Wicked Step-Father - GreenFlamedWriter - 穿书自救指南 (2024)

Chapter 1: The Beggining...

Chapter Text

It began with the death of Su Xiyan.

A strong Cultivator, and Disciple of the Huan Hua Sect. Her death was used as the linchpin to direct an assault at Tianlang-Jun. The Palace Master who was beside himself with grieve spoke about Tianlang-Jun murdering his Disciple and when the Cultivators staged an attack, froze to see the demon crying over the womens form cradling a baby to his chest.

The old man wanted to attack and kill the demon- but the other Cultivators stopped him.

It was a rare sight to see a Demon being vulnerable, and the baby cradled in his arms also had the sigil, the ark of sin on it’s forehead.

It proved the impossible, that a demon could love a human.

Immediately the attacked, using tailsmans to trap Tianlang-Jun and the Zhao Hua Peak took the child- Tianlang-Jun screamed bloody murder while the Monk approached.

“Listen well, Beast. These men and women came to see to your destruction. But this Master has began to revise such a thing.”

He moved to his knees looking at the demon in the eye who was watching his son, seeming as if he would do anything to get his son back.

A perfect bargaining chip.

“We will create a contract. You, Tianlang-Jun will protect the humans from the demon realm maintaining order-” Which he had already done, the Monk knew if Tianlang-Jun disappeared it would bring disaster if he was keeping the Demons behaved.

“Since it’s possible for a human and demon to procreate and for a powerful demon such as yourself. This Master see’s no harm in arranging a political marriage.”

Tianlang-Juns eyes narrowed.

“Each Sect would marry their own to you, uniting demons and humans as well as making offspring for each sect. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

“Do you really think this Lord will accept?”

The Monk hummed, “It’s either that or…” He glanced down at Luo Binghe.

Tianlang-Juns eyes widened trying to move forward to grab his son but unable to move, he could break out his chains but by the time he did he would be too late.

It wasn’t custom to name their child until after the first year- but Su Xiyan picked the name, the name of the Luo river they first met. Also as the future Emperor and Empress figured it’d be safer if Luo Binghe had a ‘name’ only the public knew to keep him safe.

It wasn’t doing him much good now.

“Very well.” Tianlang-Jun growled, eyes burning with hatred.

After placing his blood on the contract he was finally free to hold his child tucking him close but unable to kill anyone of them. Now he was their dog, forced under their heel to do as they wanted.

“This Master will volunteer Qin wanyue as his first wife.”

Now they were having a bidding match, the old man who after losing his disciple suddenly proposed another?

But he was tamed now, he won’t kill anyone else now that he obeys their orders. And since Su Xiyan was Huan Hua it was their sect that had the most claim on the heavenly palace.

Tianlang-Jun ignored them, shushing Binghes cries from the noise of the old men arguing.

It was now a power play on who had the most claim it raised their own social standing.

Huan Hua first, then Cang Qiong as they were the ones who were strong enough to trap a Heavenly demon it would make sense to put forward strong cultivators to keep Tianlang-Jun under control.

And even if the Monks and Nuns had devoted themselves they had Disciples who had joined the sect who didn’t take such vows who can be sent as representatives instead.

Tianlang-Jun cooed at Luo Binghe ignoring them and focusing on Luo Binghe trying to block everything out.

He had just lost his wife, who the Huan Hua delegation were delicately taking her body, and now he had to marry another so soon when his whole world had just crumbled around him. Luo Binghes crying was the only thing he was focusing on right now…

All the Cultivation Masters had reconvened at the great hall, it was only emergencies when all Sect Masters of all sects were gathered to speak of Tianlang-Jun and the Heavenly Palace and what they would do with it.

Since they had no time to properly go over procedure, it was all last minute. Metaphorically trapping a dangerous demonic beast with chains.

The chains being spouses all stood around Tianlang-Jun with a knife ready to strike with one wrong move.

Already there was word of some children being born so knowing it can be done, was when the Masters had decided to bargain even more and stake more claims of power.

With Huan Hua sending their own heir the Palace Mistress as a wife along with other disciples, Cang Qiong had to respond.

Sending their own head disciples wasn’t enough. Sending his own heir was the equivalent of a Peak Lord.
The Old man wanted Yue Qingyuan to be sent as the First Husband to Tianlang-Jun.

Afterall he was the strongest and the first to force the man to a stand still only stopping when he saw the child but his distraction was enough to trap the demon.

The Cang Qiong delegation were offended at such a statement, if the Sect Leader left it would leave the mountain defenceless and not only that but disrespectful for Huan Hua to say such a thing.

Shen Qingqiu wanted to leave, this had nothing to do with him. He had no disciples to volunteer he asked and yet his Martial siblings were very shifty telling him no need…it was strange as the strategist no one came to him with this- he didn’t even know there was a Immortal master Conference until it was last minute.

He scowled at Yue Qingyuan from behind his fan, it felt almost…deliberate to embarrass him by being absent of the Meeting and bringing shame to him.
He was also new to the knowledge that instead of Qi Qingqi offering herself up in place for Yue Qingyuan afterall didn’t they need wives?

Sure enough the could use miracle elixirs but they were rare, or hard to come by- then again they did have a Heavenly demon to ‘fetch’ such ingredients. It was just shameful making Tianlang-Jun do all the work for people he probably would kill if free from his chains.

Shen Qingqiu could relate and almost felt…bad for the man.

Instead it was her prized Disciple Liu Mingyan sent as a wife, Shen Qingqiu almost lowered his fan in shock glancing at Liu Qingge he couldn’t believe the war god would say nothing to his sister being given away!

And Ning Yingyin who was Yue Qingyuans head disciple.

Of course they were the best and brightest of Cang Qiong, and the strongest too. Even so, what on earth were they thinking? They didn’t have to raise to Huan Hua’s bait they didn’t have to offer or volunteer anyone. This whole thing was ludicrous-

Who would put so many young women in the hands of a Heavenly Demon who apparently killed his wife?

Did they truly not care? Shen Qingqiu didn’t either, men or women they were all useless to him.

And what was worse, was the Old Palace Masters look, almost smug when he caught Shen Qingqiu’s eye.

That old man seriously creeped him out, he had no idea what the mans problem even was the two barely interacted at all so he had no idea why he felt as if he was being perceived in such a way.

Then again Shen Qingqiu always rubbed people the wrong way, he wouldn’t be surprised if his own mountain tossed him to the wolfs just to be rid of him. He could see it now, him as the Heavenly Demons husband, hah!

“Why not just kill Tianlang-Jun? What use is volunteering wives and husbands to a demon?”

“Tianlang-Jun is powerful, he alone had united the demon clans and kept them contained at the borders away from humans, with no one in that seat would create a power vacuum and the human casualties would be immeasurable. He may be unrefined but he keeps order.” The same Monk who created this mess in the first place spoke.

The Zhao Hua ministry, they even sent their own masters Wu Wang as a husband to the demon along with Wu Chen as a servant.

Both Tian yi Outlook and the Zhao Hua had sent people to wait on and assist the cultivators in the palace as protection. It was their way of doing their part without breaking their vows. Shen Qingqiu would skin someone alive if they made him a eunuch and made him wait on hand and font of a snotty cultivator.

He would probably kill himself if they did that.

“Also he is the last of Heavenly demons, which could be seen as a direct threat but in three years has been able to go places cultivators could not and found artifacts and rare cures in just a short amount of time. Having offspring loyal to their sects with the power of Heavenly demon blood in their veins is a boon we shouldn’t pass up.”

Ah so an army, if they can control Tianlang-Jun they can control the brats too, and once they have the numbers up they wouldn’t even need Tianlang-Jun anymore.

“How can men create offspring?” A master asked, and Shen Qingqiu had the same question but never asked, yes he knew where children came from the normal way but was always curious how two men or two women would suddenly be with child.

He didn’t have the face to ask Mu Qingfan not wanting to be perceived as stupid.

The Old Palace master asked, strangely enough.

“Most can create life with Spiritual cultivation. It’s how most after using Dual cultivation to offset a qi deviation end up with a child, the problem is that most times the children age too quickly they look like adults with the mentality of a child. Miracle elixirs,flowers or other remedies have been used to create offspring.”
Shen Qingqiu felt embold to ask, so he lowered his fan, “Excuse me.” he could feel the tension from his martial siblings almost as if they wanted him to remain quiet. The glares from the other Sects made him puff up offended.

He was a Master too in his own right and yet he was treat like he was lower than dirt! And outer disciple who should be seen and not heard!?

“Did Tianlang-Jun express his desire for more wives, especially the loss of his Empress?”

He did some digging, and there was a startling contrast to the baseless rumours that the man preyed on a women and assaulted her or whatever they made up on the spot to excuse their behaviour when really they acted like barbarians preying on a vulnerable man.

What he heard from his own information was that Su Xiyan eloped, she loved Tianlang-Jun and the two would go to plays or bookstores and just experience human culture. Tianlang-Jun was a romantic and adored Su Xiyan.

And after such a tragic loss, is then forced to marry for political gains against his will?

Shen Qingqiu didn’t care, but he felt sorry for the poor bastard.

The old mans eyes narrowed, “Yes all Sect Leaders had discussed it and Tianlang-Jun had agreed it was the best course of action.”

That’s how they were gonna spin it, that it was a mutual agreement to keep the peace and that the honourable Cultivators didn’t threaten the man and his child at sword point.

Humans were just as vile as demons. They were all the same.

“Cang Qiong, only two disciples? Is that really all that you are willing to give?” The Old man asked changing the subject, Shen Qingqiu glanced at Zhangmen-Shixiong and wondered what was going on in his head. It was an obvious ploy there was no need to raise to the bait-

“Cang Qiong volunteers Shen Qingqiu, Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak as First Husband.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

It slipped out- Shen Qingqiu knew he should show a united front and not embarrass himself in front of the other Sects, but to think that Yue Qingyuan could say such a thing-

He gripped his fan tightly the rage barely contained on his face.

“It was an unanimous vote all Peak Lords agreed-”

“This Lord did not.” He spoke low, they voted without him? And would do such a thing in front of the others without warning him before hand?

Is that why they failed to tell him of this meeting planned to keep him in the dark till the last possible second?

He felt buried under the hot hatred he suddenly felt for his sect and the betrayal, and a small part he would never tell anyone was unsupervised. Deep down he knew he was a difficult person that his Martial siblings couldn’t stand him, fine then.

He would go down to the Heavenly Palace right now if thats what they wanted! Anything to get away from his Sect siblings- if they didn’t want him, then fine.
Peak Lords together and ascend together- bullsh*t!

He couldn’t stand to look at them, worrying his fan and trying to keep calm as his heartbeat was pumping too fast.

“Is there a problem, Master Shen?”

The old man probed, and Shen Qingqiu gritted his teeth.

“This Master has no problem. It’s just as they say, this one will gladly accept this honour to marry Tianlang-Jun.”

What about his peak? His disciple’s were too young to take over-

“What of Qing Jing Peak?” The old man asked, and Shen Qingqiu wanted to tear his tongue out, what was his problem!?

“The Peak would be dissolved, with the union of Cang Qiong joining The Heavenly Palace there is no need for Qing Jing Peak. And with disciples sent as candidates for the Emperor we will run low on numbers and instead they would be placed in other peaks to keep the numbers.”

There was mentions of Mu Qingfang also coming with him to the Palace but not as a husband, only as a Doctor to assist in the child birth and other such things, since assasination attempts or cultivators being vulnerable need the best Doctor to assist them. And the men for miracle elixirs if they so choose to use such methods.

Shen Qingqiu scowled, that way Mu Qingfang can return to his Peak and Cang Qiong whenever he wished. Meanwhile that door was slammed shut in Qingqiu’s face!

Shen Qingqiu swore he may just black out and stab the sect leader then himself- dissolve Qing Jing Peak!? Could they slap his face any harder it would fall off!

He openly glared at his Sect leader, his sect siblings avoiding his eyes. What had he done? Sure he wasn’t the most approachable or was even close with his siblings…but did he offend them in such a grievance way to make them not only throw him away but to even remove his own sect?

Did they hate him that much?

He felt too much and knew everyone was watching him and he had already given too much away. He sat up straight, returning back to his cold mask and detaching himself from the meeting, there was no point listening to anymore, as of right now he wasn’t even a Master anymore.
Just a piece in the plan to subjugate Tianlang-Jun, it made him think of his past and wondered if he ever escaped it at all.

Shen Qingqiu couldn’t move fast enough as he turned to leave, afterall he had so much to prepare with this surprise wedding of course! Thats why the Peak was dissolved all of his possessions, belongings his library! All of it was a dowry now!

Suddenly a hand grabbed his arm, and he scowled at Liu Qingge, the man noticed how obvious he was acting like a wronged maiden and was irritated that Shen Qingqiu couldn’t remain calm until they returned to the Sect.

Not only Shen Qingqiu was losing everything important to him!

“You are acting unbecoming of a Peak Lord, you are not the only one who is suffering-”

“What would you know?” Shen Qingqiu sneered, ripping his hand out from the War gods, looking down his nose at hin, “You didn’t even have the nerve to offer yourself-no. It was your sister who has to be married to a demon while you sit here acting like you’ve been wronged.”

How dare he!?

Liu Qingge almost drew his sword, the sudden pain snapped to anger “Shen Qingqiu-”

“Shidi, enough.” Yue Qingyuan was the last person he wanted to see right now. Liu Qingge faltered then scoffed, stomping away.

Shen Qingqiu would feel sympathy, afterall Liu Qingge was close to his sister and doted on her whenever he could he probably felt trapped with politics and felt frustrated that he couldn’t cut something down to deal with his problems.

But Shen Qingqiu felt nothing but pure contempt, a rich pretty boy who never beared responsibility and would never have to be put in such a position. It wasn’t as if he was marrying Tianlang-Jun.


“What? Want this Master to thank you? For humiliating me, or shunning me to the entire Cultivation world!?”

Shen Qingqiu yelled, and Yue Qingyuan only looked wronged and that made it worse.

Do you hate me that much!?

He never said such a thing he looked away, “Yue Qingyuan has already said everything he had to say. This Qingqiu can take the hint.”

“Shen-Shidi please, listen-”

“No. This Qingqiu has to prepare for his wedding. Especially on such short notice!” Shen Qingqiu snapped turning with his robes flaring behind as he mounted his sword and flew to his Peak.

It was the last time he would see it.


Shen Yuans heart panged for Tianlang-Jun. As he read through the story about the Demonic Emperor who would chain himself down for the sake of his own son! It was too tragic, anyone would be moved at the worlds best dad!

The Demon Emperor would gladly take the brunt of the world just to save Su Xiyans son, only for it to be in Vain!

He was a good father! It wasn’t his fault the cultivators took advantage of his vulnerable state and tricked him into a contract forcing him to take wives and make offspring.

The same wives and offspring that bully and torment Luo Binghe! Being on missions and forced away from the Heavenly Palace he was unaware of the danger his son was in!

But it got worse when after three years he had his First Husband Shen Qingqiu who was in charge of looking after all of the children of the Heavenly Demon, with Binghe having turned three and the others older through Spiritual cultivation, but had the mentality of a baby could barely walk or talk yet so they were constantly under the care of the wives.

Leaving Shen Qingqiu to raise Luo Binghe.

Like a wicked Step-mother in a fairy tale, he abused Luo Binghe each chance he took but the man was cunning, he knew if it was seen as discipline or corporal punishment it wouldn’t register as abuse and since Tianlang-Jun did nothing even though he could detect it in his blood paraisites if anyone wished his son harm-

And Luo Binghe felt abandoned as his father did nothing against his cruel Step-Father.

It was a good story, but he hated how it ended! He regretted picking up the book, why did he read this trash!?

Luo Binghe, after being pushed into the abyss by his Scum Step-Father, he returned with a vengeance, killing both Tianlang-Jun and Shen Qingqiu.

It was too cruel! Tianlang-Jun did all of that to save his son but through misunderstandings his Son thought he was abandoned! And Luo Binghe didn’t see Tianlang-Juns suffering, only thinking of himself, and when he killed Tianlang-Jun the man accepted it, letting himself die at his sons hands.

And then a stupid twist where Binghe took over the harem killing his siblings and took the wives and husbands for himself, Binghe had a type and that was cougars!

He was too young for them! Shen Yuan was spitting fury, and what was worse is that there was some build up with Huan Hua! It showed hints they were evil but in the end instead of revealing that maybe they had a hand in taking down the Heavenly Palace it was all-

“Oh well whatever, we don’t care about demons anymore!”

The f*ck!? It made no sense that the ending just…fizzled out like that! It honestly sucked, and with his full chest he raged out-

“Dumb f*ck Author, and dumb f*ck novel!”

Chapter 2: The Emergency Meeting to Marry the Demon Emperor


So Shen Yuan finds himself transmigrated as the Scum Villain, and knew the meeting was close to marrying him off.
With no system he tried to as delicately be as nice as possible to his Martial Siblings inwardly begging them to not let him go please! But not enough to make them think he was possessed or something…But it wasn’t good enough. Maybe somethings had come to pass, unlike Shen Qingqiu he took it with grace but it still hurt!


I give up. It's a chinese fanfic google sucks. If it's not accurate read someone who has the time and campacity for the mental work I just want to write a story and make SQQ and TLJ kiss -_-
Just in case I’ll say it again- no Yue Bashing! Although if after the story explains his reasoning THEn you can bash him in the comments lmao. Oh yeah I did try to research harems but it wasn’t too helpful so I’m being vague OR the info that IS placed might be terrible please let me know but whats helpful is if people hav links or even suggestions like-
“Type in Chinses tea ceremonies-” I KNOW it makes me look lazy but Google is only suggesting sponsors or advertising so if I type in chinese it immediately shows nothing BUT articles of information thats irrelevant or unhelpful. Google is trash as a search engine and when I tried fire fox it took me BACK to google links! And some fanfics mention gift giving so I google “Gift giving in harem imperial dynamics-” I get NOTHING.

Chapter Text

Shen Yuan had tried when he woke up as Shen Qingqiu on his Qing Jing Peak, Shen Yuan almost expired on the spot.

And when he realised that Ning Yingying who had been sent to rely him messages from Yue Qingyuan he noticed she was being really tight lipped about the goings on in the cultivation world-

Please! He just needs a ballpark and Airplane certainly didn’t help by stating which dynasty he based this story of especially in a fantasy setting!

She was being so cagey, and vague about Tianlang-Juns capture-

How long did he have!?

“The Palace Mistress has just had her marriage with the Heavenly Demon, she seemed bubbly, for a Disciple of Qiong Ding she sure was bubbly. So if what she said was true-and not trying to throw him of the scent- then he has time, it wasn’t announced he was to be married until the Masters Immortal Conference.

A meeting where all Masters are to attend to discuss who will send their own as candidates for the Emperor to marry.

It was this meeting that Shen Qingqiu was volunteered as First husband.

Which happens right after the Palace Mistress marriage finally locking in Huan Hua.
The Cultivators had made a court with Tianlang-Jun as Emperor; they were part of his court. From an observer it appears as if Tianlang-Jun is in control, but in reality each seats and their gains.

It was more than just court, it was land, money, military. And Huan Hua raised their seat with the marriage and has more gain. Yes the cultivators were manipulating Tianlang-Jun on missions or they would threaten Binghe.

But what of his rewards? What of the Lands he claims as he defeats demons? What of Demonic rogue cultivators and their claims?

Who is in charge of these lands once their Heavenly Demon pet demolishes them?

Huan Hua of course, wanted treasures and rare artifacts, can always rely on their obsession with material objects. Next was of course, Land. The Old Man wasted no time sending his Huan Hua delegation to erect bases in the Demon Realm with the south demons forced to submit to them, thanks to Tianlang-Jun.

Which was why Shen Yuan was pissed at the story! That was a motive right there! Huan Hua always pisses of the demon realm and the demons couldn’t fight back because of Tianlang-Juns stupidly OP powers!

They should’ve rebelled! Or…fought back- something!

In some Royal harems wives married in or placed as Consorts was only to elevate or help their family in court, similar concept here.

Qin Wanyue may be first wife, even if she wanted nothing to do with it. Her place as First wife guarantees Huan Hua gets first dibs on treasures, and her son also makes Huan Hua elevated in the Cultivation world, they were tacky and flaunted their gold, and if anything happened to Binghe they were next in line with their own Crown prince or princess.

Qin Wanyue was just a pawn, no different than Tianlang-Jun, in a powerful position but powerless themselves.

Which then created Huan Lingyi, who also has her own stake unlike Qin Wanyue the Palace Mistress actually sits at Court and is in charge of delegating who gets what. Between the two the Land and Treasure was divided, Wanyue was supposed to be in charge of the treasury, and The Palace Mistress in charge of the Huan Hua Offices and where they will be placed.

But after Poor Qin Wanyue’s miscarriage all of the work piled onto the Palace Mistress, she couldn’t be happier in fact she took the responsibility with gusto!

Like Father, like Daughter.

With Huan Hua being so blatantly greedy, the other sects felt put on the spot that they needed to respond and raise their own seats and claims of their own. Afterall, they were suddenly in a position of power but no one sits down calmly with tea and asks who wants to be in charge of what.

It was a rat race.

Hence the meeting, it was to give the other cultivation Sects a chance to throw candidates and hope they got something out of this deal.

Sure, Shen Yuan thought bitterly as if they weren’t sucking Tianlang-Jun dry enough nope they were going to continue to beat this dead horse.
A heavenly army of sons loyal to our Sects? Nah We also want your people, your money, your resources and everything else.

But truthfully, Shen Yuan hypothesised that it might’ve happened even with Su Xiyan? Because Tianlang-Jun wasn’t that organised, he was a love of art and poetry he didn’t even like ruling! It was why he mostly made Zhuzhi-Lang his heir, and never planned on being a Ruler over the demons.

And the war between Demons and Human had no end in sight, and there were too many casualties which was why the birth of Luo Binghe was SO important!

The whole being half of both worlds to UNITE them together! That having both Demonic King and Queens alongside Cultivating Masters in court was supposed to be a win win!

But Su Xiyan wasn’t here. And with Huan Hua sending both disciples and his own heir the Palace Mistress- meant the Cang Qiong Sect had to respond and the choice meant that they wanted a Peak Lord to marry Tianlang-Jun, the old man claiming since he was the one to defeat the demon was the strongest to keep him in line.

Which offended Cang Qiong mountain. And of course threw Shen Qingqiu under the bus- hopefully not this time!

“The Palace Mistress?” He spoke remembering what triggered the next statement that clued the Scum Villain in that the entire mountain was keeping him in the dark.

“As the Immortal Masters responded?”

“Um, no…”

“Why not?” Her eyes betrayed her, and she is supposed to take over Yue Qingyuans position? She needed to work on her poker face.

“Ning Yingying.”

She grimaced, “Don’t be mad.”

His eyes narrowed and she began to fidget even more, what? Was his face that severe!?

The thing was, he tried. After familiarising himself with his own Peak, his own disciples he was so focused on trying to stop the marriage from happening- or at least hoped they would give him a heads up and not vote without him like the did the Original goods.

He was polite more, became more friendly. Even surprised them with how he knew what their favourite snacks were! He even helped with more duties and if they said he was acting odd?

“The Sect Leader had just defeated a Heavenly Demon, we should all do our part.”

It wasn’t completely out of character! He just failed to notice the guilty looks, how most Peak Lords would firm their lips, how even one by Mu Qingfang asked, “Is it really necessary? He’s trying so hard-”

Liu Qingge scoffed, “It’s the first time seeing Shen Qingqiu actually help the Sect.”

Even Qi Qingqi pressed her lips together. “This Master doesn’t like it either but if he doesn’t go then two Peak Lords will have to marry that Demon and this Sect can’t lose two Peak Lords along with Mu-Shidi.”

He was appointed as the Imperial Physician as he was the best Doctor and representative of Cang Qiong. If anything having such a good doctor in his employ made it seem like a good trade off, in turn Tianlang-Jun gave Mu Qingfang all the cures and miracle elixirs he finds. Marrying the Head Disciple of the Sect Leader in turn gave them the advantage they needed so in turn, Mu Qingfang was in fact Ning Yingying Dowry.

And Liu Mingyan was her own representative; she already stated she would volunteer as long as she was Promoted as a General in charge of Tianlang-Juns army. In place of Yue Qingyuan she used that to keep the demon in line. This appeased the other Sects when they thought Cang Qiong wasn’t sending any Masters or Disciples to do their part.

Liu Mingyan not only would be in charge of Military she would also delegate the materials the Heavenly demon would have and use it for armoury or weapons after all, Cang Qiongs mountain was renowned for their weapons it was best that their specialty and sponsor to the ‘Emperor’ would be Medicinal and Weaponry.

What was supposed to be a pledge to Tianlang-Jun was mostly helping themselves.

It never explained Cang Qiongs opinions on how cruel they were or did they think since Tianlang-Jun was a demon they saw no problem with it?

Thats racist.

And yet no matter how hard he tried, it happened the same as before.

“Are you coming, Shen-Shixiong?” Mu Qingfang noticed Shen Qingqiu stand at the entrance for the Meeting.

That meeting.

He didn’t stop it, he just knew deep down, what was going to happen once this started.

“Y-Yes this Master is coming.”

“Are you unwell? You can return back to the Sect, no one will fault you.” Shen Qingqiu drew himself up, “This Master is fine, and it would be impolite to leave when I’m already here.”

No way.

But there was the oddness that the Mountain had brought him along, they had the vote without him clearly, but they also purposefully left Shen Qingqiu behind. The man found out from his disciples that the Sect Leader and others were gone and he was furious.

But this was a good thing, Shen Qingqiu told himself, even if some events have to transpire to further the story, he still can affect and change some things. That was promising!

Even so, when he fluttered his fan, nervously trying to appear calm it still hurt when the verdict came down.

“Is that so?”

“Yes.” Shen Qingqiu spoke, before the others can speak, instead of Original goods spitting out curses, this one stayed calm, as if it was planned.

“This Master had agreed to Marry the Emperor in his Shixiongs stead.”

It still hurt, and his poker face wasn’t as good as the original goods, the Cang Qiong mountain now looked like they were shunning one of their own!

Shen Qingqiu looked so heartbroken!

How awful! Not many people liked Shen Qingqiu but anyone would be moved at seeing how he was valiantly trying to not show how distraught he was!

Shen Qingqiu meanwhile mentally shook it off, now was not the time to lose focus, the original goods were too distracted to pay attention to the rest of the meeting, and Shen Qingqiu wanted to know the extra lore!

And it was strange that the Monk from Zhao Hua Monastery who set this all in motion and was the reason they were all in this mess in the first place, had only sent one applicant from his own Monastery.

Shen Qingqiu glanced at him then looked again, acting like the bullied maiden but listening in to the Masters talking.

Sure the Nuns and Monks had devoted themselves to their religion so they wouldn’t throw that away just because of politics especially marrying a demon.

But Shen Qingqiu was watching Huan Hua, they were mentioned a few times in the story to have hidden plot and lore but it was never mentioned.

This time he wanted to uncover it.

But the Zhao Hua Monk…it felt as if everyone forgot about him, Shen Qingqiu’s memory was good but he never connected the dots that their would be more than one villain.

Then there was also Tian yi outlook. Who hosted Qui Haitang, she was Luo Binghes ally during his blackening which made her Shen Qingqiu’s enemy.

Shen Qingqiu thought it was ironic they all sat here chumy but in reality no one trusted each other.

“And both Tian Yi overlook and the Zhao Hua Monestary will offer their own disciples as staff for the Cultivators who were noble to offer themselves up to the Demon Lord,” The Old Palace Master spoke, talking as if he was in charge already.

Shen Qingqiu raised his head finally speaking as he fluttered his fan.

“And who would be assigned to which Wife or Husband?”

Shen Qingqiu never payed attention at it was important, the Scum Villain faced his own assasination attempts and poisining when he was alone in his pavilion forced to live with strangers whom he couldn’t trust it wasn’t until much later after almost being killed in his sleep that Tianlang-Jun finally stepped in and offered his own staff in place.

It’s not as if Tianlang-Jun wasn’t aware, Shen Qingqiu kept everything tight lipped having the ego to think he could handle it himself.

The other masters stared at him, as Shen Qingqiu raised an eyebrow, what? Shouldn’t he know who he was supposed to be acquainted with?

He already had someone in mind, “If this Master could request Wu Chen in his court?” He asked, “Afterall this Master and he are already acquainted from the sower incident in Jinlin City.”

The Old Palace Master eyes narrowed, “Master Shen, no one can pick or choose their delegation the other wives never had such favour-”

“Of course,” The Zhao Hua Monk said, glancing at the Old Palace Master as if he was weird.

“He is my disciple, and this Master worries leaving others alone in the Heavenly Palace at the border of the demon and human realm. If Master Shen is acquainted that’s good enough for this Master.”

Okay, this had to be some sort of power play, but Wu Chen had lost his leg to a sower in the city and was seen as weak, but he was still a powerful cultivator, when he was assigned as a eunuch to th Huan Hua Pavillion though, the poor man was involved in so much drama and toxicity he always felt bad for him.

If he can save Wu Chen from stupid sh*t, win win.

They continued discussions to the point where Shen Qingqiu realised why Shen Qingqiu zoned out, out was an easy to zone out meeting.

“Before the end the meeting, there is something else the Masters should know.” A nun from the Tian yi Outlook spoke looking serious.

Shen Qingqiu sat up, it was the three nuns that Luo Binghe converted into his wives! It was very controversial.

“There have been sightings of the Demonic Rogue Cultivator, Wu Yanzi.”

The other Peak Lords and Masters weres stunned.

Liu Qingge huffed “it was said he died years ago,”

“He was sighted near the Luo River…not too far from Huan Hua,” The Old Palace Master hummed.

“This Master will make a warrant for his arrest, but it’d be best for the other Masters to be diligent in case he has moved location.”

Hmm, Wu Yanzi was only mentioned once, a small line that inferred that it was him who attacked Su Xiyan and vanished just as quick and sensing demonic energy assumed it was the Emperor who killed his own wife.

The Original goods really….missed so much exposition!!!!!

When they returned to the Mountain he could feel the tension, the others were watching him almost wary of him exploding, he wasn’t going to. He knew how the mountain felt for Shen Qingqiu and truthfully, this may be a silver lining!

Acting like the Scum Villain sucked but at least he memorised his lines/mannerisms because he kept mocking the villain in his forums and using his lines as evidence on why he was such a scumbag bastard!

But pretending was killing him, the quicker he was married to Tianlang-Jun the better! He wouldn’t have to pretend!

But there was something important, even if he was abandoned, Cang Qiong was the only mountain that actually had a moral code.

“Zhangemeng-Shixiong, can this Shidi have a word?” Yue Qingyuan looked tense, “Ah, Shidi this Master would but-”

“It is imperative, afterall this Master has to plan and discuss his wedding to the Imperial Emperor, I’m afraid we won’t have time for any more discussions.”

Was that guilt on Yue Qingyuans face? Or constipation that he had to talk to the Scum Villain?

Yue Qingyuan was always his favourite character, he had his own chapters and depth away from the main conflict. And even though he didn’t know him long Yue Qingyuan was there when he woke up from his Qi deviation and was actually polite.

What was strange, is that a slow burning pain began to emit in his stomach, he shouldn’t take it to heart that he was thrown under the bus- he was Shen Qingqiu of course that would happen!

But…maybe it was the original goods phantom soul still outraged at the utter bullsh*t he was going through- well if he wasn’t such an asshole and pushing people away they would be in this mess!

As they went to Qiong Ding and settled at his office, Yue Qingyuan stood looking down at Shen Qingqiu.

“What is it you wished to discuss, Shidi?”

Shen Qingqiu took a breath, “Don’t you find it odd that the Master of Zhao Hua who manufactured this marriage proposal in the first place only sent in one husband? A man specifically - miracle elixirs and spiritual cultivation can create children but it’s very rare.”

Yue Qingyuan blinked, looking thrown through the loop.

“And the fact that Huan Hua and Cang Qiong had to give the equivalent of their Powerful Leaders plus two disciples meanwhile Tian yi Outlook and Zhao Hua Monasatry aren’t volunteering their own,”

“They are sending people-”

“Yes as staff, they don’t have to-” spread their legs for the Demon Emperor he was going to say but paused now that it hit him.

He was going to have to spread his legs for the Emperor, Shen Qingqiu was fine with it- he just closed his eyes and think of England.

But Shen Yuan wasn’t mentally prepared for that! It took time for him to even be ready to kiss someone just- doing that-

But he’ll have to to consummate the marriage…the sudden panic and anxiety hit him like a truck and it ust of shown on his face.

Yue Qingyuan voice actually sounded like he cared his own eyes worried, Shen Qingqiu cleared his throat ignoring his lapse. He’ll burn that bridge when he gets to it.

“Nevermind that, do you think it’s a powerplay for the two sects to elevate their status?”


Shen Qingqiu placed his fan on his lips, “Huan Hua buys their talent from their wealth and now they’ve grown more co*cky with the new treasury they’ve taken from this farce of a marriage, the other sects saw the rewards and decided to put in their own bids.”

“Shen-Shidi, the two sects don’t offer as much as Cang Qiong and Huan Hua but they don’t get the same benefits by doing so. This mountain has already gained resources for both Military and Medicines that are beneficial to both the Heavenly palace and ourselves.”

Yes, Cang Qiong was always strategic about and never flaunt their wealth like Huan Hua.

Which is why Su Xiyan was such a rare gems, a disciple of Huan Hua with a brain!?

It was a smart jock.

“It appears that way, but in realty this mountain didn’t give up any disciples it was their head disciples who were next in line for Peak lords, with Mu Qingfang and myself the equivalent is that we had lost four Peaks Lords in this meeting.”

The anger was back, and Yue Qingyuans face looked pinched. And Shen Qingqiu decided to be just a little bitchy.

“If this Shidi was invited to the Peak Lord meeting where they oh so graciously had an unanimous vote we wouldn’t be down two Peak Lords.”


Yue Qingyuan actually looked tired, as if he was waiting for Shen Qingqiu to kick up a fuss and throw a tantrum! Well he wasn’t going to prove the Sect Leader right.

“Have you thought about my dowry?”


Aha he was throwing him for a loop, poor Yue Qingyuan has no idea what’s even going on.

“My Peak is to be dissolved, correct. To spread out the numbers of disciples we will lose,” Since their own peak was also sending Lords and Ladies in waiting.

After all it wasn’t a typical marriage it was cultivators, there was danger and a typical servant wouldn’t do they needed cultivators in case of an attack inside or outside the Palace.

“I’m taking the library.”

“Shen-Shidi is reasonable.”

“No, that is my payment for being banished from this mountain without even given the chance to defend myself or even know why, if you think Qing Jing Peak is as useless because it pursues fine arts and music that it wouldn’t be missed then you should’ve thought about that before making such a decision.”

Shen Qingqiu desperately needed those books, he was only relying on muscle memory but in a real fight he would be bested by a disciple!

He had no idea how to cultivate or anything like that with no system to guide him. The Library of the Peaks will help him when he’s alone at the Palace.

Yue Qingyuan took a breath then sighed, “Very well Shidi, is that all?”

Hmm, not really.

“No, that is enough.”

Shen Qingqiu turned to leave, he had so many things to pack and organise as well as find Mu-Shidi and subtly ask him for some advice about…two men…being intimate.

The story had both men and women being married to the Emperor and Shen Yuan thought nothing of it at the time but now it was kicking him in the ass now that it was HIM being sent off.

This honestly sucked.

But these emotions were giving him whiplash, on one hand he felt betrayed that he wasn’t even asked but on the other had to shrug thinking thats what the Scum Villain gets!

It was very frustrating so he took it out on his packing and barking orders at disciples when they weren’t handling fragile objects with the tender loving care needed!

“Do you have any idea how much that costs!?”

Shen Qingqiu didn’t know either but it looked expensive.

The only thing he knew was that Cang Qiong gave him nothing, since he was practically taking his whole Bamboo house with him as the Peak would be renovated into something new.

Maybe a hot springs, or a new training ground for the Bai Zhan brute, their military had expanded after all.

What a waste of a nice house. Shen Qingqiu was almost starting to like it…

And so when Yue Qingyuan came at his door asking to talk before he left, Shen Qingqiu would kick him out and tell him to die or something.

This Shen Qingqiu let him in, which of course opened up new dialogue the original goods never witnessed.

“Is Shen-Shidi ready?”

“This Master is not your Shidi anymore, Sect Leader Yue Qingyuan.” He spoke, some bite slipped through by mistake.

He continued on, “And yes, this Shidi is packed.” Yue Qingyuan glanced down at the tea set then looked back up at him.
“Are you not going to take your tea-set?”
“No, why?”

Yue Qingyuan inhaled, then nodded, “Yes, of course.” Yes Shen Qingqiu knew the significance and if Yue Qingyuan personally came to demolish the Bamboo house himself he would see that it wasn’t completely empty.

Each gift, or token he had given Shen Qingqiu in their disciple years and when they first ascended as Peak Lords. Fans, combs, hairpins, and crowns- clothes. Everything Yue Qingyuan gifted him was being left here to rot.

And Shen Qingqiu didn’t want to hurt him, he saw his story and felt bad for Yue Qingyuan he was like the doting big brother with his hands tied and unable to do anything for his little brother!

