anv rate it mar be w4 , , i n a c . me rurnaces ngai up nie iyw.v mu? recreai ion. pia.-- 1n,f ,ecau;!rf,,, nf t heir merit. ; dieted that Kin7 Chowa mil make womiertul. i that; spienmu things are .lone easily, wane in a lartre s;i;im profits b it is visitea ' T nevv K,n of everv wse and good ruler If he ' fTt. , -- .1 1 .- .n nil ll,al Tiiace, ine varnegie jumhuh-- uivitti4.i piace ou iiitt- tu ll..nAununt;" movement of t1' intricate Bnt'h and the things he has hern eivn an ormi than once but I lingered longest in the maneuvers I have mentioned before you German manuals of arms. He has tunitv to investigate hp will we tea larje art galleries. can do them. subjects wli ; n mastered the science of soldiery to the fulfill the wishes of his From Pittsburg to Philadelphia was Xiaeara Falls was more wonderful, las'- letter for no onlv has he studied are seeking relief from present eon! but a short journey. Of course T liked Irore beautiful, more awful then I had ff 'irMiVi'irst hot lie his been a cadet ditions. Philadelphia but I have' a notion it j over conceived it. I should like to see a Potsdim and ha been attached to j bwm was principally because the fascinating them again, but I shall never lose the )i"-h;.- lffhf Intantrv at Aldersnor. j s Daphne was there. Do you know I picture of that foaming, seething mass Kir-o- - Chow'a oei-nte- a tvoewriter . had never met her before? Anyway j 0f water. To see the United States with the pis" of a" exT' r:e"ced ste"'""- - MACHINE SHOP and can not I go to cities we got on famously, I and like it. should say the rapher. He was pleased with the first j j what a rest she was because last and over the country itself first. or- - tell you machine he saw as a youngster and j on my going sight- You laugh when I tell you what she did not insist will especially him with ; dered one made for AND OMTLETK very me ! HAS NEW I! seeing. My American history is portion of the country attracted a Vevboard of Siamese character. Imllimery en- T i truly do not suppose I would like ( weak and I have never been most. Te old Kirur hulalongVorn was so EQUIPMENT. thusiastic, and it was such a relief to to live there, but there is a call from with the idea and so tickled n not think it my bound-e- that big, barren Wyoming countrv that - I find that she did his son had caused the inaugua- j Trv n our work is the but H I T that awful love. the spirit of some ! duty to race around in that Perhaps it's lion of tho Siamese typewriter that lie mr charges reasonable. heat to see where some battle wa ancestor who found the lavabeds of , ordered all manuscripts presented at killed. The Puna the loveliest place-- in all tho fought or some Indian court to be written in this manner. It j countrv in Philadelphia was beautiful. was not long before the typewriter be- - ; came much used in Siam. ! TfeeentH- - the new kinr paid a lon? visit to this countrv and showel great NEW SHAPES. NEW FLOWERS. NEW PLUMES interest in the big workshops and km j mm in municipal offices through which he was i Christmas History shown. j 'J Since his coronation as crown prince ; LJ in lf0." the people have looked forward .enear Co., Ud FINEST SELECTION IN HONOLULU. on Home had the fixed in 354, it is IS No festival has taken such a hold date o the dav when the young man would J reasonable to assume this ( , that date beeninp ruler. the popular imagination as hristni.ns m h boeame gener. ALGAROBA fes- - Siam is in srreat need of reform in Throughout world the J v PRICES LOWER THAN USUAL. Day. the .