Kicking him down was just cruel but it was for the plot!

Shen Qingqiu didn’t go to the Palace with many things, which led the door open to Tianlang-Jun which then had him looking after Binghe!

With the way events were going it’d be better if he lets some things play out but instead of abusing Binghe he would treat him like his own son!

He will dote, care and love that child he hasn’t even SEEN Binghe yet but if anyone hurts him he will kill them then himself after!

“Ah, is Shen Qingqiu prepared? This…this Qingyuan had his robes sorted and will be delivered this afternoon.”


Yue Qingyuan looked pained, “Your wedding robes, Shidi.”

Ah, oh yeah.

Shen Qingqiu chuckled opening his fan to hide his smile.

“Will Yue Qingyuan be carrying the Sedan?”

Yue Qingyuan looked down, “Shidi,”

Aw he was embarrassed! Does Qingyuan not know how his Shidi felt?

“It would mean a lot to this Qingqiu if you were there to give me away.”

Yue Qingyuan shut his eyes “This Qingyuan-!”

Hmm? Was he really that embarrassed?

“This Qingyuan would be honoured.”

“Hmm.” Shen Qingqiu gave a pleased smile.

Even though the story had a plethora of romance between all types of genders, Peerless Cucumber couldn’t understand subtext if it slapped him in the face. Seeing the gifts and trinkets as silly things and figured that Yue Qingyuan was a bro-con or something, was callous with his words.

Unaware the things he left behind and those ‘gifts’ were betrothal presents.

That asking Yue Qingyuan to give him away was too cruel, when Yue Qingyuan always dreamed of seeing his Shidi in red robes and that it would be him lifting the veil and share wine together.

That it would be him and Shen Qingqiu against the world…

So the next morning when he saw Shen Qingqiu in his red robes, red veil covering his face. Yue Qingyuan faltered, his strength almost failed him- for one moment he almost wanted to act like a little kid again, to say no and demand that Shen Qingqiu wasn’t going anywhere.

To hell with what the other Sects think his Shidi wasn’t leaving him!

“Peak Lord Yue? Is something the matter?” Even the address stung, but it was not his decision.

“This Master is fine, let me help.” He took Shen Qingqiu’s hand delicately as he helped him into the Sedan.

Liu Qingge, Yue Qingyuan as well as Wei Qingwei and Qi Qingqi. She offered to carry the Sedan mostly in relief that it wasn’t her inside it.

As they set off to the Heavenly Palace setting out from Cang Qiong, Shen Qingqiu took a long slow breath this was it.

He was going to meet the main character Tianlang-jun!

Chapter 3: Till Death do us Part.


Yeah previous Chapter had…so much exposition sorry for the info dump I hate myself and theres more TT^TT
end this took longer to post since I had to stop what I was doing to google -Harem and Ancient Chinese traditional weddings. Google sucks. I remember I used to look up info and get it, now I have to make an account on a website with a username/password to VIEW an article that might not even be accurate it’s just someones facebook post T^T


Harems f*cked. it’s giving me a headache trying to write Binghe’s harem as Tianglang-Jun then to fit the narrative of the story and googling harem dynamics which was only female based so brutforcing men in the harem and what it means for them and how a ranking system would work of both men AND women and then realised after the chapter was wrote I wrote it simply as who the order was married AND then promoted to who he liked but then it doesn’t make sense as SQQ was married last but is given the second highest rank the next being Empress but obviously not being that. And realise I’m not three chapters in and its sucha plot hole-
IGNORE IT. Pretend I know what Im writing T^T

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Shen Qingqiu from the story married Tianlang-Jun it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, he couldn’t help but worry a little because the Scum Villain was having a pity party for himself that he of course ignored the details!

He was spiralling in turmoil that Cang Qiong had abandoned him to such a fate (And yet you would think nothing of Qi Qingqi being married off! And Ning Yingying and Liu Mingyan married Tianlang-Jun first! So suck it up!)

Yep, Shen Qingqiu may be first husband but he was the last to join the Heavenly Palace, making him more alone, being a man- as well as the others already grouping up and making their own cliques he was already ostracised. And his rough personality certainly wasn’t doing any favours.

Cang Qiong becomes Peak Lords together and ascends together, and Shen Qingqiu knew it was a pile of sh*t but to have it confirmed was brutal. And he barely payed attention to his wedding just going through the motions and let Tianlang-Jun do whatever he liked-

Now as Shen Qingqiu was in the Sedan he raised his hand to rub his chin in thought then scowled at the veil in his way. His head felt so heavy, but at least the robes were comfortable-

Right his train of thought. Shen Qingqiu when he was lying back and thinking of england with the demon Emperor had a thought, and after that the story progressed from different point of views.

Nothing matters anymore, let the Emperor do whatever he wants, it’s no different than Jianlou.

That always bugged the heck out of Shen Yuan- who the hell was Jianlou? Why mention a random npc’s name and NOT follow it up.

If he found Airplane he’ll kill him.

But he’s not surprised when Airplane posted a pilot Chapter it was drastically different beginning that what was actually written officially.

Luo Binghe wasn’t an orphan travelling to a Sect and being abused by a Peak Lord, in that story Tianlang-Jun wasn’t even mentioned yet.

But everyone dogpiled Airplane till he changed it, and this story was good in the beginning.

But the ending!!!!

No- no need to make himself upset, he couldn’t be distracted!

Shen Qingqiu hated the Palace life and felt alone, and thought that Tianlang-Jun would be cruel, so the Scum was honestly baffled to see how sweet the Emperor was but then there was more salt in the wound when it appeared that Tianlang-jun wanted nothing to do with him.

When Shen Qingqiu was trapped in a loveless marriage it made him feel even more alone than ever.

The Sedan jostled and Shen Qingqiu glanced out and gaped to see how close they were.

The Heavenly Palace was magnificent, and very overwhelming. Immediately most could feel the oppressive aura of the demonic energy.

Shen Qingqiu grimaced, he’ll get used to it eventually but so far the pain was manageable.

The closer the got the more he could feel himself sweating and gripping his robes then stopped, fixing the wrinkles and smoothing them out.

It was like meeting a celebrity, but then he had to have sex with that celebrity- he didn’t want to do this.

Taking a harsh breath in then exhaled out. He was here now with no point in complaining, it was like ripping off a band-aid the quicker he got to the Ceremony the quicker he’ll be alone in his pavilion going to sleep and starting a new day!

“Is everything alright Shen-Shidi?”

Yue Qingyuan was also giving him whiplash, sending him away but still calling him Shidi like he still saw him as one of them?

“Yes- just wondering, why is this Qingqiu First Husband and not Second?”

Mu Qingfang answered, “Because Shen Qingqiu was known for the Scholar peak and his education. It’s expected that he is to raise and teach the Crown Prince and other children. This Mu Qingfang is accompanying Shen-Shixiong as part of the dowry as the Heavenly Emperors Noble Physcian.”

“Shen-Shidi won’t be alone at the Palace, Mu-Shidi will be there along with you.”

Not really, they would be separated since the Heavenly Palace was strife with drama and u Qingfang will have his hands full and he can still return to his Peak at any time, and since he wasn’t really a husband to either Tianlang-Jun or himself, unless it was medical emergencies he doubted he could be alone with his Shidi unless it was with an escort.

Shen Qingqiu hummed non-committedly. So instead of Yue Qingyuan suppressing Tianlang-Jun, it was Qingqiu conditioning the next future heir of the Heavenly Palace.

Human Cultivators were really under-handed.

No matter what Shen Qingqiu vowed, he was not having children. Well- he did always think he would have kids in the distant future but the whole Male Preg in this story - how did it even work?

Was it like a real pregnancy? Was it painful?

He just couldn’t picture himself doing it…

“So this one will be a Shizun with the title of Husband? Lovely.”

It was an obvious tactic, with Tianlang-Jun forced to do others bidding he couldn’t be home to see his children they would be strangers to him.

And to top it all off, a Human Cultivator would be teaching them sure as if it wasn’t just blatantly grooming them and turning the against their father!
Shen Qingqiu really felt for the Emperor it made him want to cry!

“Shen-Shixiong, just bear with it a little longer?” Was he being obvious? Could they taste the misery from his Sedan!?

He hoped they choked on it!

As they lowered the Sedan at the entrance, of course a demon came to greet them.

Liu Qingge drew his sword but the Demon bowed.

“Greetings. This Humble one is Zhuzhi-Lang-”

Shen Qingqiu almost fell out the Sedan at how hard he flinched- Zhuzhu! The most precious smol been on the internet forum!

He was adorable!

Even that cute face looked bland and polite. Oh, Shen Qingqiu was helped by Yue Qingyuan in his scuffle,

“Shen-Shidi are you alright?”

He ignored him, aw Zhuzhi-lang was so precious it was obvious the man wanted to be anywhere but here.

He bet his uncle made him greet all of his wives so Tianlang-Jun wouldn’t have to.

“If Master Shen would accompany me to the Ceremony, Junshang is excited to meet you.”

Oh ho ho, he bet he was!

Shen Qingqiu bowed, and Zhuzhi-lang hesitated, even the rest of his delegation looked at him as he cupped his hands and said.

“This one will be in your care, young Master.”

And was that a blush on his face?

“Y-you can call this one Zhuzhi-Lang, we are to be related soon.”

Yeah he was going to be his step nephew!

He had to spoil both Binghe and Zhuzhi-Lang!

As they followed The Emperors nephew, Cang Qiong became more tense and wary and the twists and turns-

Shen Qingqiu thought it was fascinating a shame he couldn’t see it!

He kept tripping on his robes, he wanted to die of shame! Qi Qingqi huffed as she took his hand.

“You’re hopeless.”

“This Master would like to see you manage, oh wait- you didn’t volunteer did you?”

…That just slipped out.

Zhuzhi-Lang was too polite to make a comment, but still Shen Qingqiu’s face flushed red in embarrassment.

He hoped that wasn’t out of character- he was so used to making comments all the time like that, especially online in fighting matches.

They were silent as they finally made way to the great hall where everyone was seated and waiting.

…And it starts. He took in a breath then walked forward towards the dais.

He couldn’t see Tianlang-Jun, just a greyish/red hue blob he could vaguely make it.

His heartbeat was banging against his chest, he may just die of a heart attack before he even made it.

Shen Yuan had a vague idea on how Harems worked, and Airplane’s inaccurate parody of a Harem didn’t help as most rules were tossed out the window, the Empress reigned supreme second to the Emperor only in exception to the Empress Dowager who would be the Mother-in-Law.

Luckily that wasn’t an obstacle he had to worry about, he knew Tianlang-Jun had a sister, but not much was mentioned about her, he had no idea if she was older or younger or how she died.

And that Zhuzhi-lang was part snake so that made his father…a snake.

After Empress it then went Consorts and Concubines…what was the difference, Shen Qingqiu as a child always thought it was the same thing or that it had…sexual connotations.
But trying to research it they mention duties and status and how marrying into the Palace elevated their family in court, most fathers, brothers or other would be promoted from such things he wasn’t sure if it was the same in this story. Afterall, he doubted Cang Qiong can be promoted even if he was first Husband, Huan Hua has a solid base to work with right now.

There was also Pavillions of where the wives would be placed, his got…demoted in the story.

With Shen Qingqiu making enemies and his Steward taking advantage of Shen Qingqiu, stealing his sh*t, selling his paintings, and leaving the Pavillion in disrepair since he kept spending the budget for his own personal use. And Shen Qingqiu had no allies or help to deal with it.

Not this time, Shen Qingqiu thought, shaking his head. This time he had Wu Chen as an aid, hopefully this time it’ll go better.

He sat beside Tianlang-Jun, and before them was a table with a sash and a two cups.

Oh…right. The Heavenly Demon blood had special properties, and Tianlang-Jun told the cultivators that the blood can track and heal a person who ingested it.

It showed Tianlang-Juns cunning and that he wasn’t just a pretty face, to hide the…other properties that his Blood parasites could do.

Shen Qingqiu clasped his hands together, it was fine. He knew Tianlang-Jun wouldn’t harm him and unlike the other wives he at least knew and understood the terms and conditions before he clicked accept.

They bowed three times, to each other, the heavens…and both bowed to the family that came for the Ceremony the Shen Clan.

Shen Qingqiu’s family, who were never mentioned much in the story- hell Shen Qingqiu almost walked straight past them if it wasn’t for the old man loudly proclaiming how rude he was to ignore his own father.

When it changed to Tianlang-Juns point of view it was stated that the Shen Family only came for the Ceremony but otherwise? Did nothing, didn’t even try to get attention or curry favour with the Emperor for any type of promotions.

Which was some weight of Shen Qingqius back! He didn’t have to worry about some type of Family squabble during the drama and intrigue of the Harem.

(It’s what made him like the story in the first place, the drama. But experiencing it? He hated himself for even liking this type of story)

And Tianlang-Jun raised his veil, sometimes it was private but for this it was raised in public so the others could bear witness of them drinking wine.

Shen Qingqiu raised his cup as did Tianlang-Jun and when he looked up he saw how…cold the man seemed.

He had wrinkles at his eyes, laugh lines. Tianlang-Jun looked like someone who should always smile, looking this bored wishing he was anywhere but here?

Shen Qingqiu felt bad for him, it was the first time seeing the father of the protagonist and seeing his favourite character still made his heart race with excitement, but it was dampened by the situation they were in. Both looped their arms around each other, Tianlang-jun going through the motions, how many times has he done this?

Is he dreading another marriage after this and another and another for the sake of his son?

Both raised their lips together as they drank, Shen Qingqius drink was probably heavier than Tianlang-Juns but as they accidentally looked eyes, the Demon Emperors gaze narrowed either in confusion or concern.


Oh, Shen Qingqiu’s eyes were red, almost stinging with tears.

It was just a lot happening all of a sudden maybe now that it was officially over and they were married his body wanted to let it go?

It has been a rollercoaster now that he thought about it- but now was NOT the time!

That’s when the celebrations began, they brought out the food for the banquaint and both were to sit there and look pretty while their guests joined the que to meet and greet their favourite Disney character yay!

Shen Qingqiu hand held a cup of wine and sipped it. It was expected to greet the rest of the Harem as they would come forward and pay their respects and welcome their newest member.

The music played just at the perfect pitch to be loud enough for people to dance, but low enough to still had conversations without shouting at each other.

…Then again it could be the magic of a Xianxie novel that made it perfect.

While he was the last husband so far, most of the wives had already lived here in the Palace.

There was an inner palace and rear palace, but Airplane of course had to give it a twist.

Of course the environment the Protagonist lived in had to have twists and turns- it was a maze, an ever moving maze so only the people who lived there knew of it, courtesy of the Huan Hua Palace, a security system they offered the demon lord when in reality it was to protect their own in Tianlang-juns territory.

Even making is own home against him…

But it was intriguing in a fantasy setting, that the Emperors room was in the centre which at first sounds like a problem, but there are hidden entrances that only the Emerpor knows about to slip in and out anyway in the Palace even if he needed to escape.

Again that familiar cunning he took what Huan Hua was doing and applied it himself without them knowing. Smart and handsome!

It was called the Sun Pavilion. And the reason it was in the centre was one of airplanes rare moments of genius, it was based on a planetary system as in- the other rooms were further away but were all connected to the Sun Pavillion like the planets orbit around the sun. Easy for the Emperor to access but difficult for his wives to access them. (If it wasn’t tianlang-Jun and he had more interest in a anthill than his own wives- if anything Shen Qingqiu thinks Tianlang-jun wants to run away from them and avoids them any chance he gets- but otherwise it was concerning the Emperor can go to their rooms but not vice versa)

The other Pavillions and courtyards were separated and it even seemed like a huge hint that these women no where near him only playing nice for the Cultivation world.

And there was one place that was easy to go to, and that was the Earth Courtyard a garden where all wives can convene together and socialise with their servants and eat cake and tea.

And of course a prime area for drama- he bet he’ll trigger an event and get tea thrown on his face or pushed into a small pond it would be a matter of time-

His Pavilion was also ironic, it was named the White lotus.

…yep. It was hilarious since Shen Qingqiu was anything but- Like a bug invading a garden the White lotus fell into disrepair and servants left, and the Lotus shrivelled and died.

Oh there they were, the wives were approaching along with their sons, he slumped a little in relief that he recognised some faces from the official artworks thank god!
Alright then after this conference disguised as a wedding would be the end, thank god! Tianlang-Jun would take them to his rooms and then perform his…husbandry duties.

“Master Shen, are you alright?”

Shen Qingqiu almost jumped out his skin, he almost forgot he was there! Tianlang-Jun was looking at him with a polite bland expression.

It looked so wrong on him- but huh did he notice him ah-

“I-It’s nothing, this one is fine.” considerate of him to notice, Tianlang-Jun had always been Kind.

As they approached he buried his turbulent emotions deep down, shutting everything down and his face relaxed into a neutral look.
It was like the sound of freakin music, he was expecting a frog or snake in his pocket, hold on…a baroness sent to look after children who had a rocky relationship with the father who was a General - did Airplane plagiarise the Sound of music!?

No don’t get mad- theres no point now.

Luo Binghe was the first to approach, dressed smart in his robes and looking like an adorable little sprout. Shen Qingqiu’s mask almost broke, especially the toothy smile he gave as he cupped his hands- like he rehearsed it!- and bowed.

“This Crown Prince Luo Binghe greets the First Husband of the Heavenly Palace.”

Aw, he was too precious!

He snuck a glance at Tianglang-jun and almost melted at the warm look and soft smile Tianlang-Jun gave his son.

Shen Qingqiu bowed as well, “It’s an honour to meet your Imperial Highness.” He spoke, afterall Luo Binghe did outrank him.

And Luo Binghe looked up at the women beside him who was probably watching him during the wedding. She bowed herself “Your highness.”

She had no title, must be a Lady in Waiting, she took Luo Binghe’s hand and drew him away.

Next up was Qin Wanyue, alone.

She bowed, and Shen Qingqiu felt pity for her, she looked tired and pale. He and others theorised she was the worst choice as first wife, her poor constitution as well as weak cultivation was probably not a good match to even live in the Palace surrounded by demonic miasma and then forced to conceive and carry a child with demonic energy?

Like…braincell? Does the Huan Hua Master have one?

“It’s an honour to greet First Husband.”
“And likewise for this First Husband to greet First wife.”

He wondered if titles were given yet, but maybe they were waiting for him to give them?

Even so that made it a little easier until then.

She bowed again and left, Shen Qingqiu watched after her with a disappointed look, this would’ve been the best time to ask for a favour. He glanced down at the table at the gift she left.

A tea set.

He wondered if maybe Qin Wanyue was smarter than she looked…

Next up was Huan Lingyi, the spoiled Palace Mistress and the reason he was sitting here.

Inwardly he was scowling up as she was prattling on her greetings and showing off her son like he was gods gift to the earth. If the Old Man didn’t use her as a raise Cang Qiong wouldn’t have had to call. Now he was stuck here thanks to that.

Plus he wasn’t a fan of her whipping the other wives for fan-service.

“And this one is Second Prince Huan Wanzi.”

Wanzi? Like Yu Wanzi? Was Airplane recycling names or something?

So lazy, something must have shown on his face as the child noticed his own face pinching in confusion.

As they were led away Tianlang-jun chuckled, “I know the child has an unfortunate face their’s no need to be so obvious about it.”

Shen Qingqiu’s mouth fell open in outrage, what? No-

“He’s old enough to walk.”

“Yes like you and myself. Fascinating isn’t it, what legs can do.”

“While Luo Binghe is three years old.” He pointed out, confusion obvious. Tianlang-Jun blinked then laughed loud and merry.

Shen Qingiu jumped, it was like a gunshot, he looked around and saw others glancing their way his ears burning red feeling embarrassed.

“Aha, Master Shen- that is what happens with using spiritual cultivation to bear children instead of the…traditional way. Spiritual made children only appear older but in realty he’s only two years old.”

Ah…that explained that.

“Thanking Junshang for his guidance.”

“Ah so cold, call this one Husband!”

Shen Qingqiu gave him a flat stare.

“You first.”

Tianglang-Jun mouth twitched and he looked down picking up his cup, “Ah this Lord will admit fault.”

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes flickered to the Palace Mistress seeing her stink eye before she moved on, he then felt a little worried about the ranking system.

Airplane did admit it was like playing cards and chess, a 3 of spades is the same as the 3 of clubs, and a 3 can beat a 2 regardless of what it was.

For first husband and first wife it would be the same as king and queen in chess, two powerful pieces but the Queen can use checkmate.

Tianlang-Jun made it that way for Su Xiyan, she made comments about it and he decided to change it. He can, coz he’s the Emperor and he can do what he wanted!

And Tianlang-Jun wanted titles, which was why he was dreading it! The man was a lover of literature and wanted people to have cool titles.

Like anime protagonists saying a cool phrase being doing an attack it’s just cool.

Ugh the titles, he’d have to remember those two, yes he was in the middle of his own wedding but his mind couldn’t help but wander over his dumbass title.

“The Lord of Grace and refinement.” ugh, could it be anything more pretentious? He was just going to be a babysitter! Okay…being in charge of the education of who would be the most powerful and influential princes seems a bit daunting…but he can do it.

Then appeared Ning Yingying and her son Ming fan.

Okay…now he looked a bit older than three. Now here was the problem, was it just the unpredictability of Spiritual Dual Cultivation or just Airplane being an idiot.

Because this…this was just a giant plothole right here.

And it looked like he was giving all these poor impressionable kids the cold shoulder, great start Scum Villain!

Of course, to Tianlang-Jun and other outsiders, he was only warm to Luo Binghe but cold to the rest.

Tianlang-Jun placed his cup to his mouth to hide his secretive smile, Shen Qingqiu may be…smarter than he looked.

Shen Qingqiu was currently zoning out and not really paying attention to the rest of the wives, husbands and their sons and was starting to be pretty tired.

Unaware he was going into the adhd death stare making him look even more off putting.

After Liu Mingyan with her son, Yang Yixuan- again even the names…just what?

Airplane please…he couldn’t take it…was it on purpose which shame on you, dishonour on you and your cow.

Or…was it a loose thread plot device.

He was crying tears in his heart please he can’t stand it- this…this was purgatory. Thats it, he did die and now he was forced here to suffer garbage writing.

Then there was the lone husband from Zhao Hua Monastory, Wu Wang who in the story was a huge asshole, terrible cultivation at a pitful core stage and his own son was looking pitiful.

Shen Qingqiu hoped he stopped on the ancient Xianxia version of a lego.

…He must be really tired.

And of course…Wu Shizui his son was freaking tall for an a freakin toddler. Was this the consequences of miracle elixirs?

(Is this a butterfly meme?)

He placed down his wine, he should stop drinking.

And then Qui Jinhua who was the sixth son alongside his mother Qui Haitang.

She was watching him closely as poor Jinhua stuttered through his greeting and had bad form. He was shaking like a rabbit preprared to run for his life if anyone so much as spoke too loud at him.

Shen Qingqiu would feel bad but…both these characters were awful, they were the typical antagonist of a conniving Mother/son duo causing drama and ruining other peoples lifes because they were petty.

A little information about Qui Haitang and her son, whose title would change to be Shang Qinghua when he became older.

And that was significant, no other child had titles but him. Because he would survive the massacre and ended up taking over the duties of Shen Qingqiu as the liaison for Cang Qiong hence the name Qing even when he didn’t earn it.

Both were awful characters in Shen Yuans opinion, both using under-handed tricks to make it worse for the protagonists and Scum villain alike-

Yes they tormented Luo Binghe but *wink* dumped all the responsibility on Shen Qingqiu who at the time was also abusing Luo Binghe but other tedious crap was not his fault.

God he hated them.

What was gross he thought inwardly sneering, was that at the end of the story it said one line that- actually thinks is probably what killed Shen Yuan.

“Shang Qinghua married Mobei-Jun.”

Nothing too bad, unless you forget they were siblings!

Qinghua was a prince- related to Tianlang-Jun, he was the lowest of the Princes meanwhile Mobei-Jun was the son of both Mobei-Elder and Tianlang-Jun.

Yes all the cultivators had their hands in the Heavenly demon pie and now demons wanted in!

So Mobei-Jun was born as the sole heir to the Mobei Clan to ascend his father after and was the right hand general of Luo Binghe.

And then it was Qinghua’s duty to bear offspring for the Mobei’s. It was a sh*t ending not gonna lie, but Shang Qinghua was a cut throat minor villain, sabotaging the Imperial family both Mother and Son were the most loved and fan favourites people loved them since they could do no wrong (But they did tones of things wrong!)

They could’ve murdered Luo Binghe and no one would bat an eye but god forbid the INCEST. No that's a step too far NOW their bad guys (They were bad guys from the start!?)

And then poor Qin Wanrong, as a sister dowry included alongside Qin Wanyue but since she/ like Mu Qingfang/ was part of a dowry, were lower ranked.

She was a concubine, at this point in time they just hoped they could re-create the miracle that was Luo Binghe. Spiritual Cultivating was one thing but actually carrying to term?

Most hypothesised that's what killed Su Xiyan.

But Shen Qingqiu never believed it, he knew something happened to Su Xiyan.

And once he secured his future and made sure he wasn’t going to end up rotting in a dungeon he’ll find out what really happened even if it kills him.

For the LORE.

She greeted them with a baby in her hand, the one person who came to them with a baby that was actually realistically a baby, and she was a concubine.


The baby had no name, they were supposed to wait a year before the naming ceremony.

Being reminded of Qin Wanrong reminded him of his future duties, he almost pulled another face but what a pain!

He was going to have to vet applicants for future spouses for the Emperor wasn’t he? To see if they were good enough to be in the Imperial Harem, even if it was a lowly Rank the bottom of the pits lowest of the low, they could rise up in the ranks while others can drop depending if they were favoured or not.

Even so, not fun. He was not looking forward to that!

To distract himself he couldn’t help but coo at her son. It appeared as if it was natural birth, her son looked so squishy and puffy, just recently born he guessed. Shen Qingqiu visibly melted the face of the babe even pinched as if it was irritated by the loud music.
Babies were too adorable in PIDW!

He found himself glancing at Luo Binghe, wondering if he was that small when he was a baby, now look at him three years old and sitting in the lap of some women.

But there was more, his Sect Siblings giving them gifts, and Yue Qingyuan for a moment looked at Shen Qingqiu with a heartbroken face before remembering himself it was a blink and you miss it look.

And…Shen Qingqiu missed it.

Shen Qingqiu was more focused on being polite, or…trying to be, he gave tight lipped thanks that felt empty even to him. Tianlang-Jun noticed eyes flickering but decided to ignore it for now until he got more information to make any comments yet.

It…was starting to hit him…what he had to do.

Luo Binghe was the protagonist, coming to the wrong conclusion that his father never loved him since he was abused by Shen Qingqiu, feeling alone and resentful and even after being pushed into the Abyss by Shen Qingqiu crawled out of the hellhole planning his revenge.

Killing Tianlang-Jun, took the harem into his own and brutally murdered his own siblings as was demonic custom.

Shen Qingqiu squirmed in his seat he hoped a future wouldn’t come to pass, Tianlang-Jun leaned close noticing his discomfort.

“Not long left,” He spoke softly but loud enough to hear him, he must have assumed Shen Qingqiu was uncomfortable, Shen Qingqiu only nodded then humming that he heard.

“It’s okay, this one isn’t uncomfortable.” He spoke softly, he glanced up and saw Tianlang-Juns frown- ah he didn’t mean to complain!

Tianlang-Jun suddenly stands and Shen Qingqiu gapes huh-what?

“Thank you everyone, but this Lord has grown tired and will retire.”

Not even waiting for a response he held out his hand and helped Shen Qingqiu to stand up as both left, Zhuzhi-Lang opened the door and closed it behind them.

In the hallway the sound of the Ceremony muffled.

It was quiet other than the footsteps of them walking towards some room, and then Shen Qingqiu realised what they were going to do.

He wasn’t ready, not mentally-

“If you are tired just say so,” Tianlang-Jun spoke, referring to before, “You shouldn’t have to suffer for other peoples opinions or being polite.” He spoke and Shen Qingqiu found himself gaping.

He did that…for him?

Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt awful, Tianlang-Jun was considerate- well of course he was! He was the tragic human loving demon who did no wrong but was ostracised by the world! Even the Scum Villain of the story wasn’t dumb enough to see Tianlang-Jun was nothing but a victim, a man of honour.

But it was too late by the time the original goods realised he had destroyed everything, and Tainlang-jun? Was he angry in his betrayal, upset?

No…he felt nothing but apathy, and that was worse. That Tianlang-Jun had nothing left to give? Was truly heartbreaking.

“Now, let’s get First husband out of those robes…”

On second thought nevermind! He was a pervert! A PERVERT!


Heres the Harem. [Author goes to slump in a mold covered corner and melts into a sad depressive mold lump with fungus and mushrooms “Oh hi Shen Yuan.”]

Tianlang-Jun | Emperor
Su Xiyan | Empress | Deceased | Song: > Luo Binghe Crown Prince
Shen Qingqiu |First Husband | > Mobei-Jun King > First Shen Jiu Prince after Binghe
*Shen Qingqius title: Lord of Refinement Scholar of the Arts:
Role: Ensuring the education of the future line of princess. A Shizun to all young Princes.
Qin Wanyue | First Wife | Son\miscarriage\ Gongyi Xiao [Adopted]
Huan Lingyi | Second Wife | Second Son > Huan Wanzi [wanzi in connection of wu Yanzi]
Ning Yingying |Third Wife | Third Son >Ning Fan/Ming
Liu Mingyan |Fourth Wife | Fourth Son > Liu Yixuan\Yang
Qui Haitang |Fifth Wife | Fifth son > Qui Jinhua\Shang Qinghua [youngest]

Wu Wang | Second Husband | Wu Shizui | Sixth Son
[Shen Yuan was surprised how much older the young man looked consequences of magical elixers?]

Qin Wanrong | Concubine | Dowry pair included with Wanyue with a son Qin Lun who doesn't last after his one year-

Also- the part where SQQ makes the sound of music reference is in fact me typing it in real time while yelling “f*ck IT IS the sound of music! I just plagerised it and JUST realised now of all times!?” Kinda funny.

Also Tianlang-Jun and Shen Qingqiu don't have sex- the guys only joking.

Chapter 4: White Lotus Pavillion.


One moment away before reality sets in…After the wedding night Shen Qingqiu begins to make plans for the Pavillion and was lining his ducks in a row.


Just re-read the story and saw some spelling mistakes- just awesome -_- don’t mind them. Ah poor Yue Qingyuan he thought if he ever saw SQQ in a dress it would be HIM marrying his Shidi. RIP.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Now, let’s get First husband out of those robes…”

Shen Qingqiu stiffened, he was so still in fact one could say he became a statue.

Okay, he stood up straighter, looking as if he was prepared for battle he can do this!
Fake it till he made it, he’ll do what the original goods did. Lay back and think of England!

Something inside recoiled with disgust at the thought but it was fine!

Tianlang-jun laughed, “This Lord is only teasing,” and Shen Qingqiu watched the Demon Emperor began to move to the door.

Wait- hang on a minute!

“You’re leaving?”

Shen Qingqiu didn’t mean to sound petulant- but he didn’t really fancy being alone, in a palace on his first night in these rooms-He doubted he would sleep!

It was a new place, he had already gotten used to his disciples under foot and having someone there form him but now?

And with the demonic miasma, he couldn't cultivate yet until his body was used to it. He’d be open for an attack!

“None of the wives had consumated the marriage with this lord either, so there is no pressure from Master Shen. No one will force you to lay with this demon.”

Shen Qingqiu felt panic when Tianglang-Jun was going to leave.

And the way Tianlang-Jun said it, as if the wives were disgusted by Tianlang-Jun for being a demon.

“Cultivators don’t find demons attractive,” Tianlang-jun confirmed with a shrug “So it really is no trouble-“

“This Qingqiu doesn’t mind.”

Shen Qingqiu spoke eyes narrowed. Tianlang-Jun paused, turning back around as he looked at the young cultivator's face.

“Human or demon there is no difference both can be just as bad as each other, Tianlang-jun is attractive and anyone would be lucky to marry him.”

Shen Qingqiu sighed, “Don’t take it to heart, this Qingqiu would not lay with a stranger he had just met. Even my own husband.”

At least buy him dinner first!

Tianlang-Jun stepped closer looking amused.

“Husband finds me handsome?”

Shen Qingqiu scowled, who knew he was so shamless!

“There's no need to fish for compliments.” Especially since he knew he was handsome or…maybe he didn’t-maybe he was insecure for being a demon!

“Now help me out with these things.” He gestured to his hair and sat at the stand with a mirror.

If he could he would sleep with the Emperor to make him feel better, but Shen Qingqiu never believed sex was a band-aid to fix relationships.

After all people have one night stands or have sex with no feelings at all. Most relationships fall as one person their goal was sex and after lost interest. Or some have a healthy sex life and perfect balance, some can still find ways to be together without it, while some use it as a measuring tool or pressure that if they dint routinely have sex their failing as there so much pressure that sex is necessary for a couple to work.

To someone like Shen Yuan its just more problems to worry about…

And Tianlang-jun is forced enough as it is. He doubted the original goods would know Tianlang-jun would respect him and leave Shen Qingqiu if he knew it was an option, he did so right there!

But the original goods assumed Tianglang-jun was a monster.

Tianlang-Jun hesitated then he felt him move closer to the vanity. Tianlang-Jun began to remove the heavy jewellery and head crown. Brushing his clawed nails through his hair and Shen Qingqiu shivered.

Tianlang-Jun hand reached past his shoulder and picked up a comb.

Shen Qingqiu eyes tracked it and recognised it, it was the comb that-

“-Are there any other combs?”

He asked before Tianlang-Jun could run the comb through his hair.

Shen Qingqiu reached into his quirken bag that was placed in the room previously with his essentials, he was going to leave this particular item behind like the rest in Cang Qiong, but he had to be practical.

“That one won’t work for this Qingqiu’s hair,” His hair was thick, when he used the comb in the story the thin bars snapped.

“This one should be fine,” He gave Tianlang-Jun the comb and saw the mans confusion, Shen Qingqiu smiled.

“See how much thicker it is? This one is too thin. This master is afraid it would snap and this comb is too pretty to be broken.”

Tianlang-jun nodded, “Husband is wise.”

He brushed his hair and Shen Qingqiu sighed with relief, Tianlang-Jun was devastated since that comb was originally Su Xiyans-

But when one of the wives used it unaware of the original owner it was too late. Afterall they came into the Palace and the only things available to them…were originally Su Xiyans.

Her robes, her rooms, tools or living essentials.

But this one thing can still be the Emperors, he didn’t have to lose anything else.


Shen Qingqiu sighed, “Adequate.” Tianlang-Jun has never done anyone’s hair in his life. But it wasn’t too bad.

“Now, sit.” Shen Qingqiu tapped the seat and now Tianlang-Jun sat face pulling into a surprised grin, okay he’ll amuse this cultivator.

Shen Qingqiu delicateley took out his crown and placed it on the side, after picking up oils, and brushing it through his hair, then plaiting his long black hair- and inwardly gushing at how soft and fluffy it was!

He hummed, “There. You need to practice doing hair,”

“And why would this Lord do that? Husband does well enough,”

“It’s a basic life skill anyone should know…”

Tianlang-Jun was going to leave…Shen Qingqiu fluttered before deciding.

“You should stay,” he turned quickly not looking at the demons face when he went to the divider and sighed with relief that there was an outer layer to wear. He placed Tianlang-Juns robes on the bed.

“You can get dressed on this side.” He spoke and hid again behind the divider shedding his robes, uncaring as he tossed them to the ground.

A part of himself wanted to fold them, but another part wanted to set them on fire. Tossing them on the floor was more safer if the robes wanted to stay intact.

Once their robes were on he peered around and saw Tianlang-Jun was dressed, although his robe was very low.

Well if he had a glorious chest to show off, flaunt it. Shen Qingqiu wondered if the wives were jealous that Tianlang-Jun had a bigger chest than they did.

Shen Qingqiu moved towards the door, “Qingqiu?” Tianglang-jun asked, tilting his head to the side watching his curious husband.

He opened it and of course there was Zhuzhi-Lang, he smiled not surprised to see him there.

Tianlang-Jun was powerful, but his Nephew was fiercely protective and still blamed himself for being unable to help Tianlang-Jun and his wife.

“Ah Zhuzhi-Lang, could you go fetch the Crown Prince for me please? Oh and let a servant prepare tea and cakes from the wedding if thats not too much trouble?”

“No trouble at all.”

Zhuzhi-Lang went to do his task and Shen Qingqiu moved towards the bed, fluffing up the pillows and fetching a tray, they had one on the side to serve breakfast in bed in the mornings.

Tianlang-Jun watched confused as Shen Qingqiu took more pillows from the chair and placed them against the headboard.

“Right, sit there.”

“My Husband is so bossy.”

Shen Qingqiu gave him a dry look but got more pillows when Tianlang-Jun sunk in and propped him up.

When the door knocked Shen Qingqiu went to get it and smiled taking the tray from the servant just as Zhuzhi-Lang had arrived.

“Evening your royal highness, come on in.” He let Luo Binghe run in and stepped away for Binghes cousin to follow, but when his step-nephew gave him an odd look looking confused, Shen Qingqiu prompted.

“Zhuzhi-Lang can come in.”

He did warily, and Shen Qingqiu placed the tray on the bed, then scooped down nearly next to Luo Binghe.

“If I pinch you, let this Master know.”

Luo Binghe blinked until he was picked up then placed into his fathers lap.

Which immediately perked Binghe as he settled babbling about his day.

“Zhuzhi-lang can join us,” Shen Qingqiu sat on the bed, careful not to jostle the tea sets.

As Zhuzhi-Lang sat on the bed making Luo Binghe beam even more he continued talking.

“Zhuzhi-lang played swords with me today,”

“Did he now?” Tianlang-jun spoke, and Shen Qingqiu inwardly pat himself on the back there we go.

Tianlang-Jun didn’t have much time to spend in the Palace but whenever he could he would always go to Luo Binghe like his own security blanket.

He listened to everything Binghe was saying, and Shen Qingqiu poured tea for Tianlang-Jun, then his nephew then himself after.

He made a plate of fruit for Luo Binghe and passed it to him. Best to not have too much sweets before bed.

Shen Qingqiu drank his tea while the three began to discuss their days and what they planned on doing after.

Shen Qingqiu was happy to drink his tea and listen. It’s been a long day and there was more work to do tomorrow.

Even so, it felt…cosy here. And it made him feel really good just to sit and listen observing Tianlang-Juns face.

He noticed Luo Binghe nodding off, and even though he was too young for a heavy head crown, it was a simple top know placed with a pin instead.

The top knot silk had the Heavenly Sigil on it.

Shen Qingqiu stood up moving back to the vanity to get his hair and comb.

He came back and sat beside Tianlang-Jun.

“Luo Binghe should go to bed, you can do his hair before that.” Shen Qingqiu passed him the hair and comb and folded his knees under himself, self satisfied smirk on his face.

Tianlang-Jun looked put out, “Husband…” He whined and Shen Qingqiu closed his eyes.

“A father should know how to do his sons Hair to teach him later on.”

“This one never does his hair.”

Yes he always left it down like a heathen. And how unfair that it never got tangled!

“Even so,” He shifted closer and reached out to undo the top knot, and Luo Binghe whimpered.

Shen Qingqiu grimaced as he slowly stroked his fingers over the scalp. Someone did the topknot too tight.

“This Master will do the Crown Princes hair from now on if Tianlang-Jun is temporarily indisposed.”

He brushed his hands through the black hair and when it came to a knot, held it at the root to either pull or untangle so Luo Binghe wouldn’t feel it tugging at his scalp.

After all the knots were out he brushed the comb through his hair then applied oil.

“Alright, you can braid it.”

Tianlang-Jun looked lost, “This Lord…doesn’t know how-” Shen Qingqiu blinked, what?

He glanced at Zhuzhi-langs black hair in an intricate hairstyle and Tianlang-Jun shrugged,

“My Nephew did that himself, usually he does this lord's hair for meetings.”


Shen Qingqiu sighed, “Watch closely.” He started of the braid, “See hold three and loop them one over the other, now you try.” He held the plait out and Tianlang-Jun took the hair, his hands more shaky and not as confident and awkwardly slipped undoing some.

“The plait is still there, just follow it and try again.”

He even hummed “Luo Binghe is doing so well for keeping still, what a good boy for helping his father learn to plait hair.” He wanted to pat his head but didn’t want to mess with Tianlang-Juns concentration.

He wondered if maybe Luo Binghe should sleep here…

The boy was half asleep in Tianlang-Juns lap.

“It must have been an exciting day for him…” He hoped he didn’t overstep too much, but he wondered if Tianlang-Jun appreciated spending more time with his son. In the story they were so rare and kept getting shorter and shorter as the years flew by.

Before he could even propose having a sleep over and having both Binghe and Tianlang-Jun take the bed and he would sleep on the floor-

He yawned.

“Its time to go to bed, Junshang.” Zhuzh-lang spoke, and Shen Qingqiu jumped, he forgot his step-nephew was there!

“Ah of course, Shen Qingqiu had an exciting day too.” Tianlang-Jun smiled and it made him look so young that Shen Qingqiu was entranced with it.

As Zhuzhi-Lang picked up Luo Binghe he bowed then left.

“Uh, you could go with them.” Shen Qingqiu spoke nodding at the two. “You don’t have much time, right? This Qingqiu doesn’t mind.”

Tianlang-Jun hummed, “Husband is correct, but Luo Binghe is asleep and when he wakes this lord will have to leave.”

That…was even more sad.

“Does Qingqiu want me to go?” Shen Qingqiu blinked then shook his head, “It won’t do for the Emperor to leave his chambers during the night.”

“Ah yes. Think of the rumours.” Tianlang-Jun teased making himself comfortable on top of the blankets, Shen Qingqiu tugged them harshly making the man almost fall of the bed.

When the blanket slipped Shen Qingqiu tossed it back over him, Tianglang-jun blinked as he was suddenly under the covers with his husband sliding in with his back facing him

“Don’t kick this Master in your sleep.”

Shen Qingqi turned his back, knowing he might not be able to sleep- being so used to sleeping alone then sharing? He worried if he moved it would wake the other up, or hit them by mistake if he rolled over- and worse, he always lay on his left side, and he was stuck on the right.

He’d have to deal not move and just hopefully sleep in this position.


When he woke up the next morning, he turned over to see the next side of his bed was empty. Shen Qingqiu groaned burying his face in the pillow, he hoped to have a discussion with the Emperor but he missed his chance.

At least Zhuzhi-lang will be there to make sure Luo Binghe was alright- oh yeah.

He groaned, burying himself further in the blankets.

The White Lotus Pavillion, right…

He rolled over and realised that he didn’t have any robes, ah- this was embarrassing. Other than he wedding robes which he was not going to wear he went to the door and knocked.

“Ah Master Shen.”

He brightened “Wu Chen!” Ah thank god! Wait, was Zhuzhi-Lang not going with him?
“Where’s Zhuzhi-Lang?”

“Ah, master Shen… Tianlang-Jun had to leave the Palace and Zhuzhi-Lang is watching after the crown prince.”

“Ah yes, we will be living together.”

After all the problems Luo Binghe faced before, Tianlang-Jun didn’t believe in just sitting down, threatening the wives then hoping they got along. Instead he had his nephew turn into a snake to observe and watch the wives- only problem was, the Cultivators made a mess of the demon realm making it where even Tianlang-Jun wasn’t enough to keep the peace and his General had to return to the battlefield.

“This Humble one has brought Master Shen his robes.”

Ah- he was a life saver! Shen Qingqiu nodded “Thank you,” He took the robes and moved back to the room, Wu Chen began to gather up the supplies around the room to take to the Pavillion, such as the hair combs and oils and such.

He paused when…those oils were untouched. He politely kept it to himself.

Shen Qingqiu sat at the vanity quickly doing his hair and scowled when it wasn’t as smooth because someone forgot to put oil on it and braid it!

Shen Qingqiu was too tired to do his hair last night. But he was able to manage it.

“Do you have everything, Master Shen?”

No. He didn’t want to go to the White Lotus Pavillion, he wanted to stay in bed.

…Luo Binghe will be there.

…Okay, he was ready.

When they left the room and made their way down the corridors Shen Qingqiu looked outside, and saw a garden to his right, in the centre was a tree with benches to sit, a perfect place to read, or have a picnic.

“That is the Earth Garden, all the Wives and Husbands can convene there.”

Shen Qingqiu glanced at him, “Is there other places for socialising?” He asked and Wu Chen shook his head, not to his knowledge.

“This humble one was tasked with learning the layout of the Heavenly Palace, others will be able to assist and escort Master Shen wherever he needs to go. In the meantime this Wu Chen has a basic understanding, apologies for not being more prepared-”

“You have arrived here the same time as this Master, there is nothing to be ashamed off.” Wu Chen nodded “This one has also took care of Master Shens belongings and made sure his paintings were stored in a dark cool room so they wouldn’t be damaged, and secured the rest of his Dowry under lock and key.”

Shen Qingqiu smiled truly grateful, the previous steward had a field day and took all of his stuff, he stole his paintings then lied that the paintings were ruined with damp as they were stored incorrectly and that someone had placed his stuff in the wrong rooms it was returned but with just enough missing to not be noticeable.

Shen Qingqiu has known this man for two minutes and already feels as if he has one friend here.

“This Master appreciates your Help Master Wu Chen, this one is truly grateful.”

“Ah- this one isn’t a Master here, but a servant to assist my Lord.”

“You are a cultivator are you not? And you had earned the title of Master before the Emperors business.”

Wu Chen seemed to lighten up, his pacing changed almost into a strut until he almost tripped. Shen Qingqiu caught him.

“Oh, we should slow down, how is your leg?” He asked, slowing his pace and Wu Chen shook his head “This one-” After Shen Qingqiu’s severe look changed his sentence, “This Master is fine.”

“Good to hear.”

When he transmigrated, it wasn’t easy to pretend to be someone he wasn’t and toe the line to maybe be likeable enough to not being thrown to the wolves but still scummy enough to stay in character, but alas. Knowing he can just do whatever he wanted no one would lint and yell “Posession!” And if years later he does see his sect siblings again he could just excuse the change of character to just being married.

And at least someone was here in the pavilion he could trust was fundamental.

As they walked Wu Chen was chatty enough for the both of them and Shen Qingqiu listened fondly but he wished he had his fan using his hand to hide his smile instead.

Wu Chen was delightful with a great sense of humour, the others he couldn’t give a sh*t about f*ck those guys.

Wu Chen was his favourite.

As they entered the Pavillion and Wu Chen opened the door letting him in, Shen Qingqiu hummed.

“Why is there no guards?” Especially since he’ll be hosting the crown prince and heir.

“Tianlang-Jun woke up early in the morning and set the wards to you Master Shen and his family, no one can enter but the servants assigned to this Pavillion.

Oh Shen Qingqiu would’ve had major anxiety from that, knowing the servants were living so close to him his sleep was shot.

And so will his, after all there were maybe…a couple assassins in this Pavillion - no one knows who sent them, (Damn you Airplane) one actual assassin who slipped through and the other two were payed since Shen Qingqiu was a dick hell they even said they’d do it for free.

All of the staff were there in the open courtyard standing in a line, like a military “Here are your staff, Master Gongyi will assist you if this Master cannot.”

Ah Gongyi Xiao the Elder!

He was a servant, after some squirmish he died in the Heavenly Palace and Qin Wanyue took in his son, making Gongyi Xiao a prince, he faced a lot of bullying from not being a legitimate son...now that he thought about it, what even happened to Gongyi Xiao junior?

Ah another loose thread.

Gongyi Xiao Senior was an imperial servant who assisted the other pavilions and was employed by Tianglang-Jun personally, he wasn’t sent by the sect.

Now that he saw, most of them were employed by Tianglang-Juns personal staff, humans he hired when he went out enjoying human culture he saw the abuse these men and women took and hired them uncaring of their status or background.

And the would be assassins?

…Sent from the Cultivation world. The three women sent by Huan Hua Sect.

The old palace Master probably slipped them in when he demanded Wu Chen as his personal assistant.

Gongyi-Senior seemed to be a no nonsense and reliable man, but a little cold.

…He was Shen Qingqiu’s kind of guy- the actual original goods Qingqiu- not him, Shen Yuan.

But for someone who he was going to request and trust him to help him in this Pavillion there was no one he could trust more. Rather a distant cold man than a bumbling incompetent one.

Suddenly Wu Chen came back, while Shen Qingqiu was talking to the staff, and when they saw how approachable he was and how interested he was in what they were doing he saw them realx.

Although he had to put his money where his mouth is, before they really trusted he wasn’t a spoiled rich boy- he was but they didn’t need to know that.

“Here, Master Shen.”

A fan was placed in his hand and Shen Qingqiu brightened, “Thank you.”

After familiarising himself in his new home he made sure knew knew where the kitchens and bathroom was.

He may be a former Peak Lord and had enidia but Luo Binghe certainly didn’t.

He rubbed his hands together, “Alright, treat Luo Binghe well! This will be cake!”

…it was not cake.

Luo Binghe was a bit of a brat.

Of course Shen Qingqiu knew he was a kid who will act like a kid, obviously.

But he was beginning to lose his cool a little, Luo Binghe would play, stomping on his foot as he ran past. Would yank his hair, punch him when he got too excitable by accident

When he tried to get him to settle he wouldn’t.

“Luo Binghe, that is dangerous!”

He raised his voice a little and Luo Binghe flinched, then began to cry.

Shen Qingqiu floundered “Ah- no, Binghe, this Master is sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.”

He moved to his knees and reached out when Luo Binghe flinched and withdrew.

“Binghe, Binghe listen. If you run around you can be hurt, see that ledge?”

Luo Binghe was still sniffing as he looked.

“If you fell, Binghe would hurt himself, that scared this Master.”

“Y-your not mad?” Shen Qingqiu sighed with a relieved smile on his lips.

“No, I just worry for your safety,” he pulled out a handkerchief and patted Luo Binghe’s eyes.

“There, there, no more tears.”

“Thank you, Papa.”

Shen Qingqiu stiffened, Luo Binghe called him that once, and the scum villain harshly reprimand Binghe to never call him that again.

Luo Binghe who was only a child, had no idea what he did wrong.

Hell even Shen Yuan didn't know what Luo Binghe did wrong the point of view shifted after the wedding night no one knew what the scum villain was thinking after that.

And Shen Qingqiu was going to let it go, but inside something squirmed so he took a leap and tried to reason with Luo Binghe, in a way he thought the original goods should’ve said.

“Luo Binghe, you know I’m not your Papa right. You call this Lord, Shizun.”


Luo Binghe’s eyes were still wet so Shen Qingqiu used his handkerchief to to dab his eyes carefully.

“This Master will be an instructor of a sort, Luo Binghe will learn many things, cultivation one of them, you and your siblings will learn under this Master.”

If it was just the literary arts, then he would be called something else.

He couldn’t advise Binghe with demonic cultivation but Spiritual he can.

“Why can’t Binghe call Shizun, Papa?”

“Binghe needs to understand that this one and your father married because of politics, Binghe had a mother, one who loved you very much and this Qingqiu couldn’t dream of replacing someone like that.”

“Binghe had a mother?”

“Yes…did no one tell you?”

Luo Binghe shook his head and Shen Qingqiu’s heart panged, he shifted and Luo Binghe brightened, as he moved to Shen Qingqiu’s lap and settled himself.

“Now this Shizun doesn’t know much, but what I do know about your mother, Su Xiyan…She was a powerful cultivator almost as strong as my- as Sect Leader Yue Qingyuan.”

Luo Binghe hummed “Was she strong like Baba?”

Shen Qingqiu laughed, “No, your baba is stronger, but she could probably keep up unlike the rest of us.”

“Is Pa-Shizun stronger than Su Xiyan?”

“Heavens no. This Qingqiu isn’t that strong, Luo Binghe will be stronger than me one day and this Shizun is fine with that, but for now this Shizun is to teach you things other than strength, being powerful is one thing but your mind,” he poked Luo Binghe’s huadin and laughed when his eyes grew cross-eyed.

“That is your strongest weapon.”

No point in brawn without the brains.

Luo Binghe hummed self assured as Shen Qingqiu told him all about his mother.

Luo Binghe may be a brat, but he was just a kid and these moments made Shen Qingqiu thinks he made the right decision.


In the following days it was…difficult. There was a moment, Shen Qingqiu almost had a break down.

“Xiao Gongyi? Could you watch the young prince for a moment?”

It wasn’t his proudest moment, going into his storage room and locking the door. He thought he would need five minutes, but as he saw his painting of the bamboo house something just triggered it.

He sobbed, tears streaming down his face and felt overwhelmed by the deep shame and misery that he was crying!

Get a hold of yourself!

He furiously scrubbed his eyes but let it all out. Once he got over it he’ll bounce back.

He left the storage room looking in the fuzzy reflection of the pond and hoped it didn’t look like he was crying.


He escaped Xiao Gongyi, Shen qingqiu hummed catching Binghe as he tripped into his legs.

“Binghe, what did this Master say about running?”

It was hard but he understood why Luo Binghe was being this way.

He missed his father.

Luo Binghe didn’t like going to bed without Zhu Zhu or his dad reading him a bed time story.

He wanted to play the game his Father played no- not that one- do you not know what the game is?

It was like moving a kid to a new home, or ripping away their favourite teddy bear, no one liked change and for one so young of course Luo Binghe wasn’t going to adapt so easily.

He wouldn’t sit still, Shen Qingqiu tried to teach him to read and write but Luo Binghe, even though he did listen during the first half, got bored and disruptive the next.

Hmm, maybe he needed breaks? Luo Binghe was a bright child and to be fair, even Shen Qjngqiu found it boring but it was something the crown prince had to learn.

“Why does Binghe need to learn?” He asked now painting his hand with ink making it entirely black then printing his hand on the paper. Shen Qingqiu sighed, he was supposed to be writing, not doing finger painting…

“Because your Baba knows this, as does Zhuzhi-lang. And they did their lessons and now they can go out. Does Binghe want to one day go with his father and help him with the jobs that he does?”


“Then these lessons are essential.”

It was hard, so Shen Qingqiu promised to reward him with sweets if he did his characters.

Then there was times when Shen Qingqiu tried to get Luo Binghe ready for bed.

“No! Shizun stays awake all the time, Binghe wants to stay up as well like a big boy!”

Shen Qingqiu would be reading his cultivation manuals during the night, does this mean he has to sleep now because of Binghe!?

“This Master has Enidia, Luo Binghe is a growing boy, sleeping is essential and good for your health-”


Luo Binghe was slapping his arm and trying to push him away when Shen Qingqiu picked him up thinking if he just tosses Binghe in his room and locks the door maybe-?

But as soon as that thought entered he shook his head no, he couldn’t do that.


Luo Binghe’s arm clipped his nose-

“Ow! Binghe! This Master knows you want to stay up but-”

Drip, drip, drip…

Hold on.

Something was leaking onto his lips and he tasted the metallic tang.

Meanwhile Luo Binghe looked pretty much truamatised.

He’s never hit someone in the nose before, and seeing Shen Qingqiu with a nose bleed would probably scare any child.

He pretty much went still and started crying.

“Binghe is sorry! He is so sorry- Binghe will go to bed and won’t hit you ever again!” Ah, Shen Qingqiu tried to cover his nose while gently placing Luo Binghe down hiding his smile,

“Binghe it-”

“Please don’t hit me!”


The humour evaporated into smoke, hit him?

“Binghe won’t do it again, Binghe is sorry-!”

Shen Qingqiu removed his hand to tell him he’s fine, but that just set the young child off even more, screaming in terror. He called Wu Chen and once he was being watched cleaned himself up.

He came back beaming. “See! This Master is fine!”

Luo Binghe wilted and then stood up tall.

“This Binghe accepts punishment.”

Shen Qingqiu tilted his head hmm.

“Hmm, for tomorrow Luo Binghe will have to write twice the number of characters. There thats a sufficient punishment?”

Luo Binghe looked confused, “Shizun won’t hit me?”

Shen Qingqiu shook his head, “No one should ever hit a child even if they're frustrated. If a parent or teacher can’t discipline a child unless it’s threat under violence they have failed as a guardian”

“Now, will Luo Binghe brush his teeth and go to bed?”

Now both Wu Chen and Luo Binghe glanced at him confused, and Shen Qingqiu realised his lapse in error.

“Uh, clean your teeth.”

“Oh, yes Shizun.” Both realised he meant using mint bark.

Shen Qingqiu kept forgetting that he was a modern soul in ancient china and tried to recall what was normal or not for them to use. Even so when Luo Binghe got dressed and ready for bed, looking for praise Shen Qingqiu patted his head.

Aw, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t stop smiling. Binghe was too precious!

And yet like clockwork when Tianlang-jun returned to take Binghe back to the Sun Pavillion, Shen Qingqiu felt lost that Luo Binghe nor Tianlang-Jun were staying…

Even so, when Luo Binghe waved while being held in his fathers arms, he waved back keeping the smile on his face and let it fall when he left.

…His pavilion felt really quiet and too big all of a sudden.

He slapped his cheeks with his hands- no time to mope he had to practice!

Taking his sword he took a breath and moved into the unfamiliar forms…

He practised his sword forms, soaking up the knowledge of Qing Jing Peak.

He played the qin in school pre-transmigration, and he had to practise here, luckily his sect siblings weren’t around to hear his mistakes and frustrations and cursing when he got the notes wrong, but he has to sound like a master!

Unaware of a small green snake watching him then slithering away into the small passages that led him to the Sun Pavillion, there the snake transformed into Zhuzhi-lang and approached Tianlang-Jun listening to his son re-count his day with his Shizun.

“Shizun is it?”

“Hmm hmm he doesn’t like me calling him Papa, he said I had a Mother and he was not replacing her.”

Tianlang-juns smile stiffened, “I see,” He noticed his nephew and brightened.

“Nephew! Join us, sit, sit!”

Zhuzhi-lang kneeled next to Luo Binghe and spoke about his observations about Shen Qingqiu before the two had left, he mentions to his junshang that the cultivator practices his cultivation and sword forms alone.

“To keep stronger all the wives do it, it's not strange.” Tianlang-Jun shrugged not finding that overly interesting.

“But the focus he has when he does it is strange.” Zhuzhi-lang spoke, “Like he’s learning it for the first time, or he had forgotten how.”

“Uncle Wu Chen tell me Shizun is sometimes forgetful.” That earned their attention with Binghe.

“He remembers things like my birthday and my favourite cake or toys but he forgets some things that most people know like how to put on his robes or place them or even how to clean teeth or the bathrooms- little things like that. Wu Chen made jokes that Shen Qingqiu was spoiled, is he?”


No even for someone spoiled that was…strange.

“Did they send someone…” disabled? Tianlang-Jun couldn’t say what he was really thinking but it would make sense given the agreement he made with Cang Qiong if that was the case.

Zhuzhi-lang shrugged, “He plays an instrument as if he's playing it for the first time.”

“That is peculiar.”

This could be something innocent, but Tianlang-Jun had learned to distrust humans, was Shen Qingqiu…a sleeper agent? Most were possessed or took medicine to appear docile and agreeable one moment making it easier for the effects to wear off and show their true cunning the next.

Or was there something wrong with Shen Qingqiu- did he suffer memory problems or needed assistance some humans needed, and why did Cang Qiong not warn him about this particularly?

Even so, he needed to make sure Shen Qingqiu was safe to look after his son, both him and his nephew were running out of time. Demon Rebellions were rising thanks to Huan Huas influence and both would need to leave the castle soon.

A/N: Shen Yuan: Ah I don’t need to worry about ooc.
A system if he had one [OOC OOC- Gained attention from the Emperor and his nephew! Host loses -200 points! Any more and a punishment protocol will activate!]


Tianlang-Jun: “Ah another beauty who can’t stand the sight of me,”
Shen Qingqiu: “I dont even know you.”
TLG “Understandable.”
Also Tianglang-Jun hearing Shen Qingqiu call Binghe a good boy, and has the thoughts of HIM being called a good boy. And laying in bed sweating that this man had to be the first one that made him have a crisis.

Also SY WILL make crude sex joke thoughts/ but in realty has NO intention on acting on them.
It's like wanting a conffesion scene in the rain.
But Shen Yuan would not do that, he would drag them somewhere dry he was NOT getting sick then postpone it and then sabotage the whole thing and friendzone the guy then ask months later, "Oh yeah what were you going to tell me, it was raining and I forgot."
"...Never mind."

Chapter 5: White Lotus part 2


In my notes there was the tail end of White Lotus and I was too tired to do it and was like- lets post this chapt and just split it…

Also I am trying to emulate Shen Yuan like, what show PISSES me of so badly, if I died and transmigrated into a villain and had to not only save myself from the sh*tty fate but ALSO change the story and make it better what would it be?
…Nah I don’t think I have on-
*Voltron Legendary Defender 2016-2018* oh…if I turned into Lotor…I would probably kill everyone around me and then myself, the plotholes the pointless characters who said one line and dipped. Needing ships to get through the series because take shipping away the story didnt make sense! Okay fine it’s for kids its a dumb little cartoon-
Voice actors: It’s not just a cartoon, its about WAR. People die during WAR.
…Thats just trying to justify sh*tty writing? It’s ridiculous that they all faced danger and just breeze past like nothing happened what was the point brining back this dead character who is about as useful as a stapler with no staples and cellotape thats not sticky- okay…I think I’m in the headspace of Shen Yuan now.
…Would Shen Yuan put razors in a cupcake and give it to Shang Qinghua?


So yeah Tianlang-Jun was trusting a stranger with his child, he WILL be making sure SQQ is okay and not a psycho. In the OG at this point Tianlang-Jun was dragged from the Palace to fight monsters and other dumb sh*t and he ran out of options and Luo Binghe never complained and both father/son were kinda…groomed into thinking humans were just all about that corporal punishment they thought it was human customs and thats just how they were.
Humans are no different after watching early 2000’s reality shows and how blaise men were with shaming women about body weight, and sexualising them in interviews and bejng inappropriate its only ‘now’ that more people are being upfront about how wrong it was.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Luo Binghe couldn’t read, which was now becoming an issue.

Shen Qingqiu had no idea how to make Luo Binghe read .

…Even with the promises of being able to read letters from Tianlang-Jun and his favourite cousin?

“No! Letters are a lie! Anyone can fake letters! Baba told me so-!” oh, oh god Shen Qingqiu realised his mistake too late, as now Luo Binghe would probably never read again.

Since Tianlang-Jun and Su Xiyan found out the letter calling him to an ambush was a fake and both his parents figured it out in time…it meant nothing when Su Xiyan was suddenly poisoned and died in Tianlang-juns arms with his child, coinciding perfectly with the cultivators attack.

How…how could he make reading and writing less…triggering for Luo Binghe?

Shen Qingqiu was patient, he’ll get the protagonist to read. Even if it kills him.

…He glanced down at Luo Binghe who was eating a dumpling, Shen Qingqiu began to nibble on his own then paused as he realised what he could do.

It was brilliant.

And oh…something very scummy.

“Binghe, come here let this Master read you a story.” He spoke sitting with a book in his hand and Luo Binghe sat on his knees looking up as Shen Qingqiu began to read out loud.

“Luo Binghe was an extraordinary young boy,”

“Shizun? Thats my name…”

“Yes, it’s the name of the protagonist in the story, inspired your parents to name you this character.”

Luo Binghe frowned “What’s a pro- protgnis?”

“Protagonist. It means the main character follows that character's story, so Luo Binghe was found alone on the side of the Luo River, where he was found by a kind washer-women who always wanted a child of her own…”

It was the original draft airplane wrote, which no one liked so he re-worked it and when it was uploaded the story had drastically changed.

Shen Qingqiu liked the pilot chapter, there was potential and so many people crowdfunded to see it come to fruition the completely changed to what people were promised but so many thought the new version was better so only those like Peerless Cucumber let their complaints be known.

“Luo Binghe had never known the life of a prince, instead his mother worked hard to the bone and their house was close to crumbling down and yet he had never been more content when he and his mother shared a meal or when she tucked him in at night.” Shen Qingqiu spoke,

“Like Shizun does!”


“Shizun tucks me in.” Shen Qingqiu paused, and he was technically correct.

“This Shizun supposes, does Binghe want to continue with the story?”

“Yes, please!”

So he read, until the death of the mother and thats when he finally let it happen.

“What? What happens next?” Binghe demanded, stars in his eyes afterall it was his name that was used in the story. Shen Qingqiu yawned, placing the book down.

“Hmm? Oh this Shizun is too tired, may turn in early.” Shen Qingqiu passed Luo Binghe the book, smile on his face.

“Maybe Luo Binghe can read the rest while this Shizun rests?”

He saw the look of horror on Luo Binghe’s face, as Shen Qingqiu hid his smug grin with a gullible one, “Hmm? Is something the matter?”

The look he gave next could be described as the look of the Scum Villain, he didn’t say it outloud it would be too cruel but if he could he would cover his mouth and laugh,

“Oh I forgot Binghe can’t read . Guess he’ll never know how the story ends!”

And that's how he got Luo Binghe to read, and when Luo Binghe saw the book was just an encyclopaedia for flowers and the story was something Shen Qingqiu made up.

“If you knew how to read you wouldn’t be so gullible.” Shen Qingqiu tapped his head with his fan, “Binghe could be manipulated by misinformation- lies and he would be unable to verify if they were true.”

Luo Binghe scowled, “This Binghe is going to tell Baba you lied to me.”

Shen Qingqiu raised an eyebrow, “How? Tianlang-jun won’t return for a few weeks in that time this Shizun could do anything to you.” Shen Qingqiu leaned down with a smile.

“If only you knew how to write a letter requesting aid then your Baba can come to save you.” Shen Qingqiu pinched his cheek, “Now you’re trapped here with me.”

“If Binghe wrote a letter you would destroy it!”

“Hmm? Sometimes captors need their victims to write letters to reassure their family’s that nothing was wrong. You could write a coded message-”

“A coded message?”

“Hmm-hmm, the letter would read to others as a simple well wishes, when in reality it could say words or phrases that could request aid. Especially for something you and your Baba agreed upon and when both use certain words or phrases will know something was wrong.”

Luo Binghe looked enlightened.

…And when Tianlang-Jun got his first letter from Luo Binghe his eyes teared up. And Shen Qingqiu smiled, “This Master knows of a way to preserve paintings…a letter will be no trouble.” Tianlang-Jun nodded and Shen Qingqiu placed a talisman on the back and handed it over. “Luo Binghe will write more letters in time.”

“Yes, this- this Husband thanks you.” Tianlang-Jun smiled, holding the paper in his hand with a certain gentleness.

“Since Luo Binghe is asleep, you could write him a letter? He could read it in the mornings before you leave.”

Tianlang-jun didn’t think of doing such a thing and he nodded, “That's a wonderful idea.”

Later that night, Shen Qingqiu let Tianlang-Jun take Luo Binghe back to his room, he yawned for real and sighed, he had been working on cultivating and practising his Qin. Masters can go on without food or sleep but it’s not encouraged, and even for a cultivator he had bags under his eyes.

After changing his robes he pretty much collapsed into bed beyond exhausted.

When he finally got comfortable he felt a sudden shift in the floorboard, muscle memory had him moving before he was even conscious of what he was doing.

His glass porcelain pillow shattered and Shen Qingqiu called Xiu Ya to his hand and noticed two shadows, one attacked and he defended noticing they were humans with their faces covered in veils.

Ah- the assassin were attacking, he leapt out into the courtyard as the two leapt after him.

Strange, only one assassin tried to kill Shen Qingqiu in his sleep, and the first time he broke their hand and noticed the obvious absence and was able to narrow down and expel the would be assassin from his court until there was none remaining.

Having two attack now was strange-

Suddenly a whip wrapped around his leg and a shock snapped through his whole body, he screamed in pain more from surprise than anything else as he slumped.

A woman voice chuckled wrapping up her whip.

“The Twin Face Demon Lord will be pleased to have the great Xiu Ya in his possession.”

He felt them tying him up in rope, his mind conjuring up curses his mouth couldn’t say right now.

“All this for a human, why would our Lord want to be tied to a human?” Their comrade asked, oh he recognised the voice, the Huan Hua spy.

“Don’t be so disgusting, he will hold the Xiu Ya sword until a year is out and he won’t wed the poor creature he’ll eat him.”


“Can The Twin Face Demon King hold Shen Qingqiu?”

Bride-snatched!? He was being bride-snatched what in the hel- this happened in the story but not until much later!

Tianlang-Jun always saved his harem members, the only small moment that made Shen Yuan believe the scum villain had any depth and being a badass before being forgotten as another scumbag villain of the harem.

Shen Qingqiu did not plan on re-living that thank you very much. The reason Shen Qingqiu ended up worse for wear was never explained, but Shen Yuan and the commenters made deductions over-analysing the chapters and coming to a conclusion.

Master Shen Qingqiu broke his own wrist to escape the bindings and almost got out, but was caught and beaten to a pulp and had to be saved by Tianlang-Jun.

Impatient he escaped himself, bloody and broken and took out his aggresion on Luo Binghe not physically but verbally. And when Tianlang-jun who just missed him and told him as such that if his husband had only waited he would’ve saved him. Shen Qingqiu went back to his scummy self berating Tianlang-jun for taking too long.

Even so this master had no plans on leaving his Pavillion, he liked it here!

He wished he knew how the parasites worked, he was clearly shocked so why didn’t Tianlang-jun rescue him now?

Even so, the Huan Hua spies didn’t use cultivation, even in their attacks it was the third women or should he say, demon with a whip.

And Twin Face Demon…that was the Demon King of the west. So this woman…was Zhu Cheng a member of Tianlang-Juns harem later on in the chapters.

Which of course must have pissed of the scum villain? I mean getting kidnapped and beaten by demons then your husband marries said demons?

No wonder the relationship was rocky.

Shen Qingqiu was kidnapped and found himself at the back of some cart and sighed, may as well get comfortable Tianlang-Jun will save him eventually may as well relax.

Shen Qingqiu had to sigh, it was from Tianlang-Juns point of view when his husband was bride-snatched it happened to most of his spouses. Poor Wu Wang was gone for 364 days and was beginning to think that the Demon Queen who kidnapped him was actually going to win and succeed. The fans made so many memes of the poor man, yes big busty Demon Queen is all well and good till you realised she lay eggs and it was going to be him hosting them.

Then the eggs ate the man- it was all insect-like. Shen Qingqiu approved.

But from Tianlang-Juns accounts he noticed that his husband was battered and bloody, almost like he was being used as the punching bag from the demons. But the kicker?

Both passed each other on the road.

Tianglang-Jun finally found the Twin Faced Kings Palace on fire, with a couple demons screaming retribution and demanding justice. Tianlang-Jun was impressed, his husband was strong indeed.

Of course when he returned home to see Shen Qingqiu he found the Pavillion closed to him.

When he saw Shen Qingqiu months later he paused to see the man walk with a strange limp, he used his blood parasites and was horrified at how damaged Shen Qingqiu was and how he avoided his eyes.

Tianlang-Jun soothed the injury and tried to help him, the villain smacked his hand away.

“If you came to save this husband he wouldn’t be injured-”

“This Lord did come. He arrived to see the Palace in flames.” Shen Qingqiu blinked, looking startled that someone would even bother to save him.

Tianlang-Jun looked truly heartbroken, “This one never meant to make Shen Qingqiu wait.” He numbed the pain and told the staff to draw Shen Qingqiu a bath and call Mu Qingfang,

“There’s no need-”

“You are injured.”

…Maybe that was what created the miscommunication, Shen Qingqiu thought in present time. Afterall, Shen Qingqiu was abusive but it was odd that in that time he never hurt Luo Binghe or hurt Binghe in the same way he was it would’ve been in character to hurt the criwn peimce and claimed if the Emperor failed to protect him he’ll punish Binghe as blackmail yet he didnt.

Seeing such a thing Tianlang-Jun had noticed the other wives and husbands do similar things to Binghe when they were harmed stating it was fair.

Thus when Shen Qingqiu taught his son he figured it was discipline to humans.

The current Shen Qingqiu scowled, the scumbag was too weak to lift a hand to Luo Binghe! Not because he was better! Tianlang-Jun was being taken advantage of by that scumbag- even so.

It mentioned injuries, he would have to keep calm. The Scum villain was a hot head, if he kept his head down and did nothing?

Even so, he would have to wait because he knows Tianlang-Jun would save him…maybe.

But the Twin Faced Demon King didn’t know that, maybe if he thought Shen Qingqiu had no leverage he would let him go?

As they entered the great city he could see the Palace, it was pretty he had to admit, and when they finally trotted to the entrance he was forcibly manoeuvred out almost landing flat on his face if the women didn’t grab him.

He was pushed forward, he couldn’t even appreciate the castle- if his gaze wondered he was kicked to keep walking. So rude!

It wasn't until they entered the throne room, interrupting the King with his…entertainment.

Shen Qingqiu’s mouth curled in disgust, the demons glared at him as if he was the one who barged in uninvited!

The entertainment was humans being forced to fight in the middle of the room, the other demons jeering as they placed bets.

The worst part he thought as his eyes flickered away, was that the humans were even naked striped of their dignity. And he couldn’t even criticise or call demons barbaric.

Not when the cultivators did the same to demons, it was honestly humorous that both demons and humans were cut from the same disgusting cloth.

“Oh, what is this?”

A Demon with Twin faces (Airplane and his wonderful naming conventions) purred as he looked the Master up and down.

“The First Husband to Tianglang-Jun.” The women with the whip purred raising it, Shen Qingqiu dodged before she could strike him in front of the others.

She scowled striking again, he caught it with his wrapped hands and pulled she was surprised afterall she was expecting to hit him- and she didn’t shock him like last time!? What a low IQ idiot!

He snapped the whip and it slapped her in the face, she cried out and the demons laughed in a fit suddenly focusing on the new entertainment.

Shen Qingqiu moved back as the other two cultivators intervened he struck one with the whip but the other sword sliced down towards his hands.

He flinched waiting for the sword to slice his hands to ribbons until a blade disrupted the other and pushed back.