(,,v r0(.;njze,i through East and West, ways and the people believe that tival finds due recognition, and tht Coming to the questions of liturgy King Chowfa, with the wide experience BEAN MILLS doctrine of "peace and good will to and customs. Christmas, till the tenth QUALITY 'cenfnrv commenced the church vear. RAISED. supreme. The word is . . t men" reigns In point ot tact it is still in tins position Maesse, ' derived from "Cristes t'"' j regarding papal bills. Mass of Christ, and the title can be. There is another distinct feature traced onlv as far back as 103s rn in t li ri it t' 'A fetivnl wVib-V- i ilw- - ( '' ' lt Irom any other atholie Dutch it is known as Kerst-miss- jn nguisnes r 1 least lav in the calenda r. All priests Latin Dies Natalis. in France as Noel, are allowed to celebrate three Masses Italy as II natale. and in Germany, : nu Christmas Pay. two being the max-- ! Woihnaehfsfest. imnm nimbi r at othr times. Another 4 Ir is bv no means one of the earliest 'interesting incident attached to Chrit-- ! mas was that at its third Mass in 0ft, church feats. It is first referred to Leo inaugn rated, bv the by III. coronation Clement of Alexandria who quotes Em-- i IK. j of Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Uyecfla certain Egyptian theologians as assert rire. ing that the date ot hrisf s birtn was i No Christmas Crib. May I'"' in year Augustus. , 3 $ Nuuanu above King the of of having 61 Street. Lupi contends is no month Tiie custom the crib in A that there Catholic on Christmas, in the year which has not been assigned cliurches was as being of of the initiated by St. Frances of Assisi in the month the birth is Will buy your New Year Suit. 33 D. Emisa the thirteenth century, and very Redeemer. In A. Paul of throughout shows that in year December 2" popular Christendom as We give you to that teaching, in an easy man- IBthe Clothes wear and indelible was fixed in Egypt as being the correct ner, date. the myfery of t!o nativity. Of when you make your first pay- Date Christmas. the Christmas hymns, the best known of and most popular is the "Adeste ment. On Arm and the other hand 'nia Fi- W! a dates ba a bo vi t 300 Mesopotamia support f as the .lannarv PRICES:::::::: EANGE rEOlI Mi correct date. Tn 30. Decern, r England the Puritans sp., ese,l recognized in 'appadoeia. T ,at Chrv- - tmas Day oliserva tices. In -- ado,-at- pec l ostom was an of t; e ordered to be kepr Open. l ber claim is proved bv is to 1 ; FAIRMONT HOTEL nrrn i 'eir. d delitr it- - . unite Antioeh to cdebrate tl festival Grad-ia'iv- $10:22 to . ,1 ?25 on December nr:d lie vat,--- L f The Most Superbly Situated Hotel in the World that flOWi r. T';e f viv.-l- till 1 of that eirv pt 'east on De - OVERLOOKING THE ENTIRE BAV OF SM FRANCISCO, THE GOLDEN SATE AND THE REBUILT the .it vousiv ob- A Big Waiting to" CITY. CONVENIENT TO 2 years prcvbvi-tv- . Shipment of Models Is SHOPPING. THEATER. BUSINESS AND RAILROAD CENTERS. cember for -- 'TV, fro!i to Land s the "Crack" 1911 Previous to tii.-- ?ollie h ,, . 1 You. t - feast in 1 a THE EPITOME OF HOTEL EXCELLENCE rin : i . re-- t rv litr-eb- COME EARLY! Operated, on Both American and European Plan. i " Combining all the corvcwwj and a (ood hotel should hive, with mar.y unique, oripina) and Pi s t excJjsi.c features, fcntir refurnished and refitted at a cost of over three m.iiion dollars. Social n ..jr ot inc city r.eiiquartera of the Army and Navy scene of most ot the social festivities, le ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 1.000 GUESTS. Outfitting RATES: t Francis Levy A'rerlcan Tab! d'Tote Plan, ore person, per day - - $5.00 and upwards Europeau a la Cart loom and bath, one person, per day, ii.aO and upward MANAGEMENT PALACE HOTEL COMPANY Co., Ltd 'Also Operating Palace Hotel; X X y v :r: m CREDIT CLOTHIERS SAN FRANCISCO No. 1214 Fort St., opposite Fire Station.

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