“Now thats enough, no harm should come to our bride.” A hand was on his shoulder while another slid up his hip and gave a squeeze.

Shen Qingqiu flinched as the King drew closer, prying the whip from his hands.

“Apologies from scaring our welcomed guest.” The Twin Kings gaze glared at the women.

“You are done, take your reward and go.”

They scowled, Zhu Cheng sneered wrapping her whip around her waist and flustered out. Shen Qingqiu glared her way until another hand took his chin and tilted his face towards the demon kings.

“You shouldn’t scowl, wouldn’t want wrinkles on that pretty face.” Shen Qingqiu tensed.

Was there a reason this demon king was so touchy feely?

Shen Qingqiu shoved him moved back, then realised that could be considered rude.

“Not to be rude, My Lord. But what does the esteemed Twin Faced Demon King want with this lowly one?” He didn’t want to get beaten up just yet!

The man hummed and approached and seemed to find it amusing when Shen Qingqiu took a step back. “A timid one, aren’t you?”

You don’t need to sound so delighted about it!

“Who wouldn’t be from being kidnapped?” He asked with a bite, then stomped hard on the hand that grabbed his leg.

Crap- he was going to be beaten up he was just asking for trouble!

The Demon King laughed, “And a feisty one too! Relax Master Shen. This King has no intention of harming you.”

“You don’t?”

Excuse him for being doubtful.

“Hmm, walk with me Master Shen. There’s something this King wants to show you.”

Very well. Shen Qingqiu followed and the King seemed more amused that he obeyed, thankful to leave the loud and rowdy throne room he sighed with relief to be walking outside. He was still tied up in the red Immortal binding rope and even asked the Demon King.

“This Master won’t run away if thats what you’re worried about, could you please untie this Master?”

“Hmm, nice try. But this Demon King will not believe the Great Xiu Ya sword to be docile,” You’d be surprised other than some choices Shen Yuan was fascinated with Demon Lore!

Even now he could see that even if their roots were left to be desired their architecture was beautiful. Even the gardens was quite tasteful.

“Besides, this King thinks the Young Master looks quite fetching tied up. Makes this King wish the year would fly and end before we know it.”

Shen Qingqiu scowled, nevermind he was a creep.

The Twin Faced Demon King showed off his Palace, everything as if Shen Qingqiu was looking for a new home and the Demon King was a realtor.

I’ll take it! I’ve always wanted a bigger pond!

Please, Shen Qingqiu wasn’t impressed. Tianlang-Juns home is better, even for a first husband's chambers that was erected last minute.

And yet the rooms he was promised once the year was up was pathetic. He couldn’t hide his sneer in time. And the Twin Faced Demon noticed.

“Does my wife find something wrong with these rooms?”

…sh*t was this it? Did he offend him?

Truthfully he always dismissed Shen Qingqiu for not waiting but now he began to realise something…usually subtext flies over his head that was his weakness. Did Shen Qingqiu escape not because he was impatient?

He glanced up Twin pair of eyes gazing at him indecently and he shivered.

But it was the Demon King who was impatient and didn’t wait a full year to… sample the goods?

He hoped he was looking too much into it and hoped he was wrong.

“N-nothing. But this one isn’t a wife yet,” he spoke looking down shyly, maybe if he was acting okay with it there would be no need to force it?

“Have to wait for the year to end, first.”

“Yes, what an agonising wait, but it would be sweeter.” The demon raised one hand to raise his hair and kissed it.

This was going to be hell.

It felt as if months had passed, and so far he clung to the Twin Faced demons legs- no not like that!

But if he was alone for a moment a demon would try to take advantage!

They wanted to cut his fingers off as a souvenir!

When he broke their hand and was attacked the Demon King saved him and admitted it’d be safer if he stayed with this King.

Shen Qingqiu was f*cking terrified, so far nothing…physically bad happened to him yet- but that was precedent to make an example of him and start the abuse!

Shen Qingqiu was tortured, he realises that now! So the fact that nothing was happening was making him insane.

The Twin faced demon smirked as he stroked his hand through the cultivator's hair, he had him on his knees at his throne. Whenever any demon came in they saw the cultivator at his feet while he relaxed in his throne it made him look much more cooler!

He didn’t even have to touch the cultivator to make him obedient! He was going to do whatever he wanted, but after what the human said realised he was obedient to a fault and would probably gladly let him do whatever once the year was out!

A willing partner was better, the Twin Faced Demon nodded to himself.

Shen Qingqiu glanced at the advisors giving him the stink eye, it’s funny this time they're trying to tell the demon King he was wasting his time as the Emperor wasn’t coming.

And yet in the story they were the ones telling the Twin Faced Demon to stop abusing Shen Qingqiu too much and wait for the year to end.

At this point the terror was too much for Shen Qingqiu to take- he wasn’t coming this time, why!?

“Don’t bother, Tianlang-jun won’t even notice this one is gone.” That seems to be the case! “Any type of blackmail you need from the Emperor ends here.” So just let me go!

The Twin face’s leered into a grin, “Is that true? That just confirms you’d like to get comfortable with this king- is Tianlang-Jun that dissatisfying?”

Shen Qingqiu kept his mouth locked shut until the Demon pulled the rope up forcing Shen Qingqiu into his lap, the other bit his lip as the rope cut into his hands.

He flinched when the four pair of hands began to stroke his hips, the palms pushed against his chest.

“Were you waiting for a real demon to push you down? Just say the word.”

Was this how the original goods burned the place to the ground? If so he began to applaud his methods. But now he was truly pissed off.

“Is the demon in the room with us now?” f*ck it, who cares if he gets punched in the face or his tongue ripped out, worth it!

Instead the Twin faced demon laughed !

“Hah! Feisty, Tianlang-Jun will regret letting you get kidnapped so easily!”

He seriously wonders what the original goods did to get tortured because now he’s starting to think he can say anything and the Demon King would probably find it amusing.

Like a small puppy learning to bark for the first time…what changed?

He grit his teeth, “Tianlang-Jun won’t miss this one's presence.” That seemed to be the case, was it because of his injuries that the man half-heartedly decided to rescue him only for the original goods to escape himself?

“Husband wounds me so.”

Shen Qingqiu’s head snapped to Tianlang-Jun who stood in the room, completely co*cky and self-assured. Even the demons jumped startled at the sudden presence of the Demon Emperor!

Shen Qingqiu glared what took him so long!

The man turned and sighed, “How distasteful.” He reached out, the Twin Faced Demon king sat up “You-!”

Tianlang-Jun crushed an unassuming lantern but it had an immediate effect.

Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt less tired, and more aware. Tianlang-Jun spoke but his eyes were looking at Shen Qingqiu.

“When this Lord was awoken by a distraught son, found out his Husband was missing for a few hours, this Lord came as quick as he could.”

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes furrowed, hours? Wait-

That Lantern- it must’ve been a device or some object that could dilute time a psychological torture device!

Shen Qingqiu probably wasted away here thinking it had been months, maybe even the Demon King lied claiming a year had passed when it hadn’t! Instead of months it was a few hours!?

He was going insane.

…No wonder he burned it to the ground. He must have snapped before the Demon touched him and escaped, afterall Tianlang-Jun in his accounts never mentioned… that type of injury.

It’s what made Shen Qingqiu wait and have hope that he would come in time-

And he did! HOURS!

He scowled at the Twin Faced Demon, he wanted to rip his eyes out- both of them !

“Now.” Tianlang-Jun spoke raising his bare hands and Shen Qingqiu turned back towards him in wonder-

Tianlang-Jun was going to fight! He was going to do some badass kicking and save the damsel in distress!

Well…the damsel was him but who cares!

And it was glorious, seeing the heavenly demon defeat and easily overpower the demon henchmen was beauty to watch, like poetry in motion.

You know the fight in Kingsmen when Galahad was killing all those people in the church with a badass rock song playing over it?

It was better than that! Shen Qingqiu gasped and awed and even wiggled in his seat when Tianlang-Jun was defeating each and everyone, his own smirk as he glanced back to see his husband enjoying the show.

The Twin faced Demon scowled but each time he was about to intervene the cultivator would move just so and distract him!


When the Heavenly demon leapt into the air blood splattering from him, Shen Qingqiu was worried and the Twin Faced Demon smirked eyes alight with glee- then both gasped when the demons behind him screamed puking blood and falling face first into the floor.

“What did you do!”

The blood parasites! Shen Qingqiu thought that was wonderful! Bravo! He would clap if he could!

“Now, release my husband and the same won’t happen to you.”

The Twin faced Demon King pulled Shen Qingqiu flush against himself, who the f*ck was he princess Leia!? Get off creep!

“This Demon King won’t think he will, I like this human, so easy to bully,”

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes, idiot. “Twin Faced Demon King, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

“Hmm, this one might like the hard way-” He liked a wet stripe up Shen Qingqius cheek- ugh gross!

Hard way it was!

…And thats how he followed behind Tianlang-Jun as the man whistled a happy tune, spinning the twin heads of the demon king by his hair then slammed it on a pike at the front gates.

The Western palace is in flames behind them.

Shen Qingqiu felt bad, what a waste of a good architect.

Even so, Tianlang-Jun seemed happy, so that was that.

Even if the binding cables were still attached and he was tired, it really felt like months ! That sucked!

“Was husband scared?”

“A little…this Master thought you wouldn’t come for him.”

Tianlang-jun gasped in mock outrage, “Not come back for my husband who was bridesnatched!? Think of my publicity! So many people would be disappointed this emperor would lose a husband so easily!”

And just like that, he lost him. Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. Nice to know your reputations in tact. Get me out of these ropes.”

“As husband says,”

Well at least the worst was a small cut on his hands from the ropes.

“Who did it?”


“Who kidnapped Master Shen?”

Hmm? What so you would marry them?

Even so, he didn’t fancy being forced through any more assasination attempts.

“Zhu Cheng. A western Demon,” And sad*stic dominatrix, “She wants your attention and is making a bid to be your next wife.”

“Hmm…this Lord will consider it.”

Shen Qingqiu scowled, but said nothing; it was none of his business.

…Which was why it was so shocking when Tianlang-Jun showed him the dungeons after and asked Shen Qingqiu what he wanted to do with Zhu Cheng.

…There was barely anything left to do! the poor girl!

“What- why would you do this!?” Shen Qingqiu spoke, but knowing what she did to Shen Qingqiu behind the scenes which Tianlang-Jun hilariously (not really funny) found out too late of the abuse Shen Qingqiu faced from her whip.

Kinda made Shen Qingqiu feel vindicated.

Tianlang-Jun glanced at him, looking unconcerned.

“She kidnapped you.”

Okay, Shen Qingqiu sighed, “Put her out of her misery.” Tianlang-Jun beamed, like a puppy wanting head pats but when it came to demons? Shen Qingqiu didn’t know if this was something he should be concerned about or think was normal.

“Of course, husband.”


When the two cultivators were gone he was surprised. He noticed a bawling Luo Binghe and even an irritated Wu Chen and wondered what happened.

“It was the Young Imperial highness who noticed your absence, if it wasn’t for Luo Binghe here, we would not have known sooner that you were gone.”

Shen Qingqiu looked down and smiled, “So it was Luo Binghe who told his father.”

Luo Binghe nodded and Shen Qingqiu moved down gathering the weeping child into his arms.

“It’s okay, Luo Binghe did such a good job.”

“Don’t get kidnapped again!”

He’ll certainly try.

“Where are the others?” He asked and Wu Chens look darkened, “They have been rejected from the Heavenly palace for treason. They are lucky not to get a public beheading.”

Oh… oh well sh*t.

Shen Qingqiu glanced down, in the story the Huan Hua spies weren’t caught, Shen Qingqiu kept it silent and tried to catch them red-handed it wasn’t until he was almost dying that Tianlang-Jun saved him in the nick of time.

It was only because Luo Binghe saw and he was in danger since he would’ve exposed the two cultivators that Tianlang-Jun intervened.

…Could it be that easy?

But this did open up issues with the Demon Realm, they only saw The heavenly demon and in turn the humans he represented- had destroyed a Demon Palace, and in turn forced them to jump on the same idea cultivators had.

If you couldn’t beat them, join them.

And thus Tianlang-Jun now had to begin peace treaties with the Lords and Ladies now. Thankfully the demons never saw it as a real marriage and didn’t want to stay at the Heavenly Palace instead they created their own…in the Western kingdom.

Any excuse to claim the land and that was where all the Demon spouses remained, ironically they claimed that the Heavenly Palace was stifling and they couldn’t deal with the Spirtual energy it made them sick!

Shen Qingqiu when he heard that from Zhuzhi-lang with Luo Binghe in his lap had to put his tea down confused.

“What? But there is tons of Demonic Miama here shouldn’t they be fine?” The cultivators weren’t complaining.

Zhuzhi-lang shook his head.

“Demon offspring is rare which was why they were so offended when the Twin Palace was destroyed and the Demon King in charge of it with no heirs, they still don’t trust humans and know if they placed their heirs here they could be killed.”

“And yet, Sha Hualing and Madam Meiyan had joined the Harem.” The succubus queen only did it for safety for her girls, Tianlang-Jun turned a blind eye and even helped take prisoners from his dungeon to give to her clan to feed. Sha Hualing he didn’t know her angle yet.

In the story she was quiet docile which was strange given her bratty nature.

Shen Qingqiu sipped his tea, frown on face. Sha Hualing was so bratty and Tianlang-Jun seemed to encourage it, it never stated wether he liked Sha Hualing romantically like that but the two got along like a house on fire.

He almost raised her to first wife, showing her many favours and inviting her to the Sun Pavillion.

Only she had that favour, and it’s what made all the fans believe he had finally moved on from Xu Siyan and planned to settle down with a demon saintess instead!

But fortunately it was from Tianlang-Juns experiences, he did bed her and have a child together like he did most of his wives, but he neve saw her like that. Tianlang-Jun said that they were too similar that he himself was the brat in his own relationship with his wife. Instead the two got along like gossiping aunties and he even encouraged her relationship with Liu Mingyan.

He said what happens in the heavenly palace, stays in the heavenly palace.

People claimed that Tianlang-jun and Luo Binghe showed the love between Humans and demons and it should be celebrated! But god forbid more start following and pursuing such Relationships!

But then their was Dier, poor thing was a concubine and didn’t have much to do other than being arm candy worse part? Tianlang-Jun wanted nothing to do with her.

The saintess may act childish but was a grown women, but something about the Skinner Demon seemed to childish for him and Tianlang-Jun couldn’t stand her presence and pretended she was not even there like a pretty ornament.

The plot hole, was when she caused trouble, she bribed Shen Qingqiu’s servants to kill him in his sleep or poison his tea which at the time they complied since Shen Qingqiu was a scumbag.

He was worried about the two of them now. Even as a reader, Dier was naive and a child no way she would just randomly kill the first husband what would she gain from that !?

Someone must of planted the idea in her head, but who? Who knows. More wives were added to the harem it was no longer the main characters.

These wives and husbands were labelled #wife 10 or #husband 5 it was funny since it was Tianlang-Jun who named them that, his nephew thought when it was his chapter commenting on his uncles strange fascination with plays and he used this method to get through the torture and bedding of many people he couldn’t stand.

Even so, Sha Hualing would be the Emperor's favourite…Shen Qingqiu will have to deal with that.

Then there was the sower, which was never mentioned in the original story- and so she must be filling in for Zu Cheng as a peace offering from the survivors of the west picking up the Twin Faced Demons' mistakes.

But the worst was a character Shen Qingqiu zeroed in on and wanted him gone .

A recluse and loner of a husband, the one demon male who had no problem being in the Heavenly Palace keeping his head stuck down.

Going to the library, reading crappy books, and pretended no one existed.

If Shen Yuan was a husband of the demon Emperor that would be that demonic little insect a literal demon bookworm!

Shen Qingqiu eyes narrowed, he couldn’t believe he was seeing his self-insert in real time! The demon was also poisoned by a dumpling! It was truly unnerving and the only good thing was that the demon didn’t die!

And in the present time, once Luo Binghe was moved to the Sun Pavillion, now encouraged by Shen Qingqiu-

“Take him to the Sun Pavillion your Imperial highness,” He spoke to Tianlang-Jun with false cheer, “He’ll be safer there.” Luo Binghe was asleep and now Shen Qingqiu worried that soon it would be him that was the target.

Tianlang-Jun stared at him, “Is Husband sure he wants to sta-”

“This Husband will stay and clean house.”

Since the Pavillion was charmed it was only the staff that was a problem. “If this Husband can’t handle assassins what good am I as a cultivator?”

Tianlang-Jun sighed, “This Lord will give Husband a few months to clean house. If not then this Lord will handle it.”

Okay no pressure.

While Shen Qingqiu worried about the test of wills and strength, noticed Tianlang-Juns worried look. On one hand his spouses had to be strong to survive, but on the other his husband knows he can count on him for things like this, right?

Of course, he faced more assasination attempts after, he could even make a humorous montage of all the times he evaded death.

Poison was his favourite, you never knew who did it! As well as new contenders with the new Demon Wives/husbands. Most lived at another palace, but the ones weaker who could handle the spiritual energy was forced to live at the Heavenly Palace.

And thus, more assasination attempts, truthfully Shen Qingqiu wondered something out loud.

“Zhuzhi-Lang?” The man was also a permanent resident to watch over both Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe. Zhuzhi-Lang could turn into a snake and spy on him this Shen Qingqiu knew, but the original goods didn’t, he always ignored the green snake hiding in the foliage, and Zhuzhi-lang would report any danger to his son.

Truthfully, Tianlang-Jun was going to gather this evidence but then Shen Jiu had changed, and Tianglang-Jun couldn’t help but feel pity for the poor man. One who acted more like a beast cornered than a cultivator.

Even so, Shen Qingqiu poured tea for his Step-Nephew.

“This would be the perfect time for Cultivators to play their hand.”

“Cultivator Master Shen?”

Aw, he was still so polite, Shen Qingqiu smiled, “This Master merely thought, how good of an opportunity would come that demons.came to the palace all of a sudden trouble started? It would be unsurprising if a bold cultivator staged an attack and blamed it on the new party instead. Being demons as well as a new territory they wouldn’t deny such a thing thinking attacks would gain benefits.”

Zhuzhi-Lang nodded, “That does sound interesting…”

Such as poor Die-er, she tried to bribe Gongyi Xiao the Elder into putting something into Shen Qingqiu’s tea.

…She had no idea of the landmine she stepped on.

The original goods was hated, and the staff would gladly do anything to inconvenience him and would even back-stab him for free!

But this time Die-er was wrong, and surprised by the loyalty and accidentally exposed herself. But Shen Qingqiu told Tianlang-Jun to stay his hand.

Even in the story, Die-er was a lower rank but not smart, what would she gain from the first husbands death?

He wouldn’t be surprised if someone put something stupid in her head.

Tianlang-Jun agreed to an interrogation which proved true, alas the person was smart and sent Ladies-in waiting encouraging poor Die-er and on one hand it may be an assassin attempt or could be poor advice the humans actually thought would benefit the poor girl.

There was nothing to be done about it, but they kept her alive this time and sent to an isolated palace to reflect.

Of course that may also put more blame on him, all demons thought Humans were inferior and lesser breeds maybe they despised having human first wife and husbands outranking them.

And Die-er was the last of it! After that his lessons with Luo Binghe continued with minor incidents!

It was going pretty well! His reading and writing was getting better and he ‘played’ with Luo Binghe to train him using his sword.

The crown prince liked playing swords but found the proper stances boring so, Shen Qingqiu summoned his leaf blades- dulling them and making them child friendly- and why Luo Binghe went through the movements the blades would either attack or correct him.

Luo Binghe noticed the pattern and if he went through the motion he wouldn’t get hit by a leaf. Shen Qingqiu even saw him practising alone once and smiled.

Luo Binghe’s sword forms will be better - when Luo Binghe was fighting in the abyss he was lucky to survive but if he had proper sword training it wouldn’t be too bad.

…But then there was a hiccup.

Reading and writing, sword forms pss easy. Now food…he never thought Luo Binghe would have a problem with it.

Luo Binghe just… refused to eat. And Shen Qingqiu was worried, Tianlang-jun would even tell him his son didn’t eat when he was with him he assumed Shen Qingqiu fed him.

Luo Binghe was starting to give him anxiety, with his inedia he didn’t need food although…maybe eating together may fix it?

He took Luo Binghe’s plate and the boys stubborn frown faded in confusion.

He blinked as Shen Qingqiu ate his food!

“Hmm! This is so good, the chiefs made it extra tasty today!”

Luo Binghe looked on the verge of tears, his stomach grumbling as Shen Qingqiu ate it all.

“Did Luo Binghe want this?”

“Shizun ate it.”

“Luo Binghe wasted five meals previously, theres no point wasting a sixth.”

Shen Qingqiu even used the Luo Binghe story about how the protagonist was so starved who had to work hard for a tiny grain of rice and watch how his mother starved to death!

Luo Binghe now ate his food.

Shen Qingqiu took it all, he bore it out like a man on death row. If he was too mean to Luo Binghe he would make his Shizun pay and torture him in the future! But starving himself? No way.

So instead when Luo Binghe acted up, he waited until he tuckered himself out, ran off his zoomies made really irritating noises that had Shen Qingqiu’s jaw twitch. (Which Binghe saw and kept doing it!)

When Luo Binghe crashed, he would sigh with relief and pick him up, usually this was when Luo Binghe would wake up ‘suddenly’ and start play fighting like Zhuzhi-lang did!

…He was going to be having words with that snake.

He’s docile now, his lesson learned.

“Shizun…are you my new Mother?” Luo Binghe wished that was true, Shen Qingqiu seemed to nice compared to the others.

He felt Shen Qingqiu stiffening and bit his lip- he ruined it already.

“Prince Luo…” He was using his title. Luo Binghe grasped his robes, eyes suspiciously shining on his cherub like face.

Shen Qingqiu pulled back, sadness in his eyes as he gathered Luo Binghe close to him.

“Everybody else makes me call them mama. Why can’t Binghe call Shizun Mama?”

“I’m not your mother.” Shen Qingqiu spoke softly, and he rushed to explain before Luo Binghe could cry.

“Your mother was Su Xiyan and she loved you very very much, this one does not want to replace her -but I do see you like a son.” He spoke with a high inclination to reassure Binghe. “I would like to be a part of your family with your father and cousin, but this Master does not want Luo Binghe to forget about her and how much she meant to your father.”

Hmmm, Luo Binghe always overspoke about other wives and gaining favour they were all jealous of Shizun.

“Does Shizun…hate mama since she was Baba’s first love?”

Shen Qingqiu laughed, “No, this Master wishes he had the pleasure of meeting her. They say you look just like her.”

Luo Binghe looked down, “Is that why Baba is always sad when he looks at Binghe, or why he’s always away- does he hate Binghe?”

Shen Qingqiu grimaced, he noticed?

Tianlang-Jun was on more missions, his son must be feeling the loss, and it would get a lot worse, years later when Luo Binghe starts looking the spit of Su Xiyan- his father visits him less and less. And Luo Binghe felt truly abandoned.

Binghe was alone in a treacherous Harem, unaware his father was a shackled mutt sent out to fight monsters, too strong for the cultivators and even occasionally demons.
If he didn’t the cultivators stationed at the heavenly palace would kill Binghe.

Tianglang-Jun was strong, but he was only one demon who lacked numbers and allies to protect him.

“No, your father is out there fighting monsters to keep us safe, he’s a hero. Like your stories.” Luo Binghe’s eyes sparkled, “Really?”

“Hmm and your mother Su Xiyan was a hero too. Fighting monsters protecting the weak, and she was the strongest Disciple of Huan Hua, did you know she won first place at the Immortal Alliance conference?”

“What’s that?”

“It’s an event where all Disciples of the four sects go to test their strength. She was number one on the leaderboard making her the winner. But it’s not just about strength she was cunning and strategic in how she battled her monsters on her own and gained points that high.”

“Is that why Baba loved her? Her strength?”

Hmm- honestly Shen Qingqiu didn’t know, even though both Su Xiyan and Luo Binghe was the drive for Tianlang-Juns devotion to maintaining his harem and bending over for the cultivators. Shen Qingqiu knew almost nothing about the women who died giving birth to Luo Binghe.

He couldn’t ask the demon emperor! But he could maybe speak with Qin Wanyue, she was a soft spoken women and looked very weak. He had sympathy knowing what was coming so he asked Mu Qingfang to look into it more.

The Doctor saw and tried to make her as comfortable as possible and asked her if she needed to talk to him, she felt guilty taking up Mu Qingfangs time when he should be helping others.

So Shen Qingqiu kinda…bullied her to having tea with him, and spoke about how she was feeling. He decided to act vulnerable, unlike the other heathens in this godforsaken Harem, her point of view and story was too sweet and naive.

“This Qingqiu…feels alone, in the Harem even with others from my sect this one feels abandoned and thought- even though Qin-Shijie has siblings and has support, this Qingqiu would gladly offer the same.”

“You feel pity for me, don’t you?” She spoke, staring into her teacup, looking truly broken.

“I pity us both, why not be pitiful together?”

Her lips twitched into a smile, so he changed the subject to something she would appreciate and that was her favourite book.

Her eyes shone when he said he read it (absolute trash) but she puffed up with excitement to speak about the story.

He likes to think he gained an ally and even helped with her pregnancy- no not those parts, more like talking to her when she’s down and cleansing her with qi- he even played the Qin for her.

At least Qin Wanyue had a taste for the arts!

She spoke about Su Xiyan, her Shijie at the sect and how she looked up to her, Qin Wanyue told him stories about Si Xiyan and he absorbed it like a sponge.

He could relate, both of them were lonely without their older siblings to help them. He took her hand and told her he had a Shixiong at home but…nothing would be the same ever again and he understood on some level the lose she felt and being adrift.

He told her she could visit his Pavillion any time (With supervision won’t do for a man and women being too close)

And with those same stories he told Luo Binghe, what she was like at her home Sect, her favourite foods things he couldn’t ask Tianlang-Jun about he knew he missed his Empress it was the only women he loved and her loss was like an open wound. Shen Qingqiu didn’t dare pour salt in that wound.

After this he’d like to think he and Luo Binghe became a little closer, but Binghe was still a child and Shen Qingqiu was mentally clocking out.

And he felt relief when Tianlang-Jun came to the White Lotus Pavillion to take back his son, for quality father/son bonding time. The Emperor was so worked to the bone he barely had a reprieve and the free time he did have he hunted Binghe down and had to have him on his hip or he would go stir crazy.

“Ah Binghe! Have you behaved for Shen Qingqiu today?”

“Hmm! Shizun told me stories!”
At the address, Tianlang-Jun raised an eyebrow, “Shiuzn?”

Shen Qingqiu coughed, thankful he didn’t ask what type of stories instead.

“This one is a teacher after all, it’d be best to tell Luo Binghe the truth to make it easier when he grows older.”

“The truth?”

“Our marriage is political only, this Master is no…mother. But a teacher and friend of his fathers would be easier to young Binghe to digest. Since this one is going to teach the Imperial children when they also come of age.”

Tianlang-Jun nodded, “Of course, wise of First Husband to think of such a thing.”

“And…” Shen Qingqiu glanced down, then looked up determined lilt to his eyes.

“No one can replace Su Xiyan as Luo Binghe’s mother, and he should know what a strong capable women she was.”

The pain in Tianlang-Juns eyes truly made Shen Qingqiu feel like scum, he thought’d it be best to ask about Xiyan but now- he should’ve just stabbed the man in the heart it would be less painful!

“A-apologies this one over-stepped!”

“No. Master Shen is right,” Master Shen- god he f*cked up , his voice was raw and his eyes glistened red, it made something squirm in Shen Qingqiu’s belly knowing he did that, he hated seeing people cry.

“If it helps, this one can talk to Luo Binghe about her- until you’re ready…” he offered and Tianlang-Jun nodded, “This Lord will be grateful.”

As the Father son duo left, Shen Qingqiu sighed, he considered that a success!

…Tianlang-Jun walked down the corridor to the Sun pavilion, Luo Binghe hugging him and playing with his hair, once they entered their home the door sealing shut, did Tianlang-Jun beam eyes dry and laughed.

“How was that, Binghe?”

“Baba is a great actor!” Luo Binghe giggled enjoying this game, too young to understand just yet, Tianlang-Jun hummed as he made his way to a daybed and rested atop of it.

“So how was your shizun ?” He asked, probing.

“Hmm, Strict and mean- but not as mean as the ladies, more like…Zhuzhu mean when he makes me eat greens.” Luo Binghe’s fash squished adorably.

…But it wasn’t very helpful.

Tianlang-Jun internally sighed, this is what happens when he asks a three year old questions.

“Does he hit you? Like the ladies did?”

Blood parasites can warn him but when he gets there and his son is tightlipped thats the problem.

“They hurt, but his fan didn’t.”

“He hit you with his fan.”

Luo Binghe smacked his arm, but it was a light tap, just fast. “Like that.”

…Okay but was that the same strength? Or was it much more harder than a three year old can convey?

Hunting monsters and having his own arms ripped off he realised he couldn’t feel anything, Zhuzhi-lang noted attacks on the young prince and Tianlang-Jun realised with horror he couldn’t feel it, too distracted to notice!

Tianlang-Jun will have to hire Meng Mo as security at this point but he didn’t want to. Meng Mo didn’t come without a price, sometimes things he himself didn’t think was worth paying for.

If it truly got bad and Zhuzhi-lang confirmed Shen Qingqiu did harm his son, he’d had to wait before making another deal and being indebt to more people…


who abused Binghe? haitang and Wanrong, wanrong wasn't on purpose it's like being too excitable and stroking a pet to hard and being surprised or angry when the dog bites. But haitang saw it as free real estate as the first prince is a target for the hierchy etc.

Shen Qingqiu: I can tell Luo Binghe about...THAT if it's too much?
Tianlang-Jun: *sucks in a sharp pained whimper* t-that would be best.
Shen Qingqiu: You still need time, this Qingqiu will talk about Voltron Legendary defenders season 8 so you don't have to-
Tianlang-Jun: *breaking down in sobs* Rip Voltron 2016-2018!

Chapter 6: It's not a Harem drama without Assasination attempts!


Shen Qingqiu almost dies! But he’s fine, it’s just another typical tuesday. Also some smexual warnings here, I did write SY as Demi but some things transmpire [masturbating alone] so yeah warning just incase, when it talks about SY taking his medicine just skip.


Okay so yes Shen Yuan IS demi, but he has read/fallen in love with Tianlang-Jun from his story so it feels as if he already knows him BUT it will take him longer to handle it, does he love TLG? Yes, has smexy thoughts yes? But actually in a room with him he does not even conceive the idea of hand holding. Having a crush on a fictional character is different with a person. [idk how to explain it, it’s like me writing tons of smut of Voltron but if I met the Voice actors I wouldn’t feel anything y’know] So actually being with TLG is like…meeting the husband after your aunties talked about his good points.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Since Shen Qingqiu did too well with getting rid of double crossing servants with scarily accurate insight, of course an attack had to happen outside being invited in.

When the assisination attempt happened, as foretold in the main plot, the final attack before Tianlang-Jun finally put his foot down and took Shen Qingqiu to the Sun Pavillion because all of these attacks were making the Emperor look bad.

In this one, the original goods accidentally saved Luo Binghe- he thought it was the Master being attacked NOT the brat so when Shen Qingqiu realised he saved Luo Binghe by mistake he was kicking himself for it!

Currently Shen Qingqiu knew it was a demon from the South, their attack was from a place of protest, this anonymous demon was disgusted at the Heavenly Demon Sovereign leader bending over for the humans and it was too disgraceful!

So Elder hamer who wore poison on his armour and had managed to get into the White Lotus courtyard, how?

He was invited in by a member of staff by mistake, Elder hammer spoke that the wife Sha Hualing wanted Tea with Master Shen and he was there as supervision so the two wouldn’t do anything unbecoming of wife and husband of the demon Emperor.

It was from Elder Hammers Point of View, how he sneered up the original goods' cowardly behaviour and how it confirmed how he thought about humans.

How the man even admitted that if he wanted Luo Binghe he would’ve given the brat up himself!

Seeing someone act so dishonourably he sneered and told the disgraced master he’s not even worthy enough to die by his blade! Thus that prejudice led to Luo Binghe and declared if he killed that hellspawn then Tianlang-Jun would be free from his chains to humanity!

Shen Qingqiu currently who had Luo Binghe as well as Gongyi Xiao junior in his courtyard, felt himself tense up.

No, no way in hell was all this hard work going to waste!

Even in training he wasn’t a useless lay-about! He was a cultivator god dammit how dare that demon underestimate him!

He kept Luo Binghe close behind him when he ran towards his Shizun, and waved his hand at Gongyi Xiao.

“Gongyi Xiao- take Binghe down the servant quarters find the Emperor!” Gongyi Xioa nodded picking Luo Binghe up as the other yelped, “No- Shizun!” He reached out alarmed.

Shen Qingqiu smiled, “Don’t worry,” Shen Qingqiu immediately had his sword glare disrupt Elder hammer- he wasn’t ignoring the demon!

He knew exactly what he would do hoping he was distracted with Binghe hah! He can multitask!

“This Master will protect you,”

He distracted Elder Hammer long enough for Gongyi Xiao to slip into the secret passage in the courtyard, when Elder Hammer flew back he scowled, unable to find the brat.

Shen Qingqiu ripped a talisman, it should alert Tianlang-Jun but he had no idea how long it would take.

After all it was the servant that saved Luo Binghe and alerted the Emperor while the original goods was fighting then defeated and it showed Luo Binghe’s Point of View with Gongyi Xiao trying to escape and having children out think an adult demon made Shen Yuan root for them and sigh with relief when Tianlang-Jun saved them just in time.

The original goods excuse? “What can this weak cultivator do against a demon? I sent Luo Binghe down the servant quarters and lost track of him.” He lied.

But now he had no idea how long it would take! Tianlang-jun would find Luo Binghe first then they might not even come back, while Shen Qingqiu could relax in the first draft in this one Shen Qingqiu was fighting against a demon in poison!

When Tianlang got the summons, he rushed home, the Old Palace Master be damned!

…Well truthfully he was pleased that something disrupted that old mans ranting.

Master Shen wouldn’t activate the emergency talisman for something little - and he was right!

Seeing his Palace under siege, he was able to make way striking down the rebellion as soon as he could.

As he finally cleared the outer courts to the inner courts easily, he found a servant Gongyi Xiao Elder rush forward.

He was fond of the man, his son played with Luo Binghe and they had grown to be fast friends. Although Gongyi Xiao was the complete opposite of his stern father.

“Junshang! Thank Goodness!”

“What happened?”

And where were his generals? And since these were south demons…Where was Sha Hualing?

“Demons from the south charged the attack, Luo Binghe is hidden in the servant quarters but Master Shen…”

Tianlang-Juns heart seized, did he finally do it? Did Shen Qingqiu reveal his hand and tried to assassinate his child?

What else for the tone Gongyi Xiao elder gave?

“Master Zhuzhi-lang barely got there in time - Shen Qingqiu is in the medical bay, he was struck with without a cure!”

Tianlang-Jun gaped -


“He stayed behind in the White Lotus Pavilion with Elder Hammer- they both struck blows to each other and Elder Hammer died but your husband-” Tianlang-Jun was distracted and when a south demon with one arm swung his hammer Tianlang-Jun jumped out the way then retaliated with a simple swipe of his hand and beheaded the demon.

The body slumped, and when Tianlang-Jun turned his eyes widened to see the hammer struck the ground making Gongyi Xiao fly backwards towards a pillar.

His head must have hit the stone wall his eyes dull and body slumped. Tianlang-Jun grit his teeth. Even his blood parasites couldn’t fix it, the man was dead.

“That's it. Now this Lord is mad.”

When Tianlang-Jun hunted down each and every pest and and when he found Sha Hualing she had the nerve to act remorseful and acting so childishly just to lesson the brunt of punishment.

A quick death would be too good for her.

He flexed his hand and she grunted in pain falling to the floor and gasping for air “My-My father will hear about this!” She spoke with anger and hatred, Tianlang-Jun flexed them again then diverted the next part to the brain, her eyes dulled and her face relaxed.

“No one will notice or care what happens to the Hualing Saintess, now tell me who else was a part of your plan?”

Brainwashing was something his blood could do and he kept that close to his chest, after she revealed her information she will ‘return’ to normal but she will never have free will to act against him ever again.

It would be easier to do this to all the wives, but its not them he’s worried about it’s their patrons.

Each sect has something to gain from this marriage and if the wives and husbands go radio silent they’ll know something was wrong.

This exposed them, all he had to do was wait it out…

Realising she was working for herself, but only trying to take Die-er down with her but admitted that the demon was a scape goat and only tried to survive the Palace life.

He banished Sha Hualing for treason the deaths of his staff and family on her hands good enough to send her back to her father and remove any type of bargain they had made.

After cleaning up the mess, he found Luo Binghe picking him up and holding him close, breathing in and finally calming his racing heart.

Both made their way to the Medical ward, and Luo Binghe was crying.

“The man was after me- and Shizun…”

Tianlang-Jun always wondered why his husband preferred Binghe to call him Shizun instead of Father…strange human customs.

When they entered Tianlang-jun masked his presence and told Binghe to remain silent as they both listened to his Husband and the Doctor.

One traitor was exposed, would another turn out so easily?

“How much time do I have, Months, days?” Shen Qingqiu spoke his voice holding some type of humour but resigned and tired.

Bracing himself for the worst.
“You’ll live,” mu Qingfang spoke, shuffling around, “You’re cultivation however can halt at any time, someone has to cleanse your meridians nightly but shixiong…you won’t be able to ascend or even progress your cultivation this way.”

“That’s fine, have you checked on Binghe, was he hurt?”

“The Crown Prince is fine, he had quiet a shock though.”
“Hmm, and it won’t be the last, other demons and humans will stop at nothing to attack the royal family- they do realise once Luo Binghe dies it would make all of their contracts end and they would no longer be welcome in the Heavenly Palace- honestly how stupid could they be? Why not just go home and save us all the trouble-”

“Shixiong, your blood pressure! Please calm down, it’s best to focus on yourself and not to do anything reckless anymore.”

Mu Qingfang sighed placing down something with a loud slam, “Shixiong, you could leave it it becomes too much and being struck with without a cure is grounds that the Emperor is unfit to keep you safe-”
“It’s manageable, And he came just in time, there’s no need for such fuss.”

Tianlang-Jun knocked on the side parton and turned the corner, he noticed both Peak Lords straighten (Or at leas Shen Qingqiu sit up straight on the bed from slumping over)

“See Binghe, he’s fine.” He placed his son down and watched amused how Luo Binghe ran forward climbing up the bed, Shen Qingqiu reached out face looking worried of a small child trying to climb a large bed and helped him up and grunted when Luo Binghe climbed into his lap, Shen Qingqiu adjusted him in his lap and leaned back resting against the pillows, looking soft.

Tianlang-Jun couldn’t explain the feeling…but he felt frustrated that he was too slow.

Even though Shen Qingqiu was smiling his eyes looked strained, he saw his arm was bandaged and bleeding, Tianlang-Jun used his blood parasites to scope the area and felt Without a cure festering away at the limb. If this continues the man could lose the use of his arm-

The Blood Parasites swarmed and began eating the poison, and using the energy to heal the wound.

“Binghe was so brave,” Shen Qingqiu spoke fondly and looked down at his son with pride, a shame his son didn’t share the sentiment.

“Shizun was hurt.”

Shen Qingqiu laughed, “This? This is nothing this Master has had worse.”

And everyone in the room believed it. Which made Luo Binghe cry even harder.

“Shizun should never be hurt!”

Shen Qingqiu awkwardly held his son close and patted his back making cooing noises, it made something inside Tianlang-Jun squirm.

So he gave the doctor eye contact and nodded behind the partition.

After using a silencing talisman, did Tianlang-Jun sigh, revealing a secret his own mother told him to never tell anyone.

“There is a cure for without- a- cure- but it’s unconventional.”

Mu Qingfangs eyes widened, “What-”

“Dual cultivation with a Heavenly Demon.”

And yet from his own experience…as well as the recent kidnapping- he noticed his husband didn’t seem fond of others in that way.

“Shen Qingqiu seems…adversed to men, so far this Lord has respected such wishes, as well as the wifes similar to his situation,” Mu Qingfang brow furrowed, wondering if he’ll get to the point.

“Perhaps their is a way Master Mu can convert such things into a pill for Master Shen to ingest instead.”

Mu Qingfang hummed, “It depends on how it works and why specifically duel cultivation, especially if your blood parasites don’t work. Is it the Duel energies, or other attributes, we’ll try it one way but if that doesn’t work this one will have to tell his Shixiong even if he’s uncomfortable- it could save his life.”

“Only if he agrees.”


Shen Qingqiu stared at the packet in the good doctors hand. Mu Qingfang looked too serious, this had to be a joke? Can someone laugh - please!

“Take two a day,” He did not just say that! “If without a cure doesn’t subside then there’s the next option.”

“Which is?”

“Duel Cultivation with a heavenly demon.”


Wait…did that mean this packet was…?

What did Mu Qingfang help him with the milking? Shen Qingqiu could just picture it, like Tianglang-Jun was a cow and Mu Qingfang a farmer with grass in his mouth and a straw hat milking a cow that had a heavenly demon sigil on it’s forehead.

Mu Qingfang noticed that when his Shixiong was embarrassed it was different than how others show it.

Most would blush or turn a bright red at such a thing but not his Shixiong, instead he became quiet, as if too many emotions were warring with each other trying to appear on the surface but none could show on his face.

“Does this Master…swallow them?”

“No…” Ah this was awkward, Mu Qingfangs eyes flickered down and then back up, it took a moment before Shen Qingqiu became more pale.

“Right.” He cleared his throat and for a moment Mu Qingfang felt sympathy, his poor Shixiong must feel so humiliated but no matter doctor confidentiality is what he stays true too.

Although in this moment he wishes he could tell his Shixiong that their Martial Siblings have found themselves in similar scenarios such as this no need to be anxious.

“Does this Doctor need to explain how to-” he gestured maybe he could even help-

“N-no need this one understands.” His voice was so quiet, overwhelmed.

No matter he’ll wait if it doesn’t work then he’ll help his Shixiong and if not then…he’d have to prepare his Shixiong for the cure.

Mu Qingfang after watching his Shixiong leave, placed his hands together and prayed, he was the Royal Physician and was intimate with all personnel including the Emperor.

And even he has never seen one…that big.

He lrayed for Shen Qingqius health if it ever came down to that!

When Shen Qingqiu had a bath and prepared for bed, he glanced over at the two innocent pills and sighed.

The quicker it was done with the better.

After getting into bed and making himself comfortable, he picked one up and it balanced on the tip of his finger. Taking a breath he tried to rationalise that it was not the heavenly pillar and it could be worse so this is fine!

…But imagining Tianlang-Jun doing such a thing, holding him down- Shen Qingqiu wasn’t blind the man was handsome!

But even so…the Emperor loved Su Xiyan he had already given so much to the greedy cultivators and being with another person that way- would Tianlang-Jun even know if someone loved him could he tell?

Or would it be another political ploy to him, another form of blackmail or transaction making him feel helpless.

And he loved his Empress, this was just a political marriage and Shen Qingqiu tried to imagine having the man gaze down at him with nothing but emptiness in his eyes…

Shen Qingqiu couldn’t bear it.

…Although he was curious…and if he played around after his second dose, and ended up going further than he should have…

…that's between him and god.


Thankfully it required only two doses as he awoke feeling much lighter and able to use his cultivation with no flickers!

It was like going to bed with a migraine and waking up with it gone!

He told Mu Qingfang, ecstatic. And when the healer checked his meridians, Mu Qingfang wondered if Tianlang-Jun if he could supply him more of the cure and he was met with a dry look.

“Good Doctor, it’s hard enough to satisfy my wives and bear more heirs when this Lord want’s nothing of the sort…this one is beginning to think it’s physically impossible.”

Tianlang-Jun was already giving everything he could to the cultivation world, he wouldn’t be surprised if he died they would take his body apart and grind his bones to make cultivation pills and sell them to the highest bidder.

Mu Qingfang hummed, a bit miffed that someone who had the cure for a deadly poison and would do nothing as a doctor it was against everything he stood for.

Except, he knew the Emperor personally and saw his circ*mstances so he only nodded. “Understood.” And left not bothering him anymore, Tianlang-Jun blinked watching him go assuming the doctor would badger him even more.

It was a shame Tianlang-Jun won’t supply him more although…he had a ton left over from Shen Qingqius cure.
As a doctor he will not comment but personally, it probably would’ve been better if they duel cultivated instead of dancing around each other.

The only thing that frustrated Mu Qingfang, was the arrival of Liu Qingge who came when he heard of the assasination attempt on Shen Qingqiu’s life.

Mu Qingfang did send the letter to Sect Leader Yue explaining everything, that the only reason Shen Qingqiu was alive was because of the Emperor and the target was Luo Binghe so there was no need for alarm!

…So he sends in Liu Qingge…who had the subtlety of a bull in a porcelain shop.


After the attack, Tianlang-jun did feel a little bad, it wasn’t what Shen Qingqiu signed up for afterall. And so he tried to get the man a gift. On the rare occasions he could surprise his cute husband and son he struggled trying to get a gift for his husband, Tianlang-Jun would give him so many things but his husband would sniff, uninterested and said it would clutter up his storage. And if it’s out of sight? What use was it?

His husband was tricky, but then he heard him speaking with Luo Binghe about his love for demonic beasts.

That was easy! Tianlang-Jun can do that!

When he retrieved Shen Qingqiu, his son being watched by Zhuzhi-Lang but hopefully this will be quick and he can go play with his son once he made his husband happy.

“Husband do you like it!” He asked once he saw the gobsmacked surprise on his husbands face.

He was smug as he looked back at the magnificent beast, and he saw Shen Qingqiu’s eye twitch at war with himself. It was reminiscent of Su Xiyan who wanted to yell but was secretly pleased.

Shen Qingqiu’s fingers itched, especially when Tianlang-jun leaned in close to ask him with a soft voice “Do you want to pet him?”

Shen Qingqiu inhaled, looking very excited but closed his eyes and sighed as if he was being inconvenienced. “Very well, since my husband went through the trouble.”

He called him husband! Master Shen WAS pleased!

Tianlang-Jun guided his hands, and the monty python Rhinocourious stayed still and he watched how Shen Qingqiu coed eyes alight with respect for the beast. Tianlang-Jun was only focused on watching his husband's face and he was holding his hand!


He figured this more than made up for being struck with without a cure.

Shen Qingqiu seemed pleased so Tianlang-jun nodded to himself for a job well done.


Tianlang-Jun couldn’t help but feel amused, especially with Zhuzhi-lang curled around his hand. Both watched undetected in the White Lotus Pavillion and couldn’t help but sneak out and follow his husband.

The only reason Tianlang-Jun didn’t kick the war god out and demand the Sect Leader Yue to explain why he would send someone like that after the attack on his son- was how hilarious his husband was on evading the war god.

The man was assigned as his body guard. And of course abandoned his post to speak with Liu Mingyan, he sent Zhuzhi-lang to follow and report back on what their plan is and if they are taking the opportunity to try something.

Shen Qingqiu wanted nothing to do with it, apparently.

He never knew how sneaky his husband was, he held a hand to his face as he watched, impressed. As his husband would take Binghe and make a game out of escaping the war god.

Even the servants that Shen Qingqiu trusted would lead the war god on a wild goose chase.

“Master Shen is in the Earth pavilion.”

“Master Shen took the young master to the kitchens.”

Luo Binghe told him that Shen Qingqiu found the man stifling and it wasn’t hard to hide, even Tianlang-Jun noticed how stiff and rigid Shen Qingqiu became when Liu Qingge appeared as if he would escape his own body to run away from the war god. He hated being smothered.

Luo Binghe quoted his husband, “Being beaten up by the man one too many times doesn’t leave a good impression.”

…Shen Qingqiu was abused by his marital siblings?

“Liu-Shidi! Why don’t you visit your sister instead of bothering this old man, ah?” Tianlang-Jun perked at that, and watched Liu Qingge face and reaction, maybe that was what they wanted so they could get an in on Tianlang-Juns army.

Then saw the disappointment on Liu Qingge’s face who looked genuinely wronged- he was a warrior and from Tianlang-Juns experience, he was too blunt and focused and couldn’t lie or be subtle to save his life.

He was so busy trying to be like his wife Xiyan for thinking five moves ahead but in this instance he felt like a fool for thinking that the War god was a cunning mastermind when it was plain for the whole world to see.

The war god wanted to be his husbands bodyguard. He never visited his sister unless prompted or he was bored but the man dogged his husbands steps and at any mention of whiff of the sound of “Shen Qingqiu.” he was like a dog on the hunt.

…It was a one-sided affection!

Tianlang-Jun felt as if all the stars aligned to give him one lucky break! This was like one of his drama stories! How lucky was he to witness it!


Liu Qingge stiffened, standing straight and bowing to the Emperor while trying to find Shen Qingqiu and his son.

“By your leave, Liu Mingyan would gladly welcome her brother in her court.” he spoke warmly. If they planned on moving the war god to the Palace then he was truly losing more and more territory but he would wait for Cang Qiong to make their move-

“No thank you. This humble one should return to Cang Qiong.”


“And..thank you, for saving Shen Qingqiu.”

When I couldn’t- was left unsaid, his gaze looking intense. And Tianlang-Jun really wished his Xiyan was here. To help explain humans, to make sense of them and how to defend against them.

He truly…had no clue if he could trust Cang Qiong but so far…they were the only ones not blatantly trying to kill him and his son, yet.

And…Binghe seemed to be really attached to Shen Qingqiu…and he was running out of time.

As Tianlang-Jun found Shen Qingqiu hiding along with Luo Binghe he told them they can return to the White Lotus pavilion, the War god has left. Shen Qingqiu looked so relieved then fixed his expression.

“Thank you, Junshang.” He bowed and lowered his hand and Tianlang-Jun watched how Luo Binghe reached up. Like muscle memory. Tianlang-Jun envied it.



Tianlang-Jun laughed, “You call this Lord, Husband.” Shen Qingqiu stiffened, “H-husband.”

It sounded foreign on his tongue and unsure, but Tianlang-Jun liked hearing it. What Shen Qingqiu didn’t know, was that he was the only one to call the Emperor husband.

“Are you going to accompany us to the White Lotus pavilion, hus-husband.” He tripped at the end and he saw Luo Binghe perk with excitement. And Tianlang-Jun face fell.

“This Lord will be leaving for a few weeks.”

Both looked disappointed. Luo Binghe’s face fell and he looked down to hide his tears but Shen Qingqiu looked resigned.

“This Lord leaves this afternoon, if this lord can accompany husband?” Shen Qingqiu nodded and angled himself to put Luo Binghe in the middle. They all walked to the pavilion, with Binghe in the middle holding Shen Qingqiu and Tianlang-Juns hand.

They were quiet, so many things they wanted to say, but unable to.

Once they were safely in the Pavillion, Tianlang-Jun got on one knee to hold Luo Binghe close.

“Be good to your Shizun,”

“You’ll come back, right?”


Shen Qingqiu looked away, giving them some privacy.

Tianlang-Jun was really running out of time but he was becoming more sure, Shen Qingqiu must value Binghe’s life knowing it was tied to his own. He even gave his life for Binghe.

…He had no choice but to trust his sons life to the cultivator.

Su Xiyan never trusted Huan Hua, he thought once he left the Pavillion. A fake letter was sent to him to drag him into a trap that she intercepted. He was right not to trust Huan Hua as most problems had come from their servants along with Qin Wanrong.

He had lied to Qin Wanyue that her sister and child had fallen to the south demon attack. In the chaos Qin Wanrong became co*cky and began her own cou in the chaos to destroy infants to make her own rise in the ranks.

Tianlang-Jun after seeing her red handed responded in kind, if she attacked infants and once she had crossed that line who knew what she would do?

Even though she did those infants a favour, after the Shen Qingqiu poisoning he hates to admit it gave him the inspiration to ask the good doctor for insemination to be used instead of directly having sex with most of the wives.

The doctor agreed and even the wives admitted it was better, no need to pretend. But truthfully what he never told anyone- why should he? - Luo Binghe only survived because his wife sealed the heavenly demon side so the human side would grow strong enough and even adapt their meridians to host both.

None of the children had that seal, and would perish in their sleep their bodies too weak for the demonic energy. Tianlang-Jun made sure it didn’t hurt, but most of the times he used the blood parasites to abort in the womb.

He never had to do it before, he may not like humans but he understood the mental toll on them thanks to Qin Wanyue he never realised being a demon how emotional humans became when their offspring died, or the stress form the Sects pressuring them to host demon spawn and smile while they were at it.

Qin Wanyue told him everything, she spoke about the palace master and his plans, about why she was only there as a stake to give Huan Hua power in name only.

She wanted children but not ones who will be manipulated- no child will truly be hers if it had Tianlang-juns blood.

He took it to heart but wasn’t close with her, but he was surprised when she poisoned herself.

She aborted the child and all the denizens of the Palace gave her pity, left her alone along with the Huan Hua Palace, in public she mourned but with the Emperor she was carefree.

But the death of her sisters made her mourn for real, now he really knew her true face. She was the only one like him who wanted nothing to do with Huan Hua’s plan. She tried to talk about Su Xiyan who was her Shijie but Tianlang-Jun shut down any conversation assuming it was a ploy to get him close to her.

When he came to the Rain Pavillion he saw her sitting near the lake her hair down, tears streaming down her face.

“Xiyan talked about you a lot. A kind demon, an idiot.” Tianlang-jun sat down beside her, he was soft hearted. To trust his first wife and husband.

“I’m an idiot too.” She spoke hand touching the lake, “To believe my sister wouldn’t do anything foolish.” Tianlang-Jun glanced at her surprised.

“If Junshang wants to behead this wife for treason…this wife can bear no grudge.”

He shook his head, “No…there has been too many losses. And this Lord has a problem only first wife can fix.”

She looked up, looking tired and so lost. She knew what her sister had done but still grieved losing more than a sister and nephew.

“There was a servant whom this Lord was very close with. He had died and now his son is an orphan.” Qin Wanyue looked up, eyes wide.

“If you adopt young Gongyi Xiao, it would solve our problems. He has a mother, you have a son not tied by blood and can’t be used by Huan Hua. Both of you have lost someone maybe you can help each other-” he barely finished speaking before she lunged into his arms holding him tight.

“Thank you…jiěfu.”

jiěfu? Hmm, well if Su Xiyan was still alive Qin Wanyue could be seen as his sister-in-law.

That summed up their relationship quiet well, and something had had hoped for too. She clung tighter and he cautiously hugged her back.

Her honesty is why he made her first wife, he felt guilty for taking away such a thing from a women, but Qin Wanyue in their first days told Tianlang-Jun to experiment with her body to stop any hint of a pregnancy or even manipulate the children when they grew older to NOT have heavenly demon blood. So far it wasn’t working but soon she and Tianlang-Jun will figure out a way to make duds. Once the entire cultivation world saw children with no heavenly demon abilities whatsoever will have to call it quits.

He wished better for both of them, most of the wives and husbands he pitied some were like him. Trapped in this palace by the greed of their sects and trapped alongside enemies with their own ambitions. Neither knowing who was a friend or foe.

At least now, he can say with only slight uncertainty…is that Qin Wanyue and Shen Qingqiu were friends…


NOT my uni giving me a panic attack thinking I RUINED my chance of uploading my Module journal I almost DIIIIEDD.
Also Liu Mingyan noticed how…abysmal Tianlang-Juns army is. It gave her huge anxiety so she whipped them into shape and keeps thinking “THIS is Tianlang-Juns army!?” So she tells her brother and now Liu Qingge is thinking they’ve been played. Like Fenrir asking for his captor to put his hand in the wolfs mouth but instead the man had NO idea the wolf was going to bite down. Liu Qingge is pissed that Cang Qiong is involved in this mess.

Chapter 7: Theatre Nerds...the lot of em.


So Tianlang-Jun after coming back weeks later, may have forgotten about the game he and Binghe are playing to expose Shen Qingqiu as an abusive.
…Binghe didn’t get told to stop which ALMOST ruined everything and Mu Qingfang is PISSED.


I hit a snag I keep writing the chapters too long and have to chop in half only realising I was a quarter way finished and it follows to the next chapter so yeahhhhhhh.

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu took his eyes away for a moment. He was distracted by Ming Fan, son of Ning Yingying the boy was only three but a hellion who liked to bully the crown prince Binghe. Shen Qingqiu was baby sitting for a moment since after the southern attack most wives felt scared (bullsh*t) and dropped their brats off at his pavillion to keep them safe. He did NOT want to be a baby sitter yet! He was going to be their Shizun when they were older not now!


Shen Qingqiu turned so fast he almost snapped his own neck, in alarm as he saw Luo Binghe disappear into the pond in their courtyard.

“Binghe!” Shen Qinqiu flew forward reaching out and pulling Binghe out of the pond just in time for Luo Binghe to cough and hack up water- his lips were turning blue.

Shen Qingqiu shed Luo Binghes clothes, then wrapped him up in his outer layer.

“Xiao- Get Tianlang-jun!”

Gongyi Xiao was the same age as Luo Binghe

After passing of head servant Gongyi Xiao his son was adopted and was appointed as the second prince.

But he used to be the servant boy who accompanied the child while his father did his duties. Even though he was now a prince he knew the servant quarters and was faster to alert the Emperor for emergencies.

“Ming Fan go to Ning Yingying!” He moved with haste to Mu Qingfangs quarters rushing in and saw the man at his desk who turned, pleasant smile on his face.

“To what do I owe the visit-”

“It’s Binghe! He fell in the pond!” Seeing his frantic face and the state of Luo Binghe Mu Qingfang jumped from his chair like his ass was on fire, he took Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu with nothing in his arms began to fret.

He hovered uselessly behind the doctor and asked “Will he be alright?”

“He’ll be fine, Shixiong came just in time.” But Mu Qingfangs voice held an edge and Shen Qingqiu wilted.

It was all his fault, if only he was watching Binghe none of this would’ve happened.


After the talisman alerted Tianlang-Jun he was glad to miss another meeting with the stuffy cultivators, they let him go since the last time he was called away from an emergency he had saved all of their disciples.

He appeared at his palace, to see it was all quiet and calm, he found Gongyi Xiao who sent the missive and explained everything after dismissing him he tried to enter the medical wing only to be halted by Mu Qingfang.

“A word, Junshang.”

The good doctor sounded aggravated, the man was usually passive and slow to anger he wondered what made him upset.

Tianlang-Jun didn’t trust easily, not anymore, but so far he’ll admit that Cang Qiong were either biding their time or were truly honest in their motives.

They were the only ones of honour who kept their word so far, they didn’t abuse the contract or force him to do any favours unlike the others and instead had returned the gifts in kind.

It surprised both him and Zhuzhi-lang that everything they both had collected,

jewels, fauna was given to Cang Qiong but then it was distributed back as elixirs and weapons in his the heavenly demons name (which not uncommon) but what was differentvwas that he could keep his spoils it was added to his treasury and if the contracts dissolved he had something to take away from this mess and not be robbed by the cultivatirs.

He got treasures and rare materials? They gave it back as armour.

He found rare herbs and other specimens?

He was given medicine and other types of herbal teas to assist cultivation.

He expected all the resources to be sent to Cang Qiong but instead it was took to his vault with only his nephew and himself [and Binghe someday in the future] to access it.

It was the one thing they would keep if the contract dissolves.

Both shared the bounty and the Heavenly Emperor realised his kingdom now had a strong military and weaponry…it gave him hope for the future that once Luo Binghe came of age his son would destroy the contract and free both of them and they could be independent.

Only Cang Qiong will be spared from their wrath once that day comes.

Tianlang-Jun looks back on their first meeting and wouldn’t expect that this would be the outcome, when Cang Qiong came to him like all the others to bid their candidates he almost zoned out. It was the same old, same old.

Until the Sect Leader told him something interesting. If Su Xiyan was here she would’ve disapproved of it, but Tianlang-Jun was so bored of being responsible and this sounded like something straight out of a novel!

He wanted something fun and interesting to keep him invested in the palace, he was afraid his son wouldn’t be enough to keep him calm and not decide to just take his son and run away even if the contract would kill him and rip his body to pieces everyday it would be worth it- but not worth hurting his son to see his father in such a state watching his fathers body decompose in front of him.

Cang Qiongs secret was interesting enough to give him more stimulation, it appears as if someone had blackmailed one of their own.

Cang Qiong was requesting the demon Lords aid proclaiming that a Heavenly Demon can protect their shidi.

Alone, Cang Qiong would have to bow down to the cultivation world then turn and publically condemn their own Shidi even when they didn’t agree and wanted to protect him. If this Blackmail was true…They would probably be asked to behead their own Shidi to appease the cut throat cultivators and were unable to do it.

He’ll admit he felt some sympathy, feeling as if both were in the same boat.

They told him,

“Who would demand justice, when Shen Qingqiu is the beloved first husband of Tianlang-Jun?” Already his reputation preceded him. It made other sects angry that the Demon Emperor was winning favour. Cang Qiong begged him to protect Shen Qingqiu after all the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

“You want to make him first husband?” At first he thought this sob story was just to elevate one of their own but they told him that Shen Qingqiu will not gain any favours.

Only Liu Mingyan would be in charge of weaponry and Ning Yingying their medicine, Shen Qingqiu however will get nothing.

No materials, no connection to Cang Qiong he will only be first husband in name only and will gain no benefits in the Harem.

He won’t even be in charge of Tianlang-Juns wives that would fall to Qin Wanyue [Until Qin Wanyue had fallen ill from her *cough* miscarriage *Cough* then the duties will fall to Qingqiu]

They knew the Emperor would question it, so Yue Qingyuan said that they would also place Mu Qinfang and appoint him as the healer, his reputation preceding him. Even Su Xiyan was in awe of the doctors skills and they said he would take all responsibility admitting that if Shen Qingqiu harmed Luo Binghe the mark on Tianlang-Juns hand would fade.

“And why is that?”

“That mark is your contract, with the death of Luo Binghe, Tianlang-jun will be free and all the contracts and deals are void.”

Now that got his attention.

Mu Qingfang knew how the contract worked and…could possibly dissolve it.

Tianlang-Jun wasn’t really aware of what was happening during the agreement, only wanting to save Binghe.

He glanced at his hand, assuming it was permanent even with the death of Luo Binghe.

“If Shen Qingqiu kills my son, or harms this Lord then Cang Qiong Mountain will burn to the ground.” He said it wasn’t a threat, just an astute fact of what will come to pass.

They were aware of the consequences and had faith in their Shidi.

The strangest thing was Liu Mingyan when she approached him telling him his army was ready.

“What army?”

When he followed her out he gaped to see troops lined up in a row, he had people to call on but they were never organised or in formation he never even told them any battle plans knowing he was the heavy hitter and they were the distraction.

But…this…he assumed they were the Cang Qiong disciples but saw they were demons!

The soldiers were mix of demons and humans but in similar uniform all adorned with a sigil.

His heavenly sigil.

“Cang Qiong supplied you with the armour and weapons befitting royalty, it is now yours to own and command.”


“This Mingyan noticed in reports, three years ago that Junshang had an army to command and was about to destroy the entire human realm. This wife was…concerened after becoming general and seeing no one respond - or the ones who had were not much to look at. Most of your army was scattered or unaware of what had even happened to their Emperor. Strange for an army to be so…scattered almost as if no army existed.”

Her lilac eyes gazed upon his and Tianlang-Jun didn’t know what to say.

“The Heavenly Palace had an army,” he spoke, his people weren’t nothing to sniff at, they were strong and they worked better on the fly than making any plans.

“But not one ready for an attack, nor where the organised or even aware their lord was even staging a battle.” She had clearly spoken with them and saw the discrepancy and had looked into it.

“When the sects responded to this attack, how strange was it that they found only you, your wife and child alone.”

Tianlang-Jun raised an eyebrow, what exactly did she want to say?

“You had no army, or plans to attack the Human realm…did you?”

“And what would be the point in answering? It would change nothing.”

“It would change everything, attacking unprovoked can create a war. The humans caught in the conflict because of a lie.”

“Then who lied to stage said attack and who would benefit the most?”

Liu Mingyan looked away, infuriated, both knew the answer.

Huan Hua Palace.

Cang Qiong had honour, nice to know the rumours were true and their reputation wasn’t false and of course they were probably pissed to be dragged into this mess and realised that they might be caught in the crossfire. Even so, Liu Mingyan swore to be his general and right the wrongs and apologise for the behalf of her Sect who responded to the summons and aided in his capture.

In turn she had been a big help in keeping the peace in some of the realms and keeping some demons in check, unfortunately he saw her fascination with Sha Hualing, his ex-wife.

On one hand he wanted to discourage such a thing then decided he wanted to see how it played out.

She then requested to send his people to the human realm and help villagers defeat monsters.

Huan Hua were lazy, or too incompetent to deal with any type of beast, she said if they helped it would ellivate his reputation and he could gain human allies.

He agreed and let her take the charge, and along with Ning Yingying working under Mu Qingfang and gaining experience with medicinal remedies had joined her to help heal the sick and injured from demon attacks.

Apparently it was going well, from reports of Zhuzhi-lang to tell him.

“Even the human villagers thanked the demons who helped in place of Lady Liu, the people don’t seem to be as afraid of demons especially ones dressed in the Heavenly uniform.”

…Tianlang-Jun should be happy but…this felt like more work than he wanted.

He had to appease the cultivators, had to keep the demons in line now he had to protect the humans too?

Was anyone outside this palace actually doing any work or was it all him!?

(Yes Liu Mingyan was his general but it was him who had to read the reports she was helping a lot but why was he the one being punished and tied to a desk maybe he wanted to go out and kill a beast and call it a day- huh!)

And now to top it all off the Demon Lords and Ladies wanted off spring, he was just being propositioned by the Mobei-Clan and knew he couldn’t put it off for long.

The Heavenly Demon Clan and Mobei-Clan had been allies for over a thousand years, both gave each others favours end off.

Although it wasn’t ludicrous favours both had to fight each other and whoever bested the other would give said favours.

Mobei-Jun seemed a little desperate so Tianlang-Jun had said he would think about it, but he would have to help his friend.

Debts, favours, benefits.

like any demon you pay a debt ten fold you return it good or bad. But right now it feels as if it was him who was paying a lot of debts he had no right paying and getting nothing back.

Now this Shen Qingqiu.

Cang Qiong was placing a lot on the mans shoulders, with a blindfold and trusted he would do the right thing…Cang Qiong did honour their word but he still proceed with caution when it came to his husband, he was protecting him yes but what did the Emperor get out of it?

And in truth…he was surprised.

Shen Qingqiu took care of Binghe, never raised his voice unless he thought his son was in danger, never struck the child and for a moment Tianlang-Jun and Binghe almost believed that humans hit children for discipline and it was normal.

Only Shen Qingqiu denied such a thing, he told his son stories, he helped Luo Binghe read and write- and when Tianlang-Jun was suffering through a meeting or preparing his camp to head into another dangerous mission he would go over the letters and thumb through them.

Smiling at the mistakes of his sons first writing then beaming when they were corrected in the next letter. Re-reading over his sons words gave him strength to keep going.

And when Shen Qingqiu taught them how to make coded letters, Luo Binghe only used to codes for funny jokes, or telling him something Gongyi Xiao did that day that he thought was cool.

Tianlang-Jun wanted to tease his son for his first crush then decided against it, Luo Binghe will figure it out eventually.

Shen Qingqiu didn’t even have to save his son from Elder Hammer and face a deadly poison and yet he did. In just a short amount of time he begun to realise that his husband went above and beyond and maybe Cang Qiong can be trusted to be allies.

Which led to the matter at hand.

…He may have forgotten to tell Luo Binghe to stop their games, it appeared that Shen Qingqiu was honest and would never harm the royal prince.

Mu Qingfang rounded on him, moustache bristling with frustration as he snapped, “There is no need to test Qingqiu anymore. If he were to harm Binghe he would’ve done so by now, but this almost harmed your son there is no more reason to pretend!”

Mu Qingfang was pissed he saw the look on his Shixiongs face, to emotionally harm his martial sibling and ended up physically harming Binghe? Was a step too far.

Properly chastised, Tianlang-Jun slowly entered the room keeping quiet as he leaned his head around the corner and saw his son swallowed in blankets- Shen Qingqiu’s face was pale and drawn but his hand was holding Binghes and he looked worried.

“Shizun, I feel bad…” Tianlang-Juns heart squeezed, Luo Binghe sounded so weak.

To think when his son was crying that his Shizun was kind and he didn’t want to be mean anymore, Tianlang-Jun told him he had to, once Shen Qingqiu revealed his true colours and yet it never came.

It was too cruel to continue this on and his son had almost gotten hurt.

“This Shizun knows it feels bad, Binghe. You’ll be up on your feet in no time.” Shen Qingqiu spoke with cheer hiding how frightened he truly felt in such a moment.

“Where’s Baba?”

“He’ll be here soon.”

Tianlang-Jun fully stepped in the room, Binghe saw but had no strength to sit up only smile weakly when Tianlang-Jun approached taking his other hand. Shen Qingqiu turned stiff, moving his own hand away as if he was burned and stood up hastily to bow-

“Junshang,” Tianlang-Jun wanted to grimace at the title, “Apologies it was this ones fault- I took my eyes of Binghe for a second-”

Tianlang-jun raised his hand to stop him, “None of that, young Xiao told me everything.”

Shen Qingqiu looked up, expression of a man on death row.

“This Qingqiu will accept any punishment your majesty see’s fit.” he spoke, voice wobbling in fear but regal acceptance.

“No point, it was an accident, you did the right thing bringing him to Mu Qingfang.” Plus he can see Luo Binghe weakly trying to muster up the strength to yell it wasn’t Shizuns fault.

He stroked the hair from his sons face and gave him a wink and saw the boy relax.

Tianlang-jun shuffled and climbed into the bed on the other side of Luo Binghe then patted the other side to Shen Qingqiu who almost thought he was dismissed until the Emperor patted the bed again.

Now both were on the bed with Luo Binghe in the middle snuggling closer and shutting his eyes.

“This Lord had his nephew raise Binghe. But during the talks of marriage and peace treaties other rebellions began to rise. Zhuzhi-lang had to deal with them in my stead but there was no one to take care of Binghe.” He spoke softly, gazing down at his son and Shen Qingqiu stared at him.

He knew his story but hearing it was something else and made his chest ache.

“This Lord had no one to watch Binghe, he was only a year old at the time. Qin Wanyue was a charming girl but after her miscarriage she was not suitable. So I trusted her little sister to watch him as well as other concubines and servants.” Shen Qingqius' eyebrows pinched probably realising something.

Probably Something Su Xiyan would’ve realised…something Tianlang-Jun hadn’t. Being that none of the wives would ever harbour warm feelings for Luo Binghe.

“When…when my wife died. Something inside of me became numb as if I was sleep walking, when I felt the slap against my own face but on one in front of me. I knew someone had hit my son and it felt as if I was awake after so long.” He sighed, “But the worst part? I couldn’t tell who had done it, this Lord only knew that my son was hurt if they were caught out they were banished or punished but Binghe refused to speak becoming more and more quiet. The marks becoming less and less visible and harder to find or to prove.”

Shen Qingqiu gripped his robes, probably feeling as enraged as Tianlang-Jun feels.

“So this Lord had made it a game, for Binghe to try and expose these women with charming smiles and saw how quick their real faces showed when a child acted like a child.”

Tianlang-Jun looked at his husband with guilt and Shen Qingqiu was entranced by it he felt almost ashamed…as if he didn’t deserve such a look.

“This Lord and his son were testing you, that seems wrong but for the sake of my sons safety that was the best this Lord could think off.”

Shen Qingqiu stared at him a flicker of guilt before it shifted into understanding, he smiled gazing down at Luo Binghe that Tianlang-Jun almost thought he imagined the first look-

Or maybe he blamed himself for the state Binghe was currently in.

Shen Qingqiu brushed hair from his sons face, “This one understands. I would do the same thing.”

“It was not our intention to lie to you for so long.”

“Better safe than sorry,” Shen Qingqiu hummed, “Luo Binghe is your sole heir.”

Tianlang-Jun saw Shen Qingqius face pinch as if in frustration then smoothed out as he relaxed on the bed.

Mu Qingfang found them all later asleep and didn’t have the heart to tell both adults to leave.

Shen Qingqiu meanwhile felt as if his mind was racing with a ton of thoughts, there was a plot hole here and it was pissing him off.

If Tianlang-Jun knew Binghe was abused then why didn’t he stop the original goods!? It didn’t seem in character with how fiercely protective he was but would suddenly turn a blind eye.

What changed?

Just like this he would have to assume it was Airplanes hack writing but even so, it was good that some happened like the book but other things were not.

And it was beginning to give him anxiety, the bride snatching was too soon and other things completely skipped.

There was a scene where Qin wanrong spilling tea on the ex-peak lord and shaming him in front of the other wives and husbands at the Earth garden.

But that completely skipped! Because she was dead!

And now he’s friends with her sister Wanyue which was never a development in the story.

He was worried if he changed too many things and it became un-predictable he could die, or worse Binghe and his father could die!

But now there was no use worrying about such a thing, he would have to burn that bridge before he got to it. Now was the time for rest and hoped Binghe felt better in the morning.


After the excitement died down, Shen Qingqiu felt as if he was forgetting something.

He must be, for why else was Tianlang-Jun in his Pavillion?

“Did you uh, want Binghe?” Usually that happened where Tianlang-Jun had free time he would steal Binghe away to the Sun Pavillion for some father-son bonding time.

Seeing Tianlang-Jun make himself at home and help his son with painting wasn’t what he expected to see.

“No this Lord is perfectly happy here.”

Wait- where they going to stay here now that the test was over? Shen Qingqiu hid his smile behind his fan and moved to sit beside Luo Binghe to continue his painting lesson even with the presence of the Heavenly Demon Lord.

Shen Qingqiu glanced up and saw Tianlang-Jun look at the pond- or the lack off.

As soon as Shen Qingqiu woke up, he moved out the bed leaving Tianlang-Jun and Luo Binghe to rest. But after returning to his Pavillion he just…moved without thinking.

Using a sword glare and destroying the pond into a huge dried up crater.

The servants yelped and that snapped him out of it. “Apologies uh- this one will fix it.” He glanced around then paused.

Oh right, Wu Chen was recovering he helped fight the southern demons but was injured he would be back on duty in a couple weeks.

But then…

“Has any of you seen Elder Gongyi?”

They glanced at each other, uncertain before one spoke.

“Master Shen, Gongyi Xiao’s father died in the attack.” he stiffened, what?

He thought he was sick, not dead! Shen Qingqiu was so focused on his own assasination attempt and Luo Binghe he didn’t realise- some Master he was supposed to be!

“What of his son? Gongyi Xiao?”

“He has been adopted by Qin Wanyue, she had lost her sister in the squirmish and she offered to take him in since both had lost someone.”

Shen Qingqiu felt awful, “Was anybody else lost? Their families?” The servants looked more puzzled.

“A few yes.”

“This Master has been reminiscent in his duties, this one will apologise and begin to help in anyway he can-”

“No no, Master Shen! The Emperor has taken care of everything there is no need for the young master to stress about such a thing.” Shen Qingqiu’s eyes narrowed.

“The staff appointed at the White Lotus is under my responsibility, what type of Master would I be to not pay respect to the staff whose lives were at risk?”

“Most of us are cultivators, Master Shen. truly it is no trouble.”

He still didn’t like it.

He visited Gongyi Xiao’s grave and was surprised to see his son there, alone.

“Young Xiao, it’s dangerous being here alone.” The boy stiffened, not moving.

“It would bring this master peace, if he can accompany young Xiao, unless you want me to leave?”

Gongyi Xiao shook his head, then watched how Shen Qingqiu used his qi to light the incense, moved to his knees and prayed alongside him.

It felt as if it wasn’t enough. Even when he accompanied him back, even when he told Gongyi Xiao to always request for him he will walk him there every time.

He had to remind the young boy he was a prince now and he couldn’t go anywhere alone and be an easy target.

When he came across Gongyi Xiao being questioned by another husband who took Gongyi Xiao’s hand roughly- Shen Qingqiu intervined.

“Young Master Xiao there you are!”

The husband #41 sneered, “And who are you? His servant?”

Shen Qingqiu was taken aback, his what?

“First Husband Shen Qingqiu. And you are?” The man sputtered, but it was distraction enough for Gongyi Xiao to rip his hand away and run back to Shen Qingqiu.

“You little brat-”

“Careful, this brat is the second heir to the throne I would watch your words, whoever you are.”

Shen Qingqiu as he turned gave a sharp whistle as a stray bamboo leave sliced the mans cheek.

After making a comment to some servants that husband with the marking on his cheek as an identifier was kicked out of the palace.

“Gongyi Xiao has many enemies now. But if he ever finds himself in trouble, try to call for me.” He passed him a tailsman and Gongyi Xiao nodded.

Shen Qingqiu wondered if Gongyi Xiao blamed him or Tianlang-Jun for not saving his father.

Even so he planned loads of playdates. And luckily Luo Binghe was such a ray of sunshine was able to distract his troubles even for a short while.

When he proposed an idea to his husband, Tianlang-jun shook his head.

“As a man and women it would be wrong to have both of you in a pavilion unsupervised.” Oh…Shen Qingqiu forgot, he wilted unsure how else he was supposed to fix this.

“Unless Zhuzhi-Lang, or myself is there as a host while the children play.” Shen Qingqiu brightened. Tianlang-jun really was the best!


Years were trickling by quickly, Luo Binghe had gotten bigger and much more smarter. But Shen Qingqiu was dreading his next birthday thats when Luo Binghe and the other princes were going to be tutored by him.

Everything from basic sword forms before he sent them off to Liu Mingyan to train them properly in the art of sword fighting.

Then spiritual cultivation and Meng Mo for Demonic cultivation, Tianlang-Jun had to make a bid for the demon as Zhuzhi-lang was assisting him at the borders.

The old man wanted a body, and Shen Qingqiu spoke of a mushroom he could use. Afterall it was just a body to gain his strength to make a more corporal form even if the mushroom body deteriorated by then he would be strong enough to jump from mind to mind and be strong enough to show his form.

But even if he did give him that genius idea- Meng Mo didn’t like him.

Because the only child with promise, Luo Binghe only talked of Shizun and called him Shifu!

Saying Meng Mo was pissed was an understatement.

Even so, Zhuzhi-lang for years has been fighting none stop. And Tianlang-Jun was finally given a short reprieve it was rare and so Shen Qingqiu wanted to celebrate especially telling Zhuzhi-lang to keep his arrival a surprise.

It felt undignified to have the Heavenly Emperor babysit his wife and husband who were babysitting his children. But thats where Shen Qingqiu got the idea.

Both he and Qin wanyue had a system, he offered to watch both Luo Binghe and Gongyi Xiao to give her a break and she returned the favour.

But he’s never asked for a child swap before, Luo Binghe was crying while Shen Qingqiu tried to tell Luo Binghe he wasn’t in trouble- ah don’t cry!

He felt awful.

But after he was still laughing about it, now he understands why his family laughed at him when he started crying thinking he was in trouble when they were trying to explain it wasn’t that and laughing after made him think they were laughing at his misery.

Which made him cry more.

But more importantly as Luo Binghe was dragged away by Qui Wanyue [she was holding him in her arms as if she would ever yank on Luo Binghe’s arm] he asked Gongyi Xiao if he’d like to be in a play for Luo Binghe?

He knew how close the two were and how Gongyi Xiao doted on Luo Binghe like a big brother, and saw how the other perked up eyes alight.

Gongyi Xiao loved acting, he kept playing different characters to amuse the young prince even if he himself was a prince- he still took care of Luo Binghe. He loved Binghe’s reactions and this idea seemed perfect.

Since Luo Binghe was getting older, Shen Qingqiu figured his history lessons should be more mature so it’d be best to make an age appropriate show…


Shen Qingqiu tried to keep the excitement locked in, he barely let it show on the surface. He was as cool as a cucumber and had shut his face down to keep the surprise a secret and yet his Emperor knew him too well it seemed.

“Hmm, is something the matter husband?”



“You’re being quiet, should this lord be worried?”

“It’s uh, nothing too bad. Can’t this lowly one be happy his Lord has some free time to spend with Binghe?”

Well sure he was happy for that! He loved seeing Binghe being spoiled by his father, it was healing all the truama and angst he was subjected to read in the past.

Seeing Tianlang-Jun bounce Binghe on his leg (who of course was getting too big for that now) And how Tianlang-Jun was playing the the drum toy he found as a souvenir for Binghe on his travels.

It definitely dimmed Shen Qingqiu’s mood a bit that these moments were becoming more rare and fleeting.

Now that he thought on it, Luo Binghe was getting older, almost seven! And yet he and his father didn’t have a portrait yet.

Now that was a thought…

No, he mentally shook his head. He had planned a special day for the both of them- he can paint the two together later.

Since the two couldn’t leave the palace as of yet, Shen Qingqiu had a surprise for them.

“Junshang, Young Prince. This one has planned something special just for the two of you.”

Tianlang-Jun opened his mouth, he really didn’t like Shen Qingqiu calling him Junshang and not husband.

Now he felt as if it was fair to be called such a title.

Tianlang-jun pouted as he thought to himself that out of all the spouses in this Palace Shen Qingqiu was the only one who had any right to the title of husband and Father to Luo Binghe.

Seeing Shen Qingqiu hold himself back and distance himself because of proprietary was nothing short of heartbreaking-

But Tianlang-Jun said nothing, maybe it was a boundary and his husband only felt comfortable showing affection from a distance.

“What has husband had in mind?”

Tianlang-Jun wanted to test the waters, maybe if he extended his hand first to show how he felt in such manners Shen Qingqiu would understand?

He must know his pavilion is the only one his Lord frequents, he has made it known in court and to the masters that he valued First Husbands time and forethought. The Marriage may have been for political reasons both never having a choice or say in the matter but making the best of it.

And yet even though Shen Qingqiu could just wile away in his pavilion and even give the responsibility to someone else and do whatever he likes- he never did such a thing.

“Well both of you like stories, so this one had asked the servants to put on a performance for my Lord and Crown Prince.”

Shen Qingqiu was a little nervous once he saw Tianlang-Jun and Binghe perk.

As he moved to grab his Qin, the servants took that as their cue to begin assembling the stage.

They were very excited and worked so many hours into building and creating this small stage for the small court they were in.

Most wore plain black robes - theatre ones so they can easily slip on the accessories and change outfits smoothly.

Tianlang-Jun brightened at the sight while Luo Binghe watched mesmerised as he saw what he was considering his home turn into a show before his very eyes.

They hung a large tapestry with curtains first so they can hide the set-up away from their Lord and crown prince and once one gave a nod and they all moved to their places did Shen Qingqiu begin to play his first few notes.

The performance was about to begin.

Shen Qingqiu played his instrument while he narrated the story. And what story was this? The one that had Binghe gasping and leaning forward in his seat?

The one he used to trick the crown prince into reading.

The Original draft of Luo Binghe before Airplane changed it, Shen Qingqiu finally finished it and planned on going into detail of how he envisioned the story to go.

He spoke of the beginning how the child survived being carried down the Luo River and was then rescued by fishermen who looked after Binghe after a while but mostly let him wander off alone as they couldn’t afford to feed themselves never mind a child.

A child walked down the streets, cold and starved and soon crossed paths with a washer-women who had never married but always wanted a child.

She took him in and called him Luo Binghe, the same as the river he was found in.

They had a tragic life, one Tianlang-Jun seemed fascinated by, both demons were distraught to learn how the poor woman was tricked to pay for a fake Jade pendent and with no money soon grew sick.

“Shizun- is she going to make it?”

Shen Qingqiu gave a sad smile but shook his head. “When Luo Binghe finally returned with the left over congee he grabbed her hand elated that soon all their troubles will be over! He told her he had food and everything would be alright!”

“Not realising it was too late, she had passed in her sleep.”

Both looked wrecked at the events of the story, and Shen Qingqiu continued.

“Luo Binghe after losing his mother, kept the jade amulet close to his chest and climbed the stairs of Cang Qiong-”

Luo Binghe gasped, “That’s the sect Shizun is from!”

Shen Qingqiu Smiled, “Correct.” He continued with the story, anticipating the surprise. Both Tianlang-Jun and Binghe was glued to the scene and fascinated with the show- so far the beginning was a puppetry show of silhouettes and Shen Qingqiu was watching both of their faces for the surprise when actors will soon enter the stage.

Gongyi Xiao ran onto the stage, and Luo Binghe gasped and Gongyi Xiao waved then began to play as his character.

“Young Luo Binghe, had travelled so far and worked so hard at his trials and hoped that someone would choose him. To make his mother proud, and his prayers were answered as a young disciple took him by the hand and told him he was chosen,” he loved watching their expressions when he went into detail about Luo Binghe’s journey, his bravery and perseverance at the trials.

“And the Peak that had seen Luo Binghe’s potential was none other than…” he began to pluck the strings but kept the melody on loop like a pause in the story.

He directed his question at the audience.

“Which peak should Luo Binghe go to?”

He did have to think on the fly, but luckily all the stories were the same at it’s core so it rarely mattered just changing the peak name-

“Shizuns Peak!”

He was hoping he would say that.

Shen Qingqiu smiled, “Very well. From the top of the summit a voice spoke after observing the hard working youth…”

This one will be my disciple.”

And on the stage a man appeared, looking uncomfortable and borderline crying.



Luo Binghe gasped in delight to see Zhuzhi-Lang dressed in similar but more dramatic version of Shen Qingqiu’s robes, while Tianlang-Jun crowed in delight.

His step-nephew and just came back and he admitted to Shen Qingqiu that Binghe’s birthday was coming up and they both planned this surprise.

“Shen Qingqiu was a harsh man.” The current Shen Qingqiu reminded his wayward actor who stood up stiff.

“Borderline cruel, and as cold and unfeeling as any mountain. And when Luo Binghe came before him…” Shen Qingqiu voice became melancholy and even the strings plucked sadly.

“He asked Luo Binghe why he wanted to be a cultivator,” He played the notes slowly, on the stage both Zhuzhi-lang and Gongyi Xiao who was the same age as Binghe kneeled before the master in the story.

It’s all he remembered from the first chapter and it was too sad, but he wanted to know what happened before airplane changed the entire thing. Giving in to the masses.

He wondered if it was a good idea to use Binghe’s name…

“To make my Mother proud.” Gongyi Xiao recited his lines perfectly, even infusing the child-like wonder.

…The boy should go into acting.

His eye was on the Emperor and Crown prince and watched how their faces turned to bafflement as Zhuzhi-lang poured cold tea on Gongyi Xiao’s head and sneered.

“What a sorry sight to behold, no one would be proud of this.”

He did make sure Gongyi Xiao was okay with this part and the boy nodded his head almost committing to the role looking passioned.

And his acting payed off, Luo binghe had tears in his eyes and Shen Qingqiu worried for a moment if maybe it was to much for one so young.

But he remembered watching older cartoon shows as a child that had blood and violence and he turned out fine!

“Luo Binghe had no idea what he had done wrong to invoke Shen Qingqiu’s wrath, his Shizun seemed to be very strict with him, talking back earned him a beating, failing to understand his faulty manual? Another beating.”

They brought back the shadow puppetry for this part, and Gongyi Xiao’s pained cries was oscar worthy.

“Shen Qingqiu wanted Luo Binghe dead.” He wanted that twink obliterated, “And wasn’t above devious ways of doing it. But one day Shen Qingqiu began to pace in his room, his qi fluctuating and anger in his heart.”

Shen Qingqiu narrated and Zhuzhi-lang played this perfectly, gripping his chest and hair a mess as he fell to his knees panting.

“What no one knew, and of course Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t tell a soul- was that he wasn’t as lofty as he appeared. He himself had no mother, he had weak cultivation. And seeing a child similar to him with so much potential and knowing the boy would grow stronger and be a better Cultivator than Shen Qingqiu would ever be. He was envious of such potential and the cruel master was prone to Qi Deviations.

His own marital siblings sneered down at him for it, it consumed his mind and it became too much.”

Zhuzhi-lang coughed up blood, a fake capsule of edible fruit that had a red juicy colour that looked like blood.

Zhuzhi-Lang coughed and fell over in a slump.


Luo Binghe looked like he was about to run over and see if he was alright, Zhuzhi-lang turned with a smile on his face.

“This one is fine young prince-”

“Shen Qingqiu stay in character!” Shen Qingqiu snapped, making the man flinch and slap back on the ground, diffusing the tense scene into a humorous one that even made Luo Binghe giggle behind his hand.

Tianlang-jun had no manners for property and just laughed.

Shen Qingqiu could see his step-nephews ears turning red from here.

“When Shen Qingqiu woke up, he saw his brother sitting by his side making sure he was alright.”

Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt discomfort then brushed it off as he continued, “Where is Luo Binghe?” The first thing that came out of his mouth as he awoke and his brothers face fell.

“After you beat him isn’t he where he always is? Strung up in the woodshed?”

Shen Qingqiu strings plucked ominous, “And Shen Qingqiu’s heart skipped a beat,” as Gongyi Xiao was dragged in, and Zhuzhi-lang looked uncomfortable and stiffly held the medicine towards the boy as if he was going to attack the immortal master!

Shen Qingqiu plucked the strings, “Shen Qingqiu had died. The young Master had perished and no one had even noticed, even the anti-possesion talismans failed to pick up on such a thing. But the soul that was placed inside the body of Shen Qingqiu knew Luo Binghe, or had known legends of the young boy and his destiny.

The soul knew that he had to be a kind and caring master and make Luo Binghe the treasure of Qing Jing Peak a renowned cultivator and the pride of Cang Qiong Mountain. If Shen Qingqiu continued to be cruel and leave these shadows unchanged- Luo Binghe would return and swear revenge on his scum Shizun and repay that cruelty tenfold.”

And if Shizun was playing the song of poor mans poisons, hells comin with me no one had to know but himself.

“The soul, easily masquerade as the scum Shizun with his martial siblings none the wiser and decided to be kind to the young disciple to save itself, if this powerful person became indebted to him that was even better.” He spied Luo Binghe and knew nuance and unreliable narration would fly over the poor things head.

The boy looked frustrated.

“Shizun isn’t cruel.”

And so he continued the story, of the soul saying he was only saving Luo Binghe to save himself but would then exceedingly put himself in harms way.

And then the final part.

The qin played like a battle drum, both Tianlang-Jun and Binghe were at the edge of their seats as Zhuzhi-lang had Gongyi Xiao at the edge of the abyss.

…The servants did amazing on that by the way.

“Luo Binghe for your crimes as a heavenly Demon this Master banaishes you- you’re very existence is a sin!” Shen Qingqiu casted Luo Binghe down and then fell to his knees and wept.

“Shen Qingqiu had no idea that some things will come to pass, and the soul couldn’t change fate. He had to cast Luo Binghe aside or else he wouldn’t unlock his potential as a strong Heavenly demon and claim his birthright! Even so the Soul felt ashamed wasn’t he worse than the previous master, treating one kindly one moment then cruel the next? Wasn’t that too shameful?”

Shen Qingqiu asked, then the scenery moved making it darker, “As Luo Binghe fell, lost in more ways than one, found himself inside a dark chasm, he had a night pearl from the immortal alliance and used it to light up his surroundings.

He was in a cave he must have fallen in when his Shizun had pushed him, as Luo Binghe explored-” The partitions of ‘rocks’ moved to reveal a man in chains.

“He found a man bound to a wall, a sword driven through his heart. This sword was called Xin Mo a cursed sword only used in desperate times to seal a powerful demon.”
As Gongyi Xiao approached the man he hesitantly took the sword and pulled.

“The man was now bound to the sword and now in Luo Binghe’s possession the two would work together to escape the abyss and return to the human realm.

As the man looked up revealing his face, Luo Binghe saw in shock the man had a sigil on his forehead of the same heavenly mark as his own.

The man was his own father Tianlang-Jun sealed into the abyss by the humans and forgotten for years until his own son drew out the sword and saved him.”

Tianlang-Jun was surprised he was now part of the story- of course he was!

As if Shen Qingqiu wasn’t going to write about a father-son duo going on adventures and finding out the good qualities of humanity together!

All the actors bowed.

“And that concludes part one.”

…Luo Binghe was crying. And Shen Qingqiu regretted using Airplanes draft- that hack was to right to retcon that chapter was cursed nothing good came out of it!

“Shizun isn’t a villain that can’t be the end!” Even Tianlang-Jun looked put out as he gave Shen Qingqiu a betrayed look.

“That was too tragic, do humans always have such sad tales?”

Oh- Shen Qingqiu laughed, he moved over towards the two as the actors began to take the set apart.

“No this is an intermission. The play is in a couple parts, this is so you can have a break, take a drink or go to the bathroom…stretch your legs.” He took a sip of his own drink feeling his throat felt parched.

“It’s also so the actors can change costumers for the next part.”

“But Shizun isn’t cruel…” Luo Binghe spoke and Shen Qingqiu patted his head.

“And Luo Binghe was never raised in poverty and never had a washer women as a mother. This is a story but sometimes it’s based on peoples experience. It has character arcs and unreliable narration, things in books you’ll see. This this is also a learning tool for Binghe to learn that not all is at it seems, most people will say one thing then their actions would say something else.”

Tianlang-Jun hummed, “Of course this Lord doubts your Shizun would ever raise a hand to you never mind maliciously pushing you over a cliff.”

Ahahah Tianlang-Jun was so funny! Aha, was it hot in here or…?

“This isn’t too scary for Binghe?” he asked suddenly feeling guilt, “This Shizun can tell a different story- or use a different name for Luo Binghe-
“No!” The crown prince interrupted, “It’s just getting good! It’s just Shizun! He’s not bad!”

Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but coo, Binghe was too adorable! He didn’t deserve him.

“The Shizun in this story is…complex. Some people don’t realise they are hurting others until it’s too late. It’s thanks for Binghe that his Shizun goes on a journey to become a better man, the student educates the teacher and all that.”

Shen Qingqiu explained, then placed a hand to his lips.

“Ah this Master said too much, it’s time for the second part.”

After the messy beginning, this was when Shen Qingqiu really became passionate it was what he envisioned for the continuation of PIDW.

How both Binghe and his father bonded, how tragic it was that each time Binghe used the sword the more of Tianlang-juns life force was taken and soon his spirit will merge with the sword, he said nothing to Binghe, cherishing each moment and caring for him the way he never thought he could have-

Tianlang-Jun believed he would waste away in that cavern his whole life this was more than enough. Luo Binghe was heartbroken, tearfully crying why his father didn’t tell him!?

And Gongyi Xiao’s performance was spectacular even Shen Qingqiu was feeling moved.

The soul also investigated it’s past to better infiltrate the sect but what it had uncovered was how a sect had mastermind the imprisonment of the Heavenly Emperor, when Luo Binghe arrived on the scene- seeing his chance for revenge at both his enemies was shocked when the Sect had knew he would arrive and had prepared.

The sect misunderstood the soul and figured he would stand aside and let Luo Binghe die.

The sword Xin Mo hosting Tianlang-Juns life force, bristled as the Soul moved forward but instead of dealing the final blow had instead freed Luo Binghe.

The soul intervene and took an attack upon himself saving Luo Binghe. The soul told Luo Binghe the truth and said he was too weak to remain in the body even once it was healed and his father needed a body. He was willing.

Luo Binghe and Tianlang-Jun were moved by a human who would willingly sacrifice himself for them and in turn Tianlang-Jun awoke in a body not his own. Luo Binghe still felt loss, his father was alive and before him he should be grateful but he truly felt close with Shen Qingqiu he wanted to know why he was discarded and soon to know he was never discarded at all?

The two began to travel the human realm, after finding a plant to change Shen Qingqius body to look more like Tianlang-Juns made travelling easier. seeing it and appreciating how fragile it all was and swore to protect it. From demons, humans and even hypocritical sects. Xin Mo hummed in agreement and said in Shen Qingqiu’s voice that he wanted to travel and see more sights.

The soul was happy being a sword and satisfied to watch the world and experience it with his companions.

The curtains fell and it officially ended. That was fun! Shen Qingqiu might do more.

Luo Binghe and Tianlang-Jun applauded, he grew louder when Gongyi Xiao was then on the centre stage with other actors raising their arms at him as the protagonist.

He flushed and bowed.

After everyone calmed down and the set was being put away, Shen Qingqiu sat beside the two.

“What did you think? This one knows we can’t leave the palace but thought it’s a shame Binghe never saw a show so we brought one to you.”

“It was amazing, husband.” Tianlang-Jun spoke warmly, it was better than any show he has ever seen- although maybe it’s because he and his son were in it.

“But what happened to Shen Jiu?” Binghe asked, “Why was he cruel?” and Shen Qingqiu blinked, he hadn’t thought about that.

Usually characters like that no one really cared about them, from what he’s known of the original goods is that he was a complete bastard, abusive vile probably sexist and overall just a scumbag of a man.

Maybe he had a sh*tty past, doesn’t excuse it.

…It’s like his opinion of Medusa yeah she was a victim and yeah he felt bad for her and then people decided to have a parasocial relationship of applying their truama to hers- ignoring that medusa turned people to stone. People, not just men attacking them but women and children too and she was no different than the man who harmed her. Ripping familys apart turning them to stone?

Like yeah you’re life sucked but still an asshole.

But it was unfair to Binghe who genuinely wanted to know, and it was a plothole so he should think of something.

“Well um,” then he began talking.

“There was a servant who lived at the Shen household. This young boy saw the son of the Great Master being abused for failing his lessons, but the Great Master was too harsh, making up punishments for simple things and finding something wrong with the young masters poetry even if it was correct. The servant began to gain attention and took punishments onto himself to spare the young master.

The boy was shocked, no one had ever done something so kind for him before it was strange and he had no idea what to make of a genuine act of kindness.

He felt guilty and believed the servant only did such a thing to make the young master in his debt. So he began to teach him cultivation, it made him stronger so the punishments didn’t leave any permanent damage. The servant promised the young master to return to him after running away. The young Master was now the prime target of abuse but the thought of his friend returning to take him away from this place was what kept him going.

The young Master waited too long, assuming his friend and lover had died and so the young master escaped himself and fled to Cang Qiong.

He was too old and was almost rejected but with no where to return to and had no money or prospects he was doomed until a voice spoke up- pleading his entry to the mountain.

And there was his childhood friend, no longer a child. But a strong healthy young man who was head disciple.

Why did he not return?” Shen Qingqiu spoke, the words slipping of his tongue the story taking a life of it’s own, both the Emperor and Crown Prince were transfixed along with the servants pausing to hear the tale.

“Even so, the young master clawed his way to being a peak lord even when no one liked him, even when others wanted to tear him down- he escaped one hell what was another?

But the pain of seeing the man who broke his promise and then say nothing? As if he was ashamed of his past- their past?

It was a death by a thousand cuts.

The young Master had earned his title, but was trapped in a new hell of his own making, and when he saw a boy, like his servant wanting to be a cultivator and saying he made a promise?

He wondered if he had someone waiting for him, some naive fool thinking that their friend would return and save them when in reality they had cast off everything of their past and started anew never intending to keep such a promise. The boy rejected that life for greed and promise of becoming a lofty immortal and rich cultivator.

The young Master hated him.

And years later that young master's home of bamboo was filled with trinkets and other such garbage gifts of pity, of bribery to keep the past a secret. No good would it look if the Sect Leader of the Mountain was nothing but a lowly servant, unaware those gifts were betrothal presents and they were courting. The servant and Young Master had married but it was a bittersweet dream they once shared as children didn’t…live up to what they expected it to be.

They soon had a child, the original Shen Jiu had harmed Luo Binghe and the boy came back to enact his revenge but when he came to see Shen Qingqius sickly child it was too perfect he promised to make the boy strong enough to survive.

And he did, Shen Qingqiu’s son survived and was then sent as the disciple of Luo Binghe and gave the same punishment to him as his father did to Binghe. Repeating the cycle of abuse, Shen Qingqiu was powerless to stop it while his son smiled accepting the punishments and bore it with grace.

“The son was called Shen Yuan-”

Shen Qingqiu cut himself off, blinking out of the daze “uh, sorry just went on a tangent there-”

“Don’t stop it was getting good.” Tianlang-Jun spoke, meanwhile Luo Binghe looked up, “What happens? Does this Binghe hurt Shizuns son!?”

“No- god no- only the others Binghe, the one raised by a cruel Shizun but like the soul in Xin Mo’s sword the same will happen with Binghe and he will break the cycle of abuse and he will treat the son of Shen Qingqiu the same as how I treat the crown prince.”

Ah- why did he say that story - and his own name that was freaky! Way too freaky!

Luo Binghe nodded, “This Binghe will be a good big brother. Shizun doesn’t have to worry!”


Where did that come from. Meanwhile Tianlang-jun gleefully laughed, “Ah that will not be for a long time yet, Binghe. Shen Qingqiu is shy about those kinds of things.”

Luo Binghe looked mullish and Shen Qingqiu glared.

“This Shizun will not be talking about reproduction with the crown prince, that will rest on his fathers shoulders.”

Tianlang-Jun shrugged, “You are a Shizun, correct? You should teach him these things.”

Why was he the one lumped with the sex talk!?

After the excitement calmed down, and Luo Binghe was falling asleep and Zhuzhi-lang offered to take him to bed, his step-nephew blushed bright red when Tianlang-jun complimented his acting.

“It’s time this Lord rested as well.”

“This one will accompany you.”

Shen Qingqiu fanned his face as he followed the man down the familiar pathway, missing the starry eyed looks and giggles from his court along with Wu Chen trying to reprimand them- but also starting his own betting pool.

It was a little awkward as he walked side by side with Shen Qingqiu and glanced at the man, “Does Master Shen like his new fan?”

“Shen Qingqiu hummed, it was a gift from the Emperor and not only was it beautiful, it was even a spiritual weapon. After the failed assasination attempt, Tianlang-Jun figured it’d be best if his husband was armed.

“Yes, it has been very useful.” He praised and Tianlang-Jun preened.

It seems his nephew was right that he would like the fan, Tianlang-jun cleared his throat.

“If in the future, this lord has free time…If Master Shen would accompany this Lord into town. I hear there’s a play in production there about The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.”

He saw Shen Qingqiu’s eyes alight as he visibly brightened, “Yes! This Master thinks Binghe would enjoy a proper show, this one could only do so much- but Binghe needs to learn more than the life outside this courtyard.”

Tianlang-jun deflated a little, he only wanted to go with Master Shen his nephew even offered to babysit…although…

“Hmm, Zhuzhi-lang should come too. Master Shen has been nothing but a diligent Shizun, he deserves a break.”

Maybe Shen Qingqiu may be anxious to leave Luo Binghe’s side, so a compromise sounds better.

As he hesitated at the door, he decided to reach out and take Shen Qingqiu’s hand and kiss the knuckle as he gazed up at Shen Qingqiu’s face.

“This Lord thanks husband for the show, it was a delight.” He let go and saw his husbands face slowly becoming more and more red.

He found himself wanting to take his time knowing his first husband. He never figured in a million years he would think of anyone other than Su Xiyan but his wife knew he would have a harem one day and conceded with allowances.

He told her she could have her own harem right back if he ever so much as strayed. She said she would hold him to it.

Maybe he and Shen Qingqiu would’ve been friends, the man could certainly hold court if he wanted to and would certainly give that old man a tongue lashing- he would pay thousands to see it!

He left the Palace grounds to report to the cultivators for his next mission, times like these he misses Su Xiyan terribly.

If she was here he wouldn’t be in this mess…

But he hoped…she would forgive him for entertaining someone like Shen Qingqiu…

Chapter 8: This IS a date! No Please I'm begging you Husband!


Me making Tianlang-Jun and Shen Qingqiu being fake married but both love each other “This is great.”
See’s bits of the new Helluva boss episode between blitz and Stolas and the whole fake roleplay thing and the sudden break-up.
“Oohh I’m tempted…so so tempted that when Tianlang-Jun finally confesses it will break Shen Qingqiu from his script and finally confront his feelings, make it messy and such…”
Other part of my brain, “That sounds nice, but you have an outline. And that sounds like too much work, skip with the happy ever after.”
“Jeez fine.”


Yeah Tianlang-Jun being unsure about the prices of books I had TWO moments where before buying a physical copy of a game in a retail store the price is higher as that money goes back to the store/employees. Buying online is cheaper- But recently two games came out and there was too versions a launch version and standard version. One was cheap the other expensive but online it was the other way around, and another game I tried to buy was expensive online but cheap at the store it was bizarre so I’m like this is the same game but the prices are DIFFERENT!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tianlang-Jun said he had a surprise for his First husband, Shen Qingqiu hummed as let himself take Tianlang-Juns arm just to humour him.

Most majority of his husbands surprises have never failed before.
Afterall having a pet Monty Python in his private gardens was a good surprise and it was his main character! Even if he was in a hell of men and women forced as his spouses he still had time for them and knew almost every intricate detail about them!

(Well he had to to avoid assasination attempts.)

“This Emperor has invited your brother for tea!”

As soon as they turned the corner, Shen Qingqiu’s small smile stiffened in place but luckily hidden behind his fan.

There in the royal earth gardens- Was Yue Qingyuan.

Tianlang-Jun moved a chair and gestured for Shen Qingqiu to sit, but the man was too busy gaping at the imposing figure across from him.

Well…there can be exceptions. His husband couldn’t be correct all the time.

“This Husband has been hogging Master Shen it appears this one has failed to be filial to his brother in law?”

Tianlang-Jun kissed Shen Qingqiu on the forehead, “Let this Lord know if you need me!” And he activated a silencing talisman for both of them and left the two alone with a wave of his hand.

Shen Qingqiu who had sat in his seat, didn’t know how to feel.

Yue Qingyuan was looking him over- for what? Harm? Bit late now if he even did see a bruise or hair out of place, Yue Qingyuan wouldn’t do anything, so those big puppy dog eyes were wasted.

But why did Tianlang-Jun do this?

…He bet Zhuzhi-Lang put something ridiculous in that mans head- that has to be the only reason…

“Shen-Shidi, you are looking well.”

Shen Qingqiu glared at him over his fan, still feeling the sting as his sect siblings had turned their back on him. Even if it wasn’t him personally his body reacted by the betrayal which was better for him- made it more believable.

He was still sweating bullets at the thought of Yue Qingyuan drawing his sword and killing him for being an imposter.

“Is Shidi going to talk to me?”

“You betrayed me.”

You wouldn’t know who was more surprised, Yue Qingyuan or Shen Qingqiu.

The words just…slipped out. Almost as if the original goods came back to spit curses at his sect Leader.


“You just decided…to marry of this Master instead of yourself, without consulting this Master at all. If it wasn’t for Ning Yingying this Master would not have known about the meeting and imagine if this Master didn’t swallow his pride and accept the proposal after it was sprung upon him- is that what you wanted? To let this Master humiliate himself in front of the entire cultivation world by calling it into the question and not once were you transparent.”

Shen Yuan did try to avoid the marriage and be a better Sect sibling but it wasn’t good enough.

He had to admit, it did sting a bit. But he had moved on, and he was not upset at all.

And if Tianlang-Jun was listening in on this conversation like he probably was, it’d be best if Shen Qingqiu removed any type of warmth or familiarity with Cang Ciong to save them and himself.

“This Master had no choice-”

“What? Too many voices saying how much they want to get rid of me? At least Qi Qingqi would make sense as a women there would be less hassle with pregnancy since that was the main factor- did you hate me that much, glad to be rid of such a burden?”

Maybe Shen Jiu was right, and saw through the polite mask and knew that the mountain hated him and wanted him gone.

Yue Qingyuan sighed, closing his eyes, looking pained and for a moment, Shen Qingqiu faltered feeling bad then straightened, not showing weakness.

Why should he feel bad?

Yue Qingqyuan spoke softly, looking down at the tea cup on on table, “This one, if he had the power- never wanted Qingqiu-Shidi to go. No one was happy with the vote and no one was pleased about keeping you in the dark.”

First time hearing of it, Shen Qingqiu pursued his lips, waiting for Yue Qingyuan to get to the point.

“It was this Qingyuan’s choice to keep Qingqiu-Shidi in the dark to make it more believable.”

Shen Qingqiu snapped his fan shut, delighting in Yue Qingyuans flinch.

“To make what believable.”

The hell he was talking about? Missing exposition was one thing.

…An entire plot thread was something different, if he wasn’t prepared then he was screwed. Please don’t say Yue Qingyuan was going to drop the bomb on him.

“This Master's hands were tied,” he even gestured with them as if he was frustrated with them personally, “Qingqi-Shidi this Sect Leader kept it quiet, but the threat of Tianlang-Jun was more severe than it led the world to believe and…other information came to light.”

Shen Qingqius eyes narrowed, “What information?”

Yue Qingyuan was silent, and Shen Qingqiu was contemplating beating him with a fan- now was not the time for dramatics! Who was this even for- why are you dragging this out!?

Shen Qingqiu swore it was like pulling teeth!

“Qingqiu-Shidi,” He spoke after a while, and Shen Qingqiu was tapping away at his hand frustrated waiting for Yue Qingyuan to spit it out.

“It the Master strategist and has been doing well by integrating here as first husband, he was the best choice to survive in this type of environment,”

Give him an inch and he evades!

“You are changing the subject,” Shen Qingqiu snapped, no way- Yue Qingyuan was not going to drop a foreboding death flag then wave goodbye he was going to explain what information has him acting this way!

“If you think evading the topic will make it easier it won’t, if you continue to talk in circles this Qingqiu see’s no point in talking to you civil like, it’d be best that you leave.”

Yue Qingyuans eyes widened, “Qingqiu-Shidi-”

“Keeping this one ignorant will create more danger, so just tell this Master what information has the Sect Leader acting in such a way?”

Yue Qingyuan gaped, then sighed. “Qingqiu-Shidi was blackmailed.”


“If he wasn’t sent as a candidate to the Heavenly Palace.”

Shen Qingqiu floundered, that was…-


Yue Qingqyuans smile was rueful, “As a…lower concubine. In a less ostentatious Pavillion and Cang Qiong agreed to those terms.” Yue Qingyuan glanced out into the Earth garden and Shen Qingqiu’s brow furrowed.

Concubine? Less than- what?

“Alas, how could Cang Qiong foresee the Emperor…favouring Qingqiu-Shidi and making him first husband.”

He was already promised the role of…oh.

So what? Shen Yuan thought glaring down into his tea cup trying to figure this out. Cang Qiong had no choice but to give him up?

But instead of nodding and appeasing the blackmailer they nodded but then turned around and made damn sure that Shen Qingqiu was comfortable so what they thought they were doing him a favour?

“Since Qingqiu-Shidi had no intention of harming the Emperor, this one figure Tianlang-Jun had more power and resources to keep Qingqiu-Shidi safe.”

“Safe from what?”

What was this some sort of Witness protection program raising a middle finger to the blackmailer while they were at it?

“Safe from Qingqiu-Shidi’s past. The Blackmailer had evidence of Shen Qingqiu’s family, and their ties to demonic cultivation. Once that came to light, Cang Qiong couldn’t protect Shidi from these allegations.”

“...You have no idea who sent the blackmail?”

“Cang Qiong is still looking into it, and had looked into the Shen Family-” They had almost no relevance in the plot-

“And Your father has been exposed as Wu Yanzi.”

Shen Qingqiu’s grip tightened on his fan, what type of plot twist was that!?

The only thing he knew about Wu Yanzi was that he may have murdered the…Empress.

His face paled- Yue Qingyuan he didn’t think he could bear anymore news…

“The Blackmailers thought Shen Qingqiu would attempt harm to the Royal Family- already Qingqiu-Shidi had proved them wrong. If he was the son of an assassin and followed in his footsteps both Tianlang-Jun or Luo Binghe would be dead by now,” Yue Qingyuan spoke with such confidence that Shen Qingqiu couldn’t believe the audacity.

Shen Qingqiu came after Luo Binghe in the original story with so much hatred and killing intent because he thought he was abandoned by Cang Qiong and it was just blind faith- they believed in their Shidi that much-!?

It has been years, time flew Luo Binghe was…god he was coming up thirteen just another couple years for the immortal alliance conference to show of the Young Princess skills as well as the neighbouring Sects in a sign of good will-

(More Like the Sects making sure Luo Binghe’s siblings actually show potential or they’ve wasted so many years for nothing)

Even so- Shen Qingqiu couldn’t believe it, on second thought he could. When he was trying all those years ago to not be made into a husband he kept proclaiming how good Tianlang-Jun was and how much he idolised Su Xiyan- He didn’t know he was setting himself UP to fail!

It was reassuring his Sect Siblings he wasn’t an assassin- imagine if he was!?

“What of my Father?” He asked pinching the bridge of his nose feeling a headache, this was unforeseen even so…he can adapt to this. Luo Binghe wasn’t going to be kicked into the abyss by himself so it should be fine…

“Dead. For his crimes. Most of the Shen Estate had payed for it as well-” Shen Qingqiu grimaced usually it would just be the Sect Head but for most criminal grievances-

“Shen Qingqiu there was no women and children involved and the ones who were, were affiliated with demonic cultivation.” That does not make him feel better.

“The cultivation world has even demanded you as well-” if he took a drink he would’ve spat it out- he almost died?

“But as the favoured first husband…”

…How did the original goods dodge this bullet? Then again…if Cang Qiong’s relationship was different and they didn’t investigate so Shen Yuan did change some things and exposed this plot.

Aw…so at least his efforts didn’t go to waste.

“What else?”

“By pretending to cut ties with Shidi, Cang Qiong was watching other Sects and who would be most suspicious when the information came to light about Wu Yanzi, it was from Huan Hua.”

…HAH! He knew it!

Shen Qingqiu knew their was build-up from the original story that airplane forgot about!

“The only reason Huan Hua had information is because they are the ones who had the Shen Estate under their payroll they were the ones who exposed the Clan Head as Wu Yanzi.”

And just what? Threw the Shen Family under the buss in front of the entire Cultivation worlds salad?

After being targeted by the old man at the meeting he wondered what his deal was, so Shen Qingqiu was shocked to learn that the Shen Family was being payed by Huan Hua-

He just figured that was the drama! Just a spoiled noble brat promised to Huan Hua running away to Cang Qiong! Like he thought that was why the Shen Family were barely involved in the original story and thats what the drama would be.

…He didn’t think it’d be this!?

“But exposing Wu Yanzi after all these years of servitude? And only now realising this Shidi has no plan to harm the Royal Family is suspicious…if the goal is to eliminate Tianlang-Jun and his heirs and you get rid of the only trump card you have means that Huan Hua - if they are the perpetrators- have found someone else to assasinate the Royal Family.”


“This one…doesn’t know.”

He honestly knew nothing about Shen Jiu’s past, and attacking the Shen estate and exposing them as demonic cultivators and also expose his past- could be an attack on Shen Qingqiu.

But his reputation was fine, he was married to the demon Emperor and no one had said or done anything. Having the attention on the Shen Familys scandal…seemed like a misdirection.

And Shen Jiu? He thought he was the son of some rich family, a spoiled noble and yet some chapters hinted at Shen Jiu being an orphan now he was some assassin?

…Shen Yuan had to snicker, he was raised in a family of deadly assassins and couldn’t kill Luo Binghe? Was he that incompetent.

Yue Qingyuan looked down, “This Qingyuan…had no intention of upsetting Shen Qingqiu,” intention or not, he was now sat before a very upset Shen Qingqiu.

“Or making him believe that Cang Qiong didn’t want you- the opposite. Everyone wanted you to stay but keeping Tianlang-Jun barely contained was a miracle-”

“You don’t have to explain,” Shen Qingqiu cut in “But someone is going to attack Tianlang-Jun or myself. And this one can’t gather information outside this palace,” afterall so many years have passed and he’s just learned of a possible death flag!

“You’ll have to be my eyes and ears, can you do that?”

Yue Qingyuan perked up, “Yes, Anything Qingqiu-Shidi commands this Master will do everything in his power to do so.”

It wasn’t until he was escorted out, like the silencing talisman Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt aware from the passage of time, the honey moon phase was over he thought sadly then glanced at Tianlang-jun who was joking about his brothers next visit.

It was only until Yue Qingyuan had left that Shen Qingqiu ask.

“You heard everything, huh?”

Tianlang-Jun released a long suffering sigh, “Yes it was so disappointingly boring.” his possible execution was boring!? This was good juicy drama right here your majesty and you’re bored!?

“This Lord thought my husband would wz poetry about his handsome Emperor and how lucky he was to have me and yet it was all politics.” he stuck his tongue out and Shen Qingqiu gaped.


“Did you stop listening halfway through?”

“Yes, was it important? Did you tell that young man how great of a husband this Lord is?”

Was Tianlang-jun being serious? He was unsure…hmmm.

He raised his fan to his lips and tilted his head, “Well, Handsome enough to not enact an assasination attempt then yes.”

“Huh? Assasination- husband!”

Shen Qingqiu hit him in the shoulder with his fan, face turned into a full on scowl, “So you weren’t listening! Always be vigilant!”

“Why!?” Tianlang-Jun was fake crying, so he hit him again “I trust my husband!”

He froze, eyes wide. And that…shouldn’t break his heart as it should even Tianlang-Juns teasing smile faded.

Shen Qingqiu wasn’t looking at him, instead he was glaring looking away, “You shouldn’t- even with me. You should never let your guard down with anyone. Especially not me.”

Tianlang-Jun hummed, nodding his head. “Yes, yes, my little assassin. Ah I remember now all those times you tried to kill me…with kindness.”

“This Master is being serious.”

“So is this Lord,” He said in the most unserious tone ever.

“Ugh, you are so frustrating.” It slipped out, but Tianlang-jun looked even more delighted to not take this seriously at all- how is the demon not dead yet or buried in a ditch somewhere!?

…bullsh*t OP abilities aside.

“Husband loves me so.” He spoke with nothing but pure joy at the fact.

…If Shen Qingqiu was an assassin this would be so easy.

Meanwhile Tianlang-Jun, who hooked his arm through his husbands to escort him back to his pavillion, found his mind wondering to Su Xiyan.

Now he can think about her without shutting down anymore, he recalls their first meeting not going very well, he’s pretty sure she tried to kill him. It was tough and Tianlang-jun genuinely thought he might actually die that time!

Compared to Su Xiyan who genuinely pulled her sword and tried to cut his head off, Shen Qingqiu was all bark and no bite, he thought with a hum.


Tianglang-Jun found that his husband loved painting, so he ended up giving him supplies and bigger canvases to work on. When Shen Qingqiu kept looking up at him and the Emperor found paintings with his face on he felt excited.

Shen Qingqiu liked painting him!

So when Shen Qingqiu was painting in the corner as usual, while Tianlang-Jun sat with Luo Binghe reading him a story, he perked when his husband called him over.

When Tianlang-jun approached he noticed how stiff his husband looked…nervous.

He never blatantly showed it, but the man showed his emotions in certain ways. And when Tianlang-jun turned he realised why his husband looked so nervous.

It was a painting of him and Luo Binghe.

“Most of the royal family have portraits done, but since both you and Binghe are so busy…” Now that Luo Binghe had started his cultivation lessons he left the palace to go on missions with Zhuzhi-lang and both he and his father passed each other by.

Tianlang-Jun loved it.

He wanted this in a place where everyone can see it…there was only one problem.

“You don’t like it?”

His husbands voice sounded worried, and Tianlang-Jun blinked realising he was frowning.

“This Lord is trying to think where to put it,” this was it- this was the perfect opportunity to ask his husband!

“Should it be here in the White Lotus Pavillion? Or the Sun Pavillion?”

Shen Qingqiu hummed, “This Lord was thinking of putting it in the hall where everyone can see.”


Never mind, Tianlang-jun thought to himself. ..

“If this Lord can take it to the sun pavillion? If Husband wouldn’t mind.” Tianlang-Jun requested and Shen Qingqiu blinked looking lost in his train of thoughts and snapped back to reality.

“Ah of course, as his majesty wishes.”

Next plan, Tianlang-jun dabbled in painting and like any other talents perfected the art.

There was a perfect negative space to fill in the top right hand corner.

He’ll surprise his husband once its done, Tianlang-jun wants everyone to know who raised Binghe and whom the prince see’s as a second father figure.

Once the painting was safely secure in his Sun Pavilion, he left both his husband and son to their lessons.
Luo Binghe waved before being reprimanded to not waving with his son, Tianlang-Jun waved back.
And spoke, “If you do well in your lessons, you’ll be in joining me on my next mission.” Tianlang-Jun promised, and that made Luo Binghe straighten excitement in his eyes.
He knows he’s been neglecting his son as of late, but the palace has been so overcrowded lately that he finds himself surrounded by strangers his time with his husband and his son getting smaller and smaller.

Soon, soon Binghe will be of age and this nightmare must end…surely?

In the next meeting with the rest of the Cultivation worlds delegation, Tianlang-Jun sat upon his throne surrounded by…advisers.

And found himself utterly bored, they were all so greedy, all wanting something and hiding their intentions with sweet flowery words.

It gave him a headache trying to parse what they were thinking…if Shen Qingqiu could join him in council it would help in a big way.

His eyes slid over to the Palace Master and his daughter, both pleased with themselves and their high ranking seats, higher than even Cang Qiong.

“And so we will send Tianlang-Jun to the Succubus clan, other than leading men to some unfortunate ends, do dabble with selling artifacts. Madam Meiyan is said to be selling such wares locally,”

Hmm? Locally?

“How Local?”

“In the nearby village of the Heavenly Palace, they usually have festivities the demon must see an opportunity to sell her wares and poach victims, Tianlang-Jun if you would?”

The Old man was becoming more and more flippant as the years went by, his words sounding more like telling a dog to fetch.

Tianlang-Jun has grown used to it, with only daydreams of ripping the mans limbs off piece by piece gives him the strength to smile pleasantly.

“It will be done.”

No way in hell, Madam Meiyan was a dear friend of his, but giving her a heads up is the least he can do. They can threaten all they want the contract is used as more of a shock collar than a device to control him.

Which thank god if he was a slave and had no control over his actions? At least he still had some autonomy to have small moments of rebellions such as these.

When he arrived at the White Lotus Pavilion he had a huge beaming smile on his face.

“Luo Binghe, Husband! I have a surprise for you!”

And that was how the entire royal family (Of course Zhuzhi-lang had joined them) to their outing for the local festivities.

Tianlang-Jun watched Luo Binghe, standing straight and copying Shen Qingqiu, not letting his obvious excitement show but he saw it in his eyes.

Tianlang-Jun bought Luo Binghe a zhezhi, there was a stand of sticks attached with paper origami’s. His son laughed, “Baba, I’m too old for this.”

Tianlang-Jun deflated, oh. He was right, he and Su Xiyan always dreamed of taking Luo Binghe to a festival, buying him toys, and sparklers and other such things.

Now looking before him was a bright young man, strong and capable.

And he was older, older than Tianlang-Jun last saw him where...where did the years go by? One moment Binghe was a boy and now he was a teenager, soon to be a young man.

And Tianlang-Jun knew nothing about him, his favourite foods, his fears and what he wants to be- yes he was a young prince, but he had to want something?

“Ah yes, this old man forgot…”

Luo Binghe’s eyes flickered growing dark and angry as he looked down at the ground. Tianlang-Jun didn’t know what he was thinking, he was like his Xiyan in a way, sometimes even like his husband.

Was Binghe angry? Resentful that his father didn’t try hard enough? Tianlang-Jun hummed with a bitter smile, he should be. He wouldn’t be surprised if his son decided to kill him one day for failing him.

As he put the stick back a pair of hands took it from him and were placed against lips smiling in amusem*nt.

“Then this master will take it instead.” Both Tianlang-Jun and Luo Binghe looked up at Shen Qingqiu in surprise.

“You are never too old to miss out on simple pleasures in life.” Shen Qingqiu spoke, twirling the stick and watching in amusem*nt how the origami rabbit spun left and right.

Shen Qingqiu carried on, taking another toy and passing it to Tianlang-Jun.

It was a drum stick, Tianlang-Jun laughed as he rolled it and the small beads beat on the drum.

Shen Qingqiu beamed, and Luo Binghe groaned, “You’re both acting so childish!”

Catching on, Tianlang-Jun and Qingqiu continued having fun and acting immature, while Binghe followed behind like a brooding teenager should.

“And so what? It’s not harming anyone, and other than holding yourself back it just makes you miserable.” Shen Qingqiu teased.

Luo Binghe was smiling though, trying very hard to repress it.

Tianlang-Jun passed him his drum and Binghe reluctantly began to play it.

Ah…even if he did miss those years, it wasn’t too late to indulge in them now.

They four tended to separate at the stalls or at the local shops then came back once they were done.

While Zhuzhi-lang and Luo Binghe were taking a break eating food from the stalls and couldn’t enter the shops, both Tianlang-Jun and Shen Qingqiu went shopping and agreed to meet back and hopefully both his nephew and son would be done eating by then.

Tianlang-Jun had the brilliant idea of giving Shen Qingqiu a surprise.

He knew what his husband liked, and the man had requested his nephew to get these books on their next outing.

…Zhuzhi-lang had placed an order for Tianlang-Jun to pick up at the store because Tianlang-Jun would forget. Well not forget more like, knew in his mind exactly what he needed until he came to a store filled with so many overwhelming options and was unsure if the volume was the correct one, or the limited edition version.

The worst part? The limited edition was cheaper. That made no sense?

Thankfully all he had to do was pick it up. And he patted himself on the back while he hid the books. When he joined his family, he saw Binghe had almost finished his food.

“Ah that reminds me, theres so books I need to get at Golds Books.”

Tianlang-Jun didn’t show his panic, only nodded and distracted Shen Qingqiu with Tanghulu then shot his panicked look at his nephew who nodded, and vanished with the speed of a possessed demon towards the store. He hoped he could keep distracting him, Luo Binghe must have caught on by also suddenly remembering he needed to go into the store right next to them for something and needed his Shizuns advice and not get swindled.

Shen Qingqiu sighed, knowing both would be useless at haggling, being royalty and all and would accidentally pay too much.

It’s not like it was the first time.

When they finally arrived the bookstore was closed, even Tianlang-Jun wondered what his nephew had done, why not just ask the store owner to say all the books his husband requested was sold out?

…What did his nephew do?

Shen Qingqiu looked disappointed so Binghe gave him his sugared candy to cheer him up which his Husband took gracefully and patted Luo Binghe on the head.

His nephew communicated he payed the shop owner to close the store in his panic, no good for Shen Qingqiu to pay for his books twice then be forced to return them!

(The only problem with this idea, is that if he knew Shen Qingqiu better, the man would appreciate a back-up book to annotate his notes on)

So of course when they all had an evening meal for the end of the day, Tianlang-Jun glanced at his nephew who was in charge of their expenses and saw the colour drain from his nephews face.

Both realised they had just ran out of money at the same time.

Shen Qingqiu noticed and laughed, “Thank the heavens the book store was closed,” he pulled out his coin purse and payed and Tianlang-Jun wilted at the action.

He felt like a right idiot at this moment.

Once he went to Madam Meiyan on their last walk around the festival he was reminded of what he was to do.

Then glanced at Luo Binghe with a raised eyebrow.

“I’ll let you deal with this son.”

Luo Binghe glanced at him then back at the obvious succubus flirting with the male customers.

Luo Binghe approached, crossed his arms and glared down at the Madam.

“Stop poaching men to feed on if you don’t want to be cut down.”

“Binghe!” Shen Qingqiu yelled appalled and even Madam Meiyan with her feathers ruffled started yelling about how rude a young man was and then dragged his husband into it.

They were all twittering and yelling like birds, and Tianlang-Jun loved watching it. Give someone a poke and they got so angry when you did it!

When it looked like the Madam may attack the two, did he intervene placing a hand on the stall.

“It’s for your own protection Madam,” His huadin flashed and her eyes widened, she knew who he was and who sent him here.

“Cultivators are not fond of hearing civilian men go missing, if you could let the remaining men go then we’ll both be on our way.”

She scowled, “Fine.”

“...Can this Lord get a palm reading as well?”

“No.” Even his family was looking at him wondering where he got the audacity from for pissing off the Succubus then demanding her services as well.

“You are a walking curse to any potential lover,” She spoke voice filled with resentment, “It’s better you dont know your future.”

He hummed, “That’s a pity.”

Duties fulfilled, and even after that disaster, Luo Binghe looked like he had fun, he joined in a contest for a fight and won beaming at his dad.

Whom of course, bet on his son to win and gave him his winnings.

“What’s this?”

“The reward of your success, don’t spend it all at once.” He winked, seeing Luo Binghe roll his eyes.

And of course Luo Binghe used the money to buy presents for his Shizun. Hmm his son was the opposite of his father in every way.

Tianlang-Jun sighed as he wistfully thought of his Lost love Xiyan, that he wished he could be suave, woo wine and dine such a strong and cold warrior.

…Only to be the one seen as a simpleton who needed to be doted on. It was Su Xiyan paying out of her pocket and both seemed fine with the arrangement.

He sighed recalling Shen Qingqiu, this seemed to be a habit he probably won’t end up breaking.

So when they returned home, he requested his nephew to reimburse Shen Qingqiu.

His Husband shook his head waving his hands, “No, no it’s fine! It was your money anyway!”

Tianlang-Jun frowned and took Shen Qingqius animated hands and stroked the pale skin, his eyes imploring.

“Even so, it was this Emperors fault for putting his husband in that position. Especially after asking Shen Qingqiu to go out with this Lords Family in the first place. This Lord should be taking care of you and Binghe-”

“Silly,” Shen Qingqiu tapped his nose with his fan, “We are partners, we take care of each other.”

Tianlang-Jun looked at him in wonder. He wanted to kiss him. So so much.

And yet he knew that would frighten his husband, he only felt comfortable knowing it was fake and Tianlang-Jun never wanted to bear his heart more-

But he’s been burned before.

So Tianlang-Jun retreated.

“Very well, did Husband enjoy himself?”
“Very much, yes.”

“Then today wasn’t a complete failure.” He laughed and even when bringing a small chuckle from Shen Qingqiu he took his husbands hand and kissed it.
“Goodnight, my Qingqiu.”

Shen Qingqiu looked stunned, when the Emperor turned away Shen Qingqiu was trying to pick up what was left of his face from the floor and hid behind his fan. Feeling heat in his cheeks he hummed, not trusting his voice.

When Shen Qingqiu returned to his room he blinked to see a pile of books on his desk, he approached thinking it peculiar on who left the items…Zhuzhu?

He saw a note and picked it up reading over the letters with a furrow in his brow then gaped in surprise that Tianlang-Jun bought the books he voiced excitement over-

Thats why the bookstore was closed- don’t say the Emperor bought the entire shop!?

Even so, Shen Qingqiu placed the fan to his lips, cheeks flushed feeling too much at once.

What a silly demon, too soft even the humans would take advantage of how sweet he was.

It made Shen Qingqiu feel even more protective of both his husband, his nephew his son too their whole family.

In anyway shape or form he will save them from the dreadful plot that was coming. Even if he had to risk his own life to do it.


Ironic since the mindset of Shen Qingqiu had not changed, he figured one was a burden and should die to set Tianglang-jun free. Either it was Binghe in one life and in this one himself.

Chapter 9: Distance makes the heart...hurt.


Warning Constantly changing POV’s I am so sorry but also…I’m too tired.
So yeah I keep swapping but yeah I havn't updated in a while so yeah...


Me to myself, huh. I wonder why I’m suddenly giving Tianlang-Jun angst (Checks the month is pride month/mens mental health awareness month) it’s only in the US but happy Mens Mental health and take care of yourselfs fellow men and those who identify as such!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tianlang-Jun was finding himself thinking, back to his husbands and wives. How most would risk their lives and die in his arms to save him from some inane plot others trying to stab him in the back. Some wanting something, or marrying in to stage an attack on his palace like the previous Saintess Sha Hualing.

He hated it. Wishing it was simple that they would all attack at once and get it over with- and how moments when his Palace became unbearable he was wishing for a mission to fight some creature or go on a quest the cultivators would send him on.

The only flicker of light would be his Husband and his son, and his only allies he can count on one hand with fingers left over.

The Palace was becoming too crowded.

Too many children, too many men and women, faces blurred into different faces.

Some who could mask their intent, some gullible who were honest…they never lasted long, most who couldn’t hide their intentions and those really made Tianlang-jun weep. When they revealed their plans he even fell to his knees full out sobbing in the courtroom.

“You are so goddamn boring.” He weeped, seeing this coming from a mile away he was even inventing ways for it to be a trick, to be an intriguing plot but no, when they died Tianlang-jun wanted to bury his head in his hands.

Another disappointing day. It was so easy to kill things, get worthless trinkets and miracle elixirs, find cures, find poisons, face other demons and come out unscathed and now NOW!

He found his Palace unbearable and found himself running out the door to be relieved with more missions and leaving.

And the more his son looked like Su Xiyan, the more he worried he would no longer toe the line and instead cross it and ruin the peace with his husband and do something stupid like kiss him!

At least there was some accomplishment in his missions, he bemoaned.

He remembered the day, cringing inside and thinking this was why he was running away like a coward.

Coming into the White Pavillion to see Luo Binghe going through his sword forms- and in that moment he looked so much like Su Xiyan it was like a punch to the gut.

The pain of her passing never left it was like a dull ache, and each day forward it wasn’t getting easier he was just getting used to bearing it.

But moments like these, they hit him like a Monty Python Rhinoceros.

He stayed in the Sun Pavillion alone, he had never felt more trapped in this space- it was supposed to be their home and the other Pavillions weren’t supposed to house wives and husbands- originally it was supposed to house family.

His sister in the Bamboo Glade Pavillion, for his sister and nephew to live, and the other for Su Xiyans family such as Qin Wanyue and her sister. They weren’t blood related but the Sun Pavillion was to be theirs, all lived together until Binghe grew up leaving for his own adventures or moving to another pavillion and beggining to make hisnown family.

But until then it would’ve been just three of them, together in the Sun Pavillion.

The one he was currently sitting in alone, with no Empress and his son not there- because his son wouldn’t be in the Sun Pavillion anymore not without his Shizun.

Tianlang-Jun placed a hand over his face, slumping in further gripping his robes tightly with the other hand.

If his husband were a threat this would be the perfect time to raise his own son against him, Luo Binghe never sought out his company, they both loved each other yes-

But with time apart…they had also grown apart.

Sometimes they bridged the gap but others it feels as if a part was lost, Tianlang-Jun felt as if every conversation was about himself so when he redirected it at Binghe, he found himself…lost.

Both Tianlang-jun and Shen Qingqiu could talk for hours about poetry, the arts and paintings. But Binghe was fascinated by arrays and getting stronger.

Tianlang-Jun nodded encouraging, but felt as if he was making polite small talk- he wouldn’t do such a thing with anyone but even so,

…the only thing he and his son had in common was Shen Qingqiu, Tianlang-Jun made a habit of asking after him and Luo Binghe even relaxed, even getting enthusiastic with recounting tales he and his Shizun had.

Other than teasing his crush Gongyi Xiao, that's when the spell broke and Luo Binghe would shove him.

“Baba!” and for a moment they had connected, and Tianlang-Juns chest burst with warmth- he never teased his son all the time, he and Binghe knew it was harmless ribbing, but too much would become cruel.

“Baba, my feelings for Xiao…this Binghe can’t act upon.” Luo Binghe spoke suddenly looking sullen and Tianlang-Jun tilted his head.


“To the rest of the world, we are brothers.” Luo Binghe looked at him with an accepting bitter smile and just like that, realty set in.

“You could still elope-”

“It’s not fair to him, and to admit he isn’t really a child of Tianlang-Jun that the rest may not be…”

Yes that trickery will not work for the Cultivators, once one child is revealed as well ‘adopted’ the others will be investigated, and they’ll probably make Tianlang-Jun hunt for the artifact that reveals if those children were his.

The only best part of having so many husbands and wives?

The sudden surplus of pregnancies, along with the denials that of course they were his.

And thanks to Qin Wanyue, the blood parasites easily eliminated any chance of creating heavenly demon life- in the first trial runs Tianlang-Jun soon realised he was doing them all a favour.

So many weak cultivators, men or women, couldn't carry the high potency of a heavenly demon child. Most died their bodies succumbing to the demon energy and their spiritual energy unable to handle it.

Alone in the Sun Pavillion, his left hand thumb rubbing his right hand, had a mutinous thought.

A thought…of asking Shen Qingqiu…to move into the Sun Pavillion with him-

It felt like a betrayal like he was replacing her, and forgetting her memory- seeing Luo Binghe’s face was like a knife to the heart.

But he had to look at his son and see him.

He couldn’t do that to Binghe, being unable to look at him and see someone whose gone, but each time he looked at his son he was reminded of the guilt of being an infilal husband!

And when Zhuzhi-lang found him, taking his hands into his and telling him to stop.

Tianlang-Jun looked down and saw a splotch of red vibrant against the vivid green scales peeking out on his nephews skin.

“Junshang, what is wrong.” Zhuzhi-lang sent him his qi and thats when Tianlang-jun saw he must have cut himself with his own sharp claws.


“This Lord is fine, nephew.” And the funny thing is, with no fault of Binghe’s own, his Nephew was more like a son to him than Binghe. He held Zhuzhu in his arms, raised him and even when his Nephew barely emoted he knew what he was thinking.

Even when to others, they would describe his nephew as a wall Tianlang-Jun understood him and what he was thinking or feeling. Even with Binghe’s cold exterior he couldn’t recreate that same relationship with his son like he had his nephew.

But the worst part? He knew his nephew, and knew how he was…not experienced in such things. Other than combat and helping his uncle his nephew was pitifully useless in any type of advice, and Tianlang-Jun wished for his sister to ask but knew even that wasn’t a possibility even if she was alive.

“What must I tell Master Shen?” His nephew asked and that made Tianlang-Jun more miserable and guilty, but he couldn’t face them like this…maybe crying in front of possible assinators by being unbearably boring wasn’t random- Tianlang-Jun just needed a moment.

And he couldn’t cry in front of his son.

“This Lord…will stay here for the evening.”

“Of course Junshang.”

When Zhuzhi-lang relayed the news he saw the different expressions on both Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe’s faces.
Luo Binghe looked irritated but not surprised, “Probably entertaining a new spouse, come on Shizun.”

Shen Qingqiu stiffened, then shook his head. “There is no need to be upset, Binghe. Tianlang-Jun has a duty to protect you. It’s all a political match anyway -”

“Like you.”

That drew both the nephew and Shen Qingqiu up short, both surprised at how Luo Binghe said something so rude.

“Yes, Binghe this is all to protect you-”

“So you keep saying.” Luo Binghe scoffed and turned around to stomp off, Zhuzhi-lang was surprised by his cousin; he never realised the absence of his Junshang would lead to…this. If he knew he would’ve made up a better excuse.

“Binghe.” Shen Qingqiu spoke, snapping his fan shut, and it made Zhuzhi-lang tense as his cousin did also.

“Never be in doubt that your Baba loves you and would do anything for you. Your safety is his number one priority-”

“But thats just it! I am not his priority!” Luo Binghe snapped, turning with his eyes red and voice cracked. It made Shen Qingqiu falter, “This Binghe thought it wasn’t a big deal but when it kept happening over and over again and his absence now it just proves it!”

“He flinches when he looks at me- he hates me! Resents that he has wasted so much of his time protecting me and for what? When I’m old enough to be a perfect stranger? That we barely hold conversation and he can barely stand the sight of me. What's a few more years? We’ll hate each other and then after that kill each other?” Shen Qingqiu flinched, eyes wide.

Luo Binghe and Zhuzhi-Lang caught onto it, “Is that what the Cultivators want? Shizun?”

Shen Qingqiu stared straight ahead, “No. This Master won’t allow it. No one in this Pavillion including your father is going to die. Not while I’m breathing.”

He knew it was time for Binghe to have his…teenage rebellious phase, but this…seems like something thats been boiling over for a long time.

…At least Luo Binghe isn’t sneaking out the palace and being kidnapped it could be worse.

Zhuzhi-lang didn’t know what to do, when both Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe began their screaming match and knew that this couldn’t continue on…

But…his loyalty to his Junshang, the worn look on his face and not wanting to appear weak- he always gave his smiles to Shen Qingqiu And Binghe whenever he came by.

And one evening away it all fell apart.

It felt like yesterday when Shen Qingqiu married Junshang and Binghe was a small happy lad sitting in his Uncles lap all drinking tea together…Zhuzhi-lang wanted to go back to that time or at least…do something…he had never felt so useless before, no there was no other time he was more useless than not being their for his Junshang and Lady Su.

If Zhuzhi-Lang was there then the Empress wouldn’t be dead.

He took the blame onto himself and decided to speak up.

“Binghe. Lets fight.”


Both stared at him, and Zhuzhi-lang shrugged, “Fighting helps.”

“I don’t think-” He lunged forward putting Binghe on the defensive and heard Shen Qingqiu’s sigh as the two started fighting.

But it did help Luo Binghe calm down, and apologise to Shen Qingqiu for his outburst.

But it still wasn’t enough.

“Junshang…is not well.” He admitted after wanting desperately for both to understand that Junshang wasn’t upset at them and if Junshang knew how both felt he would be in an even worse state.

“He’s recovering from a mission, he’s not fit to be entertaining anyone right now.”

That switched gears “He’s HURT!” Shen Qingqiu gasped alarmed and even Luo Binghe looked pale “Why didn’t you say so- we have to go to him-”

“N-no not physically! He’s…he didn’t want you to see him like that.”

Now they looked even more alarmed, “If Junshang feels better he may come later-”
“Tell him to come, we won’t be sleeping so he won’t be disturbing our rest if thats whats holding him back.”

Zhuzhi-Lang nodded, “I’ll let him know.”

But Shen Qingqiu’s eyes looked knowing.

And they were, he knew why Tianlang-Jun avoided Binghe and it was happening now. This was the final nail in the coffin when all contact would cease.

…Not gonna happen.

The sudden motivation that he will not let Tianlang-Jun suffer like this, he will help him and Binghe, already Binghe was sensitive and feeling rejection already one moment trying to act above it all…and teenage hormones telling him to have that temper tantrum because he was a growing boy as well as a prince. Some spoiled aspects will shine through.

Even so…Shen Qingqiu had to do something about it, because his pig headed husband wasn’t going to…at least not without help.

Shen Qingqiu decided to have tea with Qin Wanyue, both were busy with raising their own wards and the time slipped like sand through their fingers.

He knew he had no right to speak on such things but he figured he was First Husband for a while now, so he can begin to…probe Tianlang-Jun and finally begin to open up about Su Xiyan.

So he asked Qin Wanyue everything about Lady Su, she opened up, the pain had dulled and now she felt reminiscent to begin speaking about her marital sibling.

And even did him one better, she had items of Su Xiyan, things she kept as a memento and even proposed to give such items to Shen Qingqiu.

“What? This Master couldn’t take this- it is the only thing you have of Lady Su!”

“This one loved her like a sister, but it’s selfish to keep these when our husband has nothing, but if Qin Wanyue gave them our husband would feel guilty and end up misplacing them- but coming from Master Shen he may take more care and preserve them.”

He wasn’t sure about that but he could try…

He saw they were paintings and letters from Su Xiyan to Qin Wanyue, there was even jewellery and stories attached to them. And with this Shen Qingqiu was a small part excited and a small part worried hoping Tianlang-jun would be happy and open to hearing stories about Su Xiyan.

So when he told Tianlang-jun his talks with Qin Wanyue and opened up that she had found some mementos from cleaning and revealed his gifts to Tianlang-Jun he wasn’t expecting such a reaction.

Tianlang-Jun looked gutted and Shen Qingqiu felt panicked at such a sight.

“This Master has over stepped, this one apologises-” It was a gamble but Tianlang-Jun needed to talk about it, just a little…

“No! No,” Tianlang-jun said again quieter once he realised he had shouted, “This Lord is happy and…ashamed.”

Ashamed? What need does he have to be ashamed for?

“This Lord has had traitorous thoughts, Su Xiyan has been lost to me, and I miss her like the loss of a limb and that phantom ache will always persist and yet this useless heart beats for another.”

Shen Qingqiu stiffened, feeling hot and cold at the same time.

What- this never happened in the original story! Did he change something to make Tianlang-Jun feel safe to love again?

He should be happy! His favourite character was opening up and…and instead Shen Qingqiu felt heavy.

“Is it wrong that this Lord has feelings? Is it wrong of me to betray Su Xiyan to pursue my own selfish heart?”

Shen Qingqiu firmed his lip, did Tianlang-Jun fall in love with one of his wives?

Mentally he shook his head, it didn’t matter if his own heart was torn in two. That didn’t mean Tianlang-jun shouldn’t continue to suffer, this man deserved happiness.

Shen Qingqiu voice quivered but regained strength before the demon could notice, “My Lord should not feel guilty for feeling this way. Su Xiyan would understand, my Lord shouldn’t shun happiness and purposefully hurt himself, she wouldn’t want you to suffer like that.”

Shen Qingqiu took his hand into his, smiling through the pain that he may stop seeing Tianlang-Jun altogether soon, he wondered who the lucky lady was?

“Loving another is not forgetting her memory, and it is normal to feel this way.” Tianlang-Jun tugged him close, tucking his face into the crook of Shen Qingqiu’s shoulder.

“Husband always seems to know what to say.”


Shen Qingqiu thought his eyes shutting tight mouth firmed.

Don’t call him husband when he loves another.

“This Qingqiu is happy to support his Majesty.”

“Ah so cold, even now my husband refuses to call me such.”

He sighed and instead raised his arms to hug Tianlang-Jun back, no matter what he’ll be ready to face a new Empress and know his place and not overstep his boundaries, but just for a moment longer.

Let them stay like this, let him pretend for a little longer.

Tianlang-Jun sighed against his husbands shoulder, thoughts running a mile a minute.

It felt unfair to Su Xiyan but it felt right, and when an Emperor decided to do something he would do it. The Sun Pavillion his and Binghe’s home, the place that was made for Su Xiyan where she was expected to live and all of them would be a family.

And yet- it didn’t feel right having Shen Qingqiu who had stepped up in place as a mother and took care of not only Binghe but him as well and asked for nothing in return.

Tianlang-Jun wasn’t replacing Su Xiyan, but he felt it fair to reward Shen Qingqiu for his efforts.

But it would take some time he realised- afterall the White Pavillion was more like a home than his pavilion (Probably the reason why Luo Binghe didn’t feel comfortable since the place barely felt lived in)

So he asked his son.

“Luo Binghe,” He spoke when the boy was having his lessons with Meng Mo, this was so his son could communicate with him even on long distances.

“You know the Sun Pavillion is connected to all the rooms but is more fortified than any other Pavillion.” Luo Binghe glanced at him suspiciously and scowled, “If Father is speaking on the assasination attempts he is a bit late now to worry-”

He grimaced ah that was true, Shen Qingqiu was a capable fighter and had protected himself and his son well. But the White Pavillion is still too exposed.

…And there was the favour to the Mobei-Clan that he kept putting off (Forgetting) if Tianlang-Jun had to carry the new heir he couldn’t travel and would for once be trapped in the Palace and his enemies would take that chance to assassinate him-

The Sun Pavillion was the one place Tianlang-Jun made Luo Binghe sleep in. He put his foot down and even made sure Zhuzhi-lang made sure to escort the prince through the many passages leading to the Sun Pavillion that only a heavenly demon could cross.

Even Shen Qingqiu made sure Luo Binghe crossed the passage when the boy had to rest and sleep.

When he was longer Binghe could stay with his Shizun and when asked now when he was older why they couldn’t go back to the way it was, he spoke that his cousin wasn’t there to protect him.

It was the one thing he would never risk.

“No thats not, this Lord was thinking…about your mother recently.” Luo Binghe stiffened, turning to look at him with wide eyes. “This Lord has never had a moment to grieve and come to terms with her passing. And the reality of losing someone I loved reminds this Lord of the people he cares about who are alive now.”

Luo Binghe looked lost so Tianlang-Jun smiled, “This one is slow and hopes his son can forgive him…but how would you feel of having us all move to the Sun Pavillion.”

Luo Binghe looked unsure so Tianlang-Jun added, “All Pavillions are accessible from the Sun Pavillion it’d made it easier to visit Master Gongyi than going in the hallways having to hide.”

And that settled it.


Since Tianlang-Jun was so busy, trying to appease the cultivating master from testing his children for Heavenly Demon Abilities especially since Binghe was showing so much progress.

Son please! For your Baba’s sake I know your the son of Su Xiyan but PLEASE START HOLDING BACK!

He tried to appease them by saying Binghe wasn’t showing signs of being a heavenly demon yet (Because his seal was still intact) and if they rushed it the demonic energy could kill them.

But years with no fruit, was making them restless. They were promised a Heavenly Demonic Army and toss Tianlang-Jun once he was no longer needed.

He wanted to tell them to jump of a bridge, he’d rather go to a market and watch a play and eat Tanghulu fruit with his son! He wanted to read crappy trashy romance novels is that too much to ask!

His relationship with his son was becoming more and more distant and it was all their fault, the dormant anger resurfacing new rage blending into old and despising all their faces.

And if that wasn’t the worst of it, now the Demons were starting to get uppity thinking their own territories are in danger.

If it wasn’t bad enough that he was forced to take demon wives and husbands, who had all met a gruesome end at his Palace since they had instigated most of the fights but he still ended up taking the blame for it and had to bend over backwards to rectify this problem that they had caused!

It was giving him a headache, what’s worse, Shen Qingqiu told him so. The man made notes that the demons will feel threatened with the Heavenly Emperor being under the Cultivators thumb, their territories and resources being taken and they couldn’t do anything about it. That most clans had starving demons and were pushed into a recession the other shoe was bound to drop.

“They have our Demon Emperor on a leash! We should just attack and kill them all!”

He was so tired, he wanted to go home to his cute son- damned if he looks like Su Xiyan he can bear the pain this meeting was much more unbearable!

Given that he did have a favour, he knew now was the time to deal with it afterall the Mobei-Clan were patient and said nothing. Neither defending or accusing their Junshang of doing nothing.

“Then how about this Lord bears a child of a Demon clan?”

He was just throwing it out there, maybe they might change their minds- but they ended up looking considering!

“Yes, the strongest demons should join together, the Mobei-Clan are descendents of Heavenly Demons so a child made from both should make it fair!”
“The Mobei-Clan can assist but cannot bear the child. Our customs would make it…difficult to conceive.”

If it was the Mobei-Clan the Elder then yes, consumption was a part of the process where they were vulnerable, and making children was just the same. And with Elixers or using Cultivation to create offspring would be impossible, the Elder would be weak to attacks and could potentially lose the child-

“This Lord is in the same boat,” Tianlang-Jun pointed out, he doubted the cultivators would want him to stay home and grow a baby especially a demon one. They would purposefully send him on missions and if he were to lose the child? Would sever the alliance he had with the Clan.

“After missions with powerful beasts this ones body has been attacked and can regenerate with blood parasites but the baby would be lost.”

Mobei-Jun The Elder gave him a nod, both on the same page, they could supply the energies for a Heir to the Mobei-Clan and the new soon to be titled Third Prince.

“Well then, what about your wives?” They all knew demons were selfish and the surrogate would probably run and make a hostage situation.

“Humans? To taint the demonic offspring and make them like that half-bred scum-”

The demon barely finished speaking before it’s head was crushed, the others flinched looking back at their Junshang who smiled.

“You were saying something about my son?” He asked and the others gulped.

“Y-yes in the case,” One quickly spoke before he was subjected to the Emperors ire, “None have succeeded before what makes this case different?”

“Yes!” Another spoke, “If those spouses of yours failed to make a Heavenly Offspring what makes you think one could handle the Mobei-Clan?”

“Well this Lord had no need for more children other than Binghe. And This Lord has done everything in his power to keep it that way.”

The Demons eyes widened, and that gave them hope. With the admittance of such trickery, gave them the advantage over the cultivators.

“Not to mention all the cultivators that were sent as spouses had weak cultivation none of the Sects wanted to sacrifice their best warriors to bear demonic children and tate their cores and possible ascension.” He grinned.

“Thus the demonic energy is too much for both the spouse and the fetus.”

“So you have a strong Cultivator in mind to be a host for your Third Child?”

“A strong cultivator, but someone even better who can handle demonic energy. But if this Husband of mine says no then there is no more discussion, another demon in this room will have to carry the offspring of the Mobei and Heavenly Clan.”

They all looked put out about that but nodded, some volunteering if it came down to that. Both Clans promised payment and alliance for the risk the demons would potentially be taking.

After Mobei-Jun the Elder approached once all the other demons had left.

“Junshang, once you have figured out how to destroy that collar around your neck, the Mobei-Clan will be of surface. If you need a place to retreat to or a battle to arms this Mobei is at your service.”

Tianlang-Jun blinked, he never did this to get any payment out of it. But nodded, “Thank you my friend.”

He still had fingers left over, but at least he had a few more allies than before.


When Tianlang-Jun arrived home, entering the White Lotus Pavillion he walked in on his husband telling Luo Binghe the birds and the bee’s.

He had to laugh to himself, he wondered what brought this up all of a sudden?

But by Luo Binghe’s blushing face and, “Shizun it wasn’t like that-”

“Even so, Luo Binghe is old enough now to be careful with the…partners…he chooses to be with. You are a growing boy, and the less I know the better, but this Master has a feeling your father didn’t tell you about reproduction-”

“Shizun please!” Luo Binghe was a bright red now.

Ah Was his son finally being affectionate?

Shen Qingqiu glanced up and smiled in delight at the appearance of his favourite character then stiffened to see a dark bruise on Tianlang-Juns neck.

A kiss bitten mark.

“That’s one way to do it,” Tianlang-Jun only hearing the tale end of the traditional way a man and a women conceived. And Shen Qingqiu gaped- male pregnancy was a thing but THIS Shen Qingiu had no knowledge of how such things was done.

Airplane was surprisingly vague about such things.

“Men can conceive like a women can or the preferred method to demons and humans is surrogacy.”

Tianlang-Jun sat before them leaning one arm on his leg and propped his chin in his hand.

“This Lord was thinking about it, after talks with Mobei-jun he wants this Lord to sire his child to pass down the Line of the Mobei-Clan and assure an alliance between the two clans.”

He shrugged at the faces both his son and Qingqiu was giving him, “The Mobei-Clan has always been loyal and this Lord has tried to uphold his end of the alliance.”

He glanced at his husband whose insight has helped him in more ways than one.

If Qingqiu hated the idea he was about to propose then Tianlang-Jun would accept it, he would never pressure Shen Qingqiu in any way.

“It can be beneficial to both in the long run,” Tianlang-Jun spoke glancing to Luo Binghe who had a considering look on his face.

Either with the thought of a new sibling, or ideas himself for his own…partner.

Tianlang-Jun wasn’t a betting man but he firmly believes that it would be Binghe who would want to carry and not want Xiao Gongyi to go through such a thing.

Shen Qingqiu hummed, “Yes it can be beneficial to both in the long run, with two princes one half human and the other a demon to two demon clans would be a united front to both demons and cultivators. The two princes could assist and watch each others backs- but my Lord you couldn’t carry the child, and neither could Mobei-Jun they are weak during consumption and chances are weak during the process as well,” Shen Qingqiu seemed confused on how the two would deal with such a thing.

“Hmm, which is why this Lord thought Qingqiu should do it.”

“Hmm- what!?”

Even Luo Binghe scowled, and Tianlang-jun grimaced, “That wasn’t an order.” he leaned closer then pulled Shen Qingqiu into his lap.

It was a habit he let the Emperor indulge in and sighed but became comfortable leaning back as Tianlang-Jun propped his head on his shoulder.

“That child will have the power of the heavenly demon clan and Mobei-jun clan but he’d just be a shell but Qingqiu will raise and and his essence will make him a person he will be Qingqiu entirely he will look like you and take after you.” Shen Qingqiu was stiffening even more, his heart beating erratically.

“T-that, I don’t think-”

“It won’t hurt, it’s not the same as a typical pregnancy,” He placed his hand on Qingqiu’s stomach where his dantian was-

“Only our spiritual energy goes through here along with the help of a flower and it should form a womb. We just need to keep feeding it the energy and Mobei Jr will be born!”

Luo Binghe laughed looking excited, “Will Binghe be a big brother?”

With the big eyes Luo Binghe was giving, Shen Qingqiu found it hard to say no.

“How do you get it out?” He asked and Tianlang-Jun hummed.

“The same way as putting spiritual energy in, if Qingqiu using his spiritual cultivation and pushes he can eject the baby that way into his arms. It’s why most people end up with child during Qi deviations.”

Ah, Shen Qingqiu thought he kept getting confused when reading the story when that began to happen.

“What else is there? There has to be a catch?” He glanced up and saw the grimace on Tianlang-Juns face.

“Yes, the flower creates a spiritual womb and that would be permanent. So theres a chance that Qingqiu can create life but won’t go back to normal after.”

…That was the catch? Shen Qingqiu thought it’d be something worse like full body horror modification.

“There are of course, demons who volunteered so Qingqiu doesn’t have to bear this burden.” Tianlang-Jun spoke and saw his husbands brow furrow as he was thinking then nodded.


“You don’t have to decide now- what?”

“Okay.” Shen Qingqiu nodded and smiled, “This husband is honoured to be of assistance to the Emperor.”

Also, it happened in the original story, when Shen Jiu realised his husband wasn’t a bad person, felt guilty then decided to help out in anyway he could.

Also Mobei-Jun was a cool character, as if he’ll deny this world that?

“Baba, whats that on your neck?”

Now that the attention moved away from Binghe’s escapades he drew the attention back on his father, his eyes narrowed. He knew his Father had to entertain his wives and husbands but no need to enjoy it then flaunt it in front of his Shizun!

Tianlang-Jun looked surprised and looked down, and when he couldn’t see it, Binghe poked it and the man yelped.

“Oh that- it’s Stinging Vines, nasty little things. There were humans getting lost in a forest full of these before the Demon council.” Was Tianlang-Jun walking around in such a state?

“See the tiny teeth marks?” And Binghe noticed it wasn’t like a kiss bite there was too many dots and bubbles and it looked worse up close.

And Shen Qingqiu internally kicked himself, it wasn’t a hickey from a overzealous wife it was a wound!

“Your majesty! You have to treat that!”

“What? It’s fine it’ll heal!”.

“It hasn’t yet so clearly you’ve been poisoned! You’re setting a bad example for Binghe!”

“Ah, how my husband worries so, this one was right you would make a great mother.”

Shen Qingqiu expression melted into a blank mask, and Tianlang-jun worried he said something wrong, but Binghe snickered.

“Shizun is embarrassed.”

Hmm? Oh, his ears were red but the rest of his face was blank. Did it please him? Being called a good mother?


So Mobei-Jun is coming soon and guess who that means! *Play spongebob dadadadidida themesong* Shang Qinghua the little rat is coming soon as well yay!
Also my notes when Tianlang-Jun asked SQQ to be the surrogate to Mobei it was cute, but added story parts I was like wow seems like an order gonna have to change that.
So Shen Qingqiu can say no, but he's actually curious about it and knows its not painful so he'll do it. For science.

Chapter 10: The Scum Sons Redemption


Introducing Shang Qinghua everybody!


I felt so bad for not writing and posting the next chapters …then I suddenly write three chapters and call it a day ahah.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It happened in the story too, Shen Qingqiu supposes his mind wondering as he taught the princes in the Earth Garden.

The first six princes had their own court, there were sectioned into groups the first alongside Binghe were expected of many great things and needed more lessons.

Meanwhile the ones who came later were scrapping for pieces, to stop any type of fighting were separated.

The children were…not gifted, he bemused other than his Binghe. He saw that other than potential massacre from Luo Binghe in the future, their prospects was simple foot soldiers. Even in court he doubted they could go far and unlike Binghe would not benefit from nepotism.

All except for Qui JianHua aka Shang Qinghua. The soon to be husband to his soon to arrive son Mobei-Jun.

His eyes narrowed at the little thorn in his side, the young boy was smart. And that’s what made it worse, he wished he was stupid to punish him. But enacting punishment for existing wasn’t good enough.

And his ire returned to Airplane shooting towards the sky. Why Marry Mobei-Jun to Qinghua of all people. He remembered the Author receiving many death threats for that.

So when he was babysitting the brat along with the others it was obvious to point out a divide in the ranks.

Xiao Gongyi was known as a servant before his ascension to prince and none of the others respected him, he was the odd duckling out and he faced many bullying attempts. Luo Binghe stuck to him like glue, protective of his friend and defended him with his strength, Shen Qingqiu thought it was sweet.

But Shang Qinghua was also alone, being smarter and more cunning it was obvious he would rise in ranks at court.

With only smarts or brute strength there was nothing here for the mediocre.

Which caused resentment, they couldn’t pick on Binghe and Xiao was off limits. That made Qinghua free game, and Shen Qingqiu grimaced and here he was openly glaring and shunning the boy, wasn’t he making his situation worse?

Both the Qui’s were conniving sorts the mother-son duo who made schemes to elevate their status. Maybe that resentment is born from Shen Qingqiu being flippant to them?

Afterall, he wasn’t Qinghua yet, he was just a boy.

But when he thought of being kind, maybe even have him paired with Binghe and Xiao to help them concentrate on studying- although Xiao Gongyi had no issue but Binghe tended to get distracted when he was bored.

But whenever he glanced over he saw the boy looking at him, watching him. His eyes held something he didn’t like and it made Shen Qingqiu wary of approaching.

He was fine with having Mobei-Jun, but the thought of Shang QInghua digging his claws in made him see red and thus shunned the boy even more…which led to more bullying. He sighed, he didn’t even have Mobei-Jun yet and already he was being triggered by unmade slights. Poor QInghua…nevermind f*ck Qinghua.


Shang Qinghua could only curse his fate, this sucked, he hated this, he hated them.

He just wished if he transmigrated it would be anyone but this character!

Why him! Why the son of Qui Haitang!?

Although he liked the name Shang QInghua, being the future liaison between the Heavenly Palace and Cang Qiong- it never mattered. When he wrote this character writing and re-writing his name only to AXE the story to pieces.

And now he was trapped in a world where he had to endure pregnancies for the Mobei-Clan and worse his King found a way to make even Spiritual reproduction painful because he wanted Qinghua to suffer!

That was some deep seeded hatred to make a painless procedure into a painful one, and Mobei-Jun was there for each and every moment to revel in it!

But Shang Qinghua hated it the most because that wasn’t originally what the story was supposed to be!

Airplane shooting across the sky, Qui JianHua and officially Shang Qinghua story was supposed to be a redemption story.

Both Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua were the outcasts of the Heavenly Harem they would turn it around and get together in their own cute love story and flee Luo Binghe’s tyrannical reign.

It was originally Bing-ge who wanted Qinghua to be a host of his offspring and being sad*stic about it, since he jumped the gun on Shen Qingqiu and was dissatisfied with his revenge and trauma of his experience that caused Tianlang-Jun to be neglectful.

Almost re-creating the situation his own father was in, and with the connection to Cang Qiong was as good as it was going to get.

He knew his fans would hate to see the cycles of abuse and would want Binghe to be well not better but not worse as a character.

And now he was being bullied by Ming Fan and had to bite his tongue till bleeding to avoid getting into trouble.

Not only was his future miserable, his past being abused by Qui Haitang (She had some major anger issues and needed therapy there was no need to hit a kid that hard!) And now the present was miserable. He couldn’t win.

“Leave him alone, isn’t it pathetic to bully those below you?” He never thought the protagonist would try to save him his eyes wide in surprise.

Ming Fan sneered, “What going to beat me up? That’s some motherless behaviour that only a brute like you would engage in.”

Now all the princes paused, Shen Qingqiu was busy with talking to the parents and Shang QInghua was unsure wether Ning Yingying planned this on purpose or if she truly didn’t know her son was being a brat.

Even so, provoking Luo Binghe wasn’t smart.

“Even that Old man doesn’t want you-” he nodded at Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua’s brow furrowed confused.

“He’s disgusted if you call him anything but Shizun, isn’t that right, didi?” Ming Fan turned to him and it made sense for Shang Qinghua to nod, to shun Luo Binghe’s help afterall if he aligns himself with the other princes theres safety in numbers and there’s no guarantee that Binghe would save him all the time-

That’s only good in the long term.

But Shang Qinghua knew his future. He didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to be left to Mobei-Jun’s devices even if he wasn’t actually Tianlang-Juns son-

None of them were! And none of the adults knew other than Xiao Gongyi as far as anybody was aware all the children in this palace was Tianlang-Juns offspring.

But they were all children of servants!

And when Luo Bing-ge found out, the humility and rage that he the crown prince and rightful heir was being abused by those lesser than him was too much to bear.

Shang Qinghua puffed his chest up scowling, “Master Shen doesn’t like to be called Papa even if it was his own child.” He spoke with confidence, cutting down Ming Fans argument.

And he should KNOW he wrote the damn character! Shen Qingqiu with his own children wanted nothing to do with them and was an overall terrible parent!

Shen Qingqiu told Mobei-Jun to call him Master Shen even his own child he wouldn’t let him call him Baba.

But in trying to stick up for Binghe it appeared he made it worse, “Don’t you dare insult Shizun! He’s not that cruel and you don’t know anything about him!”

And that was another thing that was peculiar.

Everything that Binghe just said- defending his Shizun, that did not make any sense!

Shen Qingqiu? Not Cruel? Older gege are we talking about the same man here? He is a tyrant a scumbag a-

“Oh he is, Shen Qingqiu is the worst husband in the Harem, everyone says so. All of the wives are trying for children but he won’t? What a selfish-”

Luo Binghe punched Ming fan in the face, and all hell broke loose. Shang Qinghua teetered wringing his hands as Xiao Gongyi joined in, two against the other three princes and once the other two were down, and Luo Binghe was still grappling with Ming Fan Shang Qinghua turned and noticed the other parents not noticing and leaving them to fight.

When it looked like it was getting worse, Shang QInghua wanted no part in this!

“Ming Fan just leave him alone, there’s no point!” Shang QInghua yelled, and Ming Fan snarled.

“You coward! Fine, I’ll take him on myself!” Agh no-

Ming Fan threw the first punch and Shang Qinghua moved in the front of Binghe taking the hit.

That hurt like a bitch!

And you wouldn’t know who was more shocked, Qinghua or the other two.

“Ming Fan stop bullying Binghe! He’s the crown prince and we’ll all get in trouble by picking on him!”

Ming fan sniffed, “Are you that scared? He’s a spoiled brat!”

You’re the spoiled brat! Ah youths these days.

“Luo Binghe did nothing to you, why be so threatened by a kid whose done nothing wrong?”

Luo Binghe was staring at the back of the boys head who shielded him from the punch it was strange.

“You were picking on him too! Saying all that stuff about Shen Qingqiu!” Ming fan turned around on him.

Oh how he hated being a kid, unlike some who thrived on arguments, Shang Qinghua didn’t. He was the opposite: he cried, stuttered like he was speaking for the first time tripping on his words and being overly anxious.

“JianHua didn’t mean to! This one was just trying to be nice- this one isn’t allowed to call Miss haitang Mother either!”

Now all the princes were staring at him, and Shang Qinghua realised by exposing this weakness may shun him from all the princes including Luo Binghe. Realising what he said his lip began to wobble embarrassed and frustrated with his own body's reactions!
He couldn’t wait to grow up and get over this emotional constipation!

And now they were all watching him have a breakdown, painting him as a weakling, “This one is the same so if you’re picking on Binghe for that then you’re also insulting this Jianhua!” He yelled passed the frustrated tears.

And when the adults finally intervened it looked like ALL the princes were picking on Shang Qinghua!

He gulped as Shen Qingqiu stood over him, eyes narrowed. He didn’t get why people claimed their Shizun was nice he was the regular Scum Villain to him especially when his lips curled into a sneer.

But he was rewarded for helping Binghe and all of a sudden found himself in the White Lotus Pavillion.

An honour given only to those the tenants trusted. Other than Xiao Gongyi- Shang Qinghua was stunned that Luo Binghe choose to stick up for him and even adopted him into their friendship circle.

He beamed YES he was friends with the protagonist! Even if he was closer to the scum villain at least he hoped Binghe would remember him fondly and not kill him or send him to Mobei-Jun kicking and screaming.

Luo Binghe was charmed when Qui JianHua came to his defence even if he was laughably weak, he wanted to look after him. It was rare to have a friend and he always noticed how lonely the boy looked.

Like a little boy given a puppy for the first time, he meant well but maybe Luo Binghe was always treated as the youngest even though he was the first born prince and maybe wanted a cute little didi to spoil. Shang Qinghua will gladly be that, this was the high life!

Who was he kidding!

He was under the wrath of Shen Qingqiu! That man was evil!

Shang Qinghua had to pour the tea correctly, he had to sit up straight and with Luo Binghe it was a light tap but with him he swore that the silk of that fan could cut bone!

Why was he hated- what did he do to the Scum Villain hah!?

And when Luo Binghe asked his Shizun to tell the three princes his story, he thought Shang Qinghua would like it and Shen Qingqiu gave a put upon sigh and nodded, “Very well.”

Shen Qingqiu began to spin a tale and the other two were entranced even though they probably heard it a million times.

But not Shang Qinghua he sat frozen, face going pale.

That…that was his first draft! He had forgotten about it and this man was reciting it word for word-

“Uh- um,” He tried to speak his throat dry and sweat beading down his neck.

“Do you have something to say to interrupt this Master, Jianhua?”

The man said with utter disdain oh no wonder he hated him, if he was right then Shen Qingqiu knew Shang Qinghua was the linchpin in setting of events leading to his doom!

“T-that story this one um, has read one like it once someone written by Airplane?” He asked quickly, eyes looking up but cowering- he had to be sure it wasn’t his imagination!

Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes it was.”

Shen Qingqiu was a transmigrator! That made so much sense!

“Jianhua you know the story!?” Luo Binghe asked his eyes alight, and Shang QInghua grimaced. Was Luo Binghe a fan? Whose going to let him down>

Welp he was airplane, he was always letting people down.

“It was a small chapter and no publishing house wanted anything to do with it so it only ended after one chapter.”

Luo Binghe’s face fell as he turned to Shen Qingqiu, “Shizun?”

He sounded so betrayed and his Shizun sighed, “This Master apologises Binghe, but yes the story ended after one chapter but the rest was how this Master envisioned it ending.”

This guy wrote a fanfiction of his chapter? He’ll have to hear it.

“Then this Binghe will publish the story.” he spoke, looking so serious that Shang Qinghua had to laugh.

“With what money?” Binghe’s face fell again, and the fan came down smacking Shang Qinghua.

“Stop bullying Binghe.”

Stop bullying me! Shang Qinghua wanted to snap back, wait if this guy didn’t have a system the same as Qinghua, that meant both weren’t bound by rules.

BUT without a system being omnipresent and knowing how the story was going and knowing which action will keep the ball rolling- Shen Qingqiu was going to be surprised by a lot of curveballs being thrown his way.

Not unless QInghua tells him everything he knows.

“Um this one is a writer, and Master Shen could help this one write this story?”

Now Luo Binghe’s eyes sparkled with hope once again.

“Both of you should write the story.” Shen Qingqiu sighed, “Luo Binghe you are acting spoiled-”

“But Shizun once this Binghe is to fight alongside Baba he won’t hear the story as much, taking a book away to read when we are away is like taking a part of you with me!”

That was sweet and he even saw how Shen Qingqiu melted.

“But we’d need to be alone or we’d ruin the story for Binghe.”

So when Luo Binghe and Xiao Gongyi left them alone did Shang Qinghua turn to his fellow Transmigrator.

“Okay, you need to learn how the story is originally supposed to go down, there were parts from other characters point of view and Shen Qingqiu’s was closed off after his marriage other than his words everything was taken at face value.” Shang Qinghua spoke quickly.

“Since the readers hated the first draft- I was terrified of going through that again and just wrote what the masses wanted but I wasn’t happy with it and just in case the story goes by my original intent-”

“Airplane? You’re airplane!?”

“Yes, now pay attention. Shen Qingqiu’s point of view was going to be revealed but no one liked him! He was going to be a morally grey nuanced character who was selfish and never cared for anyone and did one good act before he died but that still didn’t excuse the fact that he was awful, just learning too late-”

It was strange that a child was berating and lecturing an immortal master and yet here we are, Shen Yuan scowled listening to Airplane jot down points once Binghe received paper for the two to work on.

“So here’s the story;” Shang Qinghua started off, dipping his pen into the ink.

“The Shens were a shady family who had dealings with demonic cultivation, but were never exposed as such they were too well hidden and acted like rich nobles.”

“Except now they are-”

“We’ll come back to the changes after or I’m gonna lose my train of thought.” Shen Qingqiu shut his mouth.

“The Lord and Master was called Wu Yanzi but his Civilian name was Shen Qianzhu. And he visited brothels and had a bastard child called Shen Jiu.

Xiao Jiu was raised by the women of the brothel but she wanted nothing to do with Shen Jiu wishing he was dead and told him to never call her mother she may have given birth to him but that was it.

She urged Xiao Jiu to find his father making up lies that the man would obviously take him in and wanted a child- and since the Madam was beginning to see merit in Xiao Jiu’s looks he fled. So when he found Master Shen, the Demonic Cultivator sneered in derison at the audacity of this bastard son of his, and to make sure he would never plague his doorstep or even dirty his name he sold Shen Jiu to another lord-”

Shang Qinghua wondered if she should reveal that Wu Yanzi respected strength and after seeing Shen Jiu survive and come back he saw him as his true heir and even manipulated events to get Shen Jiu to Cang Qiong- but a f*cked up father son relationship that was about as healthy as a rotten onion but had some semblence of being edible might be pointless, main plots that affect the two mini sc*ms for the future rather than explore loose ends from the past.

“He sold Shen Jiu to another Lord Qui Jianlou two towns over as far away as he could and the Lord Qui did good on his word and travelled even further away from the Shen estate.

But during that time, when Shen Jiu was a slave there was one servant in the Qui estate who was kind to him called Qi-ge- but that’s not important, Shen Jiu came back to the estate older, stronger and strangely enough had cultivation and bloody from the Qui massacre.

And Master Shen was proud and changed his mind about Shen Jiu especially when his original heir was nothing but a disappointment. He was proud of Shen Jiu and the boy showed promise, the fact he was not unafraid to spill blood?

After fighting and scraping for recognition he decided that it wasn’t what he expected, Shen Jiu dissatisfied with his family he found lacking he decided to go to Cang Qiong Mountain.

Master Shen told Shen Jiu if he left for the mountain never to come back and show his face again if he failed.

And just after, Wu Yanzi services was requested to remove competition to his highest paying client to murder a child. He gave him poison to slip to the mother to abort the child in her womb. It was Su Xiyan- Luo Binghe’s existence showed that demons and humans could live in harmony. But no one expected Su Xiyan to die instead and Luo Binghe to survive.

And during this time, Shen Qingqiu became Peak Lord.

He only became a peak lord to escape the Shen family, to be powerful enough to fight them if they ever pointed their swords towards him as Shen jiu had evidence of them being Demonic cultivators-”

“What but then-”

Shang Qinghua gave him a look when Shen Qingqiu tried to interrupt.

“Evidence he had because he was also a demonic cultivator- it was a “If I’m going down you’re all going down with me,” type blackmail. But Wu Yanzi knew after years went by, that Shen Qingqiu had a new home and the blackmail was now useless as Shen Qingqiu had more to lose.

So he told Shen Qingqiu to assasinate Tianlang-Jun, the Palace Master and Wu Yanzi wanted the heavenly Emperor dead.

“But then he would be killed for treason- and why didn’t Tianlang-Jun kill Shen Qingqiu for abusing Binghe?”

“Because Tianlang-Jun knew if Shen Qingqiu died Cang Qiong would demand justice, and that there was a plot, Shen Qingqiu was a weapon, but who was the hand pointing that weapon at his son? That he couldn’t figure out. Given that he didn’t trust Cang Qiong he was alone.”

“But we know the Shen Family were the blackmailers, and that the Huan Hua Palace exposed them as practising the demonic arts-”

“Yes thats what you changed, the original goods did fight back he knew he was the scapegoat and told them he was happy being a peak lord and wouldn’t do something as stupid as killing Tianlang-Jun he was a Peak Lord and he fought for that position to evade the Shen Family schemes, not knowing how far their influence went.

Cang Qiong was blackmailed and sent Shen Qingqiu as a first husband without telling him thinking leaving him ignorant would better protect him.”

Shen Qingqiu’s lip twitched into a sneer, as Shang Qinghua continued on.

“Poor Shen Jiu thinking no matter what he was sold from one Master to another, hurt and publicly ashamed, Shen Qingqiu felt empty.

His wedding, he was barely paying attention. He let Tianlang-jun do whatever he wanted, it was different than Qui Jianlou. And when he realised too late that Tianlang-Jun was like him also trapped in circ*mstance and actually was attentive and let Shen Qingqiu do whatever he wanted it shocked him to see that they were both in the same boat.

Which turned his ire to Luo Binghe, Tianlang-Juns burden same as how Shen Qingqiu was a burden. Shen Jiu thought Tianlang-Jun was killing himself for this brat why not free him of this obligation?

Or better yet, Qingqiu showed how dishonest he was that all humans would do nothing but hurt both of them for being demons.

He wanted Tianlang-Jun to look at him, he will not waste away in a palace like this, he hurt Binghe, taking it out on him and tossed him into the abyss. And still Tianlang-Jun did nothing, the demon didn’t lay a hand on Shen Jiu or kill him instead of murder intent or anger it was just apathy.

And it infuriated Shen Qingqiu.

But he could never give him a response, all the times he was kind, how he protected Qingqiu from his own father and the palace master. Qingqiu felt as if he had to repay that debt by helping Tianlang-Jun settle a dispute with the Northern Clan.

They needed a host to carry Mobei-Juns offspring and not have his brother take the throne.

Qingqiu was willing.

But he didn't have the aptitude to be a mother so he let the clan take it and was done with it.

Mobei the youngest almost died, he was alone at Huan hua left there by his uncle and planned revenge on those who hurt him.

When his brother Binghe killed Qingqiu he felt nothing for the one who gave him life.

But kept one of Tianglang-Juns sons.

Just because…” Shang Qinghua waved his arm, he doubted Shen Qingqiu cared for the details on a side character, or he’ll ask once the relevant plots were written down.

“Qui aitang masqueraded as a servant, helping Luo Binghe take revenge for the death of her brother Qui Jianlou and became first wife.”

Shen Qingqiu tensed in alarm, what!?

Why was this not mentioned in the book- oh so THATS why Qui Haitang allied herself with Binghe that makes so much sense now!

And even Shang Qinghua looked glum, he was living with her! How do you think he felt?

And thus with Tianlang-Jun dead, Huan Hua came in giving Binghe the same deal. Already marrying off the same women from one Heavenly Demon to another.

Luo Binghe had no plan outside of his revenge but learned that the Palace Master was a sponsor of Wu Yanzi and was involved in Shen Qingqiu being his Step-Father and it was the Old man who killed Su Xiyan so Luo Binghe kills him the man who started it all, meanwhile Shen Qingqiu was alone, a husk in the dungeon. Knowing all of it was his fault…he laughed and thought “They wanted an assassin to break the royal family apart and he had succeeded.

Oh also, only Luo Binghe is Tianlang-Juns biological son the rest are all sons or daughters of servants or with the new husband and wives some random kids who belong to god knows-”

“Wait, no on is Tianlang-Juns offspring!?”

“It was Gongyi Xiao who created the idea especially since most wives weren’t able carry full term, and when his father died and Qui Wanyue adopted im most wives began to take in the sons of servants themselves, they all panicked because not only were some comfortable with high positions but the pressure from the sects to bear children and make sure that children is a high ranking prince! But demon blood is incompatible to weak cultivators- they only sent the weakest and they’re not strong enough to host demon offspring.”

Meanwhile, Su Xiyan was top of her class, with only Yue Qingyuan could match her.

Shen Qingqiu leaned back placing a hand over his mouth, after hearing the draft and learning more about the scum villain and how awful the story was for all three of them- it still doesn’t excuse the scum villains actions! But it makes him understand him more and thought if anyone was put in his shoes, would they do better?

“You made Shizun cry!” Luo Binghe yelled, snapping both of them out of their bubble and Shang Qinghua yelped trying to evade the Heavenly childs fists.

And it was a relief, to learn that Shang Qinghua wasn’t related to his soon to be born Mobei-Jun. It appeared that Qinghua was also in the same situation as him.

But after the cruelty of Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun Shang Qinghua wished he was dead instead of a life as a host creating offspring and this was when Luo Binghe realised the same problem as his father was facing.

He was crying because Luo Binghe hurt his own father thinking he was the cause of his problems and then found himself trapped within his fathers cage. And for some strange reason Shen Qingqiu felt guilt.

Shen Qingqiu was affiliated with Wu Yanzi and Huan Hua and felt as if it was his fault in some way.

Even so he didn’t mean to cry it was just too tragic!

To think his Tianlang-Jun was fighting monsters, his body ripped to shreds so of course he didn’t notice Shen Qingqiu’s abuse or even see Binghe’s rage coming until it was too late.

And to top it all off Qingqiu had his own misunderstood arc that never came to light.

Someone must of called Tianlang-Jun- it was a rare sight for Shen Qingqiu to be crying, as his husbands arms wrapped around him he gave a shaky exhale.

“Husband, whats the matter?” Tianlang-Jun asked and Shen Qingqiu felt mortified, scrubbing at his face, “This one is fine, just told a sad story that moved me. Shang Qinghua is gifted and this Master thought of sponsoring his novel, and help him pursue the arts if he wishes to be a writer.”

Currently the man in the body of a child was being beaten up by Binghe, but if he wants to survive he add to get stronger. Shen Qingqiu sniffed.

Tianlang-Jun hummed, unconvinced, as Shen Qingqiu sighed.

“Promise me something.”


Shen Qingqiu sighed, “You fight too much, for us, for your son Binghe. But one day you’ll turn around and see him as a man, his life passing like sand and you won’t know him,” Shen Qingqiu felt the one tug him closer, his hands shaking as if he had such thoughts himself.

“And one day he won’t know you, try, try for me to spend time with him, do something together and make memories. Please?”

Tianlang-Jun smiled, pressing his lips to Shen Qingqiu’s neck, hiding his smile and tears.


And that was when Luo Binghe accompanied his father for the first time on a mission, Tianlang-Jun let Luo Binghe lead and after following by example, investigated what type of monster they had on their hands.

And he watched how grown up Luo Binghe was, and how proud he was to being correct in identifying the beast the only problem his lack of confidence in a room full of warriors both demons and humans.

After being pushed back, Luo Binghe snapped shutting down the one man making things difficult and his eyes caught Tianlang-Jun reminding him of when he was a kid doing something wrong, thinking he would be reprimanded.

Tianlang-Jun only smiled, and carried on the conversation. Luo Binghe will learn and gain confidence, and when they finally battled the monster together and having Luo Binghe watch his back and vice versa. He even patted Luo Binghe’s back.

“This was so much faster than doing it alone.” He beamed and saw Luo Binghe straighten up. It wasn’t much…but it was a start.

“Son,” Tianlang-Jun began when they packed up to move towards the southern lands, they weren’t done yet and Luo Binghe was prepared to not seeing his Shizun for a couple months. He looked up at his fathers address.

“Would you help me convince Shen Qingqiu into moving into the Sun Pavillion?”

Luo Binghe gaped, “W-why now? After all these years?”

“I respect Shen Qingqiu’s boundaries. Even if circ*mstances forced us together this Lord never wanted to pressure the man. And began to court him properly.” Luo Binghe snickered, and Tianlang-Jun scowled he knows it wasn't going well.

Shen Qingqiu seemed charmed but nothing seemed to make him budge on seeing Tianlang-Jun romantically yet.

“And with your little brother on the way and both of us on missions…Shen Qingqiu will be safer in the Sun Pavillion.”

“He was never safe in the White Lotus Pavillion?”

“He was a stranger then, security has been put in place, but the arrays on the Sun pavilion were made by…by your mother. She was a genius in her craft. And you noticed how Shen Qingqiu refers to himself as servant to me, and Shizun to you. He hides his love behind duty but this Lord thinks after the betrayal of that mountain of his even if it was to his own benefit, may be distrusting of his heart.”

Luo Binghe looked down a furrow to his brow.

“So you think a baby will bridge the gap between you?”

“Well we’re already this close because of you. So it should work.”

Luo Binghe wisely said nothing. He didn’t know what his Shizun was thinking, but he knows he loved his father and he loved him.

He showed in his actions over and over and it was something he would never doubt, but the gap between him and his Shizun never lessened. At least Luo Binghe felt closer to his father- he even spoke of his mother, Su Xiyan! Progress!


Sorry for the info dump of the lore etc- but I think it was giving me writers block and this NEEDS to get finished so I just pushed through and if there's any issues...its too late now lmao

Wicked Step-Father - GreenFlamedWriter - 穿书自救指南 (